Esempio n. 1
/* Remove the user with matching user and group name and
 * remove all her transactions from the transaction list.
 * Return 0 on success, and -1 if no matching user exists.
 * Remember to free memory no longer needed.
 * (Wait on implementing the removal of the user's transactions until you
 * get to Part III below, when you will implement transactions.)
int remove_user(Group *group, const char *user_name) {
    /* Gets the previous user before the user to be deleted if the to be deleted
     * user is not a head. If the to be deleted user is a head, the to be deleted
     * is returned. If the user doesn't exist in the group, NULL is returned.
    User *prev_user = find_prev_user(group, user_name);

    /* If the user returned is not NULL, this means that user exists in the group,
     * therefore we check if the returned user is a head or the previous user.
     *      1) If it is a previous user, we set the previous user next pointer to
     *         the next next user and free space for the deleted user.
    if (prev_user != NULL) {
        if (strcmp(prev_user->name, user_name) == 0) {
            group->users = prev_user->next;
            remove_xct(group, user_name);
            return 0;

        /*      2) If it is a head node, we reset the head to the next user and free
         *         up space for the deleted node. Free space for the user name 
         *         and the user, also points the user to NULL to avoid dangling 
         *         pointers.
        } else if (strcmp(prev_user->next->name, user_name) == 0) {
            User *temp = prev_user->next;
            prev_user->next = prev_user->next->next;
            remove_xct(group, user_name);

        // Return 0 if we the deletion is successful.
        return 0;

    /* If the user returned is NULL, that means the user name doesn't exist, no
     * users are deleted, and -1 is returned.
    } else {
        return -1;
Esempio n. 2
/* Remove the user with matching user and group name and
* remove all her transactions from the transaction list. 
* Return 0 on success, and -1 if no matching user exists.
* Remember to free memory no longer needed.
* (Wait on implementing the removal of the user's transactions until you 
* get to Part III below, when you will implement transactions.)
int remove_user(Group *group, const char *user_name) {
    User *ptr;
    ptr = group->users;
    while( ptr->next != NULL){
		//If the next node is the node to be deleted
		if(strcmp((ptr->next)->name, user_name) == 0){
			//Keep a pointer on the thing to delete so as to free up
			//memory later
			User *delete = ptr->next;
			ptr->next = (ptr->next)->next;
			//Remove the xcts
			remove_xct(group, user_name);
			return 0;