Esempio n. 1
static void
scrollback_push(uchar *line)
  if (term.sblines == term.sblen) {
    // Need to make space for the new line.
    if (term.sblen < cfg.scrollback_lines) {
      // Expand buffer
      assert(term.sbpos == 0);
      int new_sblen = min(cfg.scrollback_lines, term.sblen * 3 + 1024);
      term.scrollback = renewn(term.scrollback, new_sblen);
      term.sbpos = term.sblen;
      term.sblen = new_sblen;
    else if (term.sblines) {
      // Throw away the oldest line
  assert(term.sblines < term.sblen);
  assert(term.sbpos < term.sblen);
  term.scrollback[term.sbpos++] = line;
  if (term.sbpos == term.sblen)
    term.sbpos = 0;
  if (term.tempsblines < term.sblines)
Esempio n. 2
File: term.c Progetto: ttdoda/mintty
in_results(pos scrpos)
  if (term.results.length == 0) {
    return 0;

  pos abspos = {
    .x = scrpos.x,
    .y = scrpos.y + term.sblines

  int match = in_results_recurse(abspos, 0, term.results.length);
  match += in_result(abspos, term.results.results[term.results.current]);
  return match;

results_add(result abspos)
  assert(term.results.capacity > 0);
  if (term.results.length == term.results.capacity) {
    term.results.capacity *= 2;
    term.results.results = renewn(term.results.results, term.results.capacity);

  term.results.results[term.results.length] = abspos;
Esempio n. 3
shell_exec_thread(void *data)
  wchar *wpath = data;

#ifdef __CYGWIN__
  /* Need to sync the Windows environment */

  if ((INT_PTR)ShellExecuteW(wnd, 0, wpath, 0, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32) {
    uint error = GetLastError();
    if (error != ERROR_CANCELLED) {
      int msglen = 1024;
      wchar * msg = newn(wchar, msglen);
        0, error, 0, msg, msglen, 0
      wchar sep[] = W("\n");
      msg = renewn(msg, wcslen(msg) + wcslen(sep) + wcslen(wpath) + 1);
      wcscat(msg, sep);
      wcscat(msg, wpath);
      message_box_w(0, msg, null, MB_ICONERROR, null);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
File: term.c Progetto: ttdoda/mintty
  term.results.results = renewn(term.results.results, 16);
  term.results.current = 0;
  term.results.length = 0;
  term.results.capacity = 16;
Esempio n. 5
static void
insert_controlset(controlbox *b, int index, controlset *s)
  if (b->nctrlsets >= b->ctrlsetsize) {
    b->ctrlsetsize = b->nctrlsets + 32;
    b->ctrlsets = renewn(b->ctrlsets, b->ctrlsetsize);
  if (index < b->nctrlsets)
    memmove(&b->ctrlsets[index + 1], &b->ctrlsets[index],
            (b->nctrlsets - index) * sizeof(*b->ctrlsets));
  b->ctrlsets[index] = s;
Esempio n. 6
/* Allocate some private data in a controlbox. */
void *
ctrl_alloc(controlbox * b, size_t size)
  void *p;
  * This is an internal allocation routine, so it's allowed to
  * use malloc directly.
  p = malloc(size);
  if (b->nfrees >= b->freesize) {
    b->freesize = b->nfrees + 32;
    b->frees = renewn(b->frees, b->freesize);
  b->frees[b->nfrees++] = p;
  return p;
Esempio n. 7
static control *
ctrl_new(controlset *s, int type, handler_fn handler, void *context)
  control *c = new(control);
  if (s->ncontrols >= s->ctrlsize) {
    s->ctrlsize = s->ncontrols + 32;
    s->ctrls = renewn(s->ctrls, s->ctrlsize);
  s->ctrls[s->ncontrols++] = c;
  * Fill in the standard fields.
  c->type = type;
  c->column = COLUMN_FIELD(0, s->ncolumns);
  c->handler = handler;
  c->context = context;
  c->label = null;
  c->plat_ctrl = null;
  return c;
Esempio n. 8
 * Set up the terminal for a given size.
term_resize(int newrows, int newcols)
  bool on_alt_screen = term.on_alt_screen;
  term_switch_screen(0, false);

  term.selected = false;

  term.marg_top = 0;
  term.marg_bot = newrows - 1;

  * Resize the screen and scrollback. We only need to shift
  * lines around within our data structures, because lineptr()
  * will take care of resizing each individual line if
  * necessary. So:
  *  - If the new screen is longer, we shunt lines in from temporary
  *    scrollback if possible, otherwise we add new blank lines at
  *    the bottom.
  *  - If the new screen is shorter, we remove any blank lines at
  *    the bottom if possible, otherwise shunt lines above the cursor
  *    to scrollback if possible, otherwise delete lines below the
  *    cursor.
  *  - Then, if the new scrollback length is less than the
  *    amount of scrollback we actually have, we must throw some
  *    away.

  termlines *lines = term.lines;
  term_cursor *curs = &term.curs;
  term_cursor *saved_curs = &term.saved_cursors[term.on_alt_screen];

  // Shrink the screen if newrows < rows
  if (newrows < term.rows) {
    int removed = term.rows - newrows;
    int destroy = min(removed, term.rows - (curs->y + 1));
    int store = removed - destroy;
    // Push removed lines into scrollback
    for (int i = 0; i < store; i++) {
      termline *line = lines[i];

    // Move up remaining lines
    memmove(lines, lines + store, newrows * sizeof(termline *));
    // Destroy removed lines below the cursor
    for (int i = term.rows - destroy; i < term.rows; i++)
    // Adjust cursor position
    curs->y = max(0, curs->y - store);
    saved_curs->y = max(0, saved_curs->y - store);

  term.lines = lines = renewn(lines, newrows);
  // Expand the screen if newrows > rows
  if (newrows > term.rows) {
    int added = newrows - term.rows;
    int restore = min(added, term.tempsblines);
    int create = added - restore;
    // Fill bottom of screen with blank lines
    for (int i = newrows - create; i < newrows; i++)
      lines[i] = newline(newcols, false);
    // Move existing lines down
    memmove(lines + restore, lines, term.rows * sizeof(termline *));
    // Restore lines from scrollback
    for (int i = restore; i--;) {
      uchar *cline = scrollback_pop();
      termline *line = decompressline(cline, null);
      line->temporary = false;  /* reconstituted line is now real */
      lines[i] = line;
    // Adjust cursor position
    curs->y += restore;
    saved_curs->y += restore;
  // Resize lines
  for (int i = 0; i < newrows; i++)
    resizeline(lines[i], newcols);
  // Make a new displayed text buffer.
  if (term.displines) {
    for (int i = 0; i < term.rows; i++)
  term.displines = renewn(term.displines, newrows);
  for (int i = 0; i < newrows; i++) {
    termline *line = newline(newcols, false);
    term.displines[i] = line;
    for (int j = 0; j < newcols; j++)
      line->chars[j].attr = ATTR_INVALID;

  // Make a new alternate screen.
  lines = term.other_lines;
  if (lines) {
    for (int i = 0; i < term.rows; i++)
  term.other_lines = lines = renewn(lines, newrows);
  for (int i = 0; i < newrows; i++)
    lines[i] = newline(newcols, true);

  // Reset tab stops
  term.tabs = renewn(term.tabs, newcols);
  for (int i = (term.cols > 0 ? term.cols : 0); i < newcols; i++)
    term.tabs[i] = (i % 8 == 0);

  // Check that the cursor positions are still valid.
  assert(0 <= curs->y && curs->y < newrows);
  assert(0 <= saved_curs->y && saved_curs->y < newrows);
  curs->x = min(curs->x, newcols - 1);

  curs->wrapnext = false;

  term.disptop = 0;

  term.rows = newrows;
  term.cols = newcols;

  term_switch_screen(on_alt_screen, false);