Esempio n. 1
File: run.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param cmd The cmd to execute
 * @param run_in_term Indicate if command should be run in a terminal
 * Execute command.
 * @returns FALSE On failure, TRUE on success
static inline int execsh ( const char *cmd, int run_in_term )
    int  retv   = TRUE;
    char **args = NULL;
    int  argc   = 0;
    if ( run_in_term ) {
        helper_parse_setup ( config.run_shell_command, &args, &argc, "{cmd}", cmd, NULL );
    else {
        helper_parse_setup ( config.run_command, &args, &argc, "{cmd}", cmd, NULL );
    GError *error = NULL;
    g_spawn_async ( NULL, args, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error );
    if ( error != NULL ) {
        char *msg = g_strdup_printf ( "Failed to execute: '%s'\nError: '%s'", cmd, error->message );
        rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, FALSE  );
        g_free ( msg );
        // print error.
        g_error_free ( error );
        retv = FALSE;

    // Free the args list.
    g_strfreev ( args );
    return retv;
Esempio n. 2
int show_error_message ( const char *msg, int markup )
    int pfd = setup ();
    if ( pfd < 0 ) {
        return FALSE;
    return rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, markup );
Esempio n. 3
File: helper.c Progetto: alepez/rofi
int helper_parse_setup ( char * string, char ***output, int *length, ... )
    GError     *error = NULL;
    GHashTable *h;
    h = g_hash_table_new ( g_str_hash, g_str_equal );
    // By default, we insert terminal and ssh-client
    g_hash_table_insert ( h, "{terminal}", config.terminal_emulator );
    g_hash_table_insert ( h, "{ssh-client}", config.ssh_client );
    // Add list from variable arguments.
    va_list ap;
    va_start ( ap, length );
    while ( 1 ) {
        char * key = va_arg ( ap, char * );
        if ( key == NULL ) {
        char *value = va_arg ( ap, char * );
        if ( value == NULL ) {
        g_hash_table_insert ( h, key, value );
    va_end ( ap );

    // Replace hits within {-\w+}.
    GRegex *reg = g_regex_new ( "{[-\\w]+}", 0, 0, NULL );
    char   *res = g_regex_replace_eval ( reg, string, -1, 0, 0, helper_eval_cb, h, NULL );
    // Free regex.
    g_regex_unref ( reg );
    // Destroy key-value storage.
    g_hash_table_destroy ( h );
    // Parse the string into shell arguments.
    if ( g_shell_parse_argv ( res, length, output, &error ) ) {
        g_free ( res );
        return TRUE;
    g_free ( res );
    // Throw error if shell parsing fails.
    if ( error ) {
        char *msg = g_strdup_printf ( "Failed to parse: '%s'\nError: '%s'", string, error->message );
        rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, FALSE );
        g_free ( msg );
        // print error.
        g_error_free ( error );
    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 4
static void run_switcher ( ModeMode mode )
    pfd = setup ();
    if ( pfd < 0 ) {
    // Otherwise check if requested mode is enabled.
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_modi; i++ ) {
        if ( !mode_init ( modi[i] ) ) {
            rofi_view_error_dialog ( ERROR_MSG ( "Failed to initialize all the modi." ), ERROR_MSG_MARKUP );
            teardown ( pfd );
    char *input = g_strdup ( config.filter );
    __run_switcher_internal ( mode, input );
    g_free ( input );
Esempio n. 5
File: helper.c Progetto: alepez/rofi
int execute_generator ( const char * cmd )
    char **args = NULL;
    int  argv   = 0;
    helper_parse_setup ( config.run_command, &args, &argv, "{cmd}", cmd, NULL );

    int    fd     = -1;
    GError *error = NULL;
    g_spawn_async_with_pipes ( NULL, args, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fd, NULL, &error );

    if ( error != NULL ) {
        char *msg = g_strdup_printf ( "Failed to execute: '%s'\nError: '%s'", cmd, error->message );
        fputs ( msg, stderr );
        fputs ( "\n", stderr );
        rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, FALSE );
        g_free ( msg );
        // print error.
        g_error_free ( error );
        fd = -1;
    g_strfreev ( args );
    return fd;
Esempio n. 6
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param host The host to connect too
 * SSH into the selected host.
 * @returns FALSE On failure, TRUE on success
static inline int execshssh ( const char *host )
    char **args = NULL;
    int  argsv  = 0;
    helper_parse_setup ( config.ssh_command, &args, &argsv, "{host}", host, NULL );

    GError *error = NULL;
    g_spawn_async ( NULL, args, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error );

    if ( error != NULL ) {
        char *msg = g_strdup_printf ( "Failed to execute: 'ssh %s'\nError: '%s'", host, error->message );
        rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, FALSE  );
        g_free ( msg );
        // print error.
        g_error_free ( error );

        g_strfreev ( args );
        return FALSE;
    // Free the args list.
    g_strfreev ( args );

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 7
File: helper.c Progetto: alepez/rofi
 * Do some input validation, especially the first few could break things.
 * It is good to catch them beforehand.
 * This functions exits the program with 1 when it finds an invalid configuration.
int config_sanity_check ( void )
    int     found_error = FALSE;
    GString *msg        = g_string_new (
        "<big><b>The configuration failed to validate:</b></big>\n" );
    if ( config.element_height < 1 ) {
        g_string_append_printf ( msg, "\t<b>config.element_height</b>=%d is invalid. An element needs to be atleast 1 line high.\n",
                                 config.element_height );
        config.element_height = 1;
        found_error           = TRUE;
    if ( config.menu_columns == 0 ) {
        g_string_append_printf ( msg, "\t<b>config.menu_columns</b>=%d is invalid. You need at least one visible column.\n",
                                 config.menu_columns );
        config.menu_columns = 1;
        found_error         = TRUE;
    if ( config.menu_width == 0 ) {
        g_string_append_printf ( msg, "<b>config.menu_width</b>=0 is invalid. You cannot have a window with no width." );
        config.menu_columns = 50;
        found_error         = TRUE;
    if ( !( config.location >= WL_CENTER && config.location <= WL_WEST ) ) {
        g_string_append_printf ( msg, "\t<b>config.location</b>=%d is invalid. Value should be between %d and %d.\n",
                                 config.location, WL_CENTER, WL_WEST );
        config.location = WL_CENTER;
        found_error     = 1;

    // Check size
        int ssize = monitor_get_smallest_size ( );
        if ( config.monitor >= 0 ) {
            workarea mon;
            if ( monitor_get_dimension ( config.monitor, &mon ) ) {
                ssize = MIN ( mon.w, mon.h );
                g_string_append_printf ( msg, "\t<b>config.monitor</b>=%d Could not find monitor.\n", config.monitor );
                ssize = 0;
        // Have todo an estimate here.
        if ( ( 2 * ( config.padding + config.menu_bw ) ) > ( 0.9 * ssize ) ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( msg, "\t<b>config.padding+config.menu_bw</b>=%d is too big for the minimum size of the monitor: %d.\n",
                                     ( config.padding + config.menu_bw ), ssize );

            config.padding = 0;
            config.menu_bw = 0;
            found_error    = TRUE;

    if ( config.menu_font ) {
        PangoFontDescription *pfd = pango_font_description_from_string ( config.menu_font );
        const char           *fam = pango_font_description_get_family ( pfd );
        int                  size = pango_font_description_get_size ( pfd );
        if ( fam == NULL || size == 0 ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( msg, "Pango failed to parse font: '%s'\n", config.menu_font );
            g_string_append_printf ( msg, "Got font family: <b>%s</b> at size <b>%d</b>\n", fam ? fam : "{unknown}", size );
            config.menu_font = NULL;
            found_error      = TRUE;
        pango_font_description_free ( pfd );

    if ( config.monitor == -3 ) {
        // On -3, set to location 1.
        config.location   = 1;
        config.fullscreen = 0;

    if ( found_error ) {
        g_string_append ( msg, "Please update your configuration." );
        rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg->str, TRUE );
        return TRUE;

    g_string_free ( msg, TRUE );
    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 8
static int dmenu_mode_init ( Mode *sw )
    if ( mode_get_private_data ( sw ) != NULL ) {
        return TRUE;
    mode_set_private_data ( sw, g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( DmenuModePrivateData ) ) );
    DmenuModePrivateData *pd = (DmenuModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );

    pd->prompt        = "dmenu ";
    pd->separator     = '\n';
    pd->selected_line = UINT32_MAX;

    find_arg_str ( "-mesg", &( pd->message ) );

    // Input data separator.
    find_arg_char ( "-sep", &( pd->separator ) );

    // Check prompt
    find_arg_str (  "-p", &( pd->prompt ) );
    find_arg_uint (  "-selected-row", &( pd->selected_line ) );
    // By default we print the unescaped line back.
    pd->format = "s";

    // Allow user to override the output format.
    find_arg_str ( "-format", &( pd->format ) );
    // Urgent.
    char *str = NULL;
    find_arg_str (  "-u", &str );
    if ( str != NULL ) {
        parse_ranges ( str, &( pd->urgent_list ), &( pd->num_urgent_list ) );
    // Active
    str = NULL;
    find_arg_str (  "-a", &str );
    if ( str != NULL ) {
        parse_ranges ( str, &( pd->active_list ), &( pd->num_active_list ) );

    find_arg_uint (  "-l", &( config.menu_lines ) );

     * Dmenu compatibility.
     * `-b` put on bottom.
    if ( find_arg ( "-b" ) >= 0 ) {
        config.location = 6;
    /* -i case insensitive */
    config.case_sensitive = TRUE;
    if ( find_arg ( "-i" ) >= 0 ) {
        config.case_sensitive = FALSE;
    FILE *fd = NULL;
    str = NULL;
    if ( find_arg_str ( "-input", &str ) ) {
        char *estr = rofi_expand_path ( str );
        fd = fopen ( str, "r" );
        if ( fd == NULL ) {
            char *msg = g_markup_printf_escaped ( "Failed to open file: <b>%s</b>:\n\t<i>%s</i>", estr, strerror ( errno ) );
            rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, TRUE );
            g_free ( msg );
            g_free ( estr );
            return TRUE;
        g_free ( estr );
    pd->cmd_list = get_dmenu ( pd, fd == NULL ? stdin : fd, &( pd->cmd_list_length ) );
    if ( fd != NULL ) {
        fclose ( fd );
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 9
int show_error_message ( const char *msg, int markup )
    rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, markup );
    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
// convert a Mod+key arg to mod mask and keysym
gboolean x11_parse_key ( char *combo, unsigned int *mod, xkb_keysym_t *key )
    GString      *str    = g_string_new ( "" );
    unsigned int modmask = 0;

    if ( strcasestr ( combo, "shift" ) ) {
        modmask |= x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_SHIFT];
        if ( x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_SHIFT] == 0 ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( str, "X11 configured keyboard has no <b>Shift</b> key.\n" );
    if ( strcasestr ( combo, "control" ) ) {
        modmask |= x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_CONTROL];
        if ( x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_CONTROL] == 0 ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( str, "X11 configured keyboard has no <b>Control</b> key.\n" );
    if ( strcasestr ( combo, "alt" ) ) {
        modmask |= x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_ALT];
        if ( x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_ALT] == 0 ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( str, "X11 configured keyboard has no <b>Alt</b> key.\n" );
    if ( strcasestr ( combo, "super" ) ) {
        modmask |= x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_SUPER];
        if ( x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_SUPER] == 0 ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( str, "X11 configured keyboard has no <b>Super</b> key.\n" );
    if ( strcasestr ( combo, "meta" ) ) {
        modmask |= x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_META];
        if ( x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_META] == 0 ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( str, "X11 configured keyboard has no <b>Meta</b> key.\n" );
    if ( strcasestr ( combo, "hyper" ) ) {
        modmask |= x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_HYPER];
        if ( x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_HYPER] == 0 ) {
            g_string_append_printf ( str, "X11 configured keyboard has no <b>Hyper</b> key.\n" );
    int seen_mod = FALSE;
    if ( strcasestr ( combo, "Mod" ) ) {
        seen_mod = TRUE;

    *mod = modmask;

    // Skip modifier (if exist) and parse key.
    char i = strlen ( combo );

    while ( i > 0 && !strchr ( "-+", combo[i - 1] ) ) {
    xkb_keysym_t sym = XKB_KEY_NoSymbol;
    if ( ( modmask & x11_mod_masks[X11MOD_SHIFT] ) != 0 ) {
        gchar * str = g_utf8_next_char ( combo + i );
        // If it is a single char, we make a capital out of it.
        if ( str != NULL && *str == '\0' ) {
            int      l = 0;
            char     buff[8];
            gunichar v = g_utf8_get_char ( combo + i );
            gunichar u = g_unichar_toupper ( v );
            if ( ( l = g_unichar_to_utf8 ( u, buff ) ) ) {
                buff[l] = '\0';
                sym     = xkb_keysym_from_name ( buff, XKB_KEYSYM_NO_FLAGS );
    if ( sym == XKB_KEY_NoSymbol ) {
        sym = xkb_keysym_from_name ( combo + i, XKB_KEYSYM_CASE_INSENSITIVE );

    if ( sym == XKB_KEY_NoSymbol || ( !modmask && ( strchr ( combo, '-' ) || strchr ( combo, '+' ) ) ) ) {
        g_string_append_printf ( str, "Sorry, rofi cannot understand the key combination: <i>%s</i>\n", combo );
        g_string_append ( str, "\nRofi supports the following modifiers:\n\t" );
        g_string_append ( str, "<i>Shift,Control,Alt,Super,Meta,Hyper</i>" );
        if ( seen_mod ) {
            g_string_append ( str, "\n\n<b>Mod1,Mod2,Mod3,Mod4,Mod5 are no longer supported, use one of the above.</b>" );
    if ( str->len > 0 ) {
        rofi_view_error_dialog ( str->str, TRUE );
        g_string_free ( str, TRUE );
        return FALSE;
    g_string_free ( str, TRUE );
    *key = sym;
    return TRUE;