RKPluginBrowser::RKPluginBrowser (const QDomElement &element, RKComponent *parent_component, QWidget *parent_widget) : RKComponent (parent_component, parent_widget) {

	// get xml-helper
	XMLHelper *xml = XMLHelper::getStaticHelper ();

	// create and add property
	addChild ("selection", selection = new RKComponentPropertyBase (this, true));
	connect (selection, SIGNAL (valueChanged (RKComponentPropertyBase *)), this, SLOT (textChanged (RKComponentPropertyBase *)));

	setRequired (xml->getBoolAttribute (element, "required", true, DL_INFO));
	connect (requirednessProperty (), SIGNAL (valueChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)), this, SLOT (requirednessChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)));

	QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout (this, RKGlobals::spacingHint ());

	int intmode = xml->getMultiChoiceAttribute (element, "type", "file;dir;savefile", 0, DL_INFO);
	GetFileNameWidget::FileType mode;
	if (intmode == 0) {
		mode = GetFileNameWidget::ExistingFile;
	} else if (intmode == 0) {
		mode = GetFileNameWidget::ExistingDirectory;
	} else {
		mode = GetFileNameWidget::SaveFile;
	selector = new GetFileNameWidget (this, mode, xml->getStringAttribute (element, "label", i18n ("Enter filename"), DL_INFO), i18n ("Select"), xml->getStringAttribute (element, "initial", QString::null, DL_INFO));
	selector->setFilter (xml->getStringAttribute (element, "filter", QString::null, DL_INFO));
	connect (selector, SIGNAL (locationChanged ()), SLOT (textChanged ()));

	vbox->addWidget (selector);

	// initialize
	updating = false;
	textChanged ();
Esempio n. 2
RKInput::RKInput (const QDomElement &element, RKComponent *parent_component, QWidget *parent_widget) : RKComponent (parent_component, parent_widget) {

	textedit = 0;
	lineedit = 0;

	// get xml-helper
	XMLHelper *xml = parent_component->xmlHelper ();

	// create and add property
	addChild ("text", text = new RKComponentPropertyBase (this, false));
	connect (text, SIGNAL (valueChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)), this, SLOT (textChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)));

	setRequired (xml->getBoolAttribute (element, "required", false, DL_INFO));
	connect (requirednessProperty (), SIGNAL (valueChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)), this, SLOT (requirednessChanged(RKComponentPropertyBase*)));

	// do all the layouting
	QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout (this);
	vbox->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
	label_string = xml->i18nStringAttribute (element, "label", i18n ("Enter text"), DL_INFO);
	if (!label_string.isEmpty ()) {
		QLabel *label = new QLabel (label_string, this);
		vbox->addWidget (label);

	int size = xml->getMultiChoiceAttribute (element, "size", "small;medium;large", 1, DL_INFO);
	if (size == 2) {
		textedit = new QTextEdit (this);
		QFontMetrics fm = QFontMetrics (textedit->currentFont ());
		int lheight = fm.lineSpacing ();
		int margin = fm.descent () + 2;
		textedit->setMinimumSize (250, lheight * 4 + margin);

		vbox->addWidget (textedit);
		connect (textedit, SIGNAL (textChanged()), SLOT (textChanged()));
	} else {
		lineedit = new QLineEdit (this);
		vbox->addWidget (lineedit);
		connect (lineedit, SIGNAL (textChanged(QString)), SLOT (textChanged(QString)));

	vbox->addStretch (1);		// to keep the label attached

	// initialize
	updating = false;
	// DO NOT replace "" with QString (), here! it is important, that this is actually an empty string, not a null string.
	text->setValue (xml->getStringAttribute (element, "initial", "", DL_INFO));
void RKComponent::setRequired (bool required) {

	requirednessProperty ()->setBoolValue (required);