Esempio n. 1
static inline	t_color	recursive_tracer(t_params p, t_ray *ray, t_objects *sp)
	t_f64	inside;
	t_f64	facingratio;
	t_f64	fresneleffect;
	t_vec3f	refldir;
	t_vec3f	refdir;
	t_color	reflection;
	t_color	refrac;
	t_ray	rx;

	if ((inside = dot_vec3f(&ray->dir, &p.nhit) > 0))
		p.nhit = scale_vec3f(&p.nhit, -1);
	facingratio = -dot_vec3f(&ray->dir, &p.nhit);
	fresneleffect = mix(pow(1 - facingratio, 3), 1, .1);
	refldir = get_reflection_dir(&p.nhit, &ray->dir);
	rx = reflected_ray(ray, &refldir, &p.nhit, &p.phit);
	reflection = trace_ray(&rx, sp, ++p.depth);
	if (p.sphere->transparency > 0)
		refdir = compute_ideal_refractions(ray, inside, p);
		rx = refracted_ray(ray, &refdir, &p.nhit, &p.phit);
		refrac = trace_ray(&rx, sp, ++p.depth);
	return (defualt_glossy_shading(&reflection,
				&refrac, fresneleffect, p.sphere));
Esempio n. 2
std::tuple<bool, double, Ray>   a4_refract(const Point3D& hit, const Vector3D& direction, const Vector3D& n, double ni)
  Ray refracted_ray(Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
  double R = 1.0;
  Vector3D normal = n;
  double cosI =;
  double n1, n2;

  if(cosI > 0)
    // direction and normal are in the same direction so ray originates from inside primitive
    n1 = ni;
    n2 = 1.0;
    normal = -normal;
    // Ray enters primitive from outside
    n1 = 1.0;
    n2 = ni;
    cosI = -cosI;

  // Check for total internal reflection
  double nr = n1 / n2;
  double cosT = 1.0 - (nr * nr) * (1.0 - (cosI * cosI));
  if(cosT >= 0)
    cosT = sqrt(cosT);

    // Compute Fresnel coefficient
    double a = (n1 * cosI - n2 * cosT) / (n1 * cosI + n2 * cosT);
    double b = (n2 * cosI - n1 * cosT) / (n2 * cosI + n1 * cosT);
    R = ((a * a) + (b * b)) * 0.5;

    // Cast the refracted ray
    refracted_ray = Ray(hit - (1e-9) * normal, nr * direction + (nr * cosI - cosT) * normal);

  return std::tuple<bool, double, Ray>(cosT < 0, R, refracted_ray);