Esempio n. 1
// draw callback
// Purposes:
//		- Load the navigation matrix to reflect frame's navigation
//		- Use OpenGL to generate computer graphics.
void draw(arMasterSlaveFramework& framework)
	// Load the navigation matrix.
	// Generate graphics.
	if(selectionMode == 2)
		renderPrimitive(-2.5f); // draws square with quadrants
		drawObjects(-2.5f); // draw the mini versions
	vector<arInteractable*>::iterator i;
	for(i=objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i) 
		Object* oby = ((Object*)(*i));

	// Draw the effectors.

Esempio n. 2
    Function: Runs the application display
        - Check key operations as they may have adverse effects on the
            display state e.g may require the display matrix to move forward
        - Set Clear color ( RED in this case )
        - Clear the color buffer ( Using GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT )
            information in other buffers will come later
        - Load the Identity Matrix ( Poorly named me thinks )
            to reset our drawing locations
        - Move the camera to look in the required direction
        - Render object to screen ( Will render at location: 0, 0, -5 )
        - Swap buffers
        - Calcualte transofrmations for object
    End State:
        Rendering of picture to the the window of the application

void display(void)
        Check any keyboard operations that may alter the display of the
        next frame

    // Clear color is set to RED
    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    // Clear the color buffer


    // Set lights up
    GLfloat DiffuseLight[] = { diffuseLightRed, diffuseLightGreen, diffuseLightBlue };
    GLfloat AmbientLight[] = { ambientLightRed, ambientLightGreen, ambientLightBlue };
    glLightfv (GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, DiffuseLight); //change the light accordingly
    glLightfv (GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, AmbientLight); //change the light accordingly

    // Set light position
    GLfloat LightPosition[] = {lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW}; // lightW indicates if it is a point light
    glLightfv (GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, LightPosition); //change the light accordingly

    // Reset Identity Matrix

    // Light the scene

    // Look at a point
    gluLookAt (ViewPositionX, ViewPositionY, ViewPositionZ - 10.0, ViewPositionX, ViewPositionY, ViewPositionZ, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

    // Render objects

    // Swap the old buffer out for the new rendered image

    // Increase angle
    angle += 0.1;
Esempio n. 3
	void mergeFaceRender(world::chunk* c) {
		int cx = c->cx, cy = c->cy, cz = c->cz;
		int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
		QuadPrimitive cur;
		int cur_l_mx;
		block bl, neighbour;
		brightness br;
		bool valid = false;
		for (int steps = 0; steps < 3; steps++) {
			cur = QuadPrimitive();
			cur_l_mx = bl = neighbour = br = 0;
			//Linear merge
			renderer::Init(3, 3);
			for (int d = 0; d < 6; d++){
				cur.direction = d;
				for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
					for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
						//Get position
						if (d < 2) x = i, y = j, z = k;
						else if (d < 4) x = i, y = j, z = k;
						else x = k, y = i, z = j;
						//Get properties
						bl = c->getblock(x, y, z);
						//Get neighbour properties
						int xx = x + delta[d][0], yy = y + delta[d][1], zz = z + delta[d][2];
						int gx = cx * 16 + xx, gy = cy * 16 + yy, gz = cz * 16 + zz;
						if (xx < 0 || xx >= 16 || yy < 0 || yy >= 16 || zz < 0 || zz >= 16) {
							neighbour = world::getblock(gx, gy, gz);
							br = world::getbrightness(gx, gy, gz);
						else {
							neighbour = c->getblock(xx, yy, zz);
							br = c->getbrightness(xx, yy, zz);
						if (bl == blocks::AIR || bl == neighbour && bl != blocks::LEAF || BlockInfo(neighbour).isOpaque() ||
							steps == 0 && BlockInfo(bl).isTranslucent() ||
							steps == 1 && (!BlockInfo(bl).isTranslucent() || !BlockInfo(bl).isSolid()) ||
							steps == 2 && (!BlockInfo(bl).isTranslucent() || BlockInfo(bl).isSolid())) {
							//Not valid block
							if (valid) {
								if (BlockInfo(neighbour).isOpaque()) {
									if (cur_l_mx < cur.length) cur_l_mx = cur.length;
								else {
									valid = false;
						if (valid) {
							if (bl != cur.block || br != cur.brightness) {
								cur.x = x; cur.y = y; cur.z = z; cur.length = cur_l_mx = 0;
								cur.block = bl; cur.brightness = br;
							else {
								if (cur_l_mx > cur.length) cur.length = cur_l_mx;
						else {
							valid = true;
							cur.x = x; cur.y = y; cur.z = z; cur.length = cur_l_mx = 0;
							cur.block = bl; cur.brightness = br;
					if (valid) {
						valid = false;
			renderer::Flush(c->vbuffer[steps], c->vertexes[steps]);