void VideoWindow::remove(QList<int> rows){ disconnect(this->ui->sequence,SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),this,SLOT(review())); while(rows.size()>0){ this->eventsPositionInMiliseconds.removeAt(rows.last()); this->ui->sequence->removeRow(rows.last()); rows.pop_back(); } connect(this->ui->sequence,SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),this,SLOT(review())); this->checkSaveCondition(); }
int InputData(int net) { int resource = 0; if ( getrequestheader(net) < 0 ) /* Get HTTP request */ return -1; output(net); if ( (resource = review()) < 0 ) /* Check whether resource exists and updates the status code */ { output(net); return 1; } printf("Status is: %d\n",status); /*Outputs HTTP response headers */ /* Service the HTTP request */ if ( status == 200 ) { if ( ack(net, resource) ) /* returns the resource */ error("Error returning the resource"); } if ( resource > 0 ) if ( close(resource) < 0 ) { error("Resource could not be closed"); } return 0; }
int main(int args, char *argv[]){ int option = checkArgs(args, argv); int returnVal = 0; switch (option){ case 1:{ //-review XmElem *top = openXmElemTree( stdin ); if (top == NULL){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } returnVal = review(top, stdout); mxCleanElem (top); break; } case 2:{ //-cat returnVal = combineFiles(args, argv, stdout); break; } case 3:{ //-keep XmElem *top = openXmElemTree( stdin ); if (top == NULL){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } returnVal = selects(top, KEEP, argv[2], stdout); mxCleanElem(top); break; } case 4:{ //-discard XmElem *top = openXmElemTree( stdin ); if (top == NULL){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } returnVal = selects(top, DISCARD, argv[2], stdout); mxCleanElem(top); break; } case 5:{ //-lib XmElem *top = openXmElemTree( stdin ); if (top == NULL){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } returnVal = libFormat(top, stdout); mxCleanElem(top); break; } case 6:{ //-bib XmElem *top = openXmElemTree( stdin ); if (top == NULL){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } returnVal = bibFormat(top, stdout); mxCleanElem(top); break; } default://invalid command return EXIT_FAILURE; } return returnVal; }
/** @brief Основная функция */ int main() { setlocale( LC_CTYPE, ".1251" ); ///Руссифицируем char s[80]; /// инициализация массива очереди int t; /// инициализация счетчика for(t=0; t < MAX; ++t) p[t] = NULL; for(;;) { printf("Ввести (E), Список (L), Удалить (R), Выход (Q): ");/// вывод меню функций на экран gets(s); *s = toupper(*s); switch(*s) { case 'E': enter(); break; case 'L': review(); break; case 'R': delete_ap(); break; case 'Q': exit(0); }/// выбор функции пользователем } return 0; }
QVector<Review> DBManager::queryAppReviews(QString app_name) { QVector<Review> review_vector; int review_total = this->queryTotalAppReviews(app_name); QSqlQuery query; QString sql = "SELECT * FROM review WHERE app_id = (SELECT id FROM application WHERE app_name = \'"+ app_name +"\')"; query.exec(sql); for(int i=0;i<review_total;i++){ if(query.next()){ QString user_display = query.value(3).toString(); QString content = query.value(2).toString(); QString db_datetime =query.value(4).toString(); QDateTime datetime = QDateTime::fromString(db_datetime); qDebug()<<"db_datetime:"<<db_datetime; qDebug()<<"datetime:"<<datetime; Review review(app_name); review.setUserDisplay(user_display); review.setReviewDate(datetime); review.setReviewContent(content); // qDebug()<<"user display name:"<<review.getUserDisplay(); // qDebug()<<"user content:"<<review.getReviewContent(); // qDebug()<<"review time:"<<review.getReviewDate(); review_vector.append(review); } } return review_vector; }
void editfhdr(ElfObject &eo, char *) { char s[BUFSIZ]; // start of file headers editing printf("editing file headers:\n"); // start interactive loop for (int done=0; !done; ) { // get cmd from user printf("fhdr cmd: "); rmvnlgets(s); tokenize(s, " \t"); char *pt = gettoken(1); // what is the command if (pt == NULL || *pt == '\0') { review(eo); } else if (*pt == '?' || *pt == 'h') { printmenu(); } else if (*pt == 'r') { review(eo); } else if (*pt == 'u') { update(eo); } else if (*pt == 'q') { done = 1; } else { printf("unknown cmd.\n"); } } return; }
jobjectArray ToJavaReviews(JNIEnv * env, std::vector<ugc::Review> const & reviews) { size_t const n = reviews.size(); jobjectArray result = env->NewObjectArray(n, m_reviewClass, nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { jni::TScopedLocalRef review(env, ToJavaReview(env, reviews[i])); env->SetObjectArrayElement(result, i, review.get()); } return result; }
int main() { std::map<int, char> map{ {1, 'a'}, {2, 'b'}, {3, 'c'} }; std::unordered_map<int, char> umap{ {1, 'a'}, {2, 'b'}, {3, 'c'} }; std::set<int> set{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; std::vector<int> vec{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; std::array<int, 5> arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; auto x2 = [](int i) { return i * 2; }; auto tos = [](int i) { return std::to_string(i); }; auto rev = [](std::pair<int, char> p) -> std::pair<const char, int> { return std::make_pair(p.second, p.first); }; auto dupkey = [](std::pair<int, char> p) -> std::pair<const int, int> { return std::make_pair(p.first, p.first); }; auto dupval = [](std::pair<int, char> p) -> std::pair<const char, char> { return std::make_pair(p.second, p.second); }; auto tset = transform_container(set, x2); review("tset", set, tset); auto tvec = transform_container(vec, x2); review("tvec", vec, tvec); auto sset = transform_container(set, tos); review("sset", set, sset); auto svec = transform_container(vec, tos); review("svec", vec, svec); auto swapmap = transform_container(map, rev); review("swapmap", map, swapmap); auto swapumap = transform_container(umap, rev); review("swapumap", umap, swapumap); auto dupkeymap = transform_container(map, dupkey); review("dupkeymap", map, dupkeymap); auto dupvalumap = transform_container(umap, dupval); review("dupvalmap", umap, dupvalumap); // uncomment following to see compilation errors on std::inserter(std::array<int, 5>) //auto tarr = transform_container(arr, x2); //review("tarr", arr, tarr); //auto sarr = transform_container(arr, tos); //review("sarr", arr, sarr); return 0; }
int fortosi_new_1a::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: next(); break; case 1: review(); break; case 2: back(); break; case 3: startread(); break; case 4: tableclicked((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; default: ; } _id -= 5; } return _id; }
void VideoWindow::createConnections() { connect(this->ui->b_play,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(play())); connect(this->ui->b_pause,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(pause())); connect(this->ui->b_stop,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(stop())); connect(this->ui->speed,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(setSpeed(int))); connect(this->ui->in_event,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(newEntry())); connect(this->ui->in_event,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),this->_player,SLOT(pause())); connect(this->ui->sequence,SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),this,SLOT(review())); connect(this->ui->sequence,SIGNAL(cellDoubleClicked(int,int)),this,SLOT(saveOrigText(int,int))); connect(this->ui->sequence,SIGNAL(cellEntered(int,int)),this,SLOT(saveOrigText(int,int))); connect(this->ui->b_excluir,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(remove())); connect(this->ui->subject,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(checkSaveCondition())); connect(this->ui->species,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(checkSaveCondition())); connect(this->ui->description,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(checkSaveCondition())); connect(this->ui->b_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(saveSession())); connect(this->ui->b_dict,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(showDict())); connect(this->_player,SIGNAL(timeChanged(int)),this,SLOT(highlight(int))); }
void rand_type_1(int *arr ,int n){ int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ arr[i]=-1; } arr[0]=randInt(1,n); int j; int rand=randInt(1,n); for(j=1;j<n;j++){ while(review(arr,j,rand)==1){ rand=randInt(1,n); } arr[j]=rand; } }
void fsm_msgVerifyMessage(VerifyMessage *msg) { if(!msg->has_address) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_Other, "No address provided"); return; } if(!msg->has_message) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_Other, "No message provided"); return; } const CoinType *coin = fsm_getCoin(msg->coin_name); if (!coin) return; layout_simple_message("Verifying Message..."); uint8_t addr_raw[21]; if(!ecdsa_address_decode(msg->address, addr_raw)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_InvalidSignature, "Invalid address"); } if(msg->signature.size == 65 && cryptoMessageVerify(coin, msg->message.bytes, msg->message.size, addr_raw, msg->signature.bytes) == 0) { if(review(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other, "Message Verified", (char *)msg->message.bytes)) { fsm_sendSuccess("Message verified"); } } else { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_InvalidSignature, "Invalid signature"); } go_home(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Config config = Config::parse("../result.cfg"); Config updateConfig; std::vector<DataPicture> queuePicture; for (Config::Section section: config["input_field"]) { DataPicture newElement; assert(section["output_file"].size() == 1); for (std::string property: section["output_file"]) { newElement.path = property; } assert(section["recognized_value"].size() == 1); for (std::string property: section["recognized_value"]) { newElement.ball = property; } assert(section["x"].size() == 1); for (std::string property: section["x"]) { newElement.x = property; } assert(section["y"].size() == 1); for (std::string property: section["y"]) { newElement.y = property; } assert(section["width"].size() == 1); for (std::string property: section["width"]) { newElement.width = property; } assert(section["height"].size() == 1); for (std::string property: section["height"]) { newElement.height = property; } queuePicture.push_back(newElement); } QApplication app(argc, argv); Review review(queuePicture); review.show(); return app.exec(); }
ContestantApp::ContestantApp ( QWidget* parent ) : QMainWindow ( parent ), m_dlg ( new Ui::contestant_app_dlg ), DISCONNECT_INFORMATION ( tr ( "There will be a penalty for disconnecting." ) ), DISCONNECT_QUESTION ( tr ( "Are you sure you want to exit the program?" ) ), UNAUTH_TEXT ( tr ( "Unable to obtain authorization." ) ), UNAUTH_INFORMATION ( tr ( "Username or password may be incorrect." ) ) { m_login_dlg = new Ui::login_dlg; m_welcome_dlg = new Ui::welcome_dlg; m_elims_dlg = new Ui::elims_dlg; m_semifinals_dlg = new Ui::semifinals_dlg; m_finalsChoice_dlg = new Ui::finalsChoice_dlg; m_finalsIdent_dlg = new Ui::finalsIdent_dlg; m_summary_dlg = new Ui::summary_dlg; m_ending_dlg = new Ui::ending_dlg; m_dlg->setupUi( this ); QPixmap logo("resources/logo.png"); m_dlg->cerb_logo_lbl->setPixmap(logo); //this->hide(); m_welcome_w = new QDialog( this ); m_welcome_dlg->setupUi( m_welcome_w ); m_welcome_w->hide(); m_elims_w = new QDialog( this ); m_elims_dlg->setupUi( m_elims_w ); m_elims_w->hide(); m_semifinals_w = new QDialog( this ); m_semifinals_dlg->setupUi( m_semifinals_w ); m_semifinals_w->hide(); m_finalsChoice_w = new QDialog( this ); m_finalsChoice_dlg->setupUi( m_finalsChoice_w ); m_finalsChoice_w->hide(); m_finalsIdent_w = new QDialog( this ); m_finalsIdent_dlg->setupUi( m_finalsIdent_w ); m_finalsIdent_w->hide(); m_summary_w = new QDialog( this ); m_summary_dlg->setupUi( m_summary_w ); m_summary_w->hide(); m_ending_w = new QDialog( this ); m_ending_dlg->setupUi( m_ending_w ); m_ending_w->hide(); m_login_w = new QDialog( this ); m_login_dlg->setupUi( m_login_w ); m_login_w->show(); m_network = new ContestantNetwork ( this ); timer = new QTimer( this ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onConnect() ), this, SLOT ( onConnect() ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onDisconnect() ), this, SLOT ( onDisconnect() ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onAuthenticate ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( onAuthenticate ( bool ) ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onContestStateChange ( int, CONTEST_STATUS ) ), this, SLOT ( onContestStateChange ( int, CONTEST_STATUS ) ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onQuestionStateChange ( ushort, ushort, QUESTION_STATUS ) ), this, SLOT ( onQuestionStateChange ( ushort, ushort, QUESTION_STATUS ) ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onContestTime ( ushort ) ), this, SLOT ( onContestTime ( ushort ) ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onQData ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( onQData ( QString ) ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onAData ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( onAData ( bool ) ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL ( onContestError ( ERROR_MESSAGES ) ), this, SLOT ( onContestError ( ERROR_MESSAGES ) ) ); connect( m_network, SIGNAL(onError(QString)), this, SLOT ( onError ( QString ) ) ); // connections for the login dialog connect( m_login_dlg->login_btn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( login() ) ); connect( m_login_dlg->exit_btn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( exit() ) ); // connections for the welcome dialog connect( m_welcome_dlg->start_btn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( welcomeStart() ) ); // connections for the elims and semis dialog connect( m_elims_dlg->prev_btn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( elimSemiPrev() ) ); connect( m_elims_dlg->next_btn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( elimSemiNext() ) ); connect( m_semifinals_dlg->prev_btn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( elimSemiPrev() ) ); connect( m_semifinals_dlg->next_btn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( elimSemiNext() ) ); // connections for summary dialog connect( m_summary_dlg->review_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( review() ) ); connect( m_summary_dlg->submit_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( submit() ) ); // connections for finals dialog connect( m_finalsChoice_dlg->submit_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( finalsSubmit() ) ); connect( m_finalsIdent_dlg->submit_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( finalsSubmit() ) ); // connections for ending dialog connect( m_ending_dlg->exit_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( exit() ) ); // slot for timer connect( timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( updateTimer() ) ); // Get the client configuration from XmlUtil qCount = 0; time = 0; status = CONTEST_STOPPED; qStatus = QUESTION_STOPPED; connected = false; loggedIn = false; closing = false; }
void edithash(ElfObject &eo, char *) { char s[BUFSIZ]; // start of hash table editing printf("editing hash tables:\n"); // initialize hash table pointers int csec = eo.pehdr()->e_shnum; int cbucket = 0; int cchain = 0; // find the first hash table for (int sec=0; sec<eo.pehdr()->e_shnum; sec++) { if (eo.pshdr(sec).sh_type == SHT_HASH) { csec = sec; break; } } if (csec >= eo.pehdr()->e_shnum) { printf("no hash tables found.\n"); return; } cchain = EOSWABIT(eo, eo.phashtbls(csec)[cbucket+2]); // pointers to hash tables Elf32_Word *p0 = eo.phashtbls(csec); Elf32_Word *pe = eo.phashtbls(csec) + eo.pshdr(csec).sh_size/sizeof(Elf32_Word); // start interactive loop for (int done=0; !done; ) { // get cmd from user printf("hash cmd: "); rmvnlgets(s); tokenize(s, " \t"); char *pt = gettoken(1); // what is the command if (pt == NULL || *pt == '\0') { increment(eo, cchain, cbucket, csec, p0, pe); } else if (*pt == 'n') { // show all section names printf("hash table names:\n"); for (int sec=0; sec<eo.pehdr()->e_shnum; sec++) { if (eo.pshdr(sec).sh_type != SHT_HASH) continue; printf("section %d: %s (%d) nb: %ld, nch: %ld\n", sec, eo.shdrnm(sec), eo.pshdr(sec).sh_name, EOSWABIT(eo, eo.phashtbls(sec)[0]), EOSWABIT(eo, eo.phashtbls(sec)[1])); } } else if (*pt == '?' || *pt == 'h') { printmenu(); } else if (*pt == 'D') { dflag = !dflag; if (dflag) printf("demangle mode ON.\n"); else printf("demangle mode OFF.\n"); } else if (*pt == 'r') { review(eo, cchain, cbucket, csec, p0, pe); } else if (*pt == 'u') { update(eo, cchain, cbucket, csec, p0, pe); } else if (*pt == '+') { increment(eo, cchain, cbucket, csec, p0, pe); } else if (*pt == 'q') { done = 1; } else { printf("unknown cmd.\n"); } } return; }