Esempio n. 1
// the actual parsing routine
bool Parser::parseXMLString(QString data, bool cont) { 

     // add the data to what was left over from a previous parse run
    // search the buffer for the nearest closetag
    int index = 0;
    QRegExp rx( "</MSG_Notification>|</Argument>|</AreaName>");
    m_xml->addData( data );
    if ( (index = rx.indexIn( data )) != -1 )
        // end found in last part
        QString residu( data );

            // add make residu
            int len = index + rx.matchedLength();
            residu = residu.right( residu.length() - len );
            m_xml->addData( residu );

            // loop until no end found in residu
        } while ( (index = rx.indexIn( residu )) != -1 );

    if (!cont) {
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
  Least squares method used to make the tracking more robust. It
  ensures that the points taken into account to compute the right
  equation belong to the line.
  vpMatrix A(numberOfSignal(),2) ;
  vpColVector x(2), x_1(2) ;
  x_1 = 0;

  unsigned int i ;

  vpRobust r(numberOfSignal()) ;
  r.setIteration(0) ;
  vpMatrix D(numberOfSignal(),numberOfSignal()) ;
  D.eye() ;
  vpMatrix DA, DAmemory ;
  vpColVector DAx ;
  vpColVector w(numberOfSignal()) ;
  vpColVector B(numberOfSignal()) ;
  w =1 ;
  vpMeSite p_me ;
  unsigned int iter =0 ;
  unsigned int nos_1 = 0 ;
  double distance = 100;

  if (list.size() <= 2 || numberOfSignal() <= 2)
    //vpERROR_TRACE("Not enough point") ;
    vpCDEBUG(1) << "Not enough point";
                              "not enough point")) ;

  if ((fabs(b) >=0.9)) // Construction du systeme Ax=B
    // a i + j + c = 0
    // A = (i 1)   B = (-j)
    nos_1 = numberOfSignal() ;
    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = p_me.ifloat ;
        A[k][1] = 1 ;
        B[k] = -p_me.jfloat ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 && distance > 0.05)
      DA = D*A ;
      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*B ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = B - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k]  ;
      iter++ ;
      distance = fabs(x[0]-x_1[0])+fabs(x[1]-x_1[1]);
      x_1 = x;

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < 0.2)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;

    // mise a jour de l'equation de la droite
    a = x[0] ;
    b = 1 ;
    c = x[1] ;

    double s =sqrt( vpMath::sqr(a)+vpMath::sqr(b)) ;
    a /= s ;
    b /= s ;
    c /= s ;

  else		// Construction du systeme Ax=B
    // i + bj + c = 0
    // A = (j 1)   B = (-i)
    nos_1 = numberOfSignal() ;
    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][1] = 1 ;
        B[k] = -p_me.ifloat ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 && distance > 0.05)
      DA = D*A ;
      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*B ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = B - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k]  ;
      iter++ ;
      distance = fabs(x[0]-x_1[0])+fabs(x[1]-x_1[1]);
      x_1 = x;

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < 0.2)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;
    a = 1 ;
    b = x[0] ;
    c = x[1] ;

    double s = sqrt(vpMath::sqr(a)+vpMath::sqr(b)) ;
    a /= s ;
    b /= s ;
    c /= s ;

  // mise a jour du delta
  delta = atan2(a,b) ;

  normalizeAngle(delta) ;
Esempio n. 3
  Least squares method used to make the tracking more robust. It
  ensures that the points taken into account to compute the right
  equation belong to the ellipse.
  // Construction du systeme Ax=b
  //! i^2 + K0 j^2 + 2 K1 i j + 2 K2 i + 2 K3 j + K4
  // A = (j^2 2ij 2i 2j 1)   x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4)^T  b = (-i^2 )
  unsigned int i ;

  vpMeSite p_me ;

  unsigned int iter =0 ;
  vpColVector b_(numberOfSignal()) ;
  vpRobust r(numberOfSignal()) ;
  r.setIteration(0) ;
  vpMatrix D(numberOfSignal(),numberOfSignal()) ;
  D.setIdentity() ;
  vpMatrix DA, DAmemory ;
  vpColVector DAx ;
  vpColVector w(numberOfSignal()) ;
  w =1 ;
  unsigned int nos_1 = numberOfSignal() ;

  if (list.size() < 3)
    vpERROR_TRACE("Not enough point") ;
			      "not enough point")) ;

  if (circle ==false)
    vpMatrix A(numberOfSignal(),5) ;
    vpColVector x(5);

    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = vpMath::sqr(p_me.jfloat) ;
        A[k][1] = 2 * p_me.ifloat * p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][2] = 2 * p_me.ifloat ;
        A[k][3] = 2 * p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][4] = 1 ;

        b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(p_me.ifloat) ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 )
      DA = D*A ;
      vpMatrix DAp ;

      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*b_ ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = b_ - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k]  ;

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < thresholdWeight)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
      K[i] = x[i];
    vpMatrix A(numberOfSignal(),3) ;
    vpColVector x(3);

    unsigned int k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        A[k][0] = 2* p_me.ifloat ;
        A[k][1] = 2 * p_me.jfloat ;
        A[k][2] = 1 ;

        b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(p_me.ifloat) - vpMath::sqr(p_me.jfloat) ;
        k++ ;

    while (iter < 4 )
      DA = D*A ;
      vpMatrix DAp ;

      x = DA.pseudoInverse(1e-26) *D*b_ ;

      vpColVector residu(nos_1);
      residu = b_ - A*x;
      r.setIteration(iter) ;
      r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY,residu,w) ;

      k = 0;
      for (i=0 ; i < nos_1 ; i++)
        D[k][k] =w[k];

    k =0 ;
    for(std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it){
      p_me = *it;
      if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION)
        if (w[k] < thresholdWeight)
          *it = p_me;
        k++ ;
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
      K[i+2] = x[i];
  getParameters() ;
Esempio n. 4
void coder_ld8a(

				int ana[]                   /* output: analysis parameters */



	/* LPC coefficients */

	FLOAT Aq_t[(MP1)*2];         /* A(z) quantized for the 2 subframes   */

	FLOAT Ap_t[(MP1)*2];         /* A(z) with spectral expansion         */

	FLOAT *Aq, *Ap;              /* Pointer on Aq_t  and Ap_t            */

	/* Other vectors */

	FLOAT h1[L_SUBFR];           /* Impulse response h1[]              */

	FLOAT xn[L_SUBFR];           /* Target vector for pitch search     */

	FLOAT xn2[L_SUBFR];          /* Target vector for codebook search  */

	FLOAT code[L_SUBFR];         /* Fixed codebook excitation          */

	FLOAT y1[L_SUBFR];           /* Filtered adaptive excitation       */

	FLOAT y2[L_SUBFR];           /* Filtered fixed codebook excitation */

	FLOAT g_coeff[5];            /* Correlations between xn, y1, & y2:

								 <y1,y1>, <xn,y1>, <y2,y2>, <xn,y2>,<y1,y2>*/

	/* Scalars */

	int i, j, i_subfr;

	int T_op, T0, T0_min, T0_max, T0_frac;

	int index;

	FLOAT   gain_pit, gain_code;

	int     taming;


	*  - Perform LPC analysis:                                               *

	*       * autocorrelation + lag windowing                                *

	*       * Levinson-durbin algorithm to find a[]                          *

	*       * convert a[] to lsp[]                                           *

	*       * quantize and code the LSPs                                     *

	*       * find the interpolated LSPs and convert to a[] for the 2        *

	*         subframes (both quantized and unquantized)                     *



		/* Temporary vectors */

		FLOAT r[MP1];                    /* Autocorrelations       */

		FLOAT rc[M];                     /* Reflexion coefficients */

		FLOAT lsp_new[M];                /* lsp coefficients       */

		FLOAT lsp_new_q[M];              /* Quantized lsp coeff.   */

		/* LP analysis */

		autocorr(p_window, M, r);             /* Autocorrelations */

		lag_window(M, r);                     /* Lag windowing    */

		levinson(r, Ap_t, rc);                /* Levinson Durbin  */

		az_lsp(Ap_t, lsp_new, lsp_old);       /* Convert A(z) to lsp */

		/* LSP quantization */

		qua_lsp(lsp_new, lsp_new_q, ana);

		ana += 2;                        /* Advance analysis parameters pointer */


		* Find interpolated LPC parameters in all subframes                  *

		* The interpolated parameters are in array Aq_t[].                   *


		int_qlpc(lsp_old_q, lsp_new_q, Aq_t);

		/* Compute A(z/gamma) */

		weight_az(&Aq_t[0],   GAMMA1, M, &Ap_t[0]);

		weight_az(&Aq_t[MP1], GAMMA1, M, &Ap_t[MP1]);

		/* update the LSPs for the next frame */

		copy(lsp_new,   lsp_old,   M);

		copy(lsp_new_q, lsp_old_q, M);



	* - Find the weighted input speech w_sp[] for the whole speech frame   *

	* - Find the open-loop pitch delay for the whole speech frame          *

	* - Set the range for searching closed-loop pitch in 1st subframe      *


	residu(&Aq_t[0],   &speech[0],       &exc[0],       L_SUBFR);

	residu(&Aq_t[MP1], &speech[L_SUBFR], &exc[L_SUBFR], L_SUBFR);


		FLOAT Ap1[MP1];

		Ap = Ap_t;

		Ap1[0] = (F)1.0;

		for(i=1; i<=M; i++)

			Ap1[i] = Ap[i] - (F)0.7 * Ap[i-1];

		syn_filt(Ap1, &exc[0], &wsp[0], L_SUBFR, mem_w, 1);

		Ap += MP1;

		for(i=1; i<=M; i++)

			Ap1[i] = Ap[i] - (F)0.7 * Ap[i-1];

		syn_filt(Ap1, &exc[L_SUBFR], &wsp[L_SUBFR], L_SUBFR, mem_w, 1);


	/* Find open loop pitch lag for whole speech frame */

	T_op = pitch_ol_fast(wsp, L_FRAME);

	/* Range for closed loop pitch search in 1st subframe */

	T0_min = T_op - 3;

	if (T0_min < PIT_MIN) T0_min = PIT_MIN;

	T0_max = T0_min + 6;

	if (T0_max > PIT_MAX)


		T0_max = PIT_MAX;

		T0_min = T0_max - 6;



	*          Loop for every subframe in the analysis frame                 *


	*  To find the pitch and innovation parameters. The subframe size is     *

	*  L_SUBFR and the loop is repeated L_FRAME/L_SUBFR times.               *

	*     - find the weighted LPC coefficients                               *

	*     - find the LPC residual signal                                     *

	*     - compute the target signal for pitch search                       *

	*     - compute impulse response of weighted synthesis filter (h1[])     *

	*     - find the closed-loop pitch parameters                            *

	*     - encode the pitch delay                                           *

	*     - find target vector for codebook search                           *

	*     - codebook search                                                  *

	*     - VQ of pitch and codebook gains                                   *

	*     - update states of weighting filter                                *


	Aq = Aq_t;    /* pointer to interpolated quantized LPC parameters */

	Ap = Ap_t;    /* pointer to weighted LPC coefficients             */

	for (i_subfr = 0;  i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR)



		* Compute impulse response, h1[], of weighted synthesis filter  *


		h1[0] = (F)1.0;

		set_zero(&h1[1], L_SUBFR-1);

		syn_filt(Ap, h1, h1, L_SUBFR, &h1[1], 0);


		* Find the target vector for pitch search:      *


		syn_filt(Ap, &exc[i_subfr], xn, L_SUBFR, mem_w0, 0);


		*    Closed-loop fractional pitch search                          *


		T0 = pitch_fr3_fast(&exc[i_subfr], xn, h1, L_SUBFR, T0_min, T0_max,

			i_subfr, &T0_frac);

		index = enc_lag3(T0, T0_frac, &T0_min, &T0_max, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX,


		*ana++ = index;

		if (i_subfr == 0)

			*ana++ = parity_pitch(index);


		*   - find filtered pitch exc                                     *

		*   - compute pitch gain and limit between 0 and 1.2              *

		*   - update target vector for codebook search                    *

		*   - find LTP residual.                                          *


		syn_filt(Ap, &exc[i_subfr], y1, L_SUBFR, mem_zero, 0);

		gain_pit = g_pitch(xn, y1, g_coeff, L_SUBFR);

		/* clip pitch gain if taming is necessary */

		taming = test_err(T0, T0_frac);

		if( taming == 1){

			if (gain_pit > GPCLIP) {

				gain_pit = GPCLIP;



		for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++)

			xn2[i] = xn[i] - y1[i]*gain_pit;


		* - Innovative codebook search.                       *


		index = ACELP_code_A(xn2, h1, T0, sharp, code, y2, &i);

		*ana++ = index;           /* Positions index */

		*ana++ = i;               /* Signs index     */


		*  - Compute the correlations <y2,y2>, <xn,y2>, <y1,y2>*

		*  - Vector quantize gains.                            *


		corr_xy2(xn, y1, y2, g_coeff);

		*ana++ =qua_gain(code, g_coeff, L_SUBFR, &gain_pit, &gain_code,



		* - Update pitch sharpening "sharp" with quantized gain_pit  *


		sharp = gain_pit;

		if (sharp > SHARPMAX) sharp = SHARPMAX;

		if (sharp < SHARPMIN) sharp = SHARPMIN;


		* - Find the total excitation                          *

		* - update filters' memories for finding the target    *

		*   vector in the next subframe  (mem_w0[])            *


		for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR;  i++)

			exc[i+i_subfr] = gain_pit*exc[i+i_subfr] + gain_code*code[i];

		update_exc_err(gain_pit, T0);

		for (i = L_SUBFR-M, j = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++, j++)

			mem_w0[j]  = xn[i] - gain_pit*y1[i] - gain_code*y2[i];

		Aq += MP1;           /* interpolated LPC parameters for next subframe */

		Ap += MP1;



	* Update signal for next frame.                    *

	* -> shift to the left by L_FRAME:                 *

	*     speech[], wsp[] and  exc[]                   *


	copy(&old_speech[L_FRAME], &old_speech[0], L_TOTAL-L_FRAME);

	copy(&old_wsp[L_FRAME], &old_wsp[0], PIT_MAX);

	copy(&old_exc[L_FRAME], &old_exc[0], PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL);

