void PeriodogramComponent::process()
  //Get a DataSet from the input DataBuffer
  DataSet< complex<float> >* readDataSet = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  std::size_t size = readDataSet->data.size();

  //Get a DataSet from the output DataBuffer
  DataSet< float >* writeDataSet = NULL;
  getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, x_blocksize);

  //FFT process
	//float *data =(float*) malloc (size*sizeof(float));
	float data[2*size],PSDresult[x_blocksize];	
        for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
	for(int i=0;i<x_blocksize;i++)
	    writeDataSet->data[i] = PSDresult[i];

  //Copy the timestamp and sample rate for the DataSets
  writeDataSet->timeStamp = readDataSet->timeStamp;
  writeDataSet->sampleRate = readDataSet->sampleRate;

  //Release the DataSets
  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);
Esempio n. 2
void SpectrogramComponent::process()
  //Get a DataSet from the input DataBuffer
  DataSet< complex<float> >* readDataSet = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  std::size_t size = readDataSet->data.size();

  //Fill windows and push to spectrogram
  CplxVecIt it = readDataSet->data.begin();
  for(;it != readDataSet->data.end(); ++it)
    if(window_.size() == windowLength_x)

  if(!isSink_x && isProbe_x)
    //Pass data through
    DataSet< complex<float> >* writeDataSet = NULL;
    getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, size);
    writeDataSet->data = readDataSet->data;
    writeDataSet->sampleRate = readDataSet->sampleRate;
    writeDataSet->timeStamp = readDataSet->timeStamp;
    releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);

  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
void SignalScalerComponent::process()
  DataSet<complex<float> >* readDataSet = NULL;
  DataSet<complex<float> >* writeDataSet = NULL;

  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  size_t size = readDataSet->data.size();
  getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, size);

  writeDataSet->timeStamp = readDataSet->timeStamp;

  if (factor_x == 0)
    // this is equalent to:
    // complex<float>* it = readDataSet->data.begin();
    // complex<float>* maxIt = it;
    // while (it != readDataSet->data.end())
    // {
    //   if (!(norm(*it) < norm(*maxIt))) maxIt = it;
    //   it++;
    // }
    // float maxVal = abs(*maxIt);
    // * First, it finds the maximum element in the readDataSet using norm<float>(_1) < norm<float>(_2) as
    //   comparison predicate, where _1 and _2 are placeholders for the two predicate arguments (i.e., it compares
    //   the squared magnitudes of both complex numbers).
    //   - 'norm' is an STL template for computing the squared magnitude of complex numbers, parameterised with the complex
    //     element type (template <class T> norm(const complex<T>& x); )
    //   - 'bind' creates a functor given a function and an argument, here a placeholder, i.e., it creates a
    //     functor class with 'operator()(complex<float>)' which applies the norm<float> function to its argument.
    //     (see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/lambda/using_library.html#lambda.introductory_examples)
    // * Then, it computes the absolute value of that maximum (complex number)
    float maxVal = abs(*max_element(readDataSet->data.begin(), readDataSet->data.end(),
            bind(norm<float>, _1) < bind(norm<float>, _2) ));

    // this is equivalent to:
    // complex<float>* outit = writeDataSet->data.begin();
    // for (complex<float>* it = readDataSet->data.begin(); it != readDataSet->data.end(); ++it)
    //     *outit++ = *it / maxVal * x_maximum;
    // it applies x / maxVal * x_maximum for each element x
    // in the readDataSet and writes the result into the writeDataSet (using boost::lambda)
    // (see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/lambda/using_library.html#lambda.introductory_examples)
    std::transform(readDataSet->data.begin(), readDataSet->data.end(),
            writeDataSet->data.begin(), _1 / maxVal * maximum_x);
    // this applies x * x_factor for each element x in the readDataSet and writes the result to the
    // writeDataSet
    std::transform(readDataSet->data.begin(), readDataSet->data.end(), writeDataSet->data.begin(),
            _1 * factor_x);

  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);
Esempio n. 4
void NullSink::process()
  //Get a DataSet from the input DataBuffer
  DataSet< complex<float> >* readDataSet = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  //std::size_t size = readDataSet->data.size();

  //Release the DataSets
  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
/// Main processing method
void Dvbt1RSEncoderComponent::process()
  // request input
  DataSet< uint8_t >* in = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", in);
  // calculate sizes
  int insize = in ? (int) in->data.size() : 0;
  int numpacks = (insize + tsOffset_) / TS_PACKET_SIZE;
  int outsize = numpacks * RS_PACKET_SIZE;

  // request output
  DataSet< uint8_t >* out = NULL;
  getOutputDataSet("output1", out, outsize);
  // print debug info
    LOG(LINFO) << "in/out: " << insize + tsOffset_ << "(" << insize << "+" << tsOffset_ << ")/" << outsize;

  // fill the messagewords
  for(ByteVecIt init = in->data.begin(), outit = out->data.begin(); init < in->data.end(); init++)
    // copy in reverse order
    rsCodeWord_[TS_PACKET_SIZE - 1 - tsOffset_] = *init;
    // trigger encoding
    if(++tsOffset_ == TS_PACKET_SIZE)
      int status = packetEncode(rsCodeWord_, rsCodeWord_ + T1_KK);
			if (status)
				LOG(LERROR) << "Problem encoding a R-S word";

      // copy information part
      for(int b = 0; b < TS_PACKET_SIZE; b++, outit++)
        *outit = rsCodeWord_[TS_PACKET_SIZE - 1 - b];
			// copy parity part
			for(int b = 0; b < T1_NN_KK; b++, outit++)
				*outit = rsCodeWord_[T1_NN - 1 - b];
      // reset TS pointer
      tsOffset_ = 0;

  //Copy the timestamp and sample rate for the DataSets
  out->timeStamp = in->timeStamp;
  out->sampleRate = in->sampleRate;

  // release input and output
  releaseInputDataSet("input1", in);
  releaseOutputDataSet("output1", out);
void PfbSynthesizerComponent::process()

  //Get input DataSets
  std::size_t curSize = 0;
  vector< DataSet< complex<float> >* > inSets(nChans_x);
  for(int i=0;i<nChans_x;i++)
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "input";
    ss << i;
    getInputDataSet(ss.str(), inSets[i]);
    std::size_t s = inSets[i]->data.size();
    if(s != curSize && curSize > 0)
      LOG(LWARNING) << "Input channel sizes do not match.";
    curSize = s;

  //Get output DataSet
  DataSet< complex<float> >* writeDataSet = NULL;
  getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, curSize*nChans_x);
  writeDataSet->sampleRate = inSets[0]->sampleRate*nChans_x;
  writeDataSet->timeStamp = inSets[0]->timeStamp;

  // Execute the synthesizer
  for(int i=0;i<curSize;i++)
    for (int j=0; j<nChans_x; j++)
      buf[j] = inSets[j]->data[i];

    firpfbch_crcf_synthesizer_execute(channelizer, &buf[0], &outBuf[0]);
    copy(outBuf.begin(), outBuf.end(), writeDataSet->data.begin()+i*nChans_x);

  // mix signal down
  for(int i=0;i<writeDataSet->data.size();i++)
    complex<float>* x = &writeDataSet->data[i];
    nco_crcf_mix_down(nco, *x, x);

  //Release the DataSets
  for(int i=0;i<nChans_x;i++)
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "input";
    ss << i;
    releaseInputDataSet(ss.str(), inSets[i]);
  releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);

void GateComponent::process()
  //Get a DataSet from the input DataBuffer
  DataSet< complex<float> >* readDataSet = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  size_t inputSize = readDataSet->data.size();

  if(open_x)  //Gate is open
    nData_ += inputSize;
    if(nData_ > dataLimit_x)
      //We've exceeded the limit - close the gate
      open_x = false;
      releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
      LOG(LINFO) << "Closed gate";
      nData_ = 0;

    if(gateBuffer_.size() > 0)

    //Copy input to output
    DataSet< complex<float> >* writeDataSet = NULL;
    getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, inputSize);
    *writeDataSet = *readDataSet;
    releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);

  else // Gate is closed

  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
void Serial2ParaComponent::process()
  //Get a DataSet from the input DataBuffer
  DataSet<float>* readDataSet = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
		size_t size = readDataSet->data.size();
		for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
		//LOG(LINFO) << "block index " << block_index;
		if(block_index == factor_x)
			block_index = 0;
			//Get a DataSet from the output DataBuffer
			DataSet<float>* writeDataSet = NULL;
			getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, outputBlocksize);

  			for(int i=0;i<outputBlocksize;i++)

  			//Copy the timestamp and sample rate for the DataSets
  			writeDataSet->timeStamp = readDataSet->timeStamp;
  			writeDataSet->sampleRate = readDataSet->sampleRate;
            releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);

  //Release the DataSets
  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  isfirstblock = false;
Esempio n. 9
void ExampleComponent::process()
  //Get a DataSet from the input DataBuffer
  DataSet<uint32_t>* readDataSet = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  std::size_t size = readDataSet->data.size();

  //Get a DataSet from the output DataBuffer
  DataSet<uint32_t>* writeDataSet = NULL;
  getOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet, size);

  //Copy the input DataSet to the output DataSet
  copy(readDataSet->data.begin(), readDataSet->data.end(), writeDataSet->data.begin());

  //Copy the timestamp and sample rate for the DataSets
  writeDataSet->timeStamp = readDataSet->timeStamp;
  writeDataSet->sampleRate = readDataSet->sampleRate;

  //Release the DataSets
  releaseInputDataSet("input1", readDataSet);
  releaseOutputDataSet("output1", writeDataSet);
void LiquidOfdmModComponent::process()
    DataSet< uint8_t >* in = NULL;
    getInputDataSet("input1", in);

    unsigned int payloadSize = (unsigned int)in->data.size();
    unsigned char* payload = &in->data[0];

    unsigned char header[8];
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        header[i] = frameHeader_x.c_str()[i] & 0xff;

    ofdmflexframegen_assemble(frameGenerator_, header, payload, payloadSize);
    unsigned int symbols = ofdmflexframegen_getframelen(frameGenerator_);
    unsigned int symbolSize = noSubcarriers_x + cyclicPrefixLength_x;
    unsigned int frameSize = symbols * symbolSize;

    if (debug_x)

    //Allocate memory for single symbol and whole frame
    DataSet< complex<float> >* out = NULL;
    getOutputDataSet("output1", out, frameSize);
    std::complex<float> buffer[symbolSize];

    // generate frame, one OFDM symbol at a time
    unsigned int bytesWritten = 0;
    while (symbols--) {
        ofdmflexframegen_writesymbol(frameGenerator_, buffer);
        std::transform(buffer, buffer + symbolSize, out->data.begin() + bytesWritten, _1 * gain_factor_);
        bytesWritten += symbolSize;

    out->timeStamp = in->timeStamp; // copy meta data of the frame

    releaseInputDataSet("input1", in);
    releaseOutputDataSet("output1", out);
/// Main processing method
void Dvbt1PuncturerComponent::process()
  // request input
  DataSet< uint8_t >* in = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", in);

  // calculate sizes
  int insize = in ? (int) in->data.size() : 0;
  int outsize = ((insize + punOffset_) / punPeriodIn_) * punPeriodOut_;

  // request output
  DataSet< uint8_t >* out = NULL;
  getOutputDataSet("output1", out, outsize);
  // print debug info
    LOG(LINFO) << "in/out: " << insize + punOffset_ << "(" << insize << "+" << punOffset_ << ")/" << outsize;
  // iterate over input
  for(ByteVecIt init = in->data.begin(), outit = out->data.begin(); init < in->data.end(); init++)
    // fill puncturing register
    punRegister_[punOffset_++] = *init;
    // trigger puncturing at the output
    if(punOffset_ == punPeriodIn_)
      // reset offset
      punOffset_ = 0;
      // copy to output
        // the puncturing matrices are hard-coded for all the five code rates
        case 12:
          *outit++ = punRegister_[0];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[1];
        case 23:
          *outit++ = punRegister_[0];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[1];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[3];
        case 34:
          *outit++ = punRegister_[0];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[1];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[3];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[4];
        case 56:
          *outit++ = punRegister_[0];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[1];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[3];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[4];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[7];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[8];
        case 78:
          *outit++ = punRegister_[0];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[1];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[3];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[5];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[7];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[8];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[11];
          *outit++ = punRegister_[12];
          LOG(LERROR) << "Invalid puncturing rate: " << codeRate_x;    
  // Copy the timestamp and sample rate for the DataSets
  out->timeStamp = in->timeStamp;
  out->sampleRate = in->sampleRate;

  // release input and output
  releaseInputDataSet("input1", in);
  releaseOutputDataSet("output1", out);
/// Main processing method
void Dvbt1InterpolatorComponent::process()
  // request input
  DataSet< Cplx > *in = NULL;
  getInputDataSet("input1", in);
  // calculate sizes
  int insize = in ? (int) in->data.size() : 0;
  int numbufs = (insize + inOffset_) / tiInsize_;
  int outsize = tiOutsize_ * numbufs;
  // print debug info
    LOG(LINFO) << "in/out: " << insize << "/" << outsize;
  // request output
  DataSet< Cplx >* out = NULL;
  getOutputDataSet("output1", out, outsize);
  // copy
  for(CplxVecIt init = in->data.begin(), outit = out->data.begin(),
    inRegEff_ = inReg_.begin() + T1_RESAMPLE_ORDER + 1; init < in->data.end();
    // copy
    inRegEff_[inOffset_++] = *init;
    // do the trick
    if(inOffset_ == inLength_)
      // reset
      inOffset_ = 0;
		  // fractional filter
		  for(int j = 0; j < tiOutsize_; j++, outit++)
			  // current base point
			  int currbp = tiBasepointIndex_[j];

			  // interpolate
			  Cplx temp(0,0);
			  for(int k = 0; k < T1_RESAMPLE_ORDER + 1; k++)
				  temp.real(temp.real() + inRegEff_[currbp - k].real() * tiHI_[k * tiOutsize_ + j]);
				  temp.imag(temp.imag() + inRegEff_[currbp - k].imag() * tiHI_[k * tiOutsize_ + j]);
			  *outit = temp;
		  // copy last values at the beginning
		  copy(inReg_.end() - (T1_RESAMPLE_ORDER + 1), inReg_.end(), inReg_.begin());
  //Copy the timestamp and sample rate for the DataSets
  out->timeStamp = in->timeStamp;
  out->sampleRate = in->sampleRate; // not sure about this: it should change! 
  // release input and output
  releaseOutputDataSet("output1", out);
  releaseInputDataSet("input1", in);