void CedarXPlayer::reset() {
    //Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);
    LOGV("RESET????, context: %p",this);

    if(mPlayer != NULL) {
        mPlayer->control(mPlayer, CDX_CMD_RESET, 0, 0);
        if(isCedarXInitialized) {
            mPlayer->control(mPlayer, CDX_CMD_STOP_ASYNC, 0, 0);
            mPlayer = NULL;
            isCedarXInitialized = false;

CedarXPlayer::CedarXPlayer() :
    mQueueStarted(false), mVideoRendererIsPreview(false),
    mAudioPlayer(NULL), mFlags(0), mExtractorFlags(0), mCanSeek(0) {


    mExtendMember = (CedarXPlayerExtendMember *)malloc(sizeof(CedarXPlayerExtendMember));


    mPlayer->control(mPlayer, CDX_CMD_REGISTER_CALLBACK, (unsigned int)&CedarXPlayerCallbackWrapper, (unsigned int)this);
    isCedarXInitialized = true;
    mMaxOutputWidth = 0;
    mMaxOutputHeight = 0;
    mDisableXXXX = 0;

    _3d_mode							= 0;
    display_3d_mode						= 0;
    anaglagh_type						= 0;
    anaglagh_en							= 0;
    wait_anaglagh_display_change		= 0;
status_t MediaPlayer::reset()
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    return reset_l();
AAH_RXPlayer::~AAH_RXPlayer() {
    CHECK(substreams_.size() == 0);
status_t AAH_RXPlayer::reset() {
    AutoMutex api_lock(&api_lock_);
    return OK;
Esempio n. 6
bool HDMIAudioCaps::loadCaps(int ALSADeviceID) {
    bool ret = false;
    struct mixer* mixer = NULL;
    struct mixer_ctl* ctrls[kCtrlCount] = {NULL};
    int tmp, mode_cnt;
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

    ALOGE("%s: start", __func__);


    // Open the mixer for the chosen ALSA device
    if (NULL == (mixer = mixer_open(ALSADeviceID))) {
        ALOGE("%s: mixer_open(%d) failed", __func__, ALSADeviceID);
        goto bailout;

    // Gather handles to all of the controls we will need in order to enumerate
    // the audio capabilities of this HDMI link.  No need to free/release these
    // later, they are just pointers into the tinyalsa mixer structure itself.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kCtrlCount; ++i) {
        ctrls[i] = mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, kCtrlNames[i]);
        if (NULL == ctrls[i]) {
            ALOGE("%s: mixer_get_ctrl_by_name(%s) failed", __func__, kCtrlNames[i]);
            goto bailout;

    // Start by checking to see if this HDMI connection supports even basic
    // audio.  If it does not, there is no point in proceeding.
    if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kBasicAudNdx], 0)) <= 0) {
        ALOGI("%s: Basic audio not supported by attached device", __func__);
        goto bailout;

    // Looks like we support basic audio.  Get a count of the available
    // non-basic modes.
    mBasicAudioSupported = true;
    if ((mode_cnt = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kModeCntNdx], 0)) < 0)
        goto bailout;

    // Fetch the speaker allocation data block, if available.
    if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kSpeakerAlloc], 0)) < 0)
        goto bailout;
    mSpeakerAlloc = static_cast<uint16_t>(tmp);
    ALOGI("%s: Speaker Allocation Map for attached device is: 0x%hx", __func__, mSpeakerAlloc);

    // If there are no non-basic modes available, then we are done.  Be sure to
    // flag this as a successful operation.
    if (!mode_cnt) {
        ret = true;
        goto bailout;

    // Now enumerate the non-basic modes.  Any errors at this point in time
    // should indicate that the HDMI cable was unplugged and we should just
    // abort with an empty set of audio capabilities.
    for (int i = 0; i < mode_cnt; ++i) {
        Mode m;

        // Pick the mode we want to fetch info for.
        if (mixer_ctl_set_value(ctrls[kModeSelNdx], 0, i) < 0)
            goto bailout;

        // Now fetch the common fields.
        if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kFmtNdx], 0)) < 0)
            goto bailout;
        m.fmt = static_cast<AudFormat>(tmp);
        ALOGI("Got mode %d from ALSA driver.", m.fmt);

        if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kMaxChCntNdx], 0)) < 0)
            goto bailout;
        m.max_ch = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp);

        if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kSampRateNdx], 0)) < 0)
            goto bailout;
        m.sr_bitmask = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp);

        // Now for the mode dependent fields.  Only LPCM has the bits-per-sample
        // mask.  Only AC3 through ATRAC have the compressed bitrate field.
        m.bps_bitmask = 0;
        m.comp_bitrate = 0;

        if (m.fmt == kFmtLPCM) {
            if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kBPSNdx], 0)) < 0)
                goto bailout;
            m.bps_bitmask = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp);
        } else if ((m.fmt >= kFmtAC3) && (m.fmt <= kFmtATRAC)) { // FIXME ATRAC is not last format!?
            if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kMaxCompBRNdx], 0)) < 0)
                goto bailout;
            m.comp_bitrate = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp);

        // Finally, sanity check the info.  If it passes, add it to the vector
        // of available modes.
        if (sanityCheckMode(m))  {
            ALOGI("Passed sanity check for mode %d from ALSA driver.", m.fmt);

    // Looks like we managed to enumerate all of the modes before someone
    // unplugged the HDMI cable.  Signal success and get out.
    ret = true;

    if (NULL != mixer)

    if (!ret)

    return ret;
Esempio n. 7
void HDMIAudioCaps::reset() {
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);