Esempio n. 1
LayoutUnit RenderRegion::offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage() const
    if (!m_isValid || !m_flowThread)
        return 0;
    if (m_flowThread->isHorizontalWritingMode())
        return regionRect().y();
    return regionRect().x();
Esempio n. 2
LayoutRect RenderRegion::regionOverflowRect() const
    // FIXME: Would like to just use hasOverflowClip() but we aren't a block yet. When RenderRegion is eliminated and
    // folded into RenderBlock, switch to hasOverflowClip().
    bool clipX = style()->overflowX() != OVISIBLE;
    bool clipY = style()->overflowY() != OVISIBLE;
    if ((clipX && clipY) || !isValid() || !m_flowThread)
        return regionRect();

    LayoutRect flowThreadOverflow = m_flowThread->visualOverflowRect();

    // Only clip along the flow thread axis.
    LayoutUnit outlineSize = maximalOutlineSize(PaintPhaseOutline);
    LayoutRect clipRect;
    if (m_flowThread->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        LayoutUnit minY = isFirstRegion() ? (flowThreadOverflow.y() - outlineSize) : regionRect().y();
        LayoutUnit maxY = isLastRegion() ? max(regionRect().maxY(), flowThreadOverflow.maxY()) + outlineSize : regionRect().maxY();
        LayoutUnit minX = clipX ? regionRect().x() : (flowThreadOverflow.x() - outlineSize);
        LayoutUnit maxX = clipX ? regionRect().maxX() : (flowThreadOverflow.maxX() + outlineSize);
        clipRect = LayoutRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
    } else {
        LayoutUnit minX = isFirstRegion() ? (flowThreadOverflow.x() - outlineSize) : regionRect().x();
        LayoutUnit maxX = isLastRegion() ? max(regionRect().maxX(), flowThreadOverflow.maxX()) + outlineSize : regionRect().maxX();
        LayoutUnit minY = clipY ? regionRect().y() : (flowThreadOverflow.y() - outlineSize);
        LayoutUnit maxY = clipY ? regionRect().maxY() : (flowThreadOverflow.maxY() + outlineSize);
        clipRect = LayoutRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);

    return clipRect;
Esempio n. 3
void RenderFlowThread::updateRegionsFlowThreadPortionRect()
    LayoutUnit logicalHeight = 0;
    for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) {
        RenderRegion* region = *iter;

        LayoutUnit regionLogicalWidth = region->pageLogicalWidth();
        LayoutUnit regionLogicalHeight = region->logicalHeightOfAllFlowThreadContent();

        LayoutRect regionRect(style()->direction() == LTR ? LayoutUnit() : logicalWidth() - regionLogicalWidth, logicalHeight, regionLogicalWidth, regionLogicalHeight);

        // When a flow thread has more than one auto logical height region,
        // we have to take into account the override logical content height value,
        // if computed for an auto logical height region, and use it to set the height
        // for the region rect. This way, the regions in the chain following the auto
        // logical height region, will be able to fragment the right part of their
        // associated flow thread content (and compute their overrideComputedLogicalHeight properly).
        if (view()->normalLayoutPhase()) {
            ASSERT(region->hasOverrideHeight() || !region->hasAutoLogicalHeight());
            if (region->hasOverrideHeight())
                regionLogicalHeight = region->overrideLogicalContentHeight();


        region->setFlowThreadPortionRect(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? regionRect : regionRect.transposedRect());
        logicalHeight += regionLogicalHeight;
Esempio n. 4
bool RenderFlowThread::hitTestRegion(RenderRegion* region, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& pointInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset)
    LayoutRect regionRect(region->regionRect());
    LayoutRect regionOverflowRect = region->regionOverflowRect();
    LayoutRect regionClippingRect(accumulatedOffset + (regionOverflowRect.location() - regionRect.location()), regionOverflowRect.size());
    if (!regionClippingRect.contains(pointInContainer))
        return false;
    LayoutPoint renderFlowThreadOffset;
    if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect flippedRegionRect(regionRect);
        renderFlowThreadOffset = LayoutPoint(accumulatedOffset - flippedRegionRect.location());
    } else
        renderFlowThreadOffset = LayoutPoint(accumulatedOffset - regionRect.location());

    LayoutPoint transformedPoint(pointInContainer.x() - renderFlowThreadOffset.x(), pointInContainer.y() - renderFlowThreadOffset.y());
    // Always ignore clipping, since the RenderFlowThread has nothing to do with the bounds of the FrameView.
    HitTestRequest newRequest(request.type() | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping);

    RenderRegion* oldRegion = result.region();
    LayoutPoint oldPoint = result.point();
    bool isPointInsideFlowThread = layer()->hitTest(newRequest, result);

    // FIXME: Should we set result.m_localPoint back to the RenderRegion's coordinate space or leave it in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate
    // space? Right now it's staying in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate space, which may end up being ok. We will know more when we get around to
    // patching positionForPoint.
    return isPointInsideFlowThread;
Esempio n. 5
void RenderRegion::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // Delegate painting of content in region to RenderFlowThread.
    if (!m_flowThread || !isValid())
    m_flowThread->paintIntoRegion(paintInfo, regionRect(), LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), paintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop()));
Esempio n. 6
void RenderRegion::layout()
    if (m_flowThread && isValid()) {
        if (regionRect().width() != contentWidth() || regionRect().height() != contentHeight())
    // FIXME: We need to find a way to set up overflow properly. Our flow thread hasn't gotten a layout
    // yet, so we can't look to it for correct information. It's possible we could wait until after the RenderFlowThread
    // gets a layout, and then try to propagate overflow information back to the region, and then mark for a second layout.
    // That second layout would then be able to use the information from the RenderFlowThread to set up overflow.
    // The big problem though is that overflow needs to be region-specific. We can't simply use the RenderFlowThread's global
    // overflow values, since then we'd always think any narrow region had huge overflow (all the way to the width of the
    // RenderFlowThread itself).
    // We'll need to expand RenderBoxRegionInfo to also hold left and right overflow values.
Esempio n. 7
void RenderRegionSet::expandToEncompassFlowThreadContentsIfNeeded()
    // Whenever the last region is a set, it always expands its region rect to consume all
    // of the flow thread content. This is because it is always capable of generating an
    // infinite number of boxes in order to hold all of the remaining content.
    LayoutRect rect(regionRect());
    // Get the offset within the flow thread in its block progression direction. Then get the
    // flow thread's remaining logical height including its overflow and expand our rect
    // to encompass that remaining height and overflow. The idea is that we will generate
    // additional columns and pages to hold that overflow, since people do write bad
    // content like <body style="height:0px"> in multi-column layouts.
    bool isHorizontal = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
    LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset = isHorizontal ? rect.y() : rect.x();
    LayoutRect layoutRect = flowThread()->layoutOverflowRect();
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightWithOverflow = (isHorizontal ? layoutRect.maxY() - flowThread()->y() : layoutRect.maxX() - flowThread()->x()) - logicalTopOffset;
    setRegionRect(LayoutRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), isHorizontal ? rect.width() : logicalHeightWithOverflow, isHorizontal ? logicalHeightWithOverflow : rect.height()));
Esempio n. 8
void myCoolBar::drawFilledRegion(QPainter *painter)
        return ;

    QRectF regionRect(m_barRect.topLeft(),QPointF(,;
    QLinearGradient regionGradient(regionRect.topLeft(),regionRect.bottomLeft());

Esempio n. 9
// Hit Testing
bool RenderRegion::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& pointInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    if (!isValid())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();

    // Check our bounds next. For this purpose always assume that we can only be hit in the
    // foreground phase (which is true for replaced elements like images).
    LayoutRect boundsRect(adjustedLocation, size());
    if (visibleToHitTesting() && action == HitTestForeground && boundsRect.intersects(result.rectForPoint(pointInContainer))) {
        // Check the contents of the RenderFlowThread.
        if (m_flowThread && m_flowThread->hitTestRegion(regionRect(), request, result, pointInContainer, LayoutPoint(adjustedLocation.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), adjustedLocation.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop())))
            return true;
        updateHitTestResult(result, pointInContainer - toLayoutSize(adjustedLocation));
        if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(node(), pointInContainer, boundsRect))
            return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 10
void RenderFlowThread::paintIntoRegion(PaintInfo& paintInfo, RenderRegion* region, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    if (!context)

    // Adjust the clipping rect for the region.
    // paintOffset contains the offset where the painting should occur
    // adjusted with the region padding and border.
    LayoutRect regionRect(region->regionRect());
    LayoutRect regionOverflowRect(region->regionOverflowRect());
    LayoutRect regionClippingRect(paintOffset + (regionOverflowRect.location() - regionRect.location()), regionOverflowRect.size());

    PaintInfo info(paintInfo);

    if (!info.rect.isEmpty()) {


        // RenderFlowThread should start painting its content in a position that is offset
        // from the region rect's current position. The amount of offset is equal to the location of
        // region in flow coordinates.
        LayoutPoint renderFlowThreadOffset;
        if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
            LayoutRect flippedRegionRect(regionRect);
            renderFlowThreadOffset = LayoutPoint(paintOffset - flippedRegionRect.location());
        } else
            renderFlowThreadOffset = LayoutPoint(paintOffset - regionRect.location());

        context->translate(renderFlowThreadOffset.x(), renderFlowThreadOffset.y());
        layer()->paint(context, info.rect, 0, 0, region, RenderLayer::PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects);

Esempio n. 11
void RenderFlowThread::layout()
    m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = m_regionsInvalidated && everHadLayout();
    if (m_regionsInvalidated) {
        m_regionsInvalidated = false;
        m_hasValidRegions = false;
        m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalWidth = true;
        m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight = true;
        LayoutUnit previousRegionLogicalWidth = 0;
        LayoutUnit previousRegionLogicalHeight = 0;
        if (hasRegions()) {
            for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) {
                RenderRegion* region = *iter;
                if (!region->isValid())

                LayoutUnit regionLogicalWidth = region->pageLogicalWidth();
                LayoutUnit regionLogicalHeight = region->pageLogicalHeight();

                if (!m_hasValidRegions)
                    m_hasValidRegions = true;
                else {
                    if (m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalWidth && previousRegionLogicalWidth != regionLogicalWidth)
                        m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalWidth = false;
                    if (m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight && previousRegionLogicalHeight != regionLogicalHeight)
                        m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight = false;

                previousRegionLogicalWidth = regionLogicalWidth;
            updateLogicalWidth(); // Called to get the maximum logical width for the region.
            LayoutUnit logicalHeight = 0;
            for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) {
                RenderRegion* region = *iter;
                if (!region->isValid())
                LayoutUnit regionLogicalWidth = region->pageLogicalWidth();
                LayoutUnit regionLogicalHeight = region->logicalHeightOfAllFlowThreadContent();
                LayoutRect regionRect(style()->direction() == LTR ? ZERO_LAYOUT_UNIT : logicalWidth() - regionLogicalWidth, logicalHeight, regionLogicalWidth, regionLogicalHeight);
                region->setFlowThreadPortionRect(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? regionRect : regionRect.transposedRect());
                logicalHeight += regionLogicalHeight;

    CurrentRenderFlowThreadMaintainer currentFlowThreadSetter(this);

    m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = false;

    if (lastRegion())

    if (shouldDispatchRegionLayoutUpdateEvent())