Esempio n. 1
void write_file(int inum, FILE *inf, int size, int offset)
    resize_file(inum, offset);
    u8 bytes[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        u8 byte = fgetc(inf);
        bytes[i] = byte;
    append_data_to_file(inum, bytes, size);
Esempio n. 2
void write_data_to_file(int inum, void *data, size_t size, int offset)
    resize_file(inum, offset);
    append_data_to_file(inum, data, size);
Esempio n. 3
static int am_shm_extend(am_shm_t *am, size_t usize) {
    size_t size, osize;
    int rv = AM_SUCCESS;

    if (usize == 0 || am == NULL || am->pool == NULL) {
        return AM_EINVAL;

    size = page_size(usize + SIZEOF_mem_pool);

#ifdef _WIN32    
    if (UnmapViewOfFile(am->pool) == 0) {
        am->error = GetLastError();
        return AM_ERROR;
    if (CloseHandle(am->h[2]) == 0) {
        am->error = GetLastError();
        return AM_ERROR;
    if (resize_file(am->h[1], size) == FALSE) {
        return AM_ERROR;
    am->h[2] = CreateFileMappingA(am->h[1], NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, (DWORD) size, NULL);
    am->error = GetLastError();
    if (am->h[2] == NULL) {
        return AM_ERROR;
    am->pool = (struct mem_pool *) MapViewOfFile(am->h[2], FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
    am->error = GetLastError();
    if (am->pool == NULL || (am->error != 0 && am->error != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
        rv = AM_ERROR;
    } else
    osize = ((struct mem_pool *) am->pool)->size;
    rv = ftruncate(am->fd, size);
    if (rv == -1) {
        am->error = errno;
        return AM_EINVAL;
    munmap(am->pool, osize);
    am->pool = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, am->fd, 0);
    if (am->pool == MAP_FAILED) {
        am->error = errno;
        rv = AM_ERROR;
    } else
        struct mem_pool *pool = (struct mem_pool *) am->pool;
        struct mem_chunk *last = (struct mem_chunk *) AM_GET_POINTER(pool, pool->;

        if (last == NULL) {
            am->error = AM_ENOMEM;
            return AM_ERROR;

        if (last->used == 0) {
            /* the last chunk is not used - add all newly allocated space there */
            last->size += size - pool->size;
        } else {
            /* the last chunk is used - add all newly allocated space right after the last chunk 
             * adjusting both - next pointer of the last chunk and head node to point to it
            struct mem_chunk *e = (struct mem_chunk *) ((char *) pool + pool->size);
            e->used = 0;
            e->usize = 0;
            e->size = size - pool->size;
            e->lh.prev = AM_GET_OFFSET(pool, last);
            e-> = 0;
            pool-> = last-> = AM_GET_OFFSET(pool, e);

        *(am->global_size) = am->local_size = pool->size = size; /* new size */
        am->error = AM_SUCCESS;
    return rv;