Esempio n. 1
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // velocity of ball
    // TODO use drand for velocityX
    double velocityX = drand48() * 3.0;
    double velocityY = 3.0;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
        // set velocity of ball
        move(ball, velocityX, velocityY);

        // detect collision
        GObject collision = detectCollision(window, ball);

        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            velocityX = -velocityX;
        // bounce off left edge of window
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            velocityX = -velocityX;
        else if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            lives -= 1;
            setLocation(ball, 190, 290);
            move(ball, velocityX, -velocityY);
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            velocityY = -velocityY;
        else if (collision != NULL)
            if (collision == paddle)
                velocityY = -velocityY;
            else if (strcmp(getType(collision), "GRect") == 0)
                // TODO
                velocityY = -velocityY;
                removeGWindow(window, collision);
                points += 1;
                bricks -= 1;

        if (event != NULL)
                if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                    // ensure circle follows top cursor
                    double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                    double y = 525;
                    setLocation(paddle, x, y);


    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel scoreboard = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // initial ball velocity
    double h_velocity = 1.0;
    double v_velocity;

    // make sure our v_velocity isn't too slow to start with
        v_velocity = drand48();
    while (v_velocity < 0.5);


    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        // check if there's been a collision...
        GObject collided_obj = detectCollision(window, ball);

        // if we got one
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was movement
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // move the paddle along the x axis
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                double y = getY(paddle);
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);

        // move the ball
        move(ball, h_velocity, v_velocity);

        // bounce off either left or right edge of window
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window)
                || getX(ball) <= 0)
            h_velocity = -h_velocity;

        // bounce off the top edge of window
        if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            v_velocity = -v_velocity;

        // lose a life if the ball moves off the bottom of the window
        if (getY(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getHeight(window))

            // remove the ball, and remove a life
            removeGWindow(window, ball);

            // if we've run out of lives, don't recreate the ball
            if (lives > 0)
                ball = initBall(window);

        if (collided_obj == NULL)
            // do nothing if there hasn't been a collision
        else if (collided_obj == paddle)
            // bounce ball off of paddle
            if (v_velocity > 0)
                v_velocity = -v_velocity;
        else if (strcmp(getType(collided_obj), "GRect") == 0)
            // if it isn't the paddle, and it's a GRect, it must be a brick!
            // remove the brick
            removeGWindow(window, collided_obj);

            // reverse the ball's vertical velocity
            v_velocity = -v_velocity;

            // add to the player's score

            // reduce the number of bricks left

            updateScoreboard(window, scoreboard, points);

        // slow down a tiny bit..

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // velocity of the ball
    double ball_vx = (drand48() - 0.5) * 5;
    double ball_vy = 3;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // Player movement
        GEvent e = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (e != NULL)
            int x = getX(e) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
            setLocation(paddle, x, getY(paddle));

        // Game Logic
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL && !(strcmp(getType(object), "GRect")) &&
            object != paddle)
             removeGWindow(window, object);
             ball_vy = ball_vy * -1;
             bricks -= 1;
             points += 1;
             updateScoreboard(window, label, points);

        if (getY(ball) + 2 * RADIUS >= getHeight(window))
            lives -= 1;
            removeGWindow(window, ball);
            ball = initBall(window);
            if (lives)

        if (getY(ball) <= 0 || object == paddle)
            ball_vy = ball_vy * -1;

        if (getX(ball) <= 0 || getX(ball) + 2 * RADIUS >= getWidth(window))
            ball_vx = ball_vx * -1;

        // Rendering
        move(ball, ball_vx, ball_vy);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);

    // Initial parameters
    double xvelocity = drand48()*0.09;
    double yvelocity = 0.09;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // Moves the paddle with the mouse
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (event != NULL)
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                setLocation(paddle, x, HEIGHT - (HEIGHT / 7));
        // Moves the ball and bounces it of the edges       
        move(ball, xvelocity, yvelocity);
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            xvelocity = -xvelocity;
        if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            xvelocity = -xvelocity;
        if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            yvelocity = -yvelocity;
        //Detects if player losses a life
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            lives = lives - 1;
            removeGWindow(window, ball);
            ball = initBall(window);
        // Detects collision
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL)
            if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                yvelocity = -yvelocity;
                if (object != paddle)
                    removeGWindow(window, object);
                    bricks = bricks - 1;
                    points = points + 1;
                    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);
    add(window, ball);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);
    add(window, paddle);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);
    add(window, label);
    setLocation(label, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // let scoreboard show up at the beginning of the game
    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
    // declare once useful variables for game loop
    double mouse_x, paddle_x;
    double ball_x, ball_y;
    // start the ball with random x and y velocity (scaled down by const)
    double ball_x_velocity = fmod(drand48() * BALL_VELOCITY, BALL_VELOCITY);
    double ball_y_velocity = 0.1;
    // wait for click before entering the game loop
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // move the ball  
        move(ball, ball_x_velocity, ball_y_velocity);
        // check user input (mouse movements)
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (event != NULL && getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
            // set paddle x to be the paddle center aligned to the x mouse event 
            // keep paddle y constant (don't move through the y axis)
            mouse_x = getX(event);
            paddle_x = mouse_x - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2;
            // check mouse event x to keep paddle in the canvas
            if (mouse_x <= PADDLE_WIDTH / 2)
                paddle_x = 0;
            else if (mouse_x >= WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2)
                paddle_x = WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH;
            // update paddle position
            setLocation(paddle, paddle_x, PADDLE_BOTTOM_OFFSET);    
        // store x and y for ball and prevent further functions calls
        ball_x = getX(ball);
        ball_y = getY(ball);
        // bouncing checks
        // top window bouncing
        if (ball_y <= 0) 
            ball_y_velocity = -ball_y_velocity;
        // bottom window bouncing
        else if (ball_y + BALL_DIMENSION >= HEIGHT)
            // spawn ball from the center
            setLocation(ball, WIDTH / 2 - BALL_RADIUS, HEIGHT / 2 - BALL_RADIUS);
            // center the paddle
            setLocation(paddle, WIDTH / 2 - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2, 
            // pause 1 sec, update lives and starting ball velocity to random 
            ball_x_velocity = fmod(drand48() * BALL_VELOCITY, BALL_VELOCITY);
        // left and right bouncing
        if (ball_x + BALL_DIMENSION >= WIDTH || ball_x <= 0)
            ball_x_velocity = -ball_x_velocity;
        // check for collisions
        GObject collided_obj = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (collided_obj != NULL)
            // check for rectangular object type
            if (strcmp(getType(collided_obj), "GRect") == 0)
                // ball hit the paddle
                if (collided_obj == paddle)
                    ball_y_velocity = -ball_y_velocity;
                    // prevent paddle-ball overlapping
                    setLocation(ball, ball_x, 
                                PADDLE_BOTTOM_OFFSET - BALL_RADIUS * 2);
                // ball hit a brick: remove it, update game status variable
                else if (collided_obj != paddle)
                    ball_y_velocity = -ball_y_velocity;
                    removeGWindow(window, collided_obj);
                    updateScoreboard(window, label, points); 
    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks
    GRect bricks_obj[ROWS][COLS];
    initBricks(window, bricks_obj);
    // Two dimensional array to detect if there are bricks in a certain position
    bool check_bricks[ROWS][COLS];

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // get a velocity for the ball
    double velocity = drand48() + 0.9;

    // waits for a mouse's click to start the game as is in the staff's implementation

    // The side that ball must go
    double side = 1.5;

    // object: variable to detect collisions 
    GObject object;

    // index to access brick's elements
    int i, j;

    // keep track of old velocity
    double old_vel = velocity;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // TODO
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        move(ball, velocity, side);

         // if we heard one
         if (event != NULL)
             // if the event was movement
             if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                 // ensure the paddlee follows the cursor
                 double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                 double y = HEIGHT - 50 - (PADDLE_H / 2);
                 setLocation(paddle, x, y);
         // bounce off right edge of window
         if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
             velocity = -velocity;
        // bounce off left edge of window
         else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
             velocity = -velocity;
         if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
             if (lives == 0) {
             else {
                setLocation(ball, WIDTH / 2 - (getWidth(ball) / 2), HEIGHT / 2);
         // bounce off left edge of window
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            side = -side;  
        object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object == paddle)
            side = -side;
            velocity = (velocity < 0) ? -old_vel : old_vel;
       else {
           for (i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i) {
                for (j = 0; j < COLS; ++j) { 
                    if (object == bricks_obj[i][j] && check_bricks[i][j] == true) {
                        side = -side;
                        velocity = (velocity < 0) ? -0.75 : 0.75;
                        removeGWindow(window, bricks_obj[i][j]);
                        check_bricks[i][j] = false;
                        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
        if (points == bricks) {
        // linger before moving again

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // velocity of ball
    double velocityX = drand48();
    double velocityY = 3.0;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // Keeps the paddle on the same x coord. as the mouse
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (event != NULL)
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                setLocation(paddle, x, HEIGHT - 100);
        // Makes the ball move
        move(ball, velocityX, velocityY);
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            velocityX = -velocityX;
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            velocityX = -velocityX;
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window) && lives > 0)
            GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);                
            if (event != NULL)
                if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED)
                    ball = initBall(window);
                    move(ball, velocityX, velocityY);
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            velocityY = -velocityY;
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0 && object != paddle)
            velocityY = -velocityY;
            removeGWindow(window, object);
            updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
        else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
            velocityY = -velocityY;


    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    double velocity_x = drand48()+1;
    double velocity_y = drand48()+1;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // TODO
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        // if we heard one
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was movement
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // ensure circle follows top cursor
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle);
                if(x > 0)
                   setLocation(paddle, x, 500);
       GObject object = detectCollision(window,ball);
       if(object != NULL)
            if(object == paddle)
                    //velocity_y = -velocity_y;
                    velocity_y = -drand48()-2;
            else if(strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                //velocity_y = (-velocity_y+drand48());
                velocity_y = drand48()+2;
                removeGWindow(window, object);
                updateScoreboard( window,  label,  points);

       if(getY(ball)+RADIUS*2 >= HEIGHT )
           if(lives > 1)
                lives -= 1;
                setLocation(ball, WIDTH/2 - RADIUS, HEIGHT/2 - RADIUS);
                lives -= 1;
       else if(getY(ball) <= 0)
           velocity_y = -velocity_y;
       if(((getX(ball) + getWidth(ball)) >= WIDTH) || (getX(ball) <= 0) )
           velocity_x = -velocity_x;
    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator
    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // initialize velocity variable as random number between 0.0 and 1.0 times the constant 2
    double hvelocity = drand48() * .9;
    double vvelocity = -0.5; //drand48() + .1  * 5;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // follow mouse forever
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        // if we heard one
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was movement
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // ensure paddle follows cursor 
                // TODO Fix paddle so it doesn't fall outside window
                double x = getX(event) - (getWidth(paddle) / 2);
                double y = getY(paddle); 
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        // move ball
        move(ball, hvelocity, vvelocity);

        // bounce off right edge of window
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            hvelocity = -hvelocity;

        // bounce off left edge of window
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            hvelocity = -hvelocity;
        // bounce off bottom edge of window (not sure why?)
        else if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            setLocation(ball, WIDTH/2 - RADIUS/2, (getHeight(window)/2));
            setLocation(paddle, .5*WIDTH - .5*PADDLEWIDTH, .8*HEIGHT);
            hvelocity = drand48() * .01;
            vvelocity = -.05; //drand48() + .1  * 5;
        // bounce off top edge of window
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            vvelocity = -vvelocity;

        GObject collisionObject = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (collisionObject != NULL && (strcmp(getType(collisionObject), "GRect") == 0))
           vvelocity = -vvelocity;
           if (collisionObject != paddle)
            removeGWindow(window, collisionObject);
            updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
        /** Why do I get a segmentation fault by doing this?--code above works fine, but I am 
        just curious why I get an segmentation fault error by splitting this check into two 
        separate 'if' statements instead of one as I did above
        // TODO
        if (collisionObject == paddle)
            vvelocity = -vvelocity;
        if (strcmp(getType(collisionObject), "GRect") == 0)
            vvelocity = -vvelocity;

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);
    // instantiate LivesBoard, centered in middle of window, above Scoreboard.
    GLabel liveslabel = initLivesBoard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // ball movement 
    double ball_vertical = 2.0;   
    double ball_horizontal = 2 * drand48();
    bool godmode = false;
    if (argc > 2)
        return 1;
    // detect god mode    
    if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "GOD") == 0))
        godmode = true;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // call detectCollision func to check for collisions
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        // ball collision with paddle
        if (object == paddle)
            ball_vertical = -ball_vertical;
        // detect collision with bricks
        if (object != NULL)
            if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0 && object != paddle)
                removeGWindow(window, object);
                ball_vertical = -ball_vertical;
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                if (bricks == 0)
                    printf("YOU WON! :)\n");
        // ball collision with bottom edge
        if (getY(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            updateLivesboard(window, liveslabel, lives);
            setLocation(ball, BALL_X, BALL_Y);
            setLocation(paddle, PADDLE_X, PADDLE_Y);
            if (lives == 0)
                printf("GAME OVER :(\n");
        // if godmode is on, set paddle-x equal to ball-x
        if (godmode == true)
            setLocation(paddle, getX(ball) + (BALL_WIDTH / 2) - (PADDLE_WIDTH / 2), PADDLE_Y);
            // check for mouse event
            GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
            // if we heard one
            if (event != NULL)
                // if the event was movement
                if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                    // ensure circle follows cursor on x-axis
                    double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                    setLocation(paddle, x, PADDLE_Y);
        move(ball, ball_horizontal, ball_vertical);
        // bounce off left and right
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window) || getX(ball) <= 0)
            ball_horizontal = -ball_horizontal;
        // bounce off top
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            ball_vertical = -ball_vertical;

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 11
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);
    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // SCORE
        // BALL
        /* BOUNCING */
        move(ball, x_velocity, y_velocity);
        // MOUSE EVENT
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (event != NULL)
            /* if mouse was moved */
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                /*move paddle were mouse goes */
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                double y = 400;
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        /* Collision */
        /* ball touching paddle */
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL)
            if (object == paddle)
                y_velocity = -y_velocity;
            else if (object != paddle)
                if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                    y_velocity = -y_velocity;
        /* ball touching wall on the right */
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            x_velocity = -x_velocity;
        /* ball touching wall on the left */
        if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            x_velocity = -x_velocity;
        /* ball touching wall on the top */
        if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            y_velocity = -y_velocity;
        /* ball touching wall on the bottom */
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            setLocation(paddle, 190, 400);
    if (bricks > 0)
        GLabel end = newGLabel("GAME OVER!");
        setColor(end, "BLUE");
    else if (bricks == 0)
        GLabel end = newGLabel("WINNER!");
        setColor(end, "BLUE");

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 12
File: breakout.c Progetto: trvvss/C
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (event != NULL)
            if(getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                double x = getX(event)-getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                double y = 500;
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if(object != NULL)
                y_velocity = -y_velocity;
        else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
            removeGWindow(window, object);
            y_velocity = -y_velocity;
      if(getX(ball)+getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
        x_velocity = -x_velocity;
      if(getX(ball) <= 0)
        x_velocity = -x_velocity;
      if(getY(ball) <= 0)
        y_velocity = -y_velocity;
      if(getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
    if (bricks>0)
        GLabel game_over=newGLabel("You Lose!");
        setFont(game_over, "SansSerif-65");
        setColor(game_over, "ORANGE");
        GLabel game_over=newGLabel("You Win!");
        setFont(game_over, "SansSerif-65");
        setColor(game_over, "BLUE");
        add(window, game_over);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 13
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);
    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    double velocityx = drand48() * 2;
    double velocityy = 2.0;
    //update scoreboard
    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
    int count = 1, lala = 0;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // TODO
        //move paddle
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if(event != NULL)
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle)/2 ;
                setLocation(paddle, x, 550);
        //move ball
        move(ball, velocityx, velocityy);
        if(getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            velocityx = -velocityx;
        else if(getX(ball) <= 0)
            velocityx = -velocityx;
        else if(getY(ball) <= 0)
            velocityy = -velocityy;
         //detect collision
         GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
         if (object != NULL)
            if(strcmp(getType(object), "GLabel") == 0 && object != NULL)
            if(strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                if (object == paddle)
                    velocityy = -velocityy;
                    velocityy = -velocityy;

                    if (count > 25)
                        points += 2;
                        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                        if(lala == 0)
                            velocityx *= 2;
                            velocityy *= 2;
                        lala = 1;
                    else if (count >= 25 && count < 45)
                        points += 3;
                        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                        if(lala == 1)
                            velocityx *= 2;
                            velocityy *= 2;
                        lala = 0;
                    else if (count >= 45 && count < 50)
                        points += 4;
                        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                        if(lala == 0)
                            velocityx *= 2;
                            velocityy *= 2;
                        lala = 1;
                        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
         //loose life for dropping the ball
         if(getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            points -= 5;
            setLocation(ball, 192, 342);
            setLocation(paddle, 160, 550);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks
    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 50;

    // keep playing until game over
    double bdx = drand48()/10;
    double bdy = drand48()/10;
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // TODO
       //move paddle

        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        // if we heard one
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was movement
           if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
            double x;
                // ensure circle follows top cursor
                x = getX(event)-getWidth(paddle)/2;
                if (getX(event)>=400-getWidth(paddle)/2)
                x = 400-getWidth(paddle);
                if (getX(event)<=getWidth(paddle)/2)
                x = 0;
                setLocation(paddle, x, 580);
    // Move ball
        // bounce off edges
        // left or right
        if ((getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= WIDTH) || getX(ball) <= 0)
            bdx = -bdx;
        // top
        else if ( getY(ball) <= 0)
            bdy = -bdy;
        else if ( (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= HEIGHT))
             setLocation(ball, 190, 290); 
  GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object!=NULL && object!=label)
            bdy = -bdy;
         if (object!=NULL && object!=paddle && object!=label)
                removeGWindow(window, object);
  GLabel initScoreboard(GWindow window);
  updateScoreboard(window, label, points);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 15
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    double x_velocity = getRandomVelocity();
    double y_velocity = 0.05;

    GObject collision;

    char label_text[20];
    snprintf(label_text, 20, "Score: %d", points);
    setLabel(label, label_text);


    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0) {

        move(ball, x_velocity, y_velocity);

        collision = detectCollision(window, ball);

        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            x_velocity *= -1;
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            x_velocity *= -1;

        if (collision == paddle)
            y_velocity *= -1;
        else if (collision != NULL && strcmp(getType(collision), "GRect") == 0) {
            snprintf(label_text, 10, "Score: %d", points);
            setLabel(label, label_text);
            y_velocity *= -1;
            removeGWindow(window, collision);

        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window)) {
            if (lives == 0)
            setLocation(ball, (WIDTH - RADIUS)/2, (HEIGHT - RADIUS)/2);
            x_velocity = getRandomVelocity();
        } else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            y_velocity *= -1;

        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        if (event != NULL) {
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED) {
                double x = getX(event) - PADDLE_WIDTH/2;
                double y = getY(paddle);
                if (x >= 0 && x + PADDLE_WIDTH <= WIDTH)
                    setLocation(paddle, x, y);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 16
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // initial velocities
    double x_velocity = drand48() + 1.5;
    double y_velocity = 2.0;


    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // Check for next mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        if (event != NULL)
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // Calculate paddle's new x and y co-ordinates
                double x = getX(event) - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2;
                double y = getY(paddle);

                // Ensure paddle doesn't go off screen
                if (x > (WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH))
                    x = (WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH);
                else if (x < 0)
                    x = 0;

                // Update paddle location
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);

        // Move the ball
        move(ball, x_velocity, y_velocity);

        // Check if the ball hit right edge
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            x_velocity = -x_velocity;
        // Or the left edge
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            x_velocity = -x_velocity;

        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);

        // Check if the ball hit the paddle
        if (object == paddle)
            y_velocity = -y_velocity;
        // Or one of the bricks
        else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
            removeGWindow(window, object);
            bricks -= 1;
            points += 1;
            updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
            y_velocity = -y_velocity;
        // Or the bottom edge of the screen
        else if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            lives -= 1;
            removeGWindow(window, ball);
            ball = initBall(window);
        // Or the top edge
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            y_velocity = -y_velocity;

        // Pause for 10 ms

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // ball speed set to random
    double velocity_x = drand48() * 4;
    double velocity_y = 3.0;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        // if we heard one
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was movement
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // ensure paddle follows top cursor
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                double y = 500;
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        // moving the ball
        move(ball, velocity_x, velocity_y);

        // bounce off right edge of window
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) > getWidth(window))
            velocity_x = -velocity_x;
        // bounce off left edge of window
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            velocity_x = -velocity_x;
        // bounce off top edge
        if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            velocity_y = -velocity_y;
        // collision with paddle
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object == paddle)
            velocity_y = -velocity_y;
        // break some bricks
        if (object != NULL)
        if ((strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0) && (object != paddle))    
            removeGWindow(window, object);
            velocity_y = -velocity_y;
            char s[12];
            sprintf (s,"%i", points);
            setLabel(label, s);
            if (points == 50)

        // bounce off bottom edge
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            removeGWindow(window, ball);
            ball = initBall(window);  
        // linger before moving again

    // game over
    //if points is equal to the number of bricks you win
    return 0;
Esempio n. 18
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks
    double bdx = BALL_DX;
    double bdy = BALL_DY(BALL_DX);

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // keep playing until game over
    GObject collisionObject;

    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        GEvent eMouse = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (eMouse != NULL)
            if (getEventType(eMouse) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                int x = getX(eMouse) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                setLocation(paddle, x, PADDLE_Y);
        if((getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= WIDTH || getX(ball) <= 0))
            bdx *= -1;
        else if(getY(ball) <= 0)
            bdy *= -1;
        else if ((getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= HEIGHT))
            setLocation(ball, (WIDTH/2) - RADIUS, (HEIGHT / 2) - RADIUS);
            setLocation(paddle,PADDLE_X, PADDLE_Y);
            bdx = BALL_DX;
            bdy = BALL_DY(BALL_DX);

        collisionObject = detectCollision(window, ball);

        if (collisionObject != NULL && strcmp(getType(collisionObject), "GRect") == 0)
            bdy *= -1;
            if (collisionObject != paddle)
                removeGWindow(window, collisionObject);
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                printf("bricks: %d points: %d\n", bricks, points);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 19
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

   //initialize velocity
   double xvelocity = drand48();
   double yvelocity = drand48(); 
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
    //start moving ball
    move(ball, xvelocity, yvelocity);
    //set scoreboard
    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
    //bounce off left and right edges of window
    if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
          xvelocity = -xvelocity;
    else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
          xvelocity = -xvelocity;
    //stop if touching bottom
    if(getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
        setLocation(ball, 185, (paddleY/2));
        setLocation(paddle,175, paddleY);
    //bounce off top wall   
    else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
        yvelocity = -yvelocity;
    //detect collision
    GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
    if(object != NULL)
    //Bounce if rectangle    
      if(strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
        yvelocity = -yvelocity;
        //if brick, remove it reset add points, lower bricks
        if(object != paddle)
          removeGWindow(window, object);
        else if(object == paddle)
          if(getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) > getY(paddle) + getHeight(paddle))
            setLocation(ball, 185, (paddleY/2));
            setLocation(paddle,175, paddleY);
          else if(getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) <= getY(paddle))
            yvelocity = -yvelocity;
      //ignore scoreboard   
      else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GLabel") == 0)
        //check for mouse movement
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        //if mouse moves
        if(event != NULL)
          //verify event was mouse movement
          if(getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)           
            //Follow mouse along x-axis
            double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
            double y = paddleY;
            setLocation(paddle, x, y);    

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 20
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // horizontal & vertical velocity
    double xVelocity = (drand48() - .5) * 4;
    double yVelocity = 2;

    // check for GODMODE
    bool godMode = false;
    if (argc == 2)
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "GOD") == 0)
            godMode = true;


    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)

        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL)
            // determine behavior based on collided object
            if (object == paddle)
                // bounce ball back up and change bounce angle based on collision location with paddle
                yVelocity = -yVelocity;
                xVelocity = ((getX(ball) + RADIUS) - (getX(paddle) + getWidth(paddle) / 2)) / 10;
            else if (object != label) 
                // adds points based on which row brick is from
                points += ROWS - (getY(object) - 30) / (BRICK_HEIGHT + BRICK_SEP);
                removeGWindow(window, detectCollision(window, ball));
                yVelocity = -yVelocity;

                // decreases paddle size slowly based on remaining bricks, minimum of half original size
                if (getWidth(paddle) > PADDLE_WIDTH / 2)
                    setSize(paddle, PADDLE_WIDTH * (( 2.0 * (ROWS * COLS) - points) / (2.0 * (ROWS * COLS))), PADDLE_HEIGHT);
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points); 

        move(ball, xVelocity, yVelocity);

        // check for collision with edges
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= WIDTH || getX(ball) <= 0)
            xVelocity = -xVelocity;

        if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            yVelocity = -yVelocity;
        // reset ball and reduce lives if ball touches bottom
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= HEIGHT)
            setLocation(ball, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2);
        // if god mode is not active, move paddle with mouse, else paddle moves automagically
        if (godMode == false)
            // move paddle with mouse
            GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
            if (event != NULL)
                if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                    setLocation(paddle, getX(event) - (PADDLE_WIDTH / 2), PADDLE_OFFSET);
            // drand used to encourage variety in ball angle to finish game faster
            setLocation(paddle, (getX(ball) + RADIUS) - (getWidth(paddle) / 2) - (drand48() - .5) * 9, PADDLE_OFFSET);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 21
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // initial velocity of ball in the x and y direction
    double xVelocity = ((1.0 * drand48()) + 2.0);
    double yVelocity = ((1.0 * drand48()) + 2.0);

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
		// sets ball in motion
        move(ball, xVelocity, yVelocity);
        // bounce off right edge of window
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= WIDTH)
            xVelocity = -xVelocity;

        // bounce off left edge of window
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)

            xVelocity = -xVelocity;
        // hit bottom edge bottom edge and reset, lose life
        else if (getY(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= HEIGHT)
		    removeGWindow(window, ball);
            ball = initBall(window);
        // bounce off top edge of window    
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            yVelocity = -yVelocity;
        // linger before moving again
    	// creates variable to control paddle movement 
        GEvent paddleMovement = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (paddleMovement != NULL)
            // if the event was movement 
            if (getEventType(paddleMovement) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // check to make sure the entire paddle stays within 
                // the confines of the game window
                if (getX(paddleMovement) >= (PWIDTH / 2) &&\
                    getX(paddleMovement) <= WIDTH - (PWIDTH/2))
            	    double x = getX(paddleMovement) - (PWIDTH/2);
                    setLocation(paddle, x, 550);
        // detects if ball collides with another GObject in game window
    	GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object == NULL)
        else if (object == label)
        else if (object == paddle)
            yVelocity = -yVelocity;
            yVelocity = -yVelocity;
            removeGWindow(window, object);
            updateScoreboard(window, label, points);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 22
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // wait for click before starting
    // ball speed
    double xspeed =drand48() + 1.5;
    double yspeed = 2.5;

    // keep playing game until these conditions are met
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // Scoreboard
        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
        // move ball
        move(ball, xspeed, yspeed);

        // listen for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        // validation for an event
        if (event != NULL)
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // make sure paddle follows the mouse
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                double y = HEIGHT - 100;
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL)
            // when ball strucks the paddle
            if (object == paddle)
                yspeed = -yspeed;
            // keep track of stats 
            else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                removeGWindow(window, object);
                yspeed = -yspeed;
                points = points + 1;
                bricks = bricks - 1;                
        // when ball hits left wall
        if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            xspeed = -xspeed;
        // when the ball hits the top wall.
        if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            yspeed = -yspeed;
        // when ball hits the right wall
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= 400)
            xspeed = -xspeed;
        // bottom wall below paddle
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= 600)
            lives = lives - 1;
            // reset
            setLocation(ball, WIDTH / 2 - RADIUS, HEIGHT / 2 + RADIUS);
            setLocation(paddle, 160, 500);
        // end of game, winner!
        if (points == 25)
            GLabel win = newGLabel("Good Job! You win!");
            setFont(win, "SansSerif-36");
            setColor(win, "BLUE");
            setLocation(win, 15, 300);
            add(window, win);


    return 0;
Esempio n. 23
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    double drand48(void);
    double xVelo = drand48() + 1;
    double yVelo = drand48() + 2;

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        move(ball, xVelo, yVelo);


        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);

        if(object != NULL)
            if (object == paddle)
                yVelo = -yVelo;
            else if(strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0 && object != paddle)
                removeGWindow(window, object);
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                yVelo = -yVelo;
            else if(strcmp(getType(object), "GLabel") == 0)

        if(getX(ball) <= 0)
            xVelo = -xVelo;

        else if(getY(ball) <= 0)
            yVelo = -yVelo;
        else if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window) || getX(ball) <= 0)
            xVelo = -xVelo;
        else if(getY(ball) > HEIGHT)
            setLocation(ball, (WIDTH/2), (HEIGHT/2));
            setLocation(paddle, 172, 525);

        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was movement
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // ensure circle follows top cursor
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                double y = 525;
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);


    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 24
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);
    // add ball to window
    add(window, ball);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);
    // add paddle to window
    add(window, paddle);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);
    // add label to window
    add(window, label);
    // declare laser
    GRect laser = NULL;

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;
    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // ball velocity
    double velocity_x = drand48() * 2 + 3;
    double velocity_y = drand48() * 2 + 3;
    bool ballMove = false;
    // GOD mode on
    bool God = false;
    if (argc == 2)
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "GOD") == 0)
            God = true;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        // when clicked, ball starts to move
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was moved
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED)
                ballMove = true;
        // ball movement
        if (ballMove == true)
            move(ball, velocity_x, velocity_y);
            // when ball hits the left edge
            if (getX(ball) <= 0)
                velocity_x *= -1;
            // when ball hits the right edge
            else if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
                velocity_x *= -1;
            // when ball hits the top edge
            else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
                velocity_y *= -1;
            // when ball hit the bottom edge
            else if (getY(ball) >= getHeight(window))
                lives -= 1;
                ballMove = false;
                setLocation(ball, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2);
        // if God mode is on, paddle x-position follows ball
        if (God == true)
             double y = getY(paddle);
             setLocation(paddle, getX(ball) + RADIUS - PADDLEWIDTH / 2.0, y);
        // else if God mode is off, paddle follow mouse movement
            // if we heard one
            if (event != NULL)
                // if the event was moved
                if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED && ballMove == true)
                    double x = getX(event) - PADDLEWIDTH / 2;
                    double y = getY(paddle);
                    // ensure paddle doesn't go out of window
                    if (getX(event) <= 0 + PADDLEWIDTH / 2)
                        setLocation(paddle, 0, y);    
                    else if (getX(event)>= getWidth(window) - PADDLEWIDTH / 2)
                        setLocation(paddle, getWidth(window) - PADDLEWIDTH, y);
                        setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        // during gameplay, when mouse is clicked, shoot laser
        if (event != NULL)
            if (ballMove == true && getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED && laser == NULL)
                // instantiate laser
                laser = newGRect(getX(paddle) + PADDLEWIDTH / 2 - LASERWIDTH / 2, getY(paddle) - LASERHEIGHT, LASERWIDTH, LASERHEIGHT);
                setColor(laser, "RED");
                setFilled(laser, true);
                add(window, laser);
        // if laser exists
        if (laser != NULL)
            // detect collision of laser with object
            GObject object2 = detectCollision2(window, laser);
            if (object2 != NULL)
                // if laser hits brick
                if (strcmp(getType(object2), "GRect") == 0 && object2 != paddle)
                    // remove laser and brick hit
                    GObject laserObj = getGObjectAt(window, getX(laser), getY(laser));
                    removeGWindow(window, laserObj);
                    laser = NULL;
                    removeGWindow(window, object2);
                    //  bricks higher in the game’s grid are worth more points than are bricks lower in the game’s grid
                    int brickheight = (100 - GAP * (ROWS + 1)) / ROWS;
                    for (int k = 0; k < ROWS; k++)
                        if (getY(object2) == 50 + (GAP * (k + 1)) + (brickheight * k))
                            points += ROWS - k;
                    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                    // decrease paddle width
                    bricks -= 1;
                    setSize(paddle, PADDLEWIDTH - PADDLEWIDTH * 2 / 4.0 * (((ROWS * COLS) - bricks) / (float)(ROWS * COLS)), PADDLEHEIGHT);
                    // increase velocity of ball
                    velocity_x += 0.1;
                    velocity_y += 0.1;
                // else if laser hits ball
                else if (object2 == ball)
                    GObject laserObj = getGObjectAt(window, getX(laser), getY(laser));
                    removeGWindow(window, laserObj);
                    laser = NULL;
                // else if laser over top edge
                else if (getY(laser) + LASERHEIGHT >= 0)
                    GObject laserObj = getGObjectAt(window, getX(laser), getY(laser));
                    removeGWindow(window, laserObj);
                    laser = NULL;
                move(laser, 0, -velocity_laser);
        // detect collision of ball with object
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL)
            // if ball collide with paddle
            if (object == paddle)
                velocity_y *= -1;
            // if ball collide with GRect object other than paddle (i.e. bricks)
            else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                velocity_y *= -1;
                removeGWindow(window, object);
                //  bricks higher in the game’s grid are worth more points than are bricks lower in the game’s grid
                int brickheight = (100 - GAP * (ROWS + 1)) / ROWS;
                for (int k = 0; k < ROWS; k++)
                    if (getY(object) == 50 + (GAP * (k + 1)) + (brickheight * k))
                        points += ROWS - k;
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                // paddle width decrease
                bricks -= 1;
                setSize(paddle, PADDLEWIDTH - PADDLEWIDTH * 2 / 4.0 * (((ROWS * COLS) - bricks) / (float)(ROWS * COLS)), PADDLEHEIGHT);
                // velocity of ball increases
                velocity_x += 0.1;
                velocity_y += 0.1;
        // when no more live or all bricks are broken
        if (lives == 0 || bricks == 0)

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 25
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // set velocity
    double randMagnitude = (drand48() + 1) / 40;
    int direction = (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1;
    double velocity_x = direction * randMagnitude;
    double velocity_y = 1;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if(event != NULL)
            if(getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                double paddle_x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle);
                double paddle_y = getY(paddle);
                setLocation(paddle, paddle_x, paddle_y);
        move(ball, velocity_x, velocity_y);
        if(getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
        else if(getX(ball) <= 0)
        else if(getY(ball) <= 0)
        else if(getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            setLocation(ball, (WIDTH - RADIUS) /2, (HEIGHT - 100) / 2);
            setLocation(paddle, (WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH) /2, HEIGHT - 50);
        GObject collision = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if(collision != NULL && strcmp(getType(collision), "GRect") == 0)
            if(collision != paddle)
                removeGWindow(window, collision);
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    double paddleLength = 60;
    double x, y, velocityx ,velocityy;
    velocityx = velocityy = 2;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // Check beyong paddle position
        if (getY(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getHeight(window)) 
            // if ball does not touch the bat but bottom of window
            //creates new ball object and deduct lives
            removeGWindow(window, ball); 
            if (lives <= 0)
       // Move paddle along with mouse
       GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
       if (event != NULL) 
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED) 
                double x = getX(event); 
                // Paddle should not go outside of the window
                if(x + getWidth(paddle) > getWidth(window))
                    x = (getWidth(window)- getWidth(paddle));
                double y = getHeight(window) - 50 - getHeight(paddle);
                setLocation(paddle, x,y); 
       // Accelerate x cordinates of the ball i.e. left and right
       if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            //printf("Inseide if getX(ball) event\n");
            velocityx = -velocityx;
       else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            //printf("Else if getX(ball) event\n");
            velocityx = -velocityx;
       //printf("After if getX(ball) event\n");
        // Acceleration control check for top of the window
       if (getY(ball) <= 0) 
            velocityy = -velocityy;                        
       // Acceleration control if ball collided with paddle or brick
       GObject object = detectCollision (window, ball); 
       if (object!= NULL) 
            // Acceleration control if ball collided with paddle
            if (object == paddle) 
                velocityy = -velocityy; 
                move(ball, velocityx, velocityy);
            // Acceleration, ScoreBoard,  brick control if ball collided with brick
            if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0 && getY(ball) < HEIGHT / 2) 
                points ++; 
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points); 
                bricks = bricks - 1;
                velocityy = -velocityy;
                if (bricks < 0)
        move(ball, velocityx, velocityy);
        pause (8);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 27
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // set velocity
    double x_velocity = drand48() + VELOCITY;
    double y_velocity = drand48() + VELOCITY;

    // keep playing until game over
    while(lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
    // paddle follows mouse
        GEvent follow_x = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (follow_x != NULL)
            if (getEventType(follow_x) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                double x = getX(follow_x) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                double y = HEIGHT - 150;
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        //move ball
        move(ball, x_velocity, y_velocity);
        //move ball left to right
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
           x_velocity = -x_velocity;
         else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            x_velocity = -x_velocity;
        //move ball up and down
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            int x = (WIDTH / 2);
            int y = (HEIGHT / 2);
            // y_velocity = -y_velocity;
            lives += -1;
            setLocation(ball, x, y);
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            y_velocity = -y_velocity;
       // ball collides with object
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL)
            if(strcmp(getType(object), "GLabel") == 0)
            }else if (object == paddle)
                y_velocity = -y_velocity;           
            else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0 && object != paddle)
                bricks += -1;
                removeGWindow(window, object); 
                y_velocity = -y_velocity;
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 28
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // initial velocity
    double xvelocity = drand48();
    double yvelocity = 2.0;
    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);

    // wait for mouse clicked

    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // bounce off top edge of window
        if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            yvelocity = -yvelocity;

        // bounce off right edge of window
        if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            xvelocity = -xvelocity;

        // bounce off left edge of window
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            xvelocity = -xvelocity;

        // detect collision
        if (detectCollision(window,ball) != NULL)
            GObject collision = detectCollision(window, ball);
            if (strcmp(getType(collision), "GRect") == 0)
                // if ball collided with any bricks remove
                if (collision != paddle)
                    removeGWindow(window, collision);
                    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                    yvelocity = -yvelocity;
                // if ball collided with paddle bounce 
                else if (collision == paddle)
                    yvelocity = -yvelocity;

        // restart ball if hit bottom edge of window
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            if (lives <= 0)
            removeGWindow(window, ball);
            ball = initBall(window);

        // start moving the ball
        move(ball, xvelocity, yvelocity);

        // wait for mouse event
        GEvent start_paddle = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (start_paddle != NULL)
            // move paddle with the mouse
            if (getEventType(start_paddle) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                // ensure paddle follows top cursor
                double x = getX(start_paddle) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
                if (x >= 0 && x <= WIDTH - 60)
                    setLocation(paddle, x, HEIGHT - 60);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 29
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator
    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    // instantiate bricks
    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);
    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);
    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);
    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;
    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;
    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // keep playing until game over 
    // TODO
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        move(ball, x_velocity, y_velocity);
        if(getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
            x_velocity = -x_velocity;
        else if(getX(ball) <= 0)
            x_velocity = -x_velocity;
        else if(getY(ball) <= 0)
            y_velocity = -y_velocity;
        else if(getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) >= getHeight(window))
            setLocation(ball, 190, 290);
            setLocation(paddle, 180, 560);
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL && strcmp(getType(object), "GLabel") != 0)
        if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
            if (object == paddle)
                y_velocity = -y_velocity;
                x_velocity = -x_velocity;
                removeGWindow(window, object);
                y_velocity = -y_velocity;
                x_velocity = -x_velocity;
        //Update scoreboard
        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (event != NULL)
            //if the event was mouse movement
            if(getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle)/2;
                double y = 560;
                setLocation(paddle, x, y);
    // You win! or...lose...
    if(bricks > 0)
        GLabel verdict = newGLabel("That all you got?");
        setFont(verdict, "SansSerif-50");
        setColor(verdict, "C71585");
        add(window, verdict);
        setLocation(verdict, 45, 150);
        GLabel verdict = newGLabel("You Win!!");
        setFont(verdict, "SansSerif-50");
        setColor(verdict, "C71585");
        add(window, verdict);
        setLocation(verdict, 185, 150);
    // wait for click before exiting
    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 30
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        double velocityX = drand48() * 5.0;
        double velocityY = 4.0;
        while (true)
            GEvent mouse = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
            if (mouse != NULL)
                if (getEventType(mouse) == MOUSE_MOVED)
                    double x = getX(mouse) - WPAD / 2;
                    setLocation(paddle, x, PADDLE_Y);
            move (ball, velocityX, velocityY);
            if (getX(ball) + RADIUS * 2 >= WIDTH)
                velocityX = -velocityX;
            else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
                velocityX = -velocityX;
            else if (getY(ball) + RADIUS * 2 >= HEIGHT)
                if (lives <= 0)
                    updateScoreboard(window, label, lives);
                    removeGWindow(window, ball);
                    removeGWindow(window, paddle);
                    setLocation(ball, (WIDTH / 2 - RADIUS), HEIGHT / 2 + RADIUS);
                    setLocation(paddle, (WIDTH - WPAD) / 2, PADDLE_Y);
                    velocityX = drand48() * 5.0;
            else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
                velocityY = -velocityY;
            GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
            if (detectCollision(window, ball))
                if (object == paddle)
                    velocityY = -velocityY;
                else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                    if (strcmp(getType(object), "GLabel") != 0)
                        velocityY = -velocityY;
                        removeGWindow(window, object);
                        updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                        if(bricks <= 0)
                            removeGWindow(window, ball);
                            removeGWindow(window, paddle);
                            return false;
    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;