Esempio n. 1
     * Also called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the new getMore entry point.
     * pass - when QueryOption_AwaitData is in use, the caller will make repeated calls 
     *        when this method returns an empty result, incrementing pass on each call.  
     *        Thus, pass == 0 indicates this is the first "attempt" before any 'awaiting'.
    QueryResult* newGetMore(const char* ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid, CurOp& curop,
                            int pass, bool& exhaust, bool* isCursorAuthorized) {
        exhaust = false;

        // This is a read lock.
        scoped_ptr<Client::ReadContext> ctx(new Client::ReadContext(ns));
        Collection* collection = ctx->ctx().db()->getCollection(ns);
        uassert( 17356, "collection dropped between getMore calls", collection );

        QLOG() << "Running getMore, cursorid: " << cursorid << endl;

        // This checks to make sure the operation is allowed on a replicated node.  Since we are not
        // passing in a query object (necessary to check SlaveOK query option), the only state where
        // reads are allowed is PRIMARY (or master in master/slave).  This function uasserts if
        // reads are not okay.

        // A pin performs a CC lookup and if there is a CC, increments the CC's pin value so it
        // doesn't time out.  Also informs ClientCursor that there is somebody actively holding the
        // CC, so don't delete it.
        ClientCursorPin ccPin(collection, cursorid);
        ClientCursor* cc = ccPin.c();

        // These are set in the QueryResult msg we return.
        int resultFlags = ResultFlag_AwaitCapable;

        int numResults = 0;
        int startingResult = 0;

        const int InitialBufSize = 512 + sizeof(QueryResult) + MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
        BufBuilder bb(InitialBufSize);

        if (NULL == cc) {
            cursorid = 0;
            resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
        else {
            // Quote: check for spoofing of the ns such that it does not match the one originally
            // there for the cursor
            uassert(17011, "auth error", str::equals(ns, cc->ns().c_str()));
            *isCursorAuthorized = true;

            // Reset timeout timer on the cursor since the cursor is still in use.

            // TODO: fail point?

            // If the operation that spawned this cursor had a time limit set, apply leftover
            // time to this getmore.
            killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

            if (0 == pass) { 

            if (cc->isAggCursor) {
                // Agg cursors handle their own locking internally.
                ctx.reset(); // unlocks

            CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata = cc->getCollMetadata();

            // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
            OpTime slaveReadTill;

            // What number result are we starting at?  Used to fill out the reply.
            startingResult = cc->pos();

            // What gives us results.
            Runner* runner = cc->getRunner();
            const int queryOptions = cc->queryOptions();

            // Get results out of the runner.

            BSONObj obj;
            Runner::RunnerState state;
            while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
                // Add result to output buffer.
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

                // Count the result.

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if (queryOptions & QueryOption_OplogReplay) {
                    BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                    if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                        slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

                if ((ntoreturn && numResults >= ntoreturn)
                    || bb.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce) {

            if (Runner::RUNNER_EOF == state && 0 == numResults
                && (queryOptions & QueryOption_CursorTailable)
                && (queryOptions & QueryOption_AwaitData) && (pass < 1000)) {
                // If the cursor is tailable we don't kill it if it's eof.  We let it try to get
                // data some # of times first.
                return 0;

            bool saveClientCursor = false;

            if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state || Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
                // Propagate this error to caller.
                if (Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
                    // Stats are helpful when errors occur.
                    TypeExplain* bareExplain;
                    Status res = runner->getInfo(&bareExplain, NULL);
                    if (res.isOK()) {
                        boost::scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> errorExplain(bareExplain);
                        error() << "Runner error, stats:\n"
                                << errorExplain->stats.jsonString(Strict, true);

                    uasserted(17406, "getMore runner error: " +

                // If we're dead there's no way to get more results.
                saveClientCursor = false;

                // In the old system tailable capped cursors would be killed off at the
                // cursorid level.  If a tailable capped cursor is nuked the cursorid
                // would vanish.
                // In the new system they die and are cleaned up later (or time out).
                // So this is where we get to remove the cursorid.
                if (0 == numResults) {
                    resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
            else if (Runner::RUNNER_EOF == state) {
                // EOF is also end of the line unless it's tailable.
                saveClientCursor = queryOptions & QueryOption_CursorTailable;
            else {
                verify(Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == state);
                saveClientCursor = true;

            if (!saveClientCursor) {
                // cc is now invalid, as is the runner
                cursorid = 0;
                cc = NULL;
                QLOG() << "getMore NOT saving client cursor, ended with state "
                       << Runner::statestr(state)
                       << endl;
            else {
                // Continue caching the ClientCursor.
                QLOG() << "getMore saving client cursor ended with state "
                       << Runner::statestr(state)
                       << endl;

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if ((queryOptions & QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

                exhaust = (queryOptions & QueryOption_Exhaust);

                // If the getmore had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" back to the
                // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
                cc->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( curop.getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

        QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
        qr->len = bb.len();
        qr->_resultFlags() = resultFlags;
        qr->cursorId = cursorid;
        qr->startingFrom = startingResult;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        QLOG() << "getMore returned " << numResults << " results\n";
        return qr;
Esempio n. 2
    std::string newRunQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        // Validate the namespace.
        const char *ns = q.ns;
        uassert(16332, "can't have an empty ns", ns[0]);

        const NamespaceString nsString(ns);
        uassert(16256, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", nsString.isValid());

        // Set curop information.
        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = q.ntoreturn;
        curop.debug().query = q.query;

        // If the query is really a command, run it.
        if (nsString.isCommand()) {
            int nToReturn = q.ntoreturn;
            uassert(16979, str::stream() << "bad numberToReturn (" << nToReturn
                                         << ") for $cmd type ns - can only be 1 or -1",
                    nToReturn == 1 || nToReturn == -1);


            BufBuilder bb;

            BSONObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
            if (!runCommands(ns, q.query, curop, bb, cmdResBuf, false, q.queryOptions)) {
                uasserted(13530, "bad or malformed command request?");

            curop.debug().iscommand = true;
            // TODO: Does this get overwritten/do we really need to set this twice?
            curop.debug().query = q.query;

            QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
            qr->len = bb.len();
            curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
            qr->cursorId = 0;
            qr->startingFrom = 0;
            qr->nReturned = 1;
            result.setData(qr, true);
            return "";

        // This is a read lock.  We require this because if we're parsing a $where, the
        // where-specific parsing code assumes we have a lock and creates execution machinery that
        // requires it.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(q.ns);

        // Parse the qm into a CanonicalQuery.
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status canonStatus = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(q, &cq);
        if (!canonStatus.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17287, str::stream() << "Can't canonicalize query: " << canonStatus.toString());

        QLOG() << "Running query on new system: " << cq->toString();

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner = NULL;

        // We use this a lot below.
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = cq->getParsed();

        // We'll now try to get the query runner that will execute this query for us. There
        // are a few cases in which we know upfront which runner we should get and, therefore,
        // we shortcut the selection process here.
        // (a) If the query is over a collection that doesn't exist, we get a special runner
        // that's is so (a runner) which doesn't return results, the EOFRunner.
        // (b) if the query is a replication's initial sync one, we get a SingleSolutinRunner
        // that uses a specifically designed stage that skips extents faster (see details in
        // exec/oplogstart.h)
        // Otherwise we go through the selection of which runner is most suited to the
        // query + run-time context at hand.
        Status status = Status::OK();
        if (ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(cq->ns()) == NULL) {
            rawRunner = new EOFRunner(cq, cq->ns());
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
            status = getOplogStartHack(cq, &rawRunner);
        else {
            // Takes ownership of cq.
            size_t options = QueryPlannerParams::DEFAULT;
            if (shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
                options |= QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_SHARD_FILTER;
            status = getRunner(cq, &rawRunner, options);

        if (!status.isOK()) {
            // NOTE: Do not access cq as getRunner has deleted it.
            uasserted(17007, "Unable to execute query: " + status.reason());

        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(cq->ns());

        // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
        curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
        killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

        // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        // bb is used to hold query results
        // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
        // explain information, but not both
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        // We turn on auto-yielding for the runner here.  The runner registers itself with the
        // active runners list in ClientCursor.
        auto_ptr<ScopedRunnerRegistration> safety(new ScopedRunnerRegistration(runner.get()));

        BSONObj obj;
        Runner::RunnerState state;
        // uint64_t numMisplacedDocs = 0;

        // set this outside loop. we will need to use this both within loop and when deciding
        // to fill in explain information
        const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();

        while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // Add result to output buffer. This is unnecessary if explain info is requested
            if (!isExplain) {
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            if (isExplain) {
                if (enoughForExplain(pq, numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (enough(pq, numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                QLOG() << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << pq.wantMore()
                       << " numToReturn=" << pq.getNumToReturn()
                       << " numResults=" << numResults
                       << endl;
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    QLOG() << " runner EOF=" << runner->isEOF() << endl;
                    saveClientCursor = !runner->isEOF();

        // If we cache the runner later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the runner later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the runner.

        // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases:
        // * in-memory sort using too much RAM.
        if (Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
            uasserted(17144, "Runner error, memory limit for sort probably exceeded");

        // Why save a dead runner?
        if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state) {
            saveClientCursor = false;
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            // If we're tailing a capped collection, we don't bother saving the cursor if the
            // collection is empty. Otherwise, the semantics of the tailable cursor is that the
            // client will keep trying to read from it. So we'll keep it around.
            Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(cq->ns());
            if (collection && collection->numRecords() != 0 && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) {
                saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        // Append explain information to query results by asking the runner to produce them.
        if (isExplain) {
            TypeExplain* bareExplain;
            Status res = runner->getExplainPlan(&bareExplain);

            if (!res.isOK()) {
                error() << "could not produce explain of query '" << pq.getFilter()
                        << "', error: " << res.reason();
                // If numResults and the data in bb don't correspond, we'll crash later when rooting
                // through the reply msg.
                BSONObj emptyObj;
                bb.appendBuf((void*)emptyObj.objdata(), emptyObj.objsize());
                // The explain output is actually a result.
                numResults = 1;
                // TODO: we can fill out millis etc. here just fine even if the plan screwed up.
            else {
                boost::scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> explain(bareExplain);

                // Fill in the missing run-time fields in explain, starting with propeties of
                // the process running the query.
                std::string server = mongoutils::str::stream()
                    << getHostNameCached() << ":" << serverGlobalParams.port;

                // We might have skipped some results due to chunk migration etc. so our count is
                // correct.

                // Clock the whole operation.

                BSONObj explainObj = explain->toBSON();
                bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

                // The explain output is actually a result.
                numResults = 1;

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(runner.get(), cq->getParsed().getOptions(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            QLOG() << "caching runner with cursorid " << ccId
                   << " after returning " << numResults << " results" << endl;

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).
        else {
            QLOG() << "not caching runner but returning " << numResults << " results\n";

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;

        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
Esempio n. 3
    bool receivedGetMore(DbResponse& dbresponse, Message& m, CurOp& curop ) {
        bool ok = true;

        DbMessage d(m);

        const char *ns = d.getns();
        int ntoreturn = d.pullInt();
        long long cursorid = d.pullInt64();

        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = ntoreturn;
        curop.debug().cursorid = cursorid;

        shared_ptr<AssertionException> ex;
        scoped_ptr<Timer> timer;
        int pass = 0;
        bool exhaust = false;
        QueryResult* msgdata = 0;
        OpTime last;
        while( 1 ) {
            try {
                const NamespaceString nsString( ns );
                uassert( 16258, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", nsString.isValid() );

                if (str::startsWith(ns, "local.oplog.")){
                    if (pass == 0) {
                        mutex::scoped_lock lk(OpTime::m);
                        last = OpTime::getLast(lk);
                    else {

                Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);

                // call this readlocked so state can't change
                msgdata = processGetMore(ns, ntoreturn, cursorid, curop, pass, exhaust);
            catch ( AssertionException& e ) {
                ex.reset( new AssertionException( e.getInfo().msg, e.getCode() ) );
                ok = false;
            if (msgdata == 0) {
                // this should only happen with QueryOption_AwaitData
                exhaust = false;
                massert(13073, "shutting down", !inShutdown() );
                if ( ! timer ) {
                    timer.reset( new Timer() );
                else {
                    if ( timer->seconds() >= 4 ) {
                        // after about 4 seconds, return. pass stops at 1000 normally.
                        // we want to return occasionally so slave can checkpoint.
                        pass = 10000;
                if (debug)
                // note: the 1100 is beacuse of the waitForDifferent above
                // should eventually clean this up a bit
                curop.setExpectedLatencyMs( 1100 + timer->millis() );

        if (ex) {
            exhaust = false;

            BSONObjBuilder err;
            ex->getInfo().append( err );
            BSONObj errObj = err.done();

            log() << errObj << endl;

            curop.debug().exceptionInfo = ex->getInfo();

            if (ex->getCode() == 13436) {
                replyToQuery(ResultFlag_ErrSet, m, dbresponse, errObj);
                curop.debug().responseLength = dbresponse.response->header()->dataLen();
                curop.debug().nreturned = 1;
                return ok;

            msgdata = emptyMoreResult(cursorid);

        Message *resp = new Message();
        resp->setData(msgdata, true);
        curop.debug().responseLength = resp->header()->dataLen();
        curop.debug().nreturned = msgdata->nReturned;

        dbresponse.response = resp;
        dbresponse.responseTo = m.header()->id;
        if( exhaust ) {
            curop.debug().exhaust = true;
            dbresponse.exhaustNS = ns;

        return ok;
Esempio n. 4
     * Also called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the new getMore entry point.
    QueryResult* newGetMore(const char* ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid, CurOp& curop,
                            int pass, bool& exhaust, bool* isCursorAuthorized) {
        exhaust = false;
        int bufSize = 512 + sizeof(QueryResult) + MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;

        BufBuilder bb(bufSize);

        // This is a read lock.  TODO: There is a cursor flag for not needing this.  Do we care?
        Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);

        // TODO: Document.

        ClientCursorPin ccPin(cursorid);
        ClientCursor* cc = ccPin.c();

        // These are set in the QueryResult msg we return.
        int resultFlags = ResultFlag_AwaitCapable;

        int numResults = 0;
        int startingResult = 0;

        if (NULL == cc) {
            cursorid = 0;
            resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
        else {
            // Quote: check for spoofing of the ns such that it does not match the one originally
            // there for the cursor
            uassert(17011, "auth error", str::equals(ns, cc->ns().c_str()));
            *isCursorAuthorized = true;

            // TODO: fail point?

            // If the operation that spawned this cursor had a time limit set, apply leftover
            // time to this getmore.
            // TODO:
            // curop.debug().query = BSONForQuery
            // curop.setQuery(curop.debug().query);

            // TODO: What is pass?
            if (0 == pass) { cc->updateSlaveLocation(curop); }

            CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata = cc->getCollMetadata();

            // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
            OpTime slaveReadTill;

            startingResult = cc->pos();

            Runner* runner = cc->getRunner();
            const ParsedQuery& pq = runner->getQuery().getParsed();

            // Get results out of the runner.
            // TODO: There may be special handling required for tailable cursors?
            BSONObj obj;
            // TODO: Differentiate EOF from error.
            while (runner->getNext(&obj)) {
                // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return any data that hasn't been
                // migrated off of our shard yet.
                if (collMetadata) {
                    KeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern());
                    if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractSingleKey(obj))) { continue; }

                // Add result to output buffer.
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

                // Count the result.

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                    BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                    if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                        slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

                if ((numResults && numResults >= ntoreturn)
                    || bb.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce) {


            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            exhaust = pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust);

            // If the getmore had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" back to the
            // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
            cc->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( curop.getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

        QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
        qr->len = bb.len();
        qr->_resultFlags() = resultFlags;
        qr->cursorId = cursorid;
        qr->startingFrom = startingResult;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        return qr;
Esempio n. 5
     * This is called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the entry point for answering a query.
    string newRunQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        // This is a read lock.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(q.ns, dbpath);

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner;
        Status status = getRunner(q, &rawRunner);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17007, "Couldn't process query " + q.query.toString()
                         + " why: " + status.reason());
        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(q.ns);

        // We use this a lot below.
        const ParsedQuery& pq = runner->getQuery().getParsed();

        // TODO: Document why we do this.

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        BSONObj obj;
        // TODO: Differentiate EOF from error.
        while (runner->getNext(&obj)) {
            // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return any data that hasn't been migrated
            // off of our shared yet.
            if (collMetadata) {
                // This information can change if we yield and as such we must make sure to re-fetch
                // it if we yield.
                KeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern());
                // This performs excessive BSONObj creation but that's OK for now.
                if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractSingleKey(obj))) { continue; }

            // Add result to output buffer.
            bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();
            if (isExplain && pq.enoughForExplain(numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (pq.enough(numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (pq.enoughForFirstBatch(numResults, bb.len())) {
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO: Stage creation can set tailable depending on what's in the parsed query.  We have
        // the full parsed query available during planning...set it there.
        // TODO: If we're tailable we want to save the client cursor.  Make sure we do this later.
        //if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable) && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) { ... }

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.
            ClientCursorHolder ccHolder;
            ccHolder.reset(new ClientCursor(runner.get()));
            ccId = ccHolder->cursorid();

            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).

            // Give up our reference to the CC.

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        // TODO: nscanned is bogus.
        // curop.debug().nscanned = ( cursor ? cursor->nscanned() : 0LL );
        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
Esempio n. 6
     * Run a query -- includes checking for and running a Command.
     * @return points to ns if exhaust mode. 0=normal mode
     * @locks the db mutex for reading (and potentially for writing temporarily to create a new db).
     * @yields the db mutex periodically after acquiring it.
     * @asserts on scan and order memory exhaustion and other cases.
    const char *runQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        shared_ptr<ParsedQuery> pq_shared( new ParsedQuery(q) );
        ParsedQuery& pq( *pq_shared );
        BSONObj jsobj = q.query;
        int queryOptions = q.queryOptions;
        const char *ns = q.ns;

        if( logLevel >= 2 )
            log() << "runQuery called " << ns << " " << jsobj << endl;

        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = pq.getNumToReturn();
        curop.debug().query = jsobj;

        // Run a command.
        if ( pq.couldBeCommand() ) {
            BufBuilder bb;
            BSONObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
            if ( runCommands(ns, jsobj, curop, bb, cmdResBuf, false, queryOptions) ) {
                curop.debug().iscommand = true;
                curop.debug().query = jsobj;

                auto_ptr< QueryResult > qr;
                qr.reset( (QueryResult *) bb.buf() );
                qr->len = bb.len();
                curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
                qr->cursorId = 0;
                qr->startingFrom = 0;
                qr->nReturned = 1;
                result.setData( qr.release(), true );
            else {
                uasserted(13530, "bad or malformed command request?");
            return 0;

        bool explain = pq.isExplain();
        BSONObj order = pq.getOrder();
        BSONObj query = pq.getFilter();

        /* The ElemIter will not be happy if this isn't really an object. So throw exception
           here when that is true.
           (Which may indicate bad data from client.)
        if ( query.objsize() == 0 ) {
            out() << "Bad query object?\n  jsobj:";
            out() << jsobj.toString() << "\n  query:";
            out() << query.toString() << endl;
            uassert( 10110 , "bad query object", false);

        Client::ReadContext ctx( ns , dbpath ); // read locks
        const ConfigVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion( ns );


        if ( pq.hasOption( QueryOption_CursorTailable ) ) {
            NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
            uassert( 13051, "tailable cursor requested on non capped collection", d && d->isCapped() );
            const BSONObj nat1 = BSON( "$natural" << 1 );
            if ( order.isEmpty() ) {
                order = nat1;
            else {
                uassert( 13052, "only {$natural:1} order allowed for tailable cursor", order == nat1 );

        // Run a simple id query.
        if ( ! (explain || pq.showDiskLoc()) && isSimpleIdQuery( query ) && !pq.hasOption( QueryOption_CursorTailable ) ) {

            int n = 0;
            bool nsFound = false;
            bool indexFound = false;

            BSONObj resObject;
            Client& c = cc();
            bool found = Helpers::findById( c, ns , query , resObject , &nsFound , &indexFound );
            if ( nsFound == false || indexFound == true ) {
                if ( shardingState.needShardChunkManager( ns ) ) {
                    ShardChunkManagerPtr m = shardingState.getShardChunkManager( ns );
                    if ( m && ! m->belongsToMe( resObject ) ) {
                        // I have something this _id
                        // but it doesn't belong to me
                        // so return nothing
                        resObject = BSONObj();
                        found = false;

                BufBuilder bb(sizeof(QueryResult)+resObject.objsize()+32);
                curop.debug().idhack = true;
                if ( found ) {
                    n = 1;
                    fillQueryResultFromObj( bb , pq.getFields() , resObject );
                auto_ptr< QueryResult > qr;
                qr.reset( (QueryResult *) bb.buf() );
                qr->len = bb.len();
                curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
                qr->cursorId = 0;
                qr->startingFrom = 0;
                qr->nReturned = n;
                result.setData( qr.release(), true );
                return NULL;
        // Run a regular query.
        BSONObj oldPlan;
        if ( explain && ! pq.hasIndexSpecifier() ) {
            MultiPlanScanner mps( ns, query, order );
            if ( mps.usingCachedPlan() ) {
                oldPlan =

        // In some cases the query may be retried if there is an in memory sort size assertion.
        for( int retry = 0; retry < 2; ++retry ) {
            try {
                return queryWithQueryOptimizer( m, queryOptions, ns, jsobj, curop, query, order,
                                               pq_shared, oldPlan, shardingVersionAtStart, result );
            } catch ( const QueryRetryException & ) {
                verify( retry == 0 );
        verify( false );
        return 0;
Esempio n. 7
     * This is called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the entry point for answering a query.
    string newRunQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        // This is a read lock.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(q.ns, dbpath);

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner;
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status status = getRunner(q, &rawRunner, &cq);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17007, "Couldn't process query " + q.query.toString()
                         + " why: " + status.reason());
        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        log() << "Running query on new system: " << cq->toString();

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(q.ns);

        // We use this a lot below.
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = cq->getParsed();

        // TODO: Remove when impl'd
        if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
            warning() << "haven't implemented findingstartcursor yet\n";

        // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
        curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
        killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

        // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        // bb is used to hold query results
        // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
        // explain information, but not both
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        // We turn on auto-yielding for the runner here.  The runner registers itself with the
        // active runners list in ClientCursor.
        auto_ptr<DeregisterEvenIfUnderlyingCodeThrows> safety(
            new DeregisterEvenIfUnderlyingCodeThrows(runner.get()));

        BSONObj obj;
        Runner::RunnerState state;

        // set this outside loop. we will need to use this both within loop and when deciding
        // to fill in explain information
        const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();

        while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return any data that hasn't been migrated
            // off of our shared yet.
            if (collMetadata) {
                // This information can change if we yield and as such we must make sure to re-fetch
                // it if we yield.
                KeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern());
                // This performs excessive BSONObj creation but that's OK for now.
                if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractSingleKey(obj))) { continue; }

            // Add result to output buffer. This is unnecessary if explain info is requested
            if (!isExplain) {
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            if (isExplain) {
                if (enoughForExplain(pq, numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (enough(pq, numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    saveClientCursor = true;

        // If we cache the runner later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the runner later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the runner.

        // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases:
        // * in-memory sort using too much RAM.
        if (Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
            uasserted(17144, "Runner error, memory limit for sort probably exceeded");

        // Why save a dead runner?
        if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state) {
            saveClientCursor = false;
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable) && (1 != pq.getNumToReturn())) {
            // If pq.hasOption(tailable) the only plan the planner will output is a collscan with
            // tailable set.
            saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(runner.get(), cq->getParsed().getOptions(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            log() << "caching runner with cursorid " << ccId
                  << " after returning " << numResults << " results" << endl;

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).

        // append explain information to query results
        if (isExplain) {
            BSONObjBuilder bob;
            bob.append("n", numResults);
            BSONObj obj = bob.done();
            bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());
            // The explain output is actually a result.
            numResults = 1;

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        // TODO: nscanned is bogus.
        // curop.debug().nscanned = ( cursor ? cursor->nscanned() : 0LL );
        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
Esempio n. 8
     * Also called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the new getMore entry point.
    QueryResult* newGetMore(const char* ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid, CurOp& curop,
                            int pass, bool& exhaust, bool* isCursorAuthorized) {
        exhaust = false;
        int bufSize = 512 + sizeof(QueryResult) + MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;

        BufBuilder bb(bufSize);

        // This is a read lock.  TODO: There is a cursor flag for not needing this.  Do we care?
        Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);

        //log() << "running getMore in new system, cursorid " << cursorid << endl;

        // This checks to make sure the operation is allowed on a replicated node.  Since we are not
        // passing in a query object (necessary to check SlaveOK query option), the only state where
        // reads are allowed is PRIMARY (or master in master/slave).  This function uasserts if
        // reads are not okay.

        // A pin performs a CC lookup and if there is a CC, increments the CC's pin value so it
        // doesn't time out.  Also informs ClientCursor that there is somebody actively holding the
        // CC, so don't delete it.
        ClientCursorPin ccPin(cursorid);
        ClientCursor* cc = ccPin.c();

        // These are set in the QueryResult msg we return.
        int resultFlags = ResultFlag_AwaitCapable;

        int numResults = 0;
        int startingResult = 0;

        if (NULL == cc) {
            cursorid = 0;
            resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
        else {
            // Quote: check for spoofing of the ns such that it does not match the one originally
            // there for the cursor
            uassert(17011, "auth error", str::equals(ns, cc->ns().c_str()));
            *isCursorAuthorized = true;

            // TODO: fail point?

            // If the operation that spawned this cursor had a time limit set, apply leftover
            // time to this getmore.
            killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

            // TODO:
            // curop.debug().query = BSONForQuery
            // curop.setQuery(curop.debug().query);

            // TODO: What is pass?
            if (0 == pass) { cc->updateSlaveLocation(curop); }

            CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata = cc->getCollMetadata();

            // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
            OpTime slaveReadTill;

            // What number result are we starting at?  Used to fill out the reply.
            startingResult = cc->pos();

            // What gives us results.
            Runner* runner = cc->getRunner();
            const int queryOptions = cc->queryOptions();

            // Get results out of the runner.

            BSONObj obj;
            Runner::RunnerState state;
            while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
                // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return any data that hasn't been
                // migrated off of our shard yet.
                if (collMetadata) {
                    KeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern());
                    if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractSingleKey(obj))) { continue; }

                // Add result to output buffer.
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

                // Count the result.

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if (queryOptions & QueryOption_OplogReplay) {
                    BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                    if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                        slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

                if ((numResults && numResults >= ntoreturn)
                    || bb.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce) {

            if (Runner::RUNNER_EOF == state
                && 0 == numResults
                && (queryOptions & QueryOption_CursorTailable)
                && (queryOptions & QueryOption_AwaitData)
                && (pass < 1000)) {
                // If the cursor is tailable we don't kill it if it's eof.  We let it try to get
                // data some # of times first.
                return 0;
            else if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state || Runner::RUNNER_EOF == state) {
                // cc is now invalid, as is the runner
                cursorid = 0;
                cc = NULL;
            else {
                // Continue caching the ClientCursor.

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if ((queryOptions & QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

                exhaust = (queryOptions & QueryOption_Exhaust);

                // If the getmore had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" back to the
                // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
                cc->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( curop.getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

        QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
        qr->len = bb.len();
        qr->_resultFlags() = resultFlags;
        qr->cursorId = cursorid;
        qr->startingFrom = startingResult;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        return qr;
Esempio n. 9
    QueryResult* processGetMore(const char* ns,
                                int ntoreturn,
                                long long cursorid,
                                CurOp& curop,
                                int pass,
                                bool& exhaust,
                                bool* isCursorAuthorized ) {
        if (isNewQueryFrameworkEnabled()) {
            return newGetMore(ns, ntoreturn, cursorid, curop, pass, exhaust, isCursorAuthorized);

        exhaust = false;

        int bufSize = 512 + sizeof( QueryResult ) + MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;

        BufBuilder b( bufSize );
        int resultFlags = ResultFlag_AwaitCapable;
        int start = 0;
        int n = 0;

        scoped_ptr<Client::ReadContext> ctx(new Client::ReadContext(ns));
        // call this readlocked so state can't change

        ClientCursorPin p(cursorid);
        ClientCursor *cc = p.c();

        if ( unlikely(!cc) ) {
            LOGSOME << "getMore: cursorid not found " << ns << " " << cursorid << endl;
            cursorid = 0;
            resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
        else {
            // Some internal users create a ClientCursor with a Runner.  Don't crash if this
            // happens.  Instead, hand them off to the new framework.
            if (NULL != cc->getRunner()) {
                return newGetMore(ns, ntoreturn, cursorid, curop, pass, exhaust, isCursorAuthorized);

            // check for spoofing of the ns such that it does not match the one originally there for the cursor
            uassert(14833, "auth error", str::equals(ns, cc->ns().c_str()));

            *isCursorAuthorized = true;

            // This must be done after auth check to ensure proper cleanup.
            uassert(16951, "failing getmore due to set failpoint",

            // If the operation that spawned this cursor had a time limit set, apply leftover
            // time to this getmore.
            curop.setMaxTimeMicros( cc->getLeftoverMaxTimeMicros() );

            if ( pass == 0 )
                cc->updateSlaveLocation( curop );

            int queryOptions = cc->queryOptions();
            curop.debug().query = cc->query();
            curop.setQuery( cc->query() );

            start = cc->pos();
            Cursor *c = cc->c();

            if (!c->requiresLock()) {
                // make sure it won't be destroyed under us
                fassert(16952, !c->shouldDestroyOnNSDeletion());
                fassert(16953, !c->supportYields());
                ctx.reset(); // unlocks

            DiskLoc last;

            // This metadata may be stale, but it's the state of chunking when the cursor was
            // created.
            CollectionMetadataPtr metadata = cc->getCollMetadata();
            KeyPattern keyPattern( metadata ? metadata->getKeyPattern() : BSONObj() );

            while ( 1 ) {
                if ( !c->ok() ) {
                    if ( c->tailable() ) {
                        // when a tailable cursor hits "EOF", ok() goes false, and current() is
                        // null.  however advance() can still be retries as a reactivation attempt.
                        // when there is new data, it will return true.  that's what we are doing
                        // here.
                        if ( c->advance() )

                        if( n == 0 && (queryOptions & QueryOption_AwaitData) && pass < 1000 ) {
                            return 0;

                    bool ok = ClientCursor::erase(cursorid);
                    cursorid = 0;
                    cc = 0;

                MatchDetails details;
                if ( cc->fields && cc->fields->getArrayOpType() == Projection::ARRAY_OP_POSITIONAL ) {
                    // field projection specified, and contains an array operator

                // in some cases (clone collection) there won't be a matcher
                if ( !c->currentMatches( &details ) ) {
                else if ( metadata && !metadata->keyBelongsToMe( extractKey(c, keyPattern ) ) ) {
                    LOG(2) << "cursor skipping document in un-owned chunk: " << c->current()
                               << endl;
                else {
                    if( c->getsetdup(c->currLoc()) ) {
                        //out() << "  but it's a dup \n";
                    else {
                        last = c->currLoc();

                        // Fill out the fields requested by the query.
                        const Projection::KeyOnly *keyFieldsOnly = c->keyFieldsOnly();
                        if ( keyFieldsOnly ) {
                            fillQueryResultFromObj( b, 0, keyFieldsOnly->hydrate(
                            c->currKey() ), &details );
                        else {
                            DiskLoc loc = c->currLoc();
                            fillQueryResultFromObj( b, cc->fields.get(), c->current(), &details,
                                    ( ( cc->pq.get() && cc->pq->showDiskLoc() ) ? &loc : 0 ) );

                        if ( ( ntoreturn && n >= ntoreturn ) || b.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce ) {
                            cc->incPos( n );

                if ( ! cc->yieldSometimes( ( c->ok() && c->keyFieldsOnly() ) ?
                                          ClientCursor::DontNeed : ClientCursor::WillNeed ) ) {
                    cursorid = 0;
                    cc = 0;
            if ( cc ) {
                if ( c->supportYields() ) {
                    ClientCursor::YieldData data;
                    verify( cc->prepareToYield( data ) );
                else {
                cc->storeOpForSlave( last );
                exhaust = cc->queryOptions() & QueryOption_Exhaust;

                // If the getmore had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" back to the
                // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
                cc->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( curop.getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

        QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
        qr->len = b.len();
        qr->_resultFlags() = resultFlags;
        qr->cursorId = cursorid;
        qr->startingFrom = start;
        qr->nReturned = n;

        return qr;
Esempio n. 10
    bool receivedGetMore(DbResponse& dbresponse, Message& m, CurOp& curop ) {
        bool ok = true;

        DbMessage d(m);

        const char *ns = d.getns();
        int ntoreturn = d.pullInt();
        long long cursorid = d.pullInt64();

        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = ntoreturn;
        curop.debug().cursorid = cursorid;

        shared_ptr<AssertionException> ex;
        scoped_ptr<Timer> timer;
        int pass = 0;
        bool exhaust = false;
        QueryResult* msgdata = 0;
        GTID last;
        bool isOplog = false;
        while( 1 ) {
            bool isCursorAuthorized = false;
            try {
                uassert( 16258, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", NamespaceString::isValid(ns) );

                Status status = cc().getAuthorizationManager()->checkAuthForGetMore(ns);
                uassert(16543, status.reason(), status.isOK());

                // I (Zardosht), am not crazy about this, but I cannot think of
                // better alternatives at the moment. The high level goal is to find
                // a way to do a wait without having a read lock held 
                // via Client::ReadContext. Unfortunately, we can't get the exact position
                // of the cursor without accessing it, which required a read lock.
                // So, we do this, which is a good estimate.
                // Note this is similar to what vanilla MongoDB does.
                // in the first pass, we extract the minimum live GTID. This must be
                // greater than or equal to the existing cursor's position. 
                // In the second pass, we wait for the GTID manager to have a 
                // minumum live GTID greater than what we saw in the first pass.
                // This new GTID will be greater than the cursor's starting position,
                // and therefore the cursor should have more data to look at.
                // It is theoretically possible that one day, the cursor will still
                // return no new data because all new GTIDs in between these
                // two values aborted, but that is not possible right now. Any GTID
                // assigned is done so with the intent to commit, and tokumx
                // aborts if a coommit is not successful.
                if (str::startsWith(ns, "local.oplog.") && theReplSet){
                    isOplog = true;
                    if (pass == 0) {
                        last = theReplSet->gtidManager->getMinLiveGTID();
                    else {
                            2000 // ms, this will be called twice

                LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "getMore");
                Client::ReadContext ctx(ns, lockReason);

                // call this readlocked so state can't change
                msgdata = processGetMore(ns,
            catch ( AssertionException& e ) {
                if ( isCursorAuthorized ) {
                    // If a cursor with id 'cursorid' was authorized, it may have been advanced
                    // before an exception terminated processGetMore.  Erase the ClientCursor
                    // because it may now be out of sync with the client's iteration state.
                    // SERVER-7952
                    // TODO Temporary code, see SERVER-4563 for a cleanup overview.
                    ClientCursor::erase( cursorid );
                ex.reset( new AssertionException( e.getInfo().msg, e.getCode() ) );
                ok = false;
            if (msgdata == 0) {
                // this should only happen with QueryOption_AwaitData
                exhaust = false;
                massert(13073, "shutting down", !inShutdown() );
                if (!isOplog) {
                    if ( ! timer ) {
                        timer.reset( new Timer() );
                    else {
                        if ( timer->seconds() >= 4 ) {
                            // after about 4 seconds, return. pass stops at 1000 normally.
                            // we want to return occasionally so slave can checkpoint.
                            pass = 10000;
                    if (debug) {
                    else {
                else {
                    // in the case where we are the oplog, using 
                    // waitForDifferentMinLive is sufficient. That 
                    // waits for 4 seconds, as the timer above does.
                    // So, we we don't need more than 2 passes.
                    if (pass > 1) {
                        pass = 10000;

                // should eventually clean this up a bit
                if (isOplog) {
                    curop.setExpectedLatencyMs( 4100 );
                else {
                    // not sure if this 1100 is still wise.
                    curop.setExpectedLatencyMs( 1100 + timer->millis() );

        if (ex) {
            exhaust = false;

            BSONObjBuilder err;
            ex->getInfo().append( err );
            BSONObj errObj = err.done();

            if (!ex->interrupted()) {
                log() << errObj << endl;

            curop.debug().exceptionInfo = ex->getInfo();

            if (ex->getCode() == 13436) {
                replyToQuery(ResultFlag_ErrSet, m, dbresponse, errObj);
                curop.debug().responseLength = dbresponse.response->header()->dataLen();
                curop.debug().nreturned = 1;
                return ok;

            msgdata = emptyMoreResult(cursorid);

        Message *resp = new Message();
        resp->setData(msgdata, true);
        curop.debug().responseLength = resp->header()->dataLen();
        curop.debug().nreturned = msgdata->nReturned;

        dbresponse.response = resp;
        dbresponse.responseTo = m.header()->id;
        if( exhaust ) {
            curop.debug().exhaust = true;
            dbresponse.exhaustNS = ns;

        return ok;