int SockLib::udp_init(int localPort, int windowSize) { if (init()) { SysLogger::inst()->err("socket init error"); return -1; } // bind receiving port memset(&localAddr, 0, sizeof(localAddr)); /* Zero out structure */ localAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Internet address family */ localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); /* Any incoming interface */ localAddr.sin_port = htons(localPort); /* Local port */ if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, sizeof(localAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { SysLogger::inst()->err("bind error"); return -1; } dstAddr.sin_port = 0; // generate seq num seq = 0; lastSeq = -1; reset_statistics(); showFile = false; // wSize = windowSize; winBuf = new char[wSize * sizeof(UDPPACKET)]; winPos = 0; winBufPos = 0; fileSize = 0; SysLogger::inst()->out("ftp_udp starting on host: [%s:%d]. (Window Size: %d)", hostname, localPort, wSize); return 0; }
ValueMap::ValueMap() : _nesting(0) , _entries(ValueMapInitialSize, NULL) , _killed_values() , _entry_count(0) { NOT_PRODUCT(reset_statistics()); }
bound_propagator::bound_propagator(numeral_manager & _m, allocator & a, params_ref const & p): m(_m), m_allocator(a), m_eq_manager(m, a) { m_timestamp = 0; m_qhead = 0; m_conflict = null_var; updt_params(p); reset_statistics(); }
// // Constructor // LpAstarCore(unsigned rows, unsigned cols, Cell start, Cell goal, string heuristic, Cells const& bad_cells) : matrix{ rows, cols }, start{ start }, goal{ goal }, hfunc{ }, q{ [this](Cell l, Cell r) { return Key{ at(l) } < Key{ at(r) }; } } { mark_bad_cells(bad_cells); mark_h_values_with(goal); //h value : goal to current reset_statistics(); }
double MonteCarlo::do_optimize(unsigned int max_steps) { IMP_OBJECT_LOG; IMP_CHECK_OBJECT(this); if (get_number_of_movers() == 0) { IMP_THROW("Running MonteCarlo without providing any" << " movers isn't very useful.", ValueException); } ParticleIndexes movable = get_movable_particles(); // provide a way of feeding in this value last_energy_ = do_evaluate(movable); if (return_best_) { best_ = new Configuration(get_model()); best_energy_ = last_energy_; } reset_statistics(); update_states(); IMP_LOG_TERSE("MC Initial energy is " << last_energy_ << std::endl); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max_steps; ++i) { if (get_stop_on_good_score() && get_scoring_function()->get_had_good_score()) { break; } do_step(); if (best_energy_ < get_score_threshold()) break; } IMP_LOG_TERSE("MC Final energy is " << last_energy_ << std::endl); if (return_best_) { // std::cout << "Final score is " << get_model()->evaluate(false) //<< std::endl; best_->swap_configuration(); IMP_LOG_TERSE("MC Returning energy " << best_energy_ << std::endl); IMP_IF_CHECK(USAGE) { IMP_LOG_TERSE("MC Got " << do_evaluate(get_movable_particles()) << std::endl); /*IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK((e >= std::numeric_limits<double>::max() && best_energy_ >= std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) || std::abs(best_energy_ - e) < .01+.1* std::abs(best_energy_ +e), "Energies do not match " << best_energy_ << " vs " << e << std::endl);*/ } return do_evaluate(movable); } else { return last_energy_;
auto replan(Cells const& cells_to_toggle = {}) { reset_statistics(); for (auto c : cells_to_toggle) { at(c).bad = !at(c).bad; if (!at(c).bad) update_vertex(at(c)); else at(c).g = at(c).r = huge(); update_neighbours_of(c); } compute_shortest_path(); }
void SockLib::show_statistics(bool ifSend) { // if (ifSend) { // SysLogger::inst()->out("Sender: number of effective bytes sent: %d (%d * %d)", // sendCnt * sizeof(UDPPACKET), sendCnt, sizeof(UDPPACKET)); // SysLogger::inst()->out("Sender: number of packets sent: %d", sendCnt + reSendCnt); // SysLogger::inst()->out("Sender: number of bytes sent: %d (%d * %d)\n", // (sendCnt + reSendCnt) * sizeof(UDPPACKET), (sendCnt + reSendCnt), sizeof(UDPPACKET)); // } else { // SysLogger::inst()->out("Receiver: number of bytes received: %d (%d * %d)\n", // recvCnt * sizeof(UDPPACKET), recvCnt, sizeof(UDPPACKET)); // } if (ifSend) { SysLogger::inst()->out("Sender: number of effective bytes sent: %d (%d * %d)", fileSize, fileSize / sizeof(UDPPACKET) + 1, sizeof(UDPPACKET)); SysLogger::inst()->out("Sender: number of packets sent: %d", totalFramesSent); SysLogger::inst()->out("Sender: number of bytes sent: %d (%d * %d)\n", (totalFramesSent) * sizeof(UDPPACKET), (totalFramesSent), sizeof(UDPPACKET)); } else { SysLogger::inst()->out("Receiver: number of bytes received: %d (%d * %d)\n", recvCnt * sizeof(UDPPACKET), recvCnt, sizeof(UDPPACKET)); } reset_statistics(); }
virtual void cleanup() { reset_statistics(); m_solver.reset(); }
auto plan() { reset_statistics(); initialize(); compute_shortest_path(); }
virtual void cleanup() { reset_statistics(); m_solver.reset(); m_cancel = false; }
cleaner::cleaner(solver & _s): s(_s), m_last_num_units(0), m_cleanup_counter(0) { reset_statistics(); }
IMPCORE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE MonteCarloMover::MonteCarloMover(kernel::Model *m, std::string name) : kernel::ModelObject(m, name), has_move_(false) { reset_statistics(); }
void init_soar_agent(agent* thisAgent) { /* JC ADDED: initialize the rhs function linked list */ thisAgent->rhs_functions = NIL; /* --- initialize everything --- */ init_symbol_tables(thisAgent); create_predefined_symbols(thisAgent); init_production_utilities(thisAgent); init_built_in_rhs_functions (thisAgent); init_rete (thisAgent); init_lexer (thisAgent); init_firer (thisAgent); init_decider (thisAgent); init_soar_io (thisAgent); init_chunker (thisAgent); init_tracing (thisAgent); init_explain(thisAgent); /* AGR 564 */ select_init(thisAgent); predict_init(thisAgent); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->gds_pool ), sizeof( goal_dependency_set ), "gds" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->rl_info_pool ), sizeof( rl_data ), "rl_id_data" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->rl_et_pool ), sizeof( rl_et_map ), "rl_et" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->rl_rule_pool ), sizeof( rl_rule_list ), "rl_rules" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->wma_decay_element_pool ), sizeof( wma_decay_element ), "wma_decay" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->wma_decay_set_pool ), sizeof( wma_decay_set ), "wma_decay_set" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->wma_wme_oset_pool ), sizeof( wma_pooled_wme_set ), "wma_oset" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->wma_slot_refs_pool ), sizeof( wma_sym_reference_map ), "wma_slot_ref" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->epmem_wmes_pool ), sizeof( epmem_wme_stack ), "epmem_wmes" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->epmem_info_pool ), sizeof( epmem_data ), "epmem_id_data" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->smem_wmes_pool ), sizeof( smem_wme_stack ), "smem_wmes" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->smem_info_pool ), sizeof( smem_data ), "smem_id_data" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->epmem_literal_pool ), sizeof( epmem_literal), "epmem_literals" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->epmem_pedge_pool ), sizeof( epmem_pedge ), "epmem_pedges" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->epmem_uedge_pool ), sizeof( epmem_uedge ), "epmem_uedges" ); init_memory_pool( thisAgent, &( thisAgent->epmem_interval_pool ), sizeof( epmem_interval ), "epmem_intervals" ); thisAgent->epmem_params->exclusions->set_value( "epmem" ); thisAgent->epmem_params->exclusions->set_value( "smem" ); thisAgent->smem_params->base_incremental_threshes->set_string( "10" ); #ifdef REAL_TIME_BEHAVIOR /* RMJ */ init_real_time(thisAgent); #endif /* --- add default object trace formats --- */ add_trace_format (thisAgent, FALSE, FOR_ANYTHING_TF, NIL, "%id %ifdef[(%v[name])]"); add_trace_format (thisAgent, FALSE, FOR_STATES_TF, NIL, "%id %ifdef[(%v[attribute] %v[impasse])]"); { Symbol *evaluate_object_sym; evaluate_object_sym = make_sym_constant (thisAgent, "evaluate-object"); add_trace_format (thisAgent, FALSE, FOR_OPERATORS_TF, evaluate_object_sym, "%id (evaluate-object %o[object])"); symbol_remove_ref (thisAgent, evaluate_object_sym); } /* --- add default stack trace formats --- */ add_trace_format (thisAgent, TRUE, FOR_STATES_TF, NIL, "%right[6,%dc]: %rsd[ ]==>S: %cs"); add_trace_format (thisAgent, TRUE, FOR_OPERATORS_TF, NIL, "%right[6,%dc]: %rsd[ ] O: %co"); reset_statistics (thisAgent); /* RDF: For gSKI */ init_agent_memory(thisAgent); /* END */ }