int main() { _delay_ms(100); //little delay for the rfm12 to initialize properly rfm12_init(); //init the RFM12 _delay_ms(100); init_lcd(); init_timer(); sei(); set_orientation(East); put_string((char*)"Initialising...\n"); char random[120] = "hello aaron rowland, this is a string which should "; char test[26] = "0123456789012345678901234"; int i = 23456; char Rpacket[150]; SendPacket(THISDEVICE, random); // while(1) { // if(RecievePacket(Rpacket)) { // put_string("PACKET RECEIVED!!!!!\n"); // put_string(Rpacket); // } // } return 0; }
int main(void) { uint8_t teststring[] = "teststring\r\n"; uint8_t packettype = 0xEE; uart_init9600(); rfm12_init(); sei(); while(1) { #ifdef SENDER rfm12_tx (sizeof(teststring), packettype, teststring); #else rf rfm12_rx (sizeof(teststring), packettype, teststring); teststring[ sizeof(teststring)-1 ] = 0; printf( "rx: %s\r", teststring ); #endif rfm12_tick(); } return 0; }
int main (void) { _delay_ms(2000); sei(); uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT_DOUBLE_SPEED(UART_BAUD_RATE, F_CPU)); uart_puts("\r\nrfm12trx\r\n"); rfm12_init(); rfm12_setfreq(RFM12_FREQ(434.32)); rfm12_setbandwidth(RxBW200, LNA_6, RSSI_79); rfm12_setbaud(19200); rfm12_setpower(PWRdB_0, TxBW105); while(1) { read(); if (tx_ready != 0) { tx(); } else { rx(); } } }
int main(void) { timeCount = 0; hardwareInit(); uart0_init(BAUD_SETTING); /* Initialise timer to divide by 1025, giving 32ms time tick */ timer0Init(0,5); rfm12_init(); wdtInit(); sei(); indx = 0; for(;;) { wdt_reset(); uint8_t sendMessage = false; uint16_t character = uart0_getc(); /* Wait for a serial incoming message to be built. */ if (character != UART_NO_DATA) { inBuf[indx++] = (uint8_t)(character & 0xFF); /* Signal to transmit if a CR was received, or string too long. */ sendMessage = ((indx > MAX_MESSAGE) || (character == 0x0D)); } /* Send a transmission if message is ready to send, or something was received and time waited is too long. */ if (sendMessage || (timeCount++ > TIMEOUT)) { /* Wait for the transmit buffer to be freed and message loaded. */ if ((indx > 0) && (rfm12_tx(indx, 0, inBuf) != RFM12_TX_OCCUPIED)) indx = 0; timeCount = 0; } rfm12_tick(); /* If an RF incoming message has been received, take it from the buffer one character at a time and transmit via the serial port. */ if (rfm12_rx_status() == STATUS_COMPLETE) { uint8_t *bufferContents = rfm12_rx_buffer(); uint8_t messageLength = rfm12_rx_len(); uint8_t i; for (i=0;i<messageLength;i++) { uart0_putc(bufferContents[i]); } /* Clear the "in use" status of the receive buffer to be available for rfm12lib. */ rfm12_rx_clear(); } } }
int main(void) { uint8_t i; cli(); MCUSR = 0; wdt_disable(); //TODO replace by an ana comp polling loop _delay_ms(10); setup_datastructs(); setup_led(); setup_ar_uart(); setup_adc(); setup_pulse_input(); setup_analog_comparator(); setup_timer0(); setup_timer1(); // initialize the CTRL buffers ctrlInit(); // initialize the SPI in slave mode setup_spi(SPI_MODE_0, SPI_MSB, SPI_INTERRUPT, SPI_SLAVE); // initialize the Si4421/RFM12 radio and buffers rfm12_init(); // the clk/8 fuse bit is set clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); FLAG_CLR_ICF1(); sei(); for(;;) { if (spi_status & SPI_NEW_CTRL_MSG) { ctrlDecode(); spi_status &= ~SPI_NEW_CTRL_MSG; } for (i = 0; i < max_analog_sensors; i++) { if (state[i].flags & STATE_POWER_CALC) { calculate_power(&state[i]); state[i].flags &= ~STATE_POWER_CALC; state[i].flags |= STATE_POWER; } } rfm12_tick(); } return 0; }
int main (void) { /* * SPI-Modul initialisieren */ spi_init(); /* * Funkmodul initialisieren */ rfm12_init(); rfm12_rx_on(); /* * CAN-Bus initialisieren */ mcp2515_init(); /* Interrupts initialisieren */ interrupt_init(); /* * Hauptprogramm */ while (1) { if (rfm_new_data) { rfm_new_data = 0; cli(); struct rfm_message tmp_rfm_message; if (rfm_copy_data(&tmp_rfm_message)) { struct can_message tmp_can_message; tmp_can_message.typ = tmp_rfm_message.typ; tmp_can_message.rtr = tmp_rfm_message.rtr; =; tmp_can_message.length = tmp_rfm_message.length; for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) {[i] =[i]; } can_send_message(&tmp_can_message); } sei(); } if (rfm_crc_error != rfm_crc_error_last) { struct can_message tmp_can_message; tmp_can_message.typ = Einzelmeldung; = Funkkoppler_CRC_Error; tmp_can_message.length = Laenge_Einzelmeldung;[0] = rfm_crc_error; can_send_message(&tmp_can_message); rfm_crc_error_last = rfm_crc_error; } set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_STANDBY); sleep_mode(); } }
int main () { uart_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART_BAUD_RATE,16000000L) ); _delay_ms(100); rfm12_init(); sei(); uart_puts("String stored in SRAM\n"); for(;;){ send_data(); _delay_ms(5000); } }
/* Initialise board */ void bugone_init(application_t* applications) { char buf[16]; uint8_t i; uint8_t nb_devices=0; application_t *app=applications; led_init(); uart_init(); rfm12_init(); config_init(); /* Count how many devices are declared */ while (!((app->init == NULL) && (app->get == NULL) && (app->set == NULL) && (app->cfg == NULL))) { nb_devices++; app++; } set_apps(applications,nb_devices); uart_putstr_P(PSTR("Firmware version ")); uart_putstr_P(PSTR(FWVERSION_STR)); uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n")); uart_putstr_P(PSTR("Node address : ")); itoa(config.address,buf,10); uart_putstr(buf); uart_putstr_P(PSTR("\r\n")); for (i=0 ; i < nb_devices; i++) { uart_putc('*'); if (applications[i].init == NULL) { continue; } applications[i].init(applications[i].cfg); } timer1_init(); sei(); uart_putstr_P(PSTR("AVR init complete\r\n")); //clr_output(LED1); //clr_output(LED2); }
void init() { #if 0 tft::init(); tftout = tft::devout(); #endif #if 1 uart0_init(); stdout = uart0_fd(); stdin = uart0_fd(); #endif _delay_ms(1000); rfm12_init(); _delay_ms(1000); sei(); sampler_init(); pwm2_init(); sampler_enable(1); pwm2_enable(1); }
int main(void) { #ifdef BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT _IVREG = _BV(IVCE); /* prepare ivec change */ _IVREG = _BV(IVSEL); /* change ivec to bootloader */ #endif /* Clear the MCUSR Register to avoid endless wdreset loops */ unsigned char reset_reason = 0; #ifdef MCUCSR reset_reason = MCUCSR; MCUCSR = 0; #else #ifdef MCUSR reset_reason = MCUSR; MCUSR = 0; #endif #endif /* Default DDR Config */ #if IO_HARD_PORTS == 4 && DDR_MASK_A != 0 DDRA = DDR_MASK_A; #endif #if DDR_MASK_B != 0 DDRB = DDR_MASK_B; #endif #if DDR_MASK_C != 0 DDRC = DDR_MASK_C; #endif #if DDR_MASK_D != 0 DDRD = DDR_MASK_D; #endif #if IO_HARD_PORTS == 6 #if DDR_MASK_E != 0 DDRE = DDR_MASK_E; #endif #if DDR_MASK_F != 0 DDRF = DDR_MASK_F; #endif #endif #ifdef STATUSLED_POWER_SUPPORT PIN_SET(STATUSLED_POWER); #endif //FIXME: zum ethersex meta system hinzufügen, aber vor allem anderem initalisieren debug_init(); debug_printf("Ethersex " VERSION_STRING " (Debug mode)\n"); #ifdef DEBUG_RESET_REASON if (bit_is_set(reset_reason, BORF)) debug_printf("reset: Brown-out\n"); else if (bit_is_set(reset_reason, PORF)) debug_printf("reset: Power on\n"); else if (bit_is_set(reset_reason, WDRF)) debug_printf("reset: Watchdog\n"); else if (bit_is_set(reset_reason, EXTRF)) debug_printf("reset: Extern\n"); else debug_printf("reset: Unknown\n"); #endif #ifdef BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT /* disable interrupts */ cli(); #else /* enable interrupts */ sei(); #endif //BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT #ifdef USE_WATCHDOG debug_printf("enabling watchdog\n"); #ifdef DEBUG /* for debugging, test reset cause and jump to bootloader */ if (MCUSR & _BV(WDRF)) { debug_printf("bootloader...\n"); jump_to_bootloader(); } #endif /* set watchdog to 2 seconds */ wdt_enable(WDTO_2S); wdt_kick(); #else //USE_WATCHDOG debug_printf("disabling watchdog\n"); wdt_disable(); #endif //USE_WATCHDOG #ifdef ADC_SUPPORT /* ADC Prescaler to 64 */ ADCSRA = _BV(ADEN) | _BV(ADPS2) | _BV(ADPS1); /* ADC set Voltage Reference to extern*/ /* FIXME: move config to the right place */ ADMUX = ADC_REF; //_BV(REFS0) | _BV(REFS1); #endif #if defined(RFM12_SUPPORT) || defined(ENC28J60_SUPPORT) \ || defined(DATAFLASH_SUPPORT) spi_init(); #endif ethersex_meta_init(); #ifdef RFM12_SUPPORT rfm12_init(); #ifdef TEENSY_SUPPORT cli (); rfm12_trans (0xa620); /* rfm12_setfreq(RFM12FREQ(433.92)); */ rfm12_trans (0x94ac); /* rfm12_setbandwidth(5, 1, 4); */ #ifdef RFM12_IP_SUPPORT rfm12_trans (0xc610); /* rfm12_setbaud(192); */ rfm12_trans (0x9820); /* rfm12_setpower(0, 2); */ rfm12_rxstart(); #endif /* RFM12_IP_SUPPORT */ sei (); #else /* TEENSY_SUPPORT */ rfm12_setfreq(RFM12FREQ(433.92)); rfm12_setbandwidth(5, 1, 4); #ifdef RFM12_IP_SUPPORT rfm12_setbaud(CONF_RFM12_BAUD / 100); rfm12_setpower(0, 2); rfm12_rxstart(); #endif /* RFM12_IP_SUPPORT */ #endif /* not TEENSY_SUPPORT */ #endif /* RFM12_SUPPORT */ /* must be called AFTER all other initialization */ #ifdef PORTIO_SUPPORT portio_init(); #elif defined(NAMED_PIN_SUPPORT) np_simple_init(); #endif #ifdef ENC28J60_SUPPORT debug_printf("enc28j60 revision 0x%x\n", read_control_register(REG_EREVID)); debug_printf("mac: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", uip_ethaddr.addr[0], uip_ethaddr.addr[1], uip_ethaddr.addr[2], uip_ethaddr.addr[3], uip_ethaddr.addr[4], uip_ethaddr.addr[5] ); #endif #ifdef STATUSLED_BOOTED_SUPPORT PIN_SET(STATUSLED_BOOTED); #endif ethersex_meta_startup(); /* main loop */ while(1) { wdt_kick(); ethersex_meta_mainloop(); #ifdef SD_READER_SUPPORT if (sd_active_partition == NULL) { if (! sd_try_init ()) vfs_sd_try_open_rootnode (); wdt_kick(); } #endif #ifndef BOOTLOAD_SUPPORT if(status.request_bootloader) { #ifdef CLOCK_CRYSTAL_SUPPORT _TIMSK_TIMER2 &= ~_BV(TOIE2); #endif #ifdef DCF77_SUPPORT ACSR &= ~_BV(ACIE); #endif cli(); jump_to_bootloader(); } #ifndef TEENSY_SUPPORT if(status.request_wdreset) { cli(); wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS); for(;;); } #endif if(status.request_reset) { cli(); void (* reset)(void) = NULL; reset(); } #endif } }
int16_t parse_cmd_rfm12_reinit(char *cmd, char *output, uint16_t len) { rfm12_init(); return ECMD_FINAL_OK; }
int main(void) { uint8_t aes_key_nr; uint8_t loop = 0; uint8_t loop2 = 0; // delay 1s to avoid further communication with uart or RFM12 when my programmer resets the MC after 500ms... _delay_ms(1000); util_init(); check_eeprom_compatibility(DEVICETYPE_BASESTATION); request_queue_init(); // read packetcounter, increase by cycle and write back packetcounter = e2p_generic_get_packetcounter() + PACKET_COUNTER_WRITE_CYCLE; e2p_generic_set_packetcounter(packetcounter); // read device specific config aes_key_count = e2p_basestation_get_aeskeycount(); device_id = e2p_generic_get_deviceid(); uart_init(); UART_PUTS("\r\n"); UART_PUTF4("smarthomatic Base Station v%u.%u.%u (%08lx)\r\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH, VERSION_HASH); UART_PUTS("(c) 2012..2014 Uwe Freese,\r\n"); UART_PUTF("Device ID: %u\r\n", device_id); UART_PUTF("Packet counter: %lu\r\n", packetcounter); UART_PUTF("AES key count: %u\r\n", aes_key_count); UART_PUTS("Waiting for incoming data. Press h for help.\r\n\r\n"); led_blink(500, 500, 3); rfm12_init(); sei(); // ENCODE TEST (Move to unit test some day...) /* uint8_t testlen = 32; uint8_t aes_key_num = 0; memset(&bufx[0], 0, sizeof(bufx)); bufx[0] = 0xff; bufx[1] = 0xb0; bufx[2] = 0xa0; bufx[3] = 0x3f; bufx[4] = 0x01; bufx[5] = 0x70; bufx[6] = 0x00; bufx[7] = 0x0c; bufx[8] = 0xa8; bufx[9] = 0x00; bufx[10] = 0x20; bufx[20] = 0x20; eeprom_read_block (aes_key, (uint8_t *)(EEPROM_AESKEYS_BYTE + aes_key_num * 32), 32); UART_PUTS("Using AES key "); print_bytearray((uint8_t *)aes_key, 32); UART_PUTS("Before encryption: "); print_bytearray(bufx, testlen); uint8_t aes_byte_count = aes256_encrypt_cbc(bufx, testlen); UART_PUTF("byte count = %u\r\n", aes_byte_count); UART_PUTS("After encryption: "); print_bytearray(bufx, aes_byte_count); aes256_decrypt_cbc(bufx, aes_byte_count); UART_PUTS("After decryption: "); print_bytearray(bufx, testlen); while(1); */ while (42) { if (rfm12_rx_status() == STATUS_COMPLETE) { uint8_t len = rfm12_rx_len(); if ((len == 0) || (len % 16 != 0)) { UART_PUTF("Received garbage (%u bytes not multiple of 16): ", len); print_bytearray(bufx, len); } else // try to decrypt with all keys stored in EEPROM { bool crcok = false; for (aes_key_nr = 0; aes_key_nr < aes_key_count ; aes_key_nr++) { memcpy(bufx, rfm12_rx_buffer(), len); /*if (aes_key_nr == 0) { UART_PUTS("Before decryption: "); print_bytearray(bufx, len); }*/ e2p_basestation_get_aeskey(aes_key_nr, aes_key); //UART_PUTS("Trying AES key 2 "); //print_bytearray((uint8_t *)aes_key, 32); aes256_decrypt_cbc(bufx, len); //UART_PUTS("Decrypted bytes: "); //print_bytearray(bufx, len); crcok = pkg_header_check_crc32(len); if (crcok) { //UART_PUTS("CRC correct, AES key found!\r\n"); UART_PUTF("Received (AES key %u): ", aes_key_nr); print_bytearray(bufx, len); decode_data(len); break; } } if (!crcok) { UART_PUTS("Received garbage (CRC wrong after decryption): "); memcpy(bufx, rfm12_rx_buffer(), len); print_bytearray(bufx, len); } UART_PUTS("\r\n"); } //uart_hexdump((char *)bufcontents, rfm12_rx_len()); //UART_PUTS("\r\n"); // tell the implementation that the buffer can be reused for the next data. rfm12_rx_clear(); } // send data, if waiting in send buffer if (send_data_avail) { uint8_t i; // set AES key nr aes_key_nr = hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 1); //UART_PUTF("AES KEY = %u\r\n", aes_key_nr); // init packet buffer memset(&bufx[0], 0, sizeof(bufx)); // set message type uint8_t message_type = hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 3); pkg_header_set_messagetype(message_type); pkg_header_adjust_offset(); //UART_PUTF("MessageType = %u\r\n", message_type); uint8_t string_offset_data = 0; /* UART_PUTS("sKK00RRRRGGMM.............Get\r\n"); UART_PUTS("sKK01RRRRGGMMDD...........Set\r\n"); UART_PUTS("sKK02RRRRGGMMDD...........SetGet\r\n"); UART_PUTS("sKK08GGMMDD...............Status\r\n"); UART_PUTS("sKK09SSSSPPPPPPEE.........Ack\r\n"); UART_PUTS("sKK0ASSSSPPPPPPEEGGMMDD...AckStatus\r\n"); */ // set header extension fields to the values given as hex string in the user input switch (message_type) { case MESSAGETYPE_GET: case MESSAGETYPE_SET: case MESSAGETYPE_SETGET: pkg_headerext_common_set_receiverid(hex_to_uint16((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 5)); pkg_headerext_common_set_messagegroupid(hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 9)); pkg_headerext_common_set_messageid(hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 11)); string_offset_data = 12; break; case MESSAGETYPE_STATUS: pkg_headerext_common_set_messagegroupid(hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 5)); pkg_headerext_common_set_messageid(hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 7)); string_offset_data = 8; break; case MESSAGETYPE_ACK: pkg_headerext_common_set_acksenderid(hex_to_uint16((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 5)); pkg_headerext_common_set_ackpacketcounter(hex_to_uint24((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 9)); pkg_headerext_common_set_error(hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 15)); // fallthrough! case MESSAGETYPE_ACKSTATUS: pkg_headerext_common_set_messagegroupid(hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 17)); pkg_headerext_common_set_messageid(hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, 19)); string_offset_data = 20; break; } uint8_t data_len_raw = 0; // copy message data, which exists in all packets except in Get and Ack packets if ((message_type != MESSAGETYPE_GET) && (message_type != MESSAGETYPE_ACK)) { uint8_t data_len_raw = (strlen(cmdbuf) - 1 - string_offset_data) / 2; //UART_PUTF("Data bytes = %u\r\n", data_len_raw); uint8_t start = __HEADEROFFSETBITS / 8; uint8_t shift = __HEADEROFFSETBITS % 8; // copy message data, using __HEADEROFFSETBITS value and string_offset_data for (i = 0; i < data_len_raw; i++) { uint8_t val = hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)cmdbuf, string_offset_data + 2 * i + 1); array_write_UIntValue(start + i, shift, 8, val, bufx); } } // round packet length to x * 16 bytes uint8_t packet_len = ((uint16_t)__HEADEROFFSETBITS + (uint16_t)data_len_raw * 8) / 8; packet_len = ((packet_len - 1) / 16 + 1) * 16; // send packet which doesn't require an acknowledge immediately if ((message_type != MESSAGETYPE_GET) && (message_type != MESSAGETYPE_SET) && (message_type != MESSAGETYPE_SETGET)) { send_packet(aes_key_nr, packet_len); } else // enqueue request (don't send immediately) { // header size = 9 bytes! if (queue_request(pkg_headerext_common_get_receiverid(), message_type, aes_key_nr, bufx + 9, packet_len - 9)) { UART_PUTF("Request added to queue (%u bytes packet).\r\n", packet_len); } else { UART_PUTS("Warning! Request queue full. Packet will not be sent.\r\n"); } print_request_queue(); } // clear cmdbuf to receive more input from UART send_data_avail = false; rfm12_tick(); led_blink(200, 0, 1); } // flash LED every second to show the device is alive if (loop == 50) { led_blink(10, 10, 1); loop = 0; request_t* request = find_request_to_repeat(packetcounter + 1); if (request != 0) // if request to repeat was found in queue { UART_PUTS("Repeating request.\r\n"); send_packet((*request).aes_key, (*request).data_bytes + 9); // header size = 9 bytes! print_request_queue(); } // Auto-send something for debugging purposes... if (loop2 == 50) { //strcpy(cmdbuf, "s000102828300"); //send_data_avail = true; loop2 = 0; } else { loop2++; } } else { _delay_ms(20); } rfm12_tick(); loop++; process_rxbuf(); if (uart_timeout > 0) { uart_timeout--; if (uart_timeout == 0) { UART_PUTS("*** UART user timeout. Input was ignored. ***\r\n"); } } } // never called // aes256_done(&aes_ctx); }
int main ( void ) { uint8_t aes_key_nr; uint8_t loop = 0; uint8_t loop2 = 0; uint8_t data[22]; sbi(LED_DDR, LED_PIN); // delay 1s to avoid further communication with uart or RFM12 when my programmer resets the MC after 500ms... _delay_ms(1000); request_queue_init(); // read packetcounter, increase by cycle and write back packetcounter = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)EEPROM_POS_PACKET_COUNTER) + PACKET_COUNTER_WRITE_CYCLE; eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t*)0, packetcounter); uart_init(true); UART_PUTS ("\r\n"); UART_PUTS ("Open Home Control Base Station V1.0\r\n"); UART_PUTS ("(c) 2012 Uwe Freese,\r\n"); UART_PUTF ("Packet counter: %lu\r\n", packetcounter); UART_PUTS ("Waiting for incoming data. Press h for help.\r\n"); rfm12_init(); sei(); // ENCODE TEST /* uint8_t testlen = 64; eeprom_read_block (aes_key, (uint8_t *)EEPROM_POS_AES_KEY, 32); UART_PUTS("Using AES key "); printbytearray((uint8_t *)aes_key, 32); UART_PUTS("Before encryption: "); printbytearray(bufx, testlen); unsigned long crc = crc32(bufx, testlen); UART_PUTF("CRC32 is %lx (added as last 4 bytes)\r\n", crc); UART_PUTS("1\r\n"); crc = crc32(bufx, testlen - 4); UART_PUTS("2\r\n"); setBuf32(testlen - 4, crc); UART_PUTS("Before encryption (CRC added): "); printbytearray(bufx, testlen); UART_PUTS("1\r\n"); uint8_t aes_byte_count = aes256_encrypt_cbc(bufx, testlen); UART_PUTS("2\r\n"); UART_PUTS("After encryption: "); printbytearray(bufx, aes_byte_count); UART_PUTF("String len = %u\r\n", aes_byte_count); UART_PUTS("1\r\n"); aes256_decrypt_cbc(bufx, aes_byte_count); UART_PUTS("2\r\n"); UART_PUTS("After decryption: "); printbytearray(bufx, testlen); crc = getBuf32(testlen - 4); UART_PUTF("CRC32 is %lx (last 4 bytes from decrypted message)\r\n", crc); printbytearray(bufx, testlen); UART_PUTS("After decryption (CRC removed): "); printbytearray(bufx, testlen); UART_PUTF("String len = %u\r\n", testlen); while(1); */ while (42) { if (rfm12_rx_status() == STATUS_COMPLETE) { uint8_t len = rfm12_rx_len(); if ((len == 0) || (len % 16 != 0)) { UART_PUTF("Received garbage (%u bytes not multiple of 16): ", len); printbytearray(bufx, len); } else // try to decrypt with all keys stored in EEPROM { uint32_t assumed_crc; uint32_t actual_crc; for(aes_key_nr = 0; aes_key_nr < AES_KEY_EEPROM_COUNT ; aes_key_nr++) { //strncpy((char *)bufx, (char *)rfm12_rx_buffer(), len); memcpy(bufx, rfm12_rx_buffer(), len); /*if (aes_key_nr == 0) { UART_PUTS("Before decryption: "); printbytearray(bufx, len); }*/ eeprom_read_block (aes_key, (uint8_t *)(EEPROM_POS_AES_KEY + aes_key_nr * 32), 32); //UART_PUTS("Trying AES key "); //printbytearray((uint8_t *)aes_key, 32); aes256_decrypt_cbc(bufx, len); //UART_PUTS("Decrypted bytes: "); //printbytearray(bufx, len); assumed_crc = getBuf32(len - 4); actual_crc = crc32(bufx, len - 4); //UART_PUTF("Received CRC32 would be %lx\r\n", assumed_crc); //UART_PUTF("Re-calculated CRC32 is %lx\r\n", actual_crc); if (assumed_crc == actual_crc) { //UART_PUTS("CRC correct, AES key found!\r\n"); UART_PUTF("Received (AES key %u): ", aes_key_nr); printbytearray(bufx, len - 4); decode_data(len - 4); break; } } if (assumed_crc != actual_crc) { UART_PUTS("Received garbage (CRC wrong after decryption).\r\n"); } UART_PUTS("\r\n"); } //uart_hexdump((char *)bufcontents, rfm12_rx_len()); //UART_PUTS("\r\n"); // tell the implementation that the buffer can be reused for the next data. rfm12_rx_clear(); } // send data, if waiting in send buffer if (send_data_avail) { uint8_t i; uint8_t data_len_raw = strlen(sendbuf) / 2 - 2; // round data length to 6 + 16 bytes (including padding bytes) uint8_t data_len = (((data_len_raw + 9) / 16) + 1) * 16 - 10; // set aes key nr aes_key_nr = hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)sendbuf, 0); //UART_PUTF("AES KEY = %u\r\n", aes_key_nr); // set command id uint8_t command_id = hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)sendbuf, 2); // set data for (i = 0; i < data_len_raw; i++) { data[i] = hex_to_uint8((uint8_t *)sendbuf, 4 + 2 * i); } // set padding bytes for (i = data_len_raw; i < data_len; i++) { data[i] = 0; } // send status packet immediately (command IDs are less than 128) if (command_id < 128) { // set command id bufx[5] = command_id; // set data memcpy(bufx + 6, data, data_len); send_packet(aes_key_nr, data_len); } else // enqueue request (don't send immediately) { if (queue_request(data[0], command_id, aes_key_nr, data + 1)) { UART_PUTS("Adding request to queue.\r\n"); } else { UART_PUTS("Warning! Request queue full. Packet will not be sent.\r\n"); } print_request_queue(); } // clear send text buffer send_data_avail = false; rfm12_tick(); led_blink(200, 0, 1); } // flash LED every second to show the device is alive if (loop == 50) { led_blink(10, 10, 1); loop = 0; if (set_repeat_request(packetcounter + 1)) // if request to repeat was found in queue { UART_PUTS("Repeating request.\r\n"); send_packet(0, 6); print_request_queue(); } // Auto-send something for debugging purposes... if (loop2 == 50) { //strcpy(sendbuf, "008c0001003d"); //send_data_avail = true; loop2 = 0; } else { loop2++; } } else { _delay_ms(20); } rfm12_tick(); loop++; process_rxbuf(); if (uart_timeout > 0) { uart_timeout--; if (uart_timeout == 0) { UART_PUTS("*** UART user timeout. Input was ignored. ***\r\n"); } } } // never called // aes256_done(&aes_ctx); }
int main(void) { uint16_t send_status_timeout = 25; uint32_t station_packetcounter; uint32_t pos; uint8_t button_state = 0; uint8_t manual_dim_direction = 0; // delay 1s to avoid further communication with uart or RFM12 when my programmer resets the MC after 500ms... _delay_ms(1000); util_init(); check_eeprom_compatibility(DEVICE_TYPE_DIMMER); osccal_init(); // read packetcounter, increase by cycle and write back packetcounter = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)EEPROM_POS_PACKET_COUNTER) + PACKET_COUNTER_WRITE_CYCLE; eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t*)EEPROM_POS_PACKET_COUNTER, packetcounter); // read device id and write to send buffer device_id = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_POS_DEVICE_ID); use_pwm_translation = 1; //eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_POS_USE_PWM_TRANSLATION); // TODO: read (saved) dimmer state from before the eventual powerloss /*for (i = 0; i < SWITCH_COUNT; i++) { uint16_t u16 = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_POS_SWITCH_STATE + i * 2); switch_state[i] = (uint8_t)(u16 & 0b1); switch_timeout[i] = u16 >> 1; }*/ // read last received station packetcounter station_packetcounter = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)EEPROM_POS_STATION_PACKET_COUNTER); led_blink(200, 200, 5); #ifdef UART_DEBUG uart_init(false); UART_PUTS ("\r\n"); UART_PUTS ("smarthomatic Dimmer V1.0 (c) 2013 Uwe Freese,\r\n"); osccal_info(); UART_PUTF ("Device ID: %u\r\n", device_id); UART_PUTF ("Packet counter: %lu\r\n", packetcounter); UART_PUTF ("Use PWM translation table: %u\r\n", use_pwm_translation); UART_PUTF ("Last received station packet counter: %u\r\n\r\n", station_packetcounter); #endif // init AES key eeprom_read_block (aes_key, (uint8_t *)EEPROM_POS_AES_KEY, 32); rfm12_init(); PWM_init(); io_init(); setPWMDutyCycle(0); timer0_init(); // DEMO to measure the voltages of different PWM settings to calculate the pwm_lookup table /*while (42) { uint16_t i; for (i = 0; i <= 1024; i = i + 100) { UART_PUTF ("PWM value OCR1A: %u\r\n", i); OCR1A = i; led_blink(500, 6500, 1); } }*/ // DEMO 0..100..0%, using the pwm_lookup table and the translation table in EEPROM. /*while (42) { float i; for (i = 0; i <= 100; i = i + 0.05) { led_blink(10, 10, 1); setPWMDutyCycle(i); } for (i = 99.95; i > 0; i = i - 0.05) { led_blink(10, 10, 1); setPWMDutyCycle(i); } }*/ // set initial switch state /*for (i = 0; i < SWITCH_COUNT; i++) { switchRelais(i, switch_state[i]); }*/ sei(); // DEMO 30s /*animation_length = 30; animation_length = (uint32_t)((float)animation_length * 1000 / ANIMATION_CYCLE_MS); start_brightness = 0; end_brightness = 255; animation_position = 0;*/ while (42) { if (rfm12_rx_status() == STATUS_COMPLETE) { uint8_t len = rfm12_rx_len(); if ((len == 0) || (len % 16 != 0)) { UART_PUTF("Received garbage (%u bytes not multiple of 16): ", len); printbytearray(bufx, len); } else // try to decrypt with all keys stored in EEPROM { memcpy(bufx, rfm12_rx_buffer(), len); //UART_PUTS("Before decryption: "); //printbytearray(bufx, len); aes256_decrypt_cbc(bufx, len); //UART_PUTS("Decrypted bytes: "); //printbytearray(bufx, len); uint32_t assumed_crc = getBuf32(len - 4); uint32_t actual_crc = crc32(bufx, len - 4); //UART_PUTF("Received CRC32 would be %lx\r\n", assumed_crc); //UART_PUTF("Re-calculated CRC32 is %lx\r\n", actual_crc); if (assumed_crc != actual_crc) { UART_PUTS("Received garbage (CRC wrong after decryption).\r\n"); } else { //UART_PUTS("CRC correct, AES key found!\r\n"); UART_PUTS(" Received: "); printbytearray(bufx, len - 4); // decode command and react uint8_t sender = bufx[0]; UART_PUTF(" Sender: %u\r\n", sender); if (sender != 0) { UART_PUTF("Packet not from base station. Ignoring (Sender ID was: %u).\r\n", sender); } else { uint32_t packcnt = getBuf32(1); UART_PUTF(" Packet Counter: %lu\r\n", packcnt); // check received counter if (0) //packcnt <= station_packetcounter) { UART_PUTF2("Received packet counter %lu is lower than last received counter %lu. Ignoring packet.\r\n", packcnt, station_packetcounter); } else { // write received counter station_packetcounter = packcnt; eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t*)EEPROM_POS_STATION_PACKET_COUNTER, station_packetcounter); // check command ID uint8_t cmd = bufx[5]; UART_PUTF(" Command ID: %u\r\n", cmd); if (cmd != 141) // ID 141 == Dimmer Request { UART_PUTF("Received unknown command ID %u. Ignoring packet.\r\n", cmd); } else { // check device id uint8_t rcv_id = bufx[6]; UART_PUTF(" Receiver ID: %u\r\n", rcv_id); if (rcv_id != device_id) { UART_PUTF("Device ID %u does not match. Ignoring packet.\r\n", rcv_id); } else { // read animation mode and parameters uint8_t animation_mode = bufx[7] >> 5; // TODO: Implement support for multiple dimmers (e.g. RGB) // uint8_t dimmer_bitmask = bufx[7] & 0b111; animation_length = getBuf16(8); start_brightness = bufx[10]; end_brightness = bufx[11]; UART_PUTF(" Animation Mode: %u\r\n", animation_mode); // TODO: Set binary mode like 00010110 //UART_PUTF(" Dimmer Bitmask: %u\r\n", dimmer_bitmask); UART_PUTF(" Animation Time: %us\r\n", animation_length); UART_PUTF(" Start Brightness: %u\r\n", start_brightness); UART_PUTF(" End Brightness: %u\r\n", end_brightness); animation_length = (uint32_t)((float)animation_length * 1000 / ANIMATION_CYCLE_MS); animation_position = 0; /* TODO: Write to EEPROM (?) // write back switch state to EEPROM switch_state[i] = req_state; switch_timeout[i] = req_timeout; eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_POS_SWITCH_STATE + i * 2, u16); */ // send acknowledge UART_PUTS("Sending ACK:\r\n"); // set device ID (base station has ID 0 by definition) bufx[0] = device_id; // update packet counter packetcounter++; if (packetcounter % PACKET_COUNTER_WRITE_CYCLE == 0) { eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t*)0, packetcounter); } setBuf32(1, packetcounter); // set command ID "Generic Acknowledge" bufx[5] = 1; // set sender ID of request bufx[6] = sender; // set Packet counter of request setBuf32(7, station_packetcounter); // zero unused bytes bufx[11] = 0; // set CRC32 uint32_t crc = crc32(bufx, 12); setBuf32(12, crc); // show info UART_PUTF(" CRC32: %lx\r\n", crc); uart_putstr(" Unencrypted: "); printbytearray(bufx, 16); rfm12_sendbuf(); UART_PUTS(" Send encrypted: "); printbytearray(bufx, 16); UART_PUTS("\r\n"); rfm12_tick(); led_blink(200, 0, 1); send_status_timeout = 25; } } } } } } // tell the implementation that the buffer can be reused for the next data. rfm12_rx_clear(); } _delay_ms(ANIMATION_UPDATE_MS); // React on button press. // - abort animation // - switch off, when brightness > 0 // - switch on otherwise if (!(BUTTON_PORT & (1 << BUTTON_PIN))) // button press { if (button_state == 0) { UART_PUTS("Button pressed\r\n"); animation_length = 0; animation_position = 0; } if (button_state < 5) { button_state++; } else // manual dimming { if (manual_dim_direction) // UP { if (current_brightness < 100) { current_brightness = (uint8_t)current_brightness / 2 * 2 + 2; setPWMDutyCycle(current_brightness); } else { UART_PUTS("manual dimming DOWN\r\n"); manual_dim_direction = 0; } } else // DOWN { if (current_brightness > 0) { current_brightness = (((uint8_t)current_brightness - 1) / 2) * 2; setPWMDutyCycle(current_brightness); } else { UART_PUTS("manual dimming UP\r\n"); manual_dim_direction = 1; } } } } else if (button_state && (BUTTON_PORT & (1 << BUTTON_PIN))) // button release { UART_PUTS("Button released\r\n"); if (button_state < 5) // short button press { if (current_brightness > 0) { UART_PUTS(" -> 0%\r\n"); setPWMDutyCycle(0); } else { UART_PUTS(" -> 100%\r\n"); setPWMDutyCycle(100); } } else { // reverse dim direction manual_dim_direction = !manual_dim_direction; } button_state = 0; } // update brightness according animation_position, updated by timer0 if (animation_length > 0) { pos = animation_position; // copy value to avoid that it changes in between by timer interrupt UART_PUTF2("%lu/%lu, ", pos, animation_length); if (pos == animation_length) { UART_PUTF("END Brightness %u%%, ", end_brightness * 100 / 255); setPWMDutyCycle((float)end_brightness * 100 / 255); animation_length = 0; animation_position = 0; } else { float brightness = (start_brightness + ((float)end_brightness - start_brightness) * pos / animation_length) * 100 / 255; UART_PUTF("Br.%u%%, ", (uint32_t)(brightness)); setPWMDutyCycle(brightness); } } // send status from time to time if (send_status_timeout == 0) { send_status_timeout = SEND_STATUS_EVERY_SEC * (1000 / ANIMATION_UPDATE_MS); send_dimmer_status(); led_blink(200, 0, 1); } rfm12_tick(); send_status_timeout--; checkSwitchOff(); }
// Initialisierung void rfm12_layer2_init() { rfm12_send_state = send_idle; rfm12_receive_state = receive_idle; rfm12_init(); }
int main(void) { uint8_t i; uint16_t wakeup_sec; bool send; // delay 1s to avoid further communication with uart or RFM12 when my programmer resets the MC after 500ms... _delay_ms(1000); util_init(); check_eeprom_compatibility(DEVICETYPE_SOILMOISTUREMETER); // configure power pin for 74HC14D as output sbi(TRIGGERPWR_DDR, TRIGGERPWR_PIN); // read packetcounter, increase by cycle and write back packetcounter = e2p_generic_get_packetcounter() + PACKET_COUNTER_WRITE_CYCLE; e2p_generic_set_packetcounter(packetcounter); // read device id device_id = e2p_generic_get_deviceid(); dry_thr = e2p_soilmoisturemeter_get_drythreshold(); if (dry_thr == 0) // set default value if never initialized { dry_thr = 40000; } counter_min = e2p_soilmoisturemeter_get_minval(); if (counter_min == 0) // set default value if never initialized { counter_min = 30000; } avgIntInit = e2p_soilmoisturemeter_get_averagingintervalinit(); avgInt = e2p_soilmoisturemeter_get_averaginginterval(); smoothing_percentage = e2p_soilmoisturemeter_get_smoothingpercentage(); osccal_init(); uart_init(); UART_PUTS ("\r\n"); UART_PUTF4("smarthomatic Soil Moisture Meter v%u.%u.%u (%08lx)\r\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH, VERSION_HASH); UART_PUTS("(c) 2014..2015 Uwe Freese,\r\n"); osccal_info(); UART_PUTF ("DeviceID: %u\r\n", device_id); UART_PUTF ("PacketCounter: %lu\r\n", packetcounter); UART_PUTF ("AveragingInterval for initialization: %u\r\n", avgIntInit); UART_PUTF ("AveragingInterval for normal operation: %u\r\n", avgInt); UART_PUTF ("Dry threshold: %u\r\n", dry_thr); UART_PUTF ("Min value: %u\r\n", counter_min); UART_PUTF ("Smoothing percentage: %u\r\n", smoothing_percentage); adc_init(); // init AES key e2p_generic_get_aeskey(aes_key); // set pull-up for BUTTON_DDR sbi(BUTTON_PORT, BUTTON_PIN); _delay_ms(10); // set DIDR for all ADC channels and AINs, switch off digital input buffers to reduce ADC noise and to save power DIDR0 = 63; DIDR1 = 3; // If button pressed at start up, go to sleep for idle power consumption test. // Don't communicate with RFM12, which may not have been connected yet. if (BUTTON) { led_blink(50, 50, 20); power_down(true); } led_blink(500, 500, 3); rfm12_init(); wakeup_sec = init_wakeup(); // init interrupt for button (falling edge) sbi(EICRA, ISC11); sbi(EIMSK, INT1); sei(); for (i = 0; i < SEND_STATUS_TIMES_AT_STARTUP; i++) { prepare_deviceinfo_status(); send_prepared_message(); _delay_ms(800); prepare_battery_status(); send_prepared_message(); _delay_ms(800); } while (42) { if (BUTTON) { led_blink(100, 0, 1); UART_PUTS("Button pressed!\r\n"); uint8_t cnt = 0; while (BUTTON && (cnt < 250)) { _delay_ms(10); cnt++; } if (cnt == 250) { UART_PUTS("Long press -> initiate measure mode!\r\n"); while (BUTTON) { led_blink(100, 100, 1); } init_mode = true; wupCnt = 0; counter_meas = 0; init_wakeup(); // to usually shorter value UART_PUTS("Button released!\r\n"); _delay_ms(10); } } else { send = true; //UART_PUTF("version_status_cycle = %u\r\n", version_status_cycle); if (!measure_humidity()) { if (battery_status_cycle > 0) battery_status_cycle--; if (version_status_cycle > 0) version_status_cycle--; if (version_status_cycle == 0) { version_status_cycle = SEND_VERSION_STATUS_CYCLE; prepare_deviceinfo_status(); } else if (battery_status_cycle == 0) { battery_status_cycle = SEND_BATTERY_STATUS_CYCLE; prepare_battery_status(); } else { send = false; } } if (send) { send_prepared_message(); } } power_down(true); } // never called // aes256_done(&aes_ctx); }
/*** * * constructor * initialise the module * ***/ megaRF::megaRF(){ rfm12_init(); //rfm12_rx_clear(); rfm12_tick(); }
void rfm12_ask_external_filter_deinit(void) { rfm12_init(); }
int main(void) { uint16_t send_status_timeout = 25; uint32_t pos; uint8_t button_state = 0; uint8_t manual_dim_direction = 0; // delay 1s to avoid further communication with uart or RFM12 when my programmer resets the MC after 500ms... _delay_ms(1000); util_init(); check_eeprom_compatibility(DEVICETYPE_DIMMER); // read packetcounter, increase by cycle and write back packetcounter = e2p_generic_get_packetcounter() + PACKET_COUNTER_WRITE_CYCLE; e2p_generic_set_packetcounter(packetcounter); // read device id device_id = e2p_generic_get_deviceid(); // pwm translation table is not used if first byte is 0xFF use_pwm_translation = (0xFF != eeprom_read_UIntValue8(EEPROM_BRIGHTNESSTRANSLATIONTABLE_BYTE, EEPROM_BRIGHTNESSTRANSLATIONTABLE_BIT, 8, 0, 0xFF)); // TODO: read (saved) dimmer state from before the eventual powerloss /*for (i = 0; i < SWITCH_COUNT; i++) { uint16_t u16 = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_POS_SWITCH_STATE + i * 2); switch_state[i] = (uint8_t)(u16 & 0b1); switch_timeout[i] = u16 >> 1; }*/ // read last received station packetcounter station_packetcounter = e2p_dimmer_get_basestationpacketcounter(); led_blink(500, 500, 3); osccal_init(); uart_init(); UART_PUTS ("\r\n"); UART_PUTF4("smarthomatic Dimmer v%u.%u.%u (%08lx)\r\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH, VERSION_HASH); UART_PUTS("(c) 2013..2014 Uwe Freese,\r\n"); osccal_info(); UART_PUTF ("DeviceID: %u\r\n", device_id); UART_PUTF ("PacketCounter: %lu\r\n", packetcounter); UART_PUTF ("Use PWM translation table: %u\r\n", use_pwm_translation); UART_PUTF ("Last received base station PacketCounter: %u\r\n\r\n", station_packetcounter); // init AES key eeprom_read_block (aes_key, (uint8_t *)EEPROM_AESKEY_BYTE, 32); rfm12_init(); PWM_init(); io_init(); setPWMDutyCyclePercent(0); timer0_init(); // DEMO to measure the voltages of different PWM settings to calculate the pwm_lookup table /*while (42) { uint16_t i; for (i = 0; i <= 1024; i = i + 100) { UART_PUTF ("PWM value OCR1A: %u\r\n", i); OCR1A = i; led_blink(500, 6500, 1); } }*/ // DEMO 0..100..0%, using the pwm_lookup table and the translation table in EEPROM. /*while (42) { float i; for (i = 0; i <= 100; i = i + 0.05) { led_blink(10, 10, 1); setPWMDutyCycle(i); } for (i = 99.95; i > 0; i = i - 0.05) { led_blink(10, 10, 1); setPWMDutyCycle(i); } }*/ // set initial switch state /*for (i = 0; i < SWITCH_COUNT; i++) { switchRelais(i, switch_state[i]); }*/ sei(); // DEMO 30s /*animation_length = 30; animation_length = (uint32_t)((float)animation_length * 1000 / ANIMATION_CYCLE_MS); start_brightness = 0; end_brightness = 255; animation_position = 0;*/ while (42) { if (rfm12_rx_status() == STATUS_COMPLETE) { uint8_t len = rfm12_rx_len(); if ((len == 0) || (len % 16 != 0)) { UART_PUTF("Received garbage (%u bytes not multiple of 16): ", len); print_bytearray(bufx, len); } else // try to decrypt with all keys stored in EEPROM { memcpy(bufx, rfm12_rx_buffer(), len); UART_PUTS("Before decryption: "); print_bytearray(bufx, len); aes256_decrypt_cbc(bufx, len); UART_PUTS("Decrypted bytes: "); print_bytearray(bufx, len); if (!pkg_header_check_crc32(len)) { UART_PUTS("Received garbage (CRC wrong after decryption).\r\n"); } else { process_packet(len); } } // tell the implementation that the buffer can be reused for the next data. rfm12_rx_clear(); } _delay_ms(ANIMATION_UPDATE_MS); // React on button press. // - abort animation // - switch off, when brightness > 0 // - switch on otherwise if (!(BUTTON_PORT & (1 << BUTTON_PIN))) // button press { if (button_state == 0) { UART_PUTS("Button pressed\r\n"); animation_length = 0; animation_position = 0; } if (button_state < 5) { button_state++; } else // manual dimming { if (manual_dim_direction) // UP { if (current_brightness < 100) { current_brightness = (uint8_t)current_brightness / 2 * 2 + 2; setPWMDutyCyclePercent(current_brightness); } else { UART_PUTS("manual dimming DOWN\r\n"); manual_dim_direction = 0; } } else // DOWN { if (current_brightness > 0) { current_brightness = (((uint8_t)current_brightness - 1) / 2) * 2; setPWMDutyCyclePercent(current_brightness); } else { UART_PUTS("manual dimming UP\r\n"); manual_dim_direction = 1; } } } } else if (button_state && (BUTTON_PORT & (1 << BUTTON_PIN))) // button release { UART_PUTS("Button released\r\n"); if (button_state < 5) // short button press { if (current_brightness > 0) { UART_PUTS(" -> 0%\r\n"); setPWMDutyCyclePercent(0); } else { UART_PUTS(" -> 100%\r\n"); setPWMDutyCyclePercent(100); } } else { // reverse dim direction manual_dim_direction = !manual_dim_direction; } button_state = 0; } // update brightness according animation_position, updated by timer0 if (animation_length > 0) { pos = animation_position; // copy value to avoid that it changes in between by timer interrupt UART_PUTF2("%lu/%lu, ", pos, animation_length); if (pos == animation_length) { UART_PUTF("END Brightness %u%%, ", end_brightness); setPWMDutyCyclePercent((float)end_brightness); animation_length = 0; animation_position = 0; } else { float brightness = (start_brightness + ((float)end_brightness - start_brightness) * pos / animation_length); UART_PUTF("Br.%u%%, ", (uint32_t)(brightness)); setPWMDutyCyclePercent(brightness); } } // send status from time to time if (send_status_timeout == 0) { send_status_timeout = SEND_STATUS_EVERY_SEC * (1000 / ANIMATION_UPDATE_MS); send_dimmer_status(); led_blink(200, 0, 1); } else if (version_status_cycle >= SEND_VERSION_STATUS_CYCLE) { version_status_cycle = 0; send_version_status(); led_blink(200, 0, 1); } rfm12_tick(); send_status_timeout--; checkSwitchOff(); } // never called // aes256_done(&aes_ctx); }
void initCommunication(){ rfm12_init(); // initialize the library sei(); rfm12_rx_clear(); }
int main(UNUSED(int argc), UNUSED(char** argv)) { uint32_t tso = rdtsc32(); stdio_mode(STDIO_MODE_CANON); // initialize mraa and software SPI mraa_init(); printf("MRAA paltform %s, version %s\n", mraa_get_platform_name(), mraa_get_version()); mraa_spi_sw_context spi = sw_spi_init(MRAA_SCK, MRAA_MOSI, MRAA_MISO); // initialize RFM12BS rfm12_t rfm; memset(&rfm, 0, sizeof(rfm)); rfm12_init_spi(&rfm, spi, MRAA_CS1, MRAA_GP047); rfm12_init(&rfm, 0xD4, RFM12_BAND_868, 868.0, RFM12_BPS_9600); rfm12_set_mode(&rfm, RFM_MODE_RX); printf("started up in %u msec\n", millis(tso)); // default application configuration cfg.flags |= APPF_ECHO_DAN; cfg.rfm = &rfm; // initialize command line interface console_io_t cli; memset(&cli, 0, sizeof(cli)); cli.prompt = '>'; = &cfg; stdio_init(&cli, stdio_cmd_handler); stdio_mode(STDIO_MODE_RAW); dnode_t node; while(!cli.stop) { cli.interact(&cli, cli_cmd); if (rfm12_receive_data(&rfm, &node, sizeof(node), cfg.flags & RFM_RX_DEBUG) == sizeof(node)) { rfm12_set_mode(&rfm, RFM_MODE_RX); if (node.nid == NODE_TSYNC) { tso = rdtsc32(); ts_unpack(&node); cfg.rtc_hour = node.hour; cfg.rtc_min = node.min; cfg.rtc_sec = node.sec; } if (cfg.flags & APPF_ECHO_DAN) print_node(&cli, &node); } if (millis(tso) >= 1000) { tso = rdtsc32(); if (++cfg.rtc_sec == 60) { cfg.rtc_sec = 0; if (++cfg.rtc_min == 60) { cfg.rtc_min = 0; if (++cfg.rtc_hour == 24) cfg.rtc_hour = 0; } } } usleep(1); // be nice } stdio_mode(STDIO_MODE_CANON); rfm12_close_spi(&rfm); sw_spi_close(spi); mraa_deinit(); }