Esempio n. 1
File: agm.c Progetto: BigEd/wp34s
decNumber *decNumberAGM(decNumber *res, const decNumber *x, const decNumber *y) {
	int n;
	decNumber a, g, t, u;

	if (decNumberIsNegative(x) || decNumberIsNegative(y))
		goto nan;
	if (decNumberIsSpecial(x) || decNumberIsSpecial(y)) {
		if (decNumberIsNaN(x) || decNumberIsNaN(y))
			goto nan;
		if (dn_eq0(x) || dn_eq0(y))
			goto nan;
		return set_inf(res);
	decNumberCopy(&a, x);
	decNumberCopy(&g, y);
	for (n=0; n<1000; n++) {
		if (relative_error(&a, &g, &const_1e_32))
			return decNumberCopy(res, &a);

		dn_add(&t, &a, &g);
		dn_div2(&u, &t);

		dn_multiply(&t, &a, &g);
		if (dn_eq0(&t))
			return decNumberZero(res);
		dn_sqrt(&g, &t);
		decNumberCopy(&a, &u);
nan:	return set_NaN(res);
Esempio n. 2
void test()
    std::cout << "Testing type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
    // Test with some exact binary values as input - this tests our code
    // rather than the test data:
    static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 2>, 6> exact_data =
            {{ 0.5, static_cast<T>("0.523598775598298873077107230546583814032861566562517636829157432051302734381034833104672470890352844663691347752213717775") }},
            {{ 0.25, static_cast<T>("0.252680255142078653485657436993710972252193733096838193633923778740575060481021222411748742228014601605092602909414066566") }},
            {{0.75, static_cast<T>("0.848062078981481008052944338998418080073366213263112642860718163570200821228474234349189801731957230300995227265307531834") }},
            {{std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("9.53674316406394560289664793089102218648031077292419572854816420395098616062014311172490017625353237219958438022056661501e-7") }},
            {{ 1 - std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("1.56941525875313420204921285316218397515809899320201864334535204504240776023375739189119474528488143494473216475057072728") }},
            {{ 1, static_cast<T>("1.57079632679489661923132169163975144209858469968755291048747229615390820314310449931401741267105853399107404325664115332354692230477529111586267970406424055872514205135096926055277982231147447746519098221440548783296672306423782411689339158263560095457282428346173017430522716332410669680363012457064") }},
    unsigned max_err = 0;
    for(unsigned k = 0; k < exact_data.size(); k++)
        T val = asin(exact_data[k][0]);
        T e = relative_error(val, exact_data[k][1]);
        unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
        if(err > max_err)
            max_err = err;
        val = asin(-exact_data[k][0]);
        e = relative_error(val, T(-exact_data[k][1]));
        err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
        if(err > max_err)
            max_err = err;
    std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
    BOOST_TEST(max_err < 20);
    BOOST_TEST(asin(T(0)) == 0);
Esempio n. 3
static inline BOOL compare_matrix(const D3DXMATRIX *m1, const D3DXMATRIX *m2)
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
            if (relative_error(U(*m1).m[i][j], U(*m2).m[i][j]) > admitted_error)
                return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
void test()
   std::cout << "Testing type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
   // Test with some exact binary values as input - this tests our code
   // rather than the test data:
   static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 2>, 13> exact_data =
      {{ 0.5, static_cast<T>("1.04719755119659774615421446109316762806572313312503527365831486410260546876206966620934494178070568932738269550442743555") }},
      {{ 0.25, static_cast<T>("1.31811607165281796574566425464604046984639096659071471685354851741333314266208327690226867044304393238598144034722708676") }},
      {{0.75, static_cast<T>("0.722734247813415611178377352641333362025218486424440267626754132583707381914630264964827610939101303690078815991333621490") }},
      {{1 - std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("0.00138106804176241718210883847756746694048570648553426714212025111150044290934710742282266738617709904634187850607042604204") }},
      {{std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("1.57079537312058021283676140197495835299636605165647561806789944133748780804448843729970624018104090863783682329820313127") }},
      {{1, static_cast<T>("0") }},

      {{0, static_cast<T>("1.57079632679489661923132169163975144209858469968755291048747229615390820314310449931401741267105853399107404325664115332") }},

      {{ -0.5, static_cast<T>("2.09439510239319549230842892218633525613144626625007054731662972820521093752413933241868988356141137865476539100885487110") }},
      {{ -0.25, static_cast<T>("1.82347658193697527271697912863346241435077843278439110412139607489448326362412572172576615489907313559616664616605521989") }},
      {{-0.75, static_cast<T>("2.41885840577637762728426603063816952217195091295066555334819045972410902437157873366320721440301576429206927052194868516") }},
      {{-1 + std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("3.14021158554803082128053454480193541725668369288957155383282434119631596337686189120521215795593996893580620800721188061") }},
      {{-std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("1.57079728046921302562588198130454453120080334771863020290704515097032859824172056132832858516107615934431126321507917538") }},
      {{-1, static_cast<T>("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230665") }},
   unsigned max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < exact_data.size(); k++)
      T val = acos(exact_data[k][0]);
      T e = relative_error(val, exact_data[k][1]);
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 120);
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 60);
   BOOST_TEST(asin(T(0)) == 0);
Esempio n. 5
void test()
   std::cout << "Testing type " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
   static const boost::array<const char*, 101u> data =

   boost::uintmax_t max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < data.size(); k++)
      static const T euler_gamma = static_cast<T>("5.77215664901532860606512090082402431042159335939923598805767234884867726777664670936947063291746749514631447249807082480960504014486542836224173997644923536253500333742937337737673942792595258247094916008735203948165670853233151776611528621199501507984793745085705740029921354786146694029604325421519e-1");
      T val = cos(euler_gamma * ((100 * k) - 5000));
      T e = relative_error(val, T(data[k]));
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = cos(-euler_gamma * ((100 * k) - 5000));
      e = relative_error(val, T(data[k]));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 5000000000ULL);

   static const boost::array<const char*, 51u> near_one =

   T half_pi = static_cast<T>("1.57079632679489661923132169163975144209858469968755291048747229615390820314310449931401741267105853399107404325664115332354692230477529111586267970406424055872514205135096926055277982231147447746519098221440548783296672306423782411689339158263560095457282428346173017430522716332410669680363012457064");

   max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < near_one.size(); k++)
      static const T euler_gamma = static_cast<T>("5.77215664901532860606512090082402431042159335939923598805767234884867726777664670936947063291746749514631447249807082480960504014486542836224173997644923536253500333742937337737673942792595258247094916008735203948165670853233151776611528621199501507984793745085705740029921354786146694029604325421519e-1");
      T val = cos(half_pi - (euler_gamma + k) / 523);
      T e = relative_error(val, T(near_one[k]));
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = cos(-half_pi + (euler_gamma + k) / 523);
      e = relative_error(val, T(near_one[k]));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 750);

   // Test with some exact binary values as input - this tests our code
   // rather than the test data:
   static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 2>, 8> exact_data =
      {{ 0.5, static_cast<T>("0.877582561890372716116281582603829651991645197109744052997610868315950763274213947405794184084682258355478400593109053993") }},
      {{ 0.25, static_cast<T>("0.968912421710644784144595449494189199804134190287442831148128124288942561184523327264655202799685025510352709626116202617") }},
      {{0.75, static_cast<T>("0.731688868873820886311838753000084543840541276050772482507683220220750082501569499540967562610201174960122884908227300721") }},
      {{std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("0.99999999999954525264911357034690133684385823577463126432241468890539365027135494672267164697779879113636143901797362388") }},
      {{ 2, static_cast<T>("-0.416146836547142386997568229500762189766000771075544890755149973781964936124079169074531777860169140367366791365215728559") }},
      {{ 5, static_cast<T>("0.283662185463226264466639171513557308334422592252215944930359066586151456767382702286176981668344573238827368717546699737") }},
      {{ 10, static_cast<T>("-0.839071529076452452258863947824064834519930165133168546835953731048792586866270768400933712760422138927451054405350243624") }},
      {{ 8.5, static_cast<T>("-0.60201190268482361534842652295699870029606776360435523539636606145572515876770619546025351418378467287262574566665150299") }}
   max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < exact_data.size(); k++)
      T val = cos(exact_data[k][0]);
      T e = relative_error(val, exact_data[k][1]);
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = cos(-exact_data[k][0]);
      e = relative_error(val, exact_data[k][1]);
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 20);

   BOOST_TEST(cos(T(0)) == 1);
   BOOST_TEST(fabs(cos(half_pi)) < std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
Esempio n. 6
void TwostepTimeSolver::solve()

  // The core_time_solver will handle any first_solve actions
  first_solve = false;

  // We may have to repeat timesteps entirely if our error is bad
  // enough
  bool max_tolerance_met = false;

  // Calculating error values each time
  Real single_norm(0.), double_norm(0.), error_norm(0.),

  while (!max_tolerance_met)
      // If we've been asked to reduce deltat if necessary, make sure
      // the core timesolver does so
      core_time_solver->reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure =

      if (!quiet)
          libMesh::out << "\n === Computing adaptive timestep === "
                       << std::endl;

      // Use the double-length timestep first (so the
      // old_nonlinear_solution won't have to change)

      // Save a copy of the double-length nonlinear solution
      // and the old nonlinear solution
      std::unique_ptr<NumericVector<Number>> double_solution =
      std::unique_ptr<NumericVector<Number>> old_solution =

      double_norm = calculate_norm(_system, *double_solution);
      if (!quiet)
          libMesh::out << "Double norm = " << double_norm << std::endl;

      // Then reset the initial guess for our single-length calcs
      *(_system.solution) = _system.get_vector("_old_nonlinear_solution");

      // Call two single-length timesteps
      // Be sure that the core_time_solver does not change the
      // timestep here.  (This is unlikely because it just succeeded
      // with a timestep twice as large!)
      // FIXME: even if diffsolver failure is unlikely, we ought to
      // do *something* if it happens
      core_time_solver->reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure = 0;

      Real old_time = _system.time;
      Real old_deltat = _system.deltat;
      _system.deltat *= 0.5;

      single_norm = calculate_norm(_system, *_system.solution);
      if (!quiet)
          libMesh::out << "Single norm = " << single_norm << std::endl;

      // Reset the core_time_solver's reduce_deltat... value.
      core_time_solver->reduce_deltat_on_diffsolver_failure =

      // But then back off just in case our advance_timestep() isn't
      // called.
      // FIXME: this probably doesn't work with multistep methods
      _system.get_vector("_old_nonlinear_solution") = *old_solution;
      _system.time = old_time;
      _system.deltat = old_deltat;

      // Find the relative error
      *double_solution -= *(_system.solution);
      error_norm  = calculate_norm(_system, *double_solution);
      relative_error = error_norm / _system.deltat /
        std::max(double_norm, single_norm);

      // If the relative error makes no sense, we're done
      if (!double_norm && !single_norm)

      if (!quiet)
          libMesh::out << "Error norm = " << error_norm << std::endl;
          libMesh::out << "Local relative error = "
                       << (error_norm /
                           std::max(double_norm, single_norm))
                       << std::endl;
          libMesh::out << "Global relative error = "
                       << (error_norm / _system.deltat /
                           std::max(double_norm, single_norm))
                       << std::endl;
          libMesh::out << "old delta t = " << _system.deltat << std::endl;

      // If our upper tolerance is negative, that means we want to set
      // it based on the first successful time step
      if (this->upper_tolerance < 0)
        this->upper_tolerance = -this->upper_tolerance * relative_error;

      // If we haven't met our upper error tolerance, we'll have to
      // repeat this timestep entirely
      if (this->upper_tolerance && relative_error > this->upper_tolerance)
          // Reset the initial guess for our next try
          *(_system.solution) =

          // Chop delta t in half
          _system.deltat /= 2.;

          if (!quiet)
              libMesh::out << "Failed to meet upper error tolerance"
                           << std::endl;
              libMesh::out << "Retrying with delta t = "
                           << _system.deltat << std::endl;
        max_tolerance_met = true;

  // Otherwise, compare the relative error to the tolerance
  // and adjust deltat
  last_deltat = _system.deltat;

  // If our target tolerance is negative, that means we want to set
  // it based on the first successful time step
  if (this->target_tolerance < 0)
    this->target_tolerance = -this->target_tolerance * relative_error;

  const Real global_shrink_or_growth_factor =
    std::pow(this->target_tolerance / relative_error,
             static_cast<Real>(1. / core_time_solver->error_order()));

  const Real local_shrink_or_growth_factor =
    std::pow(this->target_tolerance /
             (error_norm/std::max(double_norm, single_norm)),
             static_cast<Real>(1. / (core_time_solver->error_order()+1.)));

  if (!quiet)
      libMesh::out << "The global growth/shrink factor is: "
                   << global_shrink_or_growth_factor << std::endl;
      libMesh::out << "The local growth/shrink factor is: "
                   << local_shrink_or_growth_factor << std::endl;

  // The local s.o.g. factor is based on the expected **local**
  // truncation error for the timestepping method, the global
  // s.o.g. factor is based on the method's **global** truncation
  // error.  You can shrink/grow the timestep to attempt to satisfy
  // either a global or local time-discretization error tolerance.

  Real shrink_or_growth_factor =
    this->global_tolerance ? global_shrink_or_growth_factor :

  if (this->max_growth && this->max_growth < shrink_or_growth_factor)
      if (!quiet && this->global_tolerance)
          libMesh::out << "delta t is constrained by max_growth" << std::endl;
      shrink_or_growth_factor = this->max_growth;

  _system.deltat *= shrink_or_growth_factor;

  // Restrict deltat to max-allowable value if necessary
  if ((this->max_deltat != 0.0) && (_system.deltat > this->max_deltat))
      if (!quiet)
          libMesh::out << "delta t is constrained by maximum-allowable delta t."
                       << std::endl;
      _system.deltat = this->max_deltat;

  // Restrict deltat to min-allowable value if necessary
  if ((this->min_deltat != 0.0) && (_system.deltat < this->min_deltat))
      if (!quiet)
          libMesh::out << "delta t is constrained by minimum-allowable delta t."
                       << std::endl;
      _system.deltat = this->min_deltat;

  if (!quiet)
      libMesh::out << "new delta t = " << _system.deltat << std::endl;
Esempio n. 7
void test()
   std::cout << "Testing type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
   static const boost::array<const char*, 51u> data =

   T eg = static_cast<T>("5.77215664901532860606512090082402431042159335939923598805767234884867726777664670936947063291746749514631447249807082480960504014486542836224173997644923536253500333742937337737673942792595258247094916008735203948165670853233151776611528621199501507984793745085705740029921354786146694029604325421519e-1");

   unsigned max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < data.size(); k++)
      const T x = eg + k;
      T val = boost::multiprecision::tanh(x * x);
      T e = relative_error(val, T(data[k]));
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 100);
 bool Miniball<CoordAccessor>::is_valid (NT tol) const
   NT suboptimality;
   return ( (relative_error (suboptimality) <= tol) && (suboptimality == 0) );
Esempio n. 9
void test()
   std::cout << "Testing type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
   static const boost::array<const char*, 51u> data =

   T eg = static_cast<T>("5.77215664901532860606512090082402431042159335939923598805767234884867726777664670936947063291746749514631447249807082480960504014486542836224173997644923536253500333742937337737673942792595258247094916008735203948165670853233151776611528621199501507984793745085705740029921354786146694029604325421519e-1");

   unsigned max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < data.size(); k++)
      const T x = eg + k;
      T val = boost::multiprecision::sinh(x * x);
      T e = relative_error(val, T(data[k]));
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = boost::multiprecision::sinh(-x * x);
      e = relative_error(val, T(-T(data[k])));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;

   boost::array<const char*, 50> small_values =

   max_err = 0;
   T v = 0.75;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < small_values.size(); ++k)
      T val = boost::multiprecision::sinh(v);
      T e = relative_error(val, T(small_values[k]));
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = boost::multiprecision::sinh(-v);
      e = relative_error(val, T(-T(small_values[k])));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      v /= 3;

   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 2000);
Esempio n. 10
void test()
   std::cout << "Testing type " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
   static const boost::array<const char*, 51u> data =

   T pi = static_cast<T>("3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609");

   unsigned max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < data.size(); k++)
      T val = exp(sqrt((pi * (100 * k)) * (100 * k)));
      T e = relative_error(val, T(data[k]));
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = exp(-sqrt((pi * (100 * k)) * (100 * k)));
      e = relative_error(val, T(1/T(data[k])));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
#if defined(BOOST_INTEL) && defined(TEST_FLOAT128)
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 40000);
#elif defined(TEST_CPP_BIN_FLOAT)
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 6000);
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 5000);

   static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 2>, 10> exact_data =
      {{ std::ldexp(1.0, -50), static_cast<T>("1.00000000000000088817841970012562676935794497867573073630970950828771105957980924149923657574337470594698012676100224953") }},
      {{ std::ldexp(1.0, -20), static_cast<T>("1.00000095367477115374544678824955687428365188553281789775169686343569285229334215539516690752571791280462887427635269562") }},
      {{ std::ldexp(1.0, -10), static_cast<T>("1.00097703949241653524284529261160650646585162918174419940186408264916250428896869173656853690882467186075613761065459261") }},
      {{ 0.25, static_cast<T>("1.28402541668774148407342056806243645833628086528146308921750729687220776586723800275330641943955356890166283174967968731") }},
      {{ 0.5, static_cast<T>("1.64872127070012814684865078781416357165377610071014801157507931164066102119421560863277652005636664300286663775630779700") }},
      {{ 0.75, static_cast<T>("2.11700001661267466854536981983709561013449158470240342177913303081098453336401282000279156026661579821888590471901551426") }},
      {{ 10, static_cast<T>("22026.4657948067165169579006452842443663535126185567810742354263552252028185707925751991209681645258954515555010924578367") }},
      {{ 10.5, static_cast<T>("36315.5026742466377389120269013166179689315579671275857607480190550842856628099187749764427758174866310742771977376827512") }},
      {{ 25, static_cast<T>("7.20048993373858725241613514661261579152235338133952787362213864472320593107782569745000325654258093194727871848859163684e10") }},
      {{ 31.25, static_cast<T>("3.72994612957188849046766396046821396700589012875701157893019118883826370993674081486706667149871508642909416337810227575e13") }},

   max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < exact_data.size(); k++)
      T val = exp(exact_data[k][0]);
      T e = relative_error(val, exact_data[k][1]);
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = exp(-exact_data[k][0]);
      e = relative_error(val, T(1/exact_data[k][1]));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 20);

   BOOST_TEST(exp(T(0)) == 1);
Esempio n. 11
void test()
   std::cout << "Testing type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
   static const boost::array<const char*, 51u> data =

   T arg = static_cast<T>("1e-100");

   unsigned max_err = 0;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < data.size(); k++)
      T val = atan(arg);
      T e = relative_error(val, T(data[k]));
      unsigned err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = atan(-arg);
      e = relative_error(val, T(-T(data[k])));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      arg *= 10000;
   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 10);
   BOOST_TEST(atan(T(0)) == 0);

   // And again, but test all the phases of atan2:
   arg = static_cast<T>("1e-100");
   unsigned err;
   for(unsigned k = 0; k < data.size(); k++)
      T val = atan2(arg, 1);
      T e = relative_error(val, atan2_def(arg, T(1)));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = atan2(-arg, 1);
      e = relative_error(val, atan2_def(T(-arg), T(1)));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = atan2(arg, -1);
      e = relative_error(val, atan2_def(arg, T(-1)));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      val = atan2(-arg, -1);
      e = relative_error(val, atan2_def(T(-arg), T(-1)));
      err = e.template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      arg *= 10000;
   // special cases:
   err = relative_error(T(atan2(T(0), T(1))), atan2_def(T(0), T(1))).template convert_to<unsigned>();
   if(err > max_err)
      max_err = err;
      // We don't test this with intervals as [-0,0] leads to strange behaviour in atan2...
      err = relative_error(T(atan2(T(0), T(-1))), atan2_def(T(0), T(-1))).template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;

   T pi;
   pi.backend() = boost::multiprecision::default_ops::get_constant_pi<typename T::backend_type>();

   err = relative_error(T(atan2(T(1), T(0))), T(pi / 2)).template convert_to<unsigned>();
   if(err > max_err)
      max_err = err;

   err = relative_error(T(atan2(T(-1), T(0))), T(pi / -2)).template convert_to<unsigned>();
   if(err > max_err)
      max_err = err;

   T mv = (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)();
   err = relative_error(T(atan2(mv, T(1))), T(pi / 2)).template convert_to<unsigned>();
   if(err > max_err)
      max_err = err;
   err = relative_error(T(atan2(-mv, T(1))), T(pi / -2)).template convert_to<unsigned>();
   if(err > max_err)
      max_err = err;

      mv = (std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity)();
      err = relative_error(T(atan2(mv, T(1))), T(pi / 2)).template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;
      err = relative_error(T(atan2(-mv, T(1))), T(pi / -2)).template convert_to<unsigned>();
      if(err > max_err)
         max_err = err;

   std::cout << "Max error was: " << max_err << std::endl;
   BOOST_TEST(max_err < 2000);
Esempio n. 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    benchmark_t benchmarks[] = {
        (benchmark_t){"sht", setup_sht, execute_sht, finish_sht, 1, 0.0},
        (benchmark_t){"psht", setup_psht, execute_psht, finish_psht, 1, 0.0},
        {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0.0}

    benchmark_t *sht_benchmark = &benchmarks[0];
    benchmark_t *psht_benchmark = &benchmarks[1];

    double t0, t1, dtmin, tit0, tit1, dt;
    int n, i, j, should_run;
    benchmark_t *pbench;
#ifdef HAS_PPROF
    char profilefile[MAXPATH];
    char *resourcename;
    char timestr1[MAXTIME], timestr2[MAXTIME];

    char *stats_filename = NULL;
    char *stats_mode;

    int c;
    int got_threads, miniter;
    double mintime;
    char *resource_path;

    /* Parse options */
    sht_resourcefile = NULL;
    Nside = -1;
    miniter = 1;
    mintime = 0;
    opterr = 0;
    sht_nmaps = 1;
    do_ffts = -1;
    sht_flags = WAVEMOTH_MEASURE;

    while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "r:N:j:n:t:S:k:a:o:FEC")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'r':
            sht_resourcefile = optarg;
        case 'N':
            Nside = atoi(optarg);
        case 'j':
            N_threads = atoi(optarg);
        case 'n':
            miniter = atoi(optarg);
        case 't':
            mintime = atof(optarg);
        case 'E':
            sht_flags &= ~WAVEMOTH_MEASURE;
        case 'C':
            sht_flags |= WAVEMOTH_NO_RESOURCE_COPY;
        case 'a':
            stats_filename = optarg;
            stats_mode = "a";
        case 'o':
            stats_filename = optarg;
            stats_mode = "w";
        case 'S':
            sht_m_stride = atoi(optarg);
            do_ffts = 0;
        case 'F':
            do_ffts = 0;
        case 'k':
            sht_nmaps = atoi(optarg);
    argv += optind;
    argc -= optind;

    for (pbench = benchmarks; pbench->execute; ++pbench) {
        pbench->should_run = (argc == 0);
    for (j = 0; j != argc; ++j) {
        for (pbench = benchmarks; pbench->execute; ++pbench) {
            if (strcmp(argv[j], pbench->name) == 0) {
                pbench->should_run = 1;

    if (do_ffts == -1) do_ffts = 1;

    /* Resource configuration */
    resource_path = getenv("SHTRESOURCES");
    if (sht_resourcefile != NULL) {
        wavemoth_query_resourcefile(sht_resourcefile, &Nside, &lmax);
    } else {
        check(resource_path != NULL, "Please define SHTRESOURCES or use -r switch");
        lmax = 2 * Nside;

    fprintf(stderr, "Using %d threads, %d maps, %s, m-thinning %d\n", N_threads, sht_nmaps,
            do_ffts ? "with FFTs" : "without FFTs", sht_m_stride);

    /* Set up input and output */
    size_t npix = 12 * Nside * Nside;
    sht_input = gauss_array(((lmax + 1) * (lmax + 2)) / 2 * 2 * sht_nmaps);
    sht_output = zeros(npix * sht_nmaps);
    psht_output = zeros(npix * sht_nmaps);

    /* Wavemoth benchmark */
    for (pbench = benchmarks; pbench->execute; ++pbench) {
        if (!pbench->should_run) continue;

        printf("%s:\n", pbench->name);
        printf("  Warming up\n");
        printf("  Executing\n");

#ifdef HAS_PPROF
        snprintf(profilefile, MAXPATH, "profiles/", pbench->name);
        profilefile[MAXPATH - 1] = '\0';

        printf("  ");
        pbench->min_time = benchmark(pbench->name, pbench->execute, NULL,
                                     miniter, mintime);

#ifdef HAS_PPROF


    printf("Runtime sht/psht: %f\n", sht_benchmark->min_time / psht_benchmark->min_time);
    printf("Speedup psht/sht: %f\n", psht_benchmark->min_time / sht_benchmark->min_time);

    double rho = 0;
    for (j = 0; j != sht_nmaps; ++j) {
        double z = relative_error(npix, psht_output + j * npix, 1, sht_output + j, sht_nmaps);
        rho = fmax(z, rho);
    printf("Relative error: %e\n", rho);

    if (stats_filename != NULL) {
        /* Write result to file as a line in the format
           nside lmax nmaps nthreads wavemoth_full_time wavemoth_legendre_time psht_time relative_error
        FILE *f = fopen(stats_filename, stats_mode);
        if (!f) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s in mode %s\n", stats_filename, stats_mode);
        } else {
            fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d %.15e %.15e %.15e %.15e\n",
                    Nside, lmax, sht_nmaps, N_threads,
                    sht_benchmark->min_time, min_legendre_dt, psht_benchmark->min_time,

Esempio n. 13
test_result<Real> test_hetero(const A& a, F1 test_func, F2 expect_func)
   typedef typename A::value_type         row_type;
   typedef Real                          value_type;

   test_result<value_type> result;

   for(unsigned i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
      const row_type& row = a[i];
      value_type point;
         point = test_func(row);
      catch(const std::underflow_error&)
         point = 0;
      catch(const std::overflow_error&)
         point = std::numeric_limits<value_type>::has_infinity ? 
            : tools::max_value<value_type>();
      catch(const std::exception& e)
         std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
         BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected exception.");
         // so we don't get further errors:
         point = expect_func(row);
      value_type expected = expect_func(row);
      value_type err = relative_error(point, expected);
      if(err != 0)
         std::cout << row[0] << " " << err;
            std::cout << " (" << err / std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon() << "eps)";
         std::cout << std::endl;
      if(!(lslboost::math::isfinite)(point) && (lslboost::math::isfinite)(expected))
         std::cout << "CAUTION: Found non-finite result, when a finite value was expected at entry " << i << "\n";
         std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
         BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected non-finite result");
      if(err > 0.5)
         std::cout << "CAUTION: Gross error found at entry " << i << ".\n";
         std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
         BOOST_ERROR("Gross error");
      if((result.max)() == err)
   return result;