Esempio n. 1
initialize (void)
    cfgfile = cfgfile ? cfgfile : CFGFILE;
    logfile = logfile ? logfile : LOGFILE;
    pidfile = pidfile ? pidfile : PIDFILE;

    read_conf (cfgfile);
    if (mode & DAEMON)
        /* redirect stdout & stderr to a log file */
        redirect_to_log (logfile, STDOUT_FILENO | STDERR_FILENO);
        write_pid (pidfile);

    dns_random_init (seed);
Esempio n. 2
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int i = 0;
    time_t t = 0;
    struct sigaction sa;
    unsigned long cachesize = 0;
    char *x = NULL, char_seed[128];

    sa.sa_handler = handle_term;
    sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
    sigaction (SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);

    sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);

    seed_addtime ();
    seed_adduint32 (getpid ());
    seed_adduint32 (getppid ());
    seed_adduint32 (getuid ());
    seed_adduint32 (getgid ());

    seed_addtime ();
    prog = strdup ((x = strrchr (argv[0], '/')) != NULL ?  x + 1 : argv[0]);
    i = check_option (argc, argv);
    argc -= i;
    argv += i;

    if (mode & DAEMON)
        i = fork ();
        if (i == -1)
            err (-1, "could not fork a daemon process");
        if (i > 0)
            return 0;

    time (&t);
    strftime (char_seed, sizeof (char_seed), "%b-%d %Y %T %Z", localtime (&t));
    warnx ("version %s: starting: %s\n", VERSION, char_seed);

    set_timezone ();
    if (debug_level)
        warnx ("TIMEZONE: %s", env_get ("TZ"));

    read_conf (CFGFILE);
    if (!debug_level)
        if ((x = env_get ("DEBUG_LEVEL")))
            debug_level = atol (x);
    warnx ("DEBUG_LEVEL set to `%d'", debug_level);

    if ((x = env_get ("DATALIMIT")))
        struct rlimit r;
        unsigned long dlimit = atol (x);

        if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_DATA,  &r) != 0)
            err (-1, "could not get resource RLIMIT_DATA");

        r.rlim_cur = (dlimit <= r.rlim_max) ? dlimit : r.rlim_max;

        if (setrlimit (RLIMIT_DATA, &r) != 0)
            err (-1, "could not set resource RLIMIT_DATA");

        if (debug_level)
            warnx ("DATALIMIT set to `%ld' bytes", r.rlim_cur);

    if (!(x = env_get ("IP")))
        err (-1, "$IP not set");
    if (!ip4_scan (x, myipincoming))
        err (-1, "could not parse IP address `%s'", x);

    seed_addtime ();
    udp53 = socket_udp ();
    if (udp53 == -1)
        err (-1, "could not open UDP socket");
    if (socket_bind4_reuse (udp53, myipincoming, 53) == -1)
        err (-1, "could not bind UDP socket");

    seed_addtime ();
    tcp53 = socket_tcp ();
    if (tcp53 == -1)
        err (-1, "could not open TCP socket");
    if (socket_bind4_reuse (tcp53, myipincoming, 53) == -1)
        err (-1, "could not bind TCP socket");

    if (mode & DAEMON)
        /* redirect stdout & stderr to a log file */
        redirect_to_log (LOGFILE, STDOUT_FILENO | STDERR_FILENO);

        write_pid (PIDFILE);

    seed_addtime ();
    droproot ();
    if (mode & DAEMON)
        /* crerate a new session & detach from controlling tty */
        if (setsid () < 0)
            err (-1, "could not start a new session for the daemon");

    seed_addtime ();
    socket_tryreservein (udp53, 131072);

    memset (char_seed, 0, sizeof (char_seed));
    for (i = 0, x = (char *)seed; (unsigned)i < sizeof (char_seed); i++, x++)
        char_seed[i] = *x;
    dns_random_init (char_seed);

    if (!(x = env_get ("IPSEND")))
        err (-1, "$IPSEND not set");
    if (!ip4_scan (x, myipoutgoing))
        err (-1, "could not parse IP address `%s'", x);

    if (!(x = env_get ("CACHESIZE")))
        err (-1, "$CACHESIZE not set");
    scan_ulong (x, &cachesize);
    if (!cache_init (cachesize))
        err (-1, "could not allocate `%ld' bytes for cache", cachesize);

    if (env_get ("HIDETTL"))
        response_hidettl ();
    if (env_get ("FORWARDONLY"))
        query_forwardonly ();
    if (env_get ("MERGEQUERIES"))
        dns_enable_merge (log_merge);
    if (!roots_init ())
        err (-1, "could not read servers");
    if (debug_level > 3)
    if (socket_listen (tcp53, 20) == -1)
        err (-1, "could not listen on TCP socket");
    if (!dbl_init() && debug_level > 1)
        warnx ("could not read dnsbl.cdb");

    doit ();

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int n = 0;
    time_t t = 0;
    struct sigaction sa;

    char qtype[2];
    char qclass[2];
    char header[12];
    const char *x = NULL;
    unsigned int pos = 0;
    unsigned long long qnum = 0;

    sa.sa_handler = handle_term;
    sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
    sigaction (SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);

    sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);

    prog = strdup ((x = strrchr (argv[0], '/')) != NULL ?  x + 1 : argv[0]);
    n = check_option (argc, argv);
    argc -= n;
    argv += n;

    if (mode & DAEMON)
        /* redirect stderr to a log file */
        redirect_to_log (logfile, STDERR_FILENO);

    time (&t);
    memset (seed, 0, sizeof (seed));
    strftime (seed, sizeof (seed), "%b-%d %Y %T %Z", localtime (&t));
    warnx ("version %s: starting %s\n", VERSION, seed);

    set_timezone ();
    if (debug_level)
        warnx ("TIMEZONE: %s", env_get ("TZ"));

    read_conf (cfgfile);
    if (!debug_level)
        if ((x = env_get ("DEBUG_LEVEL")))
            debug_level = atol (x);
    warnx ("DEBUG_LEVEL set to `%d'", debug_level);

    dns_random_init (seed);

    axfr = env_get ("AXFR");
    if (debug_level)
        warnx ("AXFR set to `%s'", axfr);
    x = env_get ("TCPREMOTEIP");
    if (debug_level)
        warnx ("TCPREMOTEIP set to `%s'", x);
    if (x)
        ip4_scan (x, ip);
        byte_zero (ip, 4);

    x = env_get ("TCPREMOTEPORT");
    if (debug_level)
        warnx ("TCPREMOTEPORT set to `%s'", x);
    if (!x)
        x = "0";
    scan_ulong (x, &port);

    droproot ();
    for (;;)
        netread (tcpheader, 2);
        uint16_unpack_big (tcpheader, &len);
        if (len > 512)
            errx (-1, "excessively large request");
        netread (buf, len);

        pos = dns_packet_copy (buf, len, 0, header, 12);
        if (!pos)
            errx (-1, "truncated request");
        if (header[2] & 254)
            errx (-1, "bogus query");
        if (header[4] || (header[5] != 1))
            errx (-1, "bogus query");

        pos = dns_packet_getname (buf, len, pos, &zone);
        if (!pos)
            errx (-1, "truncated request");
        zonelen = dns_domain_length (zone);
        pos = dns_packet_copy (buf, len, pos, qtype, 2);
        if (!pos)
            errx (-1, "truncated request");
        pos = dns_packet_copy (buf, len, pos, qclass, 2);
        if (!pos)
            errx (-1, "truncated request");

        if (byte_diff(qclass, 2, DNS_C_IN) && byte_diff(qclass, 2, DNS_C_ANY))
            errx (-1, "bogus query: bad class");

        log_query (++qnum, ip, port, header, zone, qtype);
        if (byte_equal(qtype,2,DNS_T_AXFR))
            case_lowerb (zone, zonelen);
            fdcdb = open_read ("data.cdb");
            if (fdcdb == -1)
                errx (-1, "could not read from file `data.cdb'");
            doaxfr (header);
            close (fdcdb);
            if (!response_query (zone, qtype, qclass))
                err (-1, "could not allocate enough memory");
            response[2] |= 4;
            case_lowerb (zone, zonelen);
            response_id (header);
            response[3] &= ~128;
            if (!(header[2] & 1))
                response[2] &= ~1;
            if (!respond (zone, qtype, ip))
                errx (-1, "could not find information in file `data.cdb'");
            print (response, response_len);