/* * Cure everything instantly */ static void do_cmd_wiz_cure_all(void) { /* Remove curses */ (void)remove_all_curse(); /* Restore stats */ (void)res_stat(A_STR); (void)res_stat(A_INT); (void)res_stat(A_WIS); (void)res_stat(A_CON); (void)res_stat(A_DEX); /* Restore the level */ (void)restore_level(); /* Heal the player */ p_ptr->chp = p_ptr->mhp; p_ptr->chp_frac = 0; /* Restore mana */ p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp; p_ptr->csp_frac = 0; /* Cure stuff */ (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_BLIND, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_CONFUSED, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_POISONED, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_AFRAID, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_PARALYZED, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_IMAGE, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_STUN, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_CUT, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_SLOW, TRUE); (void)player_clear_timed(p_ptr, TMD_AMNESIA, TRUE); /* No longer hungry */ player_set_food(p_ptr, PY_FOOD_MAX - 1); /* Redraw everything */ do_cmd_redraw(); /* Give the player some feedback */ msg("You feel *much* better!"); }
// Completely cure the player void WizardModeDialog::wiz_cure_all(void) { /* * Cure everything instantly */ /* Remove curses */ (void)remove_all_curse(); /* Restore stats */ (void)res_stat(A_STR); (void)res_stat(A_INT); (void)res_stat(A_WIS); (void)res_stat(A_CON); (void)res_stat(A_DEX); (void)res_stat(A_CHR); /* Restore the level */ (void)restore_level(); /* Heal the player */ p_ptr->chp = p_ptr->mhp; p_ptr->chp_frac = 0; /* Restore mana */ p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp; p_ptr->csp_frac = 0; /* Cure stuff */ (void)clear_timed(TMD_BLIND, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_CONFUSED, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_POISONED, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_AFRAID, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_PARALYZED, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_IMAGE, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_STUN, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_CUT, TRUE); (void)clear_timed(TMD_SLOW, TRUE); /* No longer hungry */ (void)set_food(PY_FOOD_MAX - 1); this->accept(); /* Combine and Reorder the pack (later) */ p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER | PN_SORT_QUIVER); /* Update stuff */ p_ptr->update |= (PU_TORCH | PU_BONUS | PU_HP | PU_MANA | PU_SPELLS); /* Fully update the visuals */ p_ptr->update |= (PU_FORGET_VIEW | PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS); /* Redraw everything */ p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_STATUSBAR | PR_SIDEBAR_PL | PR_MAP | PR_WIN_INVENTORY | PR_WIN_EQUIPMENT | PR_MESSAGES | PR_WIN_MON_RECALL | PR_WIN_OBJ_RECALL | PR_WIN_MESSAGES | PR_WIN_OBJLIST | PR_WIN_FEAT_RECALL); handle_stuff(); }
/* * Cure everything instantly */ static void do_cmd_wiz_cure_all(void) { /* Remove curses */ (void)remove_curse(TRUE); /* Restore stats */ (void)res_stat(A_STR, 20); (void)res_stat(A_CON, 20); (void)res_stat(A_DEX, 20); (void)res_stat(A_GRA, 20); /* Heal the player */ p_ptr->chp = p_ptr->mhp; p_ptr->chp_frac = 0; /* Restore mana */ p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp; p_ptr->csp_frac = 0; /* Cure stuff */ (void)set_blind(0); (void)set_confused(0); (void)set_poisoned(0); (void)set_afraid(0); (void)set_entranced(0); (void)set_image(0); (void)set_stun(0); (void)set_cut(0); (void)set_slow(0); /* No longer hungry */ (void)set_food(PY_FOOD_FULL - 1); /* Redraw everything */ do_cmd_redraw(); }
/*! * @brief プレイヤーを完全回復する / * Cure everything instantly * @return なし */ static void do_cmd_wiz_cure_all(void) { /* Restore stats */ (void)res_stat(A_STR); (void)res_stat(A_INT); (void)res_stat(A_WIS); (void)res_stat(A_CON); (void)res_stat(A_DEX); (void)res_stat(A_CHR); /* Restore the level */ (void)restore_level(); /* Heal the player */ if (p_ptr->chp < p_ptr->mhp) { p_ptr->chp = p_ptr->mhp; p_ptr->chp_frac = 0; /* Redraw */ p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_HP); /* Window stuff */ p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER); } /* Restore mana */ if (p_ptr->csp < p_ptr->msp) { p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp; p_ptr->csp_frac = 0; p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MANA); p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER); p_ptr->window |= (PW_SPELL); } /* Cure stuff */ (void)set_blind(0); (void)set_confused(0); (void)set_poisoned(0); (void)set_afraid(0); (void)set_paralyzed(0); (void)set_image(0); (void)set_stun(0); (void)set_cut(0); (void)set_slow(0, TRUE); /* No longer hungry */ (void)set_food(PY_FOOD_MAX - 1); }
/** * Cure everything instantly */ static void do_cmd_wiz_cure_all(void) { /* Restore stats */ (void) res_stat(A_STR); (void) res_stat(A_INT); (void) res_stat(A_WIS); (void) res_stat(A_CON); (void) res_stat(A_DEX); (void) res_stat(A_CHR); /* Restore the level */ (void) restore_level(); /* Update stuff (if needed) */ if (p_ptr->update) update_stuff(p_ptr); /* Heal the player */ p_ptr->chp = p_ptr->mhp; p_ptr->chp_frac = 0; /* Restore mana */ p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp; p_ptr->csp_frac = 0; /* Cure stuff */ (void) clear_timed(TMD_BLIND, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_CONFUSED, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_POISONED, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_AFRAID, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_PARALYZED, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_IMAGE, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_STUN, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_CUT, TRUE); (void) clear_timed(TMD_SLOW, TRUE); p_ptr->black_breath = FALSE; /* No longer hungry */ (void) set_food(PY_FOOD_MAX - 1); /* Redraw everything */ do_cmd_redraw(); }
/* * Cure everything instantly */ static void do_cmd_wiz_cure_all(void) { /* Remove curses */ (void)remove_all_curse(); /* Restore stats */ (void)res_stat(A_STR, 200); (void)res_stat(A_INT, 200); (void)res_stat(A_WIS, 200); (void)res_stat(A_CON, 200); (void)res_stat(A_DEX, 200); (void)res_stat(A_CHR, 200); /* Restore the level */ (void)restore_level(); /* Heal the player */ p_ptr->chp = p_ptr->mhp; p_ptr->chp_frac = 0; /* Restore mana */ p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp; p_ptr->csp_frac = 0; /* Cure stuff */ (void)set_blind(0); (void)set_confused(0); (void)set_poisoned(0); (void)set_afraid(0); (void)set_paralyzed(0); (void)set_image(0); (void)set_stun(0); (void)set_cut(0); (void)set_slow(0); /* No longer hungry */ (void)set_food(PY_FOOD_MAX - 1); /* Redraw everything */ do_cmd_redraw(); }
/* Use a staff. -RAK- */ void use() { int32u i; int j, k, item_val, chance, y, x; register int ident; register struct misc *m_ptr; register inven_type *i_ptr; free_turn_flag = TRUE; if (inven_ctr == 0) msg_print("But you are not carrying anything."); else if (!find_range(TV_STAFF, TV_NEVER, &j, &k)) msg_print("You are not carrying any staffs."); else if (get_item(&item_val, "Use which staff?", j, k, 0)) { i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; free_turn_flag = FALSE; m_ptr = &py.misc; chance = m_ptr->save + stat_adj(A_INT) - (int)i_ptr->level - 5 + (class_level_adj[m_ptr->pclass][CLA_DEVICE] * m_ptr->lev / 3); if (py.flags.confused > 0) chance = chance / 2; if (chance <= 0) chance = 1; if (randint(chance) < USE_DEVICE) msg_print("You failed to use the staff properly."); else if (i_ptr->p1 > 0) { i = i_ptr->flags; ident = FALSE; (i_ptr->p1)--; switch(i) { case ST_HEALING: ident = hp_player(300); if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You're head stops stinging."); } if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You feel better."); } break; case ST_GENOCIDE: genocide(FALSE); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_PROBE: probing(); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_IDENTIFY: ident_spell(); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_HOLYNESS: dispel_creature(EVIL,120); protect_evil(); cure_poison(); remove_fear(); hp_player(50); if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You're head stops stinging."); } if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You feel better."); } ident = TRUE; break; case ST_MAGI: if (res_stat(A_INT)) { msg_print("You have a warm feeling."); ident = TRUE; } m_ptr = &py.misc; if (m_ptr->cmana < m_ptr->mana) { m_ptr->cmana = m_ptr->mana; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your feel your head clear."); prt_cmana(); } break; case ST_POWER: dispel_creature(0xFFFFFFFFL,120); break; case ST_SURROUND: map_area(); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_LIGHT: ident = light_area(char_row, char_col); break; case ST_DR_LC: ident = detect_sdoor(); break; case ST_TRP_LC: ident = detect_trap(); break; case ST_TRE_LC: ident = detect_treasure(); break; case ST_OBJ_LC: ident = detect_object(); break; case ST_TELE: teleport(100); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_EARTH: ident = TRUE; earthquake(); break; case ST_SUMMON: ident = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < randint(4); k++) { y = char_row; x = char_col; ident |= summon_monster(&y, &x, FALSE); } break; case ST_DEST: ident = TRUE; destroy_area(char_row, char_col); break; case ST_STAR: ident = TRUE; starlite(char_row, char_col); break; case ST_HAST_MN: ident = speed_monsters(1); break; case ST_SLOW_MN: ident = speed_monsters(-1); break; case ST_SLEE_MN: ident = sleep_monsters2(); break; case ST_CURE_LT: ident = hp_player(randint(8)); break; case ST_DET_INV: ident = detect_invisible(); break; case ST_SPEED: if (py.flags.fast == 0) ident = TRUE; if (py.flags.fast <= 0) py.flags.fast += randint(30) + 15; else py.flags.fast += randint(5); break; case ST_SLOW: if (py.flags.slow == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.slow += randint(30) + 15; break; case ST_REMOVE: if (remove_curse()) { if (py.flags.blind < 1) msg_print("The staff glows blue for a moment.."); ident = TRUE; } break; case ST_DET_EVI: ident = detect_evil(); break; case ST_CURING: if ((cure_blindness()) || (cure_poison()) || (cure_confusion()) || (py.flags.stun>0) || (py.flags.cut>0)) ident = TRUE; if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; msg_print("You're head stops stinging."); } else if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; msg_print("You feel better."); } break; case ST_DSP_EVI: ident = dispel_creature(EVIL, 60); break; case ST_DARK: ident = unlight_area(char_row, char_col); break; default: msg_print("Internal error in staffs()"); break; } if (ident) { if (!known1_p(i_ptr)) { m_ptr = &py.misc; /* round half-way case up */ m_ptr->exp += (i_ptr->level + (m_ptr->lev >> 1)) / m_ptr->lev; prt_experience(); identify(&item_val); i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; } }
/* Potions for the quaffing -RAK- */ void quaff() { int32u i, l; int j, k, item_val; int ident; register inven_type *i_ptr; register struct misc *m_ptr; register struct flags *f_ptr; #if 0 /* used by ifdefed out learn_spell potion */ register class_type *c_ptr; #endif free_turn_flag = TRUE; if (inven_ctr == 0) msg_print("But you are not carrying anything."); else if (!find_range(TV_POTION1, TV_POTION2, &j, &k)) msg_print("You are not carrying any potions."); else if (get_item(&item_val, "Quaff which potion?", j, k, CNIL, CNIL)) { i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; i = i_ptr->flags; free_turn_flag = FALSE; ident = FALSE; if (i == 0) { msg_print ("You feel less thirsty."); ident = TRUE; } else while (i != 0) { j = bit_pos(&i) + 1; if (i_ptr->tval == TV_POTION2) j += 32; /* Potions */ switch(j) { case 1: if (inc_stat (A_STR)) { msg_print("Wow! What bulging muscles!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 2: ident = TRUE; lose_str(); break; case 3: if (res_stat (A_STR)) { msg_print("You feel warm all over."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 4: if (inc_stat (A_INT)) { msg_print("Aren't you brilliant!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 5: ident = TRUE; lose_int(); break; case 6: if (res_stat (A_INT)) { msg_print("You have have a warm feeling."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 7: if (inc_stat (A_WIS)) { msg_print("You suddenly have a profound thought!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 8: ident = TRUE; lose_wis(); break; case 9: if (res_stat (A_WIS)) { msg_print("You feel your wisdom returning."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 10: if (inc_stat (A_CHR)) { msg_print("Gee, ain't you cute!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 11: ident = TRUE; lose_chr(); break; case 12: if (res_stat (A_CHR)) { msg_print("You feel your looks returning."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 13: ident = hp_player(damroll(2, 7)); break; case 14: ident = hp_player(damroll(4, 7)); break; case 15: ident = hp_player(damroll(6, 7)); break; case 16: ident = hp_player(1000); break; case 17: if (inc_stat (A_CON)) { msg_print("You feel tingly for a moment."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 18: m_ptr = &py.misc; if (m_ptr->exp < MAX_EXP) { l = (m_ptr->exp / 2) + 10; if (l > 100000L) l = 100000L; m_ptr->exp += l; msg_print("You feel more experienced."); prt_experience(); ident = TRUE; } break; case 19: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (!f_ptr->free_act) { /* paralysis must == 0, otherwise could not drink potion */ msg_print("You fall asleep."); f_ptr->paralysis += randint(4) + 4; ident = TRUE; } break; case 20: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->blind == 0) { msg_print("You are covered by a veil of darkness."); ident = TRUE; } f_ptr->blind += randint(100) + 100; break; case 21: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->confused == 0) { msg_print("Hey! This is good stuff! * Hick! *"); ident = TRUE; } f_ptr->confused += randint(20) + 12; break; case 22: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->poisoned == 0) { msg_print("You feel very sick."); ident = TRUE; } f_ptr->poisoned += randint(15) + 10; break; case 23: if (py.flags.fast == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.fast += randint(25) + 15; break; case 24: if (py.flags.slow == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.slow += randint(25) + 15; break; case 26: if (inc_stat (A_DEX)) { msg_print("You feel more limber!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 27: if (res_stat (A_DEX)) { msg_print("You feel less clumsy."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 28: if (res_stat (A_CON)) { msg_print("You feel your health returning!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 29: ident = cure_blindness(); break; case 30: ident = cure_confusion(); break; case 31: ident = cure_poison(); break; #if 0 case 33: /* this is no longer useful, now that there is a 'G'ain magic spells command */ m_ptr = &py.misc; c_ptr = &class[m_ptr->pclass]; if (c_ptr->spell == MAGE) { calc_spells(A_INT); calc_mana(A_INT); } else if (c_ptr->spell == PRIEST) { calc_spells(A_WIS); calc_mana(A_WIS); } else { /* A warrior learns something about his equipment. -CJS- */ inven_type *w_ptr; vtype tmp_str; extern char *describe_use (); for (k = 22; k < INVEN_ARRAY_SIZE; k++) { w_ptr = &inventory[k]; if (w_ptr->tval != TV_NOTHING && enchanted (w_ptr)) { (void) sprintf (tmp_str, "There's something about what you are %s...", describe_use(k)); msg_print (tmp_str); add_inscribe(w_ptr, ID_MAGIK); ident = TRUE; } } } break; #endif case 34: if (py.misc.exp > 0) { int32 m, scale; msg_print("You feel your memories fade."); /* Lose between 1/5 and 2/5 of your experience */ m = py.misc.exp / 5; if (py.misc.exp > MAX_SHORT) { scale = MAX_LONG / py.misc.exp; m += (randint((int)scale) * py.misc.exp) / (scale * 5); } else m += randint((int)py.misc.exp) / 5; lose_exp(m); ident = TRUE; } break; case 35: f_ptr = &py.flags; (void) cure_poison(); if (f_ptr->food > 150) f_ptr->food = 150; f_ptr->paralysis = 4; msg_print("The potion makes you vomit!"); ident = TRUE; break; case 36: if (py.flags.invuln == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.invuln += randint(10) + 10; break; case 37: if (py.flags.hero == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.hero += randint(25) + 25; break; case 38: if (py.flags.shero == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.shero += randint(25) + 25; break; case 39: ident = remove_fear(); break; case 40: ident = restore_level(); break; case 41: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->resist_heat == 0) ident = TRUE; f_ptr->resist_heat += randint(10) + 10; break; case 42: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->resist_cold == 0) ident = TRUE; f_ptr->resist_cold += randint(10) + 10; break; case 43: if (py.flags.detect_inv == 0) ident = TRUE; detect_inv2(randint(12)+12); break; case 44: ident = slow_poison(); break; case 45: ident = cure_poison(); break; case 46: m_ptr = &py.misc; if (m_ptr->cmana < m_ptr->mana) { m_ptr->cmana = m_ptr->mana; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your feel your head clear."); prt_cmana(); } break; case 47: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->tim_infra == 0) { msg_print("Your eyes begin to tingle."); ident = TRUE; } f_ptr->tim_infra += 100 + randint(100); break; default: msg_print ("Internal error in potion()"); break; } /* End of Potions. */ } if (ident) { if (!known1_p(i_ptr)) { m_ptr = &py.misc; /* round half-way case up */ m_ptr->exp += (i_ptr->level + (m_ptr->lev >> 1)) / m_ptr->lev; prt_experience(); identify(&item_val); i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; } }
/* Potions for the quaffing -RAK- */ void quaff() { int32u i, l; int j, k, item_val; int ident; register inven_type *i_ptr; register struct misc *m_ptr; register struct flags *f_ptr; free_turn_flag = TRUE; if (inven_ctr == 0) msg_print("But you are not carrying anything."); else if (!find_range(TV_POTION1, TV_POTION2, &j, &k)) msg_print("You are not carrying any potions."); else if (get_item(&item_val, "Quaff which potion?", j, k, 0)) { i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; i = i_ptr->flags; free_turn_flag = FALSE; ident = FALSE; if (i == 0) { msg_print ("You feel less thirsty."); ident = TRUE; } else while (i != 0) { j = bit_pos(&i) + 1; if (i_ptr->tval == TV_POTION2) j += 32; /* Potions */ switch(j) { case 1: if (inc_stat (A_STR)) { msg_print("Wow! What bulging muscles!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 2: ident = TRUE; lose_str(); break; case 3: if (res_stat (A_STR)) { msg_print("You feel warm all over."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 4: if (inc_stat (A_INT)) { msg_print("Aren't you brilliant!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 5: ident = TRUE; lose_int(); break; case 6: if (res_stat (A_INT)) { msg_print("You have a warm feeling."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 7: if (inc_stat (A_WIS)) { msg_print("You suddenly have a profound thought!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 8: ident = TRUE; lose_wis(); break; case 9: if (res_stat (A_WIS)) { msg_print("You feel your wisdom returning."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 10: if (inc_stat (A_CHR)) { msg_print("Gee, ain't you cute!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 11: ident = TRUE; lose_chr(); break; case 12: if (res_stat (A_CHR)) { msg_print("You feel your looks returning."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 13: ident = hp_player(damroll(2, 7)); if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut-=10; if (py.flags.cut<0) py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your wounds heal."); } break; case 14: ident = hp_player(damroll(4, 7)); if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=(py.flags.cut/2)-50; if (py.flags.cut<0) py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your wounds heal."); } break; case 15: ident = hp_player(damroll(6, 7)); if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your wounds heal."); } if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your head stops stinging."); } break; case 16: ident = hp_player(400); if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your head stops stinging."); } if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your wounds heal."); } break; case 17: if (inc_stat (A_CON)) { msg_print("You feel tingly for a moment."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 18: m_ptr = &py.misc; if (m_ptr->exp < MAX_EXP) { l = (m_ptr->exp / 2) + 10; if (l > 100000L) l = 100000L; m_ptr->exp += l; msg_print("You feel more experienced."); prt_experience(); ident = TRUE; } break; case 19: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (!f_ptr->free_act) { /* paralysis must == 0, otherwise could not drink potion */ msg_print("You fall asleep."); f_ptr->paralysis += randint(4) + 4; ident = TRUE; } break; case 20: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (!py.flags.blindness_resist) { if (f_ptr->blind == 0) { msg_print("You are covered by a veil of darkness."); ident = TRUE; } f_ptr->blind += randint(100) + 100; } break; case 21: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (!f_ptr->confusion_resist) { if (f_ptr->confused == 0) { msg_print("Hey! This is good stuff! * Hick! *"); ident = TRUE; } f_ptr->confused += randint(20) + 12; } break; case 22: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->poisoned == 0) { msg_print("You feel very sick."); ident = TRUE; } if (!f_ptr->poison_resist) f_ptr->poisoned += randint(15) + 10; break; case 23: if (py.flags.fast == 0) ident = TRUE; if (py.flags.fast <= 0) { py.flags.fast += randint(25) + 15; } else py.flags.fast += randint(5); break; case 24: if (py.flags.slow == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.slow += randint(25) + 15; break; case 26: if (inc_stat (A_DEX)) { msg_print("You feel more limber!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 27: if (res_stat (A_DEX)) { msg_print("You feel less clumsy."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 28: if (res_stat (A_CON)) { msg_print("You feel your health returning!"); ident = TRUE; } break; case 29: ident = cure_blindness(); break; case 30: ident = cure_confusion(); break; case 31: ident = cure_poison(); break; case 34: if (!py.flags.hold_life && py.misc.exp>0) { int32 m, scale; msg_print("You feel your memories fade."); m = py.misc.exp / 5; if (py.misc.exp > MAX_SHORT) { scale = MAX_LONG / py.misc.exp; m+=(randint((int)scale)*py.misc.exp)/(scale*5); } else m+=randint((int)py.misc.exp)/5; lose_exp(m); ident=TRUE; } else msg_print ("You feel you memories fade for a moment, but quickly return."); break; case 35: f_ptr = &py.flags; (void) cure_poison(); if (f_ptr->food > 150) f_ptr->food = 150; f_ptr->paralysis = 4; msg_print("The potion makes you vomit!"); ident = TRUE; break; case 37: if (py.flags.hero == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.hero += randint(25) + 25; break; case 38: if (py.flags.shero == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.shero += randint(25) + 25; break; case 39: ident = remove_fear(); break; case 40: ident = restore_level(); break; case 41: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->resist_heat == 0) ident = TRUE; f_ptr->resist_heat += randint(10) + 10; break; case 42: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->resist_cold == 0) ident = TRUE; f_ptr->resist_cold += randint(10) + 10; break; case 43: if (py.flags.detect_inv == 0) ident = TRUE; detect_inv2(randint(12)+12); break; case 44: ident = slow_poison(); break; case 45: ident = cure_poison(); break; case 46: m_ptr = &py.misc; if (m_ptr->cmana < m_ptr->mana) { m_ptr->cmana = m_ptr->mana; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your feel your head clear."); prt_cmana(); } break; case 47: f_ptr = &py.flags; if (f_ptr->tim_infra == 0) { msg_print("Your eyes begin to tingle."); ident = TRUE; } f_ptr->tim_infra += 100 + randint(100); break; case 48: wizard_light(TRUE); if (!res_stat(A_WIS)) inc_stat(A_WIS); if (!res_stat(A_INT)) inc_stat(A_INT); msg_print("You feel more enlightened!"); identify_pack(); ident=TRUE; break; case 49: msg_print("Massive explosions rupture your body!"); take_hit(damroll(50,20),"a potion of Detonation"); cut_player(5000); stun_player(75); ident=TRUE; break; case 50: msg_print("A feeling of Death flows through your body."); take_hit(5000,"a potion of Death"); ident=TRUE; break; case 51: if (restore_level() | res_stat(A_STR) | res_stat(A_CON) | res_stat(A_DEX) | res_stat(A_WIS) | res_stat(A_INT) | res_stat(A_CHR) | hp_player(5000) | cure_poison() | cure_blindness() | cure_confusion() | (py.flags.stun>0) | (py.flags.cut>0) | (py.flags.image>0) | remove_fear()) { ident=TRUE; py.flags.cut=0; py.flags.image=0; if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; } } break; case 52: if (inc_stat(A_DEX) | inc_stat(A_WIS) | inc_stat(A_INT) | inc_stat(A_STR) | inc_stat(A_CHR) | inc_stat(A_CON)) { ident=TRUE; msg_print("You feel power flow through your body!"); } break; case 53: take_hit(damroll(10,10),"a potion of Ruination"); ruin_stat(A_DEX); ruin_stat(A_WIS); ruin_stat(A_CON); ruin_stat(A_STR); ruin_stat(A_CHR); ruin_stat(A_INT); ident=TRUE; msg_print("Your nerves and muscles feel weak and lifeless"); break; case 54: wizard_light(TRUE); msg_print("An image of your surroundings forms in your mind"); ident = TRUE; break; case 55: msg_print("You feel you know yourself a little better..."); self_knowledge(); ident = TRUE; break; case 56: /* *Healing* */ ident = hp_player(1200); if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your head stops stinging."); } if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your wounds heal."); } if (cure_blindness()) ident = TRUE; if (cure_confusion()) ident = TRUE; if (cure_poison()) ident = TRUE; break; default: if (1) { char tmp_str[100]; msg_print ("Internal error in potion()"); sprintf(tmp_str, "Number %d...", j); msg_print (tmp_str); } break; } /* End of Potions. */ } if (ident) { if (!known1_p(i_ptr)) { m_ptr = &py.misc; /* round half-way case up */ m_ptr->exp += (i_ptr->level + (m_ptr->lev >> 1)) / m_ptr->lev; prt_experience(); identify(&item_val); i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; } }