Esempio n. 1
void URI::load_queries() {
  auto _ = query_;

  util::sview name  {};
  util::sview value {};
  util::sview::size_type base {0U};
  util::sview::size_type break_point {};

  while (true) {
    if ((break_point = _.find('=')) not_eq util::sview::npos) {
      name = _.substr(base, break_point);
      _.remove_prefix(name.length() + 1U);
    else {

    if ((break_point = _.find('&')) not_eq util::sview::npos) {
      value = _.substr(base, break_point);
      query_map_.emplace(name, value);
      _.remove_prefix(value.length() + 1U);
    else {
      query_map_.emplace(name, _);
Esempio n. 2
static size_t SkipInputToken(string_view const Str, subst_strings* const Strings = nullptr)
	const auto cTail = tokens::skip(Str, tokens::input);

	if (!cTail)
		return 0;

	string_view Tail(cTail);

	auto Range = Tail;

	brackets TitleBrackets{};
	const auto TitleSize = ProcessBrackets(Range, L'?', TitleBrackets);
	if (!TitleSize)
		return 0;


	brackets TextBrackets{};
	const auto TextSize = ProcessBrackets(Range, L'!', TextBrackets);
	if (!TextSize)
		return 0;


	if (Strings)
		Strings->Title.All = Tail.substr(0, TitleSize - 1);
		Strings->Text.All = Tail.substr(TitleSize, TextSize - 1);
		Strings->Title.Sub = TitleBrackets.str();
		Strings->Text.Sub = TextBrackets.str();

	return tokens::input.size() + TitleSize + TextSize;
Esempio n. 3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports all files (including subdirectories) from [directory] into the
// archive
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Archive::importDir(string_view directory)
	// Get a list of all files in the directory
	vector<string> files;
	for (const auto& item : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator{ directory })
		if (item.is_regular_file())

	// Go through files
	for (const auto& file : files)
		StrUtil::Path fn{ StrUtil::replace(file, directory, "") }; // Remove directory from entry name

		// Split filename into dir+name
		auto ename = fn.fileName();
		auto edir  = fn.path();

		// Remove beginning \ or / from dir
		if (StrUtil::startsWith(edir, '\\') || StrUtil::startsWith(edir, '/'))

		// Add the entry
		auto dir   = createDir(edir);
		auto entry = addNewEntry(ename, dir->numEntries() + 1, dir);

		// Load data

		// Set unmodified

	return true;
Esempio n. 4
void CommandLineParser::parseArgs(const std::vector<StringView>& args, CommandLineFlags& result) const
	size_t numPositionalConsumed = 0;
	size_t numFlagConsumed = 0;

	while (numFlagConsumed < args.size())
		auto flag = args[numFlagConsumed];
		if (!isOption(flag))	// Positional arguments
			if (numPositionalConsumed >= posFlagMap.size())
				throw ParseException("too many positional arguments");

			auto inserted = result.addFlag(posFlagMap[numPositionalConsumed].first, flag);
			assert(inserted && "Insertion failed");
		else	// Optional arguments

			// See if flag is "-help"
			if (flag == "help")
				throw HelpException();

			auto itr = optFlagMap.find(flag);
			if (itr == optFlagMap.end())
				throw ParseException("Option not recognized: " + flag.to_string());

			if (itr->second.defaultValue)
				if (numFlagConsumed >= args.size())
					throw ParseException("More argument needs to be provided after option " + flag.to_string());
				auto flagArg = args[numFlagConsumed];
				if (isOption(flagArg))
					throw ParseException("Found another option instead of an argument after option " + flag.to_string());

				auto inserted = result.addFlag(flag, flagArg);
				assert(inserted && "Insertion failed");
				auto inserted = result.addFlag(flag, "");
				assert(inserted && "Insertion failed");

	if (numPositionalConsumed < posFlagMap.size())
		throw ParseException("Not enough positional arguments are provided");

	for (auto const& mapping: optFlagMap)
		if (mapping.second.defaultValue && result.lookup(mapping.first) == nullptr)
			result.addFlag(mapping.first, *mapping.second.defaultValue);
 * This function moves outputs from final nodes to transitions leading to final nodes.
static void subsequential_to_normal_transducer(struct dictionary_node* root,
		struct dictionary_node* node,
		struct string_hash* inf_codes,
		int pos,unichar* z,
		Ustring* normalizedOutput) {
struct dictionary_node_transition* tmp=node->trans;
int prefix_set=0;
Ustring* prefix=new_Ustring();
while (tmp!=NULL) {
	/* First, if the destination state is final, we place its output on the output
	 * of the current transition */

	if (tmp->node->single_INF_code_list!=NULL) {
		//error("<%S>: output=<%S>\n",z,normalizedOutput->str);
	if (normalizedOutput->len!=0) {
		/* Then, we add the normalized output obtained recursively, if any */
		//error("<%S>: moving normalized output <%S>\n",z,normalizedOutput->str);
		if (tmp->output==NULL) {
		} else {
	if (!prefix_set) {
	} else {
if (node==root || node->single_INF_code_list!=NULL) {
	/* If we are in the initial state or a final one, we let the transitions as they are, since
	 * their outputs can not move more to the left */
while (tmp!=NULL) {
	//error("prefix removal: <%S> => ",tmp->output);
Esempio n. 6
      std::string operator()(const utils::piece& word)
	icu::UnicodeString uword = icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(icu::StringPiece(, word.size()));
	std::string word_stemmed;
	return word_stemmed;
Esempio n. 7
void RestServ::reset(HttpMessage& data) noexcept
    state_ = 0;

    const auto method = data.method();
    if (method == "GET") {
      state_ |= MethodGet;
    } else if (method == "POST") {
      state_ |= MethodPost;
    } else if (method == "PUT") {
      state_ |= MethodPut;
    } else if (method == "DELETE") {
      state_ |= MethodDelete;

    auto uri = data.uri();
    // Remove leading slash.
    if (uri.front() == '/') {
Esempio n. 8
static int parse_date(struct universaltime *ut, Octstr *os)
    if (remove_long(&ut->year, os) == -1 ||
        remove_prefix(os, octstr_imm("-")) == -1 ||
	remove_long(&ut->month, os) == -1 ||
        remove_prefix(os, octstr_imm("-")) == -1 ||
	remove_long(&ut->day, os) == -1 ||
        remove_prefix(os, octstr_imm(" ")) == -1 ||
	remove_long(&ut->hour, os) == -1 ||
        remove_prefix(os, octstr_imm(":")) == -1 ||
	remove_long(&ut->minute, os) == -1 ||
        remove_prefix(os, octstr_imm(":")) == -1 ||
	remove_long(&ut->second, os) == -1 ||
        remove_prefix(os, octstr_imm(" ")) == -1)
    	return -1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
	TokenType getNextToken(const util::FastInsertVector<string_view>& lines, size_t* line, size_t* offset, const string_view& whole,
		Location& pos, Token* out, bool crlf)
		bool flag = true;

		if(*line == lines.size())
			out->loc = pos;
			out->type = TokenType::EndOfFile;
			return TokenType::EndOfFile;

		string_view stream = lines[*line].substr(*offset);
			out->loc = pos;
			out->type = TokenType::EndOfFile;
			return TokenType::EndOfFile;

		size_t read = 0;
		size_t unicodeLength = 0;

		// first eat all whitespace
		skipWhitespace(stream, pos, offset);

		Token& tok = *out;
		tok.loc = pos;
		tok.type = TokenType::Invalid;

		// check compound symbols first.
		if(hasPrefix(stream, "//"))
			tok.type = TokenType::Comment;
			// stream = stream.substr(0, 0);
			pos.col = 0;

			(*offset) = 0;

			// don't assign lines[line] = stream, since over here we've changed 'line' to be the next one.
			flag = false;
			tok.text = "";
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "=="))
			tok.type = TokenType::EqualsTo;
			tok.text = "==";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, ">="))
			tok.type = TokenType::GreaterEquals;
			tok.text = ">=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "<="))
			tok.type = TokenType::LessThanEquals;
			tok.text = "<=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "!="))
			tok.type = TokenType::NotEquals;
			tok.text = "!=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "||"))
			tok.type = TokenType::LogicalOr;
			tok.text = "||";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "&&"))
			tok.type = TokenType::LogicalAnd;
			tok.text = "&&";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "<-"))
			tok.type = TokenType::LeftArrow;
			tok.text = "<-";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "->"))
			tok.type = TokenType::RightArrow;
			tok.text = "->";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "<="))
			tok.type = TokenType::FatLeftArrow;
			tok.text = "<=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "=>"))
			tok.type = TokenType::FatRightArrow;
			tok.text = "=>";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "++"))
			tok.type = TokenType::DoublePlus;
			tok.text = "++";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "--"))
			tok.type = TokenType::DoubleMinus;
			tok.text = "--";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "+="))
			tok.type = TokenType::PlusEq;
			tok.text = "+=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "-="))
			tok.type = TokenType::MinusEq;
			tok.text = "-=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "*="))
			tok.type = TokenType::MultiplyEq;
			tok.text = "*=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "/="))
			tok.type = TokenType::DivideEq;
			tok.text = "/=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "%="))
			tok.type = TokenType::ModEq;
			tok.text = "%=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "&="))
			tok.type = TokenType::AmpersandEq;
			tok.text = "&=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "|="))
			tok.type = TokenType::PipeEq;
			tok.text = "|=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "^="))
			tok.type = TokenType::CaretEq;
			tok.text = "^=";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "::"))
			tok.type = TokenType::DoubleColon;
			tok.text = "::";
			read = 2;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "..."))
			tok.type = TokenType::Ellipsis;
			tok.text = "...";
			read = 3;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "..<"))
			tok.type = TokenType::HalfOpenEllipsis;
			tok.text = "..<";
			read = 3;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "/*"))
			int currentNest = 1;

			// support nested, so basically we have to loop until we find either a /* or a */
			(*offset) += 2;
			pos.col += 2;

			Location opening = pos;
			Location curpos = pos;

			size_t k = 0;
			while(currentNest > 0)
				// we can do this, because we know the closing token (*/) is 2 chars long
				// so if we have 1 char left, gg.
				if(k + 1 == stream.size() || stream[k] == '\n')
					if(*line + 1 == lines.size())
						error(opening, "expected closing */ (reached EOF), for block comment started here:");

					// else, get the next line.
					// also note: if we're in this loop, we're inside a block comment.
					// since the ending token cannot be split across lines, we know that this last char
					// must also be part of the comment. hence, just skip over it.

					k = 0;
					curpos.col = 0;
					(*offset) = 0;

					stream = lines[*line];

				if(stream[k] == '/' && stream[k + 1] == '*')
					currentNest++, k++, curpos.col++, opening = curpos;

				else if(stream[k] == '*' && stream[k + 1] == '/')
					currentNest--, k++, curpos.col++;


			if(currentNest != 0)
				error(opening, "expected closing */ (reached EOF), for block comment started here:");

			pos = curpos;

			// don't actually store the text, because it's pointless and memory-wasting
			// tok.text = "/* I used to be a comment like you, until I took a memory-leak to the knee. */";
			tok.type = TokenType::Comment;
			tok.text = "";
			read = k;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "*/"))
			unexpected(tok.loc, "'*/'");

		// attrs
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "@nomangle"))
			tok.type = TokenType::Attr_NoMangle;
			tok.text = "@nomangle";
			read = 9;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "@entry"))
			tok.type = TokenType::Attr_EntryFn;
			tok.text = "@entry";
			read = 6;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "@raw"))
			tok.type = TokenType::Attr_Raw;
			tok.text = "@raw";
			read = 4;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "@operator"))
			tok.type = TokenType::Attr_Operator;
			tok.text = "@operator";
			read = 9;

		// unicode stuff
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "ƒ"))
			tok.type = TokenType::Func;
			read = std::string("ƒ").length();
			tok.text = "ƒ";

			unicodeLength = 1;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "fi"))
			tok.type = TokenType::ForeignFunc;
			read = std::string("fi").length();
			tok.text = "fi";

			unicodeLength = 1;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "÷"))
			tok.type = TokenType::Divide;
			read = std::string("÷").length();
			tok.text = "÷";

			unicodeLength = 1;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "≠"))
			tok.type = TokenType::NotEquals;
			read = std::string("≠").length();
			tok.text = "≠";

			unicodeLength = 1;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "≤"))
			tok.type = TokenType::LessThanEquals;
			read = std::string("≤").length();
			tok.text = "≤";

			unicodeLength = 1;
		else if(hasPrefix(stream, "≥"))
			tok.type = TokenType::GreaterEquals;
			read = std::string("≥").length();
			tok.text = "≥";

			unicodeLength = 1;

		// note some special-casing is needed to differentiate between unary +/- and binary +/-
		// cases where we want binary:
		// ...) + 3
		// ...] + 3
		// ident + 3
		// number + 3
		// string + 3
		// so in every other case we want unary +/-.
		// note: this dumb '<=255' thing is because windows likes to assert useless things.
		else if((!stream.empty() && ((stream[0] >= 1 && (int) stream[0] <= 255 && isdigit(stream[0])) || shouldConsiderUnaryLiteral(stream, pos)))
			/* handle cases like '+ 3' or '- 14' (ie. space between sign and number) */
			&& ((isdigit(stream[0]) ? true : false) || (stream.size() > 1 && isdigit(stream[1]))))
			// copy it.
			auto tmp = stream;

			if(tmp.find('-') == 0 || tmp.find('+') == 0)

			int base = 10;
			if(tmp.find("0x") == 0 || tmp.find("0X") == 0)
				base = 16, tmp.remove_prefix(2);

			else if(tmp.find("0b") == 0 || tmp.find("0B") == 0)
				base = 2, tmp.remove_prefix(2);

			// find that shit
			auto end = std::find_if_not(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), [base](const char& c) -> bool {
				if(base == 10)	return isdigit(c);
				if(base == 16)	return isdigit(c) || (toupper(c) >= 'A' && toupper(c) <= 'F');
				else			return (c == '0' || c == '1');

			tmp.remove_prefix((end - tmp.begin()));

			// check if we have 'e' or 'E'
			bool hadExp = false;
			if(tmp.size() > 0 && (tmp[0] == 'e' || tmp[0] == 'E'))
				if(base != 10)
					error("exponential form is supported with neither hexadecimal nor binary literals");

				// find that shit
				auto next = std::find_if_not(tmp.begin() + 1, tmp.end(), isdigit);

				// this does the 'e' as well.
				tmp.remove_prefix(next - tmp.begin());

				hadExp = true;

			size_t didRead = stream.size() - tmp.size();
			auto post = stream.substr(didRead);

			if(!post.empty() && post[0] == '.')
				if(base != 10)
					error("invalid floating point literal; only valid in base 10");

				else if(hadExp)
					error("invalid floating point literal; decimal point cannot occur after the exponent ('e' or 'E').");

				// if the previous token was a '.' as well, then we're doing some tuple access
				// eg. x.0.1 (we would be at '0', having a period both ahead and behind us)

				// if the next token is not a number, then same thing, eg.
				// x.0.z, where the first tuple element of 'x' is a struct or something.

				// so -- lex a floating point *iff* the previous token was not '.', and the next token is a digit.
				if(prevType != TokenType::Period && post.size() > 1 && isdigit(post[1]))
					// yes, parse a floating point
					post.remove_prefix(1), didRead++;

					while(post.size() > 0 && isdigit(post.front()))
						post.remove_prefix(1), didRead++;

					// ok.
					// no, just return the integer token.
					// (which we do below, so just do nothing here)

			tok.text = stream.substr(0, didRead);

			tok.type = TokenType::Number;
			tok.loc.len = didRead;

			read = didRead;
		else if(!stream.empty() && (stream[0] == '_'  || utf8iscategory(, stream.size(), UTF8_CATEGORY_LETTER) > 0))
			// get as many letters as possible first
			size_t identLength = utf8iscategory(, stream.size(),

			read = identLength;
			tok.text = stream.substr(0, identLength);

			if(auto it = keywordMap.find(tok.text); it != keywordMap.end())
				tok.type = it->second;

Esempio n. 10
static void populate_multiboot(struct dirent *root, struct bootinfo *bi)
    lvaddr_t data;
    size_t len;
    errval_t err;

    assert(root != NULL);

    // create bootscript file
    struct dirent *bootscript_f;
    err = ramfs_create(root, BOOTSCRIPT_FILE_NAME, &bootscript_f);
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error creating bootscript file");

    debug_printf("pre-populating from boot image...\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < bi->regions_length; i++) {
        struct mem_region *region = &bi->regions[i];
        if (region->mr_type != RegionType_Module) { /* Not of module type */

        const char *name = remove_prefix(multiboot_module_name(region));

        // is this a ramfs image we should unpack?
        if (strstr(name, "_ramfs.cpio.gz") != NULL) {
            debug_printf("unpacking Gzipped CPIO %s\n", name);
            err = spawn_map_module(region, &len, &data, NULL);
            if (err_is_fail(err)) {
                USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error in spawn_map_module");

            err = unpack_cpiogz(root, (void *)data, len);
            if (err_is_fail(err)) {
                USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error unpacking ramfs image");

            // TODO: unmap
        } else if (strstr(name, "_ramfs.cpio") != NULL) {
            debug_printf("unpacking CPIO %s\n", name);
            err = spawn_map_module(region, &len, &data, NULL);
            if (err_is_fail(err)) {
                USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error in spawn_map_module");

            err = unpack_cpio(root, (void *)data, len);
            if (err_is_fail(err)) {
                USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error unpacking ramfs image");

            // TODO: unmap
        } else {
            // map the image
            err = getimage(region, &len, &data);
            if (err_is_fail(err)) {
                USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error in getimage");

            // copy to ramfs
            err = write_file(root, name, (void *)data, len);
            if (err_is_fail(err)) {
                if (err_no(err) == FS_ERR_EXISTS) {
                    debug_printf("%s already exists, skipping it\n", name);
                } else {
                    USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error in write_file");

            // TODO: unmap

            // append line to bootscript
            const char *args = remove_prefix(multiboot_module_rawstring(region));
            err = append_to_file(bootscript_f, args);
            if (err_is_fail(err)) {
                USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "error appending to bootscript");

Esempio n. 11
void LLXferManager::processFileRequest (LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void ** /*user_data*/)
	U64 id;
	std::string local_filename;
	ELLPath local_path = LL_PATH_NONE;
	S32 result = LL_ERR_NOERR;
	LLUUID	uuid;
	LLAssetType::EType type;
	S16 type_s16;
	BOOL b_use_big_packets;

	mesgsys->getBOOL("XferID", "UseBigPackets", b_use_big_packets);
	mesgsys->getU64Fast(_PREHASH_XferID, _PREHASH_ID, id);
	char U64_BUF[MAX_STRING];		/* Flawfinder : ignore */
	llinfos << "xfer request id: " << U64_to_str(id, U64_BUF, sizeof(U64_BUF))
		   << " to " << mesgsys->getSender() << llendl;

	mesgsys->getStringFast(_PREHASH_XferID, _PREHASH_Filename, local_filename);
		U8 local_path_u8;
		mesgsys->getU8("XferID", "FilePath", local_path_u8);
		local_path = (ELLPath)local_path_u8;

	mesgsys->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_XferID, _PREHASH_VFileID, uuid);
	mesgsys->getS16Fast(_PREHASH_XferID, _PREHASH_VFileType, type_s16);
	type = (LLAssetType::EType)type_s16;

	LLXfer *xferp;

	if (uuid != LLUUID::null)
		if(NULL == LLAssetType::lookup(type))
			llwarns << "Invalid type for xfer request: " << uuid << ":"
					<< type_s16 << " to " << mesgsys->getSender() << llendl;
		llinfos << "starting vfile transfer: " << uuid << "," << LLAssetType::lookup(type) << " to " << mesgsys->getSender() << llendl;

		if (! mVFS)
			llwarns << "Attempt to send VFile w/o available VFS" << llendl;

		xferp = (LLXfer *)new LLXfer_VFile(mVFS, uuid, type);
		if (xferp)
			xferp->mNext = mSendList;
			mSendList = xferp;	
			result = xferp->startSend(id,mesgsys->getSender());
			llerrs << "Xfer allcoation error" << llendl;
	else if (!local_filename.empty())
		// See DEV-21775 for detailed security issues

		if (local_path == LL_PATH_NONE)
			// this handles legacy simulators that are passing objects
			// by giving a filename that explicitly names the cache directory
			static const std::string legacy_cache_prefix = "data/";
			if (remove_prefix(local_filename, legacy_cache_prefix))
				local_path = LL_PATH_CACHE;

		switch (local_path)
			case LL_PATH_NONE:
					llwarns << "SECURITY: Unapproved filename '" << local_filename << llendl;

			case LL_PATH_CACHE:
					llwarns << "SECURITY: Illegal cache filename '" << local_filename << llendl;

				llwarns << "SECURITY: Restricted file dir enum: " << (U32)local_path << llendl;

		std::string expanded_filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename( local_path, local_filename );
		llinfos << "starting file transfer: " <<  expanded_filename << " to " << mesgsys->getSender() << llendl;

		BOOL delete_local_on_completion = FALSE;
		mesgsys->getBOOL("XferID", "DeleteOnCompletion", delete_local_on_completion);

		// -1 chunk_size causes it to use the default
		xferp = (LLXfer *)new LLXfer_File(expanded_filename, delete_local_on_completion, b_use_big_packets ? LL_XFER_LARGE_PAYLOAD : -1);
		if (xferp)
			xferp->mNext = mSendList;
			mSendList = xferp;	
			result = xferp->startSend(id,mesgsys->getSender());
			llerrs << "Xfer allcoation error" << llendl;
		char U64_BUF[MAX_STRING];		/* Flawfinder : ignore */
		llinfos << "starting memory transfer: "
			<< U64_to_str(id, U64_BUF, sizeof(U64_BUF)) << " to "
			<< mesgsys->getSender() << llendl;

		xferp = findXfer(id, mSendList);
		if (xferp)
			result = xferp->startSend(id,mesgsys->getSender());
			llinfos << "Warning: " << U64_BUF << " not found." << llendl;
			result = LL_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;

	if (result)
		if (xferp)
		else // can happen with a memory transfer not found
			llinfos << "Aborting xfer to " << mesgsys->getSender() << " with error: " << result << llendl;

			mesgsys->addU64Fast(_PREHASH_ID, id);
			mesgsys->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_Result, result);
	else if(xferp && (numActiveXfers(xferp->mRemoteHost) < mMaxOutgoingXfersPerCircuit))
//		llinfos << "***STARTING XFER IMMEDIATELY***" << llendl;
			llinfos << "  queueing xfer request, " << numPendingXfers(xferp->mRemoteHost) << " ahead of this one" << llendl;
			llwarns << "LLXferManager::processFileRequest() - no xfer found!"
					<< llendl;
Esempio n. 12
  assemble_nwa(ProcedureMap const & procedures,
               boost::function<void (Nwa &, State, State)> call_inserter,
               boost::function<void (Nwa &, State, State, State)> return_inserter)
    NwaRefPtr finalnwa = new Nwa();

    std::map<std::string, std::set<State> > entries_map;
    std::map<std::string, std::set<State> > exits_map;

    // We will set up the states, then fix up the transitions.
    // First, combine all of the procedures (to get all the states
    // and transitions.)
    for (ProcedureMap::const_iterator proc = procedures.begin();
         proc != procedures.end(); ++proc)
      NwaRefPtr min = minimize_internal_nwa(proc->second);
      //NwaRefPtr min = proc->second;

      entries_map[proc->first] = min->getInitialStates();
      exits_map[proc->first] = min->getFinalStates();

      if (proc->first != "main") {


    // Now set up the transitions
    // Now, find each of the transitions on a symbol __call__*. These
    // are the transitions we will replace.
    Nwa::Internals fake_call_transitions;
    for (Nwa::InternalIterator trans=finalnwa->beginInternalTrans();
         trans != finalnwa->endInternalTrans(); ++trans)
      std::string symbol = key2str(trans->second);

      if (string_starts_with(symbol, call_prefix)) {

    // Okay, now we have to do two things with each of those
    // transitions. The simpler one is to remove it. The more
    // complicated one is add a call and a return transition.  The
    // call transition goes from the source to the entry of the
    // procedure that corresponds to the transition's symbol. The
    // return goes from the exit of that procedure to the return
    // node, with the call node as the predecessor.
    // Schematically:
    //                  C ------------------> R
    //                       __call__foo
    // turns into
    //                  C               R
    //                  |              /\     .
    //             call |               | return (C as call predecessor)
    //                  |               |
    //                  V               |
    //             entry_foo         exit_foo
    for (Nwa::Internals::iterator fake_call = fake_call_transitions.begin();
         fake_call != fake_call_transitions.end(); ++fake_call)
      // Remove the fake call.

      // Prepare for the call and return transitions
      Key call_site = fake_call->first;
      Key return_site = fake_call->third;
      std::string symbol = key2str(fake_call->second);
      std::string callee_name = remove_prefix(symbol, call_prefix);
      assert(entries_map.find(callee_name) != entries_map.end());
      assert(exits_map.find(callee_name) != exits_map.end());
      std::set<State> const & entries = entries_map[callee_name];
      std::set<State> const & exits = exits_map[callee_name];

      // I don't think these assertions are necessary for the below
      // to work, but they do apply in my setting. TODO: consider
      // removing them when I make this code more general. -Evan
      // 3/10/11 (Actually change to >= 1 instead of remove
      // entirely.)
      assert(entries.size() == 1);

      // Now add the call transition(s)
      for (std::set<State>::const_iterator entry = entries.begin();
           entry != entries.end(); ++entry)
        call_inserter(*finalnwa, call_site, *entry);
        //finalnwa->addCallTrans(call_site, call_key, *entry);
        //finalnwa->addInternalTrans(call_site, EPSILON, *entry);

      // Now add the return transition(s)
      for (std::set<State>::const_iterator exit = exits.begin();
           exit != exits.end(); ++exit)
        return_inserter(*finalnwa, *exit, call_site, return_site);
        //finalnwa->addReturnTrans(*exit, call_site, return_key, return_site);
        //finalnwa->addInternalTrans(*exit, EPSILON, return_site);

    // Finally, we remove the __call__ symbols from the automaton.
    std::set<Symbol> to_remove;
    for (Nwa::SymbolIterator symiter = finalnwa->beginSymbols();
         symiter != finalnwa->endSymbols(); ++symiter)
      Symbol symbol = *symiter;

      if (string_starts_with(key2str(symbol), call_prefix)) {
        // It shouldn't be used in any transitions. Check that.
        assert(query::getSources_Sym(*finalnwa, symbol).size() == 0);
        assert(query::getCallSites_Sym(*finalnwa, symbol).size() == 0);
        assert(query::getExits_Sym(*finalnwa, symbol).size() == 0);

        // Now schedule it for removal

    for (std::set<Symbol>::iterator s=to_remove.begin(); s!=to_remove.end(); ++s){

    return finalnwa;
  } // end assemble_nwa()
Esempio n. 13
static char *
get_session_file (void)
  static const char prefix[] = "/" DBUS_DIR "/" DBUS_SESSION_BUS_DIR "/";
  const char *machine;
  const char *home;
  char *display;
  char *result;
  char *p;

  machine = get_machine_uuid ();
  if (machine == NULL)
    return NULL;

  display = xstrdup (getenv ("DISPLAY"));
  if (display == NULL)
      verbose ("X11 integration disabled because X11 is not running\n");
      return NULL;

  /* remove the screen part of the display name */
  p = strrchr (display, ':');
  if (p != NULL)
      for ( ; *p; ++p)
          if (*p == '.')
              *p = '\0';

  /* Note that we leave the hostname in the display most of the
   * time. The idea is that we want to be per-(machine,display,user)
   * triplet to be extra-sure we get a bus we can connect to. Ideally
   * we'd recognize when the hostname matches the machine we're on in
   * all cases; we do try to drop localhost and localhost.localdomain
   * as a special common case so that alternate spellings of DISPLAY
   * don't result in extra bus instances.
   * We also kill the ":" if there's nothing in front of it. This
   * avoids an ugly double underscore in the filename.
  remove_prefix (display, "localhost.localdomain:");
  remove_prefix (display, "localhost:");
  remove_prefix (display, ":");

  /* replace the : in the display with _ if the : is still there.
   * use _ instead of - since it can't be in hostnames.
  for (p = display; *p; ++p)
      if (*p == ':')
        *p = '_';
  home = get_homedir ();
  result = malloc (strlen (home) + strlen (prefix) + strlen (machine) +
                   strlen (display) + 2);
  if (result == NULL)
      /* out of memory */
      free (display);
      return NULL;

  strcpy (result, home);
  strcat (result, prefix);
  strcat (result, machine);
  strcat (result, "-");
  strcat (result, display);
  free (display);

  verbose ("session file: %s\n", result);
  return result;
Esempio n. 14
/* Main server loop */
int server() {
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

    int listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

    // Keep socket open
    int option = 1;
	setsockopt(listenfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &option, sizeof(option));

    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    memset(&serv_addr, '0', sizeof(serv_addr));
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(5004);

    bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));

    if (listen(listenfd, 10) == -1) {
        printf("Failed to listen\n");
        return -1;

    for (;;) {
        int connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)NULL ,NULL);

	    if (fork() == 0) {

    	    // receive requests
        	char requestBuff[100];
    		recv(connfd, &requestBuff, 100, 0);

            // Our response to the client
            char responseBuffer[10];

            // create the full path
            char *fullPath = pkg_path(remove_prefix(requestBuff));

    		// The request is for a package dl
    		if (strstr(requestBuff, "PKG:")) {

                // check if packages exists on server
    			if (pkg_exists(fullPath) == 1) {

                    // tell the client that it exists
                    strcpy(responseBuffer, "EXISTS");
                    send(connfd, &responseBuffer, 10, 0);

                    // Open the file that we wish to transfer
                    FILE *fp = fopen(fullPath, "rb");
                    if (fp == NULL) {
                        printf("File open error");
                        return 1;

                    // calculate and send file size
                    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
                    int fileSize = htonl(ftell(fp));
                    send(connfd, &fileSize, sizeof(fileSize), 0);

                    // Transfer the file
                    for (;;) {

                        // First read file in chunks of BUF_SIZE bytes
                        unsigned char buff[BUF_SIZE]={0};
                        int nread = fread(buff,1,BUF_SIZE,fp);
                        //printf("Bytes read %d\n", nread);

                        // If read was success, send data
                        if (nread > 0) {
                            write(connfd, buff, nread);

                        if (nread < BUF_SIZE) {
                            if (feof(fp))
                                //printf("End of file\n");
                            if (ferror(fp))
                                printf("Error reading\n");


                else {
                    strcpy(responseBuffer, "NOEXIST");
                    send(connfd, &responseBuffer, 10, 0);

            // The request is for package existence
            else if (strstr(requestBuff, "EXT:")) {

                // check if packages exists on server
                if (pkg_exists(fullPath) == 1) {

                    // tell the client that it exists
                    strcpy(responseBuffer, "EXISTS");
                    send(connfd, &responseBuffer, 10, 0);
                else {

                    // tell the client that it doesn't exist
                    strcpy(responseBuffer, "NOEXIST");
                    send(connfd, &responseBuffer, 10, 0);

            // free memory

        else {


	return 0;