Esempio n. 1
real_t CDispRigidBody::findBoundR()
	real_t r = FindBoundR(element(0)->cvertices(), rotationPoint());
	for (ICNewton::element_t i = 1; i < elements(); i++)
		r = std::max(r, FindBoundR(element(i)->cvertices(), rotationPoint()));
	return r;
Esempio n. 2
void QgsMapToolMoveLabel::canvasPressEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent* e )

  if ( !labelAtPosition( e, mCurrentLabelPos ) )

  QgsMapLayer* layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( mCurrentLabelPos.layerID );
  if ( !layer || !layer->isEditable() )

  int xCol, yCol;
  if ( labelMoveable( layer, xCol, yCol ) || diagramMoveable( layer, xCol, yCol ) )
    mStartPointMapCoords = toMapCoordinates( e->pos() );
    QgsPoint referencePoint;
    if ( !rotationPoint( referencePoint, !preserveRotation(), false ) )
      referencePoint.setX( mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect.xMinimum() );
      referencePoint.setY( mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect.yMinimum() );
    mClickOffsetX = mStartPointMapCoords.x() - referencePoint.x();
    mClickOffsetY = mStartPointMapCoords.y() - referencePoint.y();
Esempio n. 3
void QgsMapToolLabel::createRubberBands( )
  delete mLabelRubberBand;
  delete mFeatureRubberBand;

  //label rubber band
  QgsRectangle rect = mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect;
  mLabelRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, QGis::Line );
  mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
  mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
  mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  mLabelRubberBand->setColor( QColor( 0, 255, 0, 65 ) );
  mLabelRubberBand->setWidth( 3 );

  //feature rubber band
  QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = currentLayer();
  if ( vlayer )
    QgsFeature f;
    if ( currentFeature( f, true ) )
      QgsGeometry* geom = f.geometry();
      if ( geom )
        mFeatureRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, geom->type() );
        mFeatureRubberBand->setColor( QColor( 255, 0, 0, 65 ) );
        mFeatureRubberBand->setToGeometry( geom, vlayer );

    //fixpoint rubber band
    QgsPoint fixPoint;
    if ( rotationPoint( fixPoint, false, false ) )
      if ( mCanvas )
        const QgsMapSettings& s = mCanvas->mapSettings();
        if ( s.hasCrsTransformEnabled() )
          fixPoint = s.mapToLayerCoordinates( vlayer, fixPoint );

      QgsGeometry* pointGeom = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( fixPoint );
      mFixPointRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, QGis::Line );
      mFixPointRubberBand->setColor( QColor( 0, 0, 255, 65 ) );
      mFixPointRubberBand->setToGeometry( pointGeom, vlayer );
      delete pointGeom;
Esempio n. 4
void QgsMapToolLabel::createRubberBands( )
    delete mLabelRubberBand;
    delete mFeatureRubberBand;

    //label rubber band
    QgsRectangle rect = mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect;
    mLabelRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, false );
    mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
    mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
    mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
    mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
    mLabelRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
    mLabelRubberBand->setColor( Qt::green );
    mLabelRubberBand->setWidth( 3 );

    //feature rubber band
    QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = currentLayer();
    if ( vlayer )
        QgsFeature f;
        if ( currentFeature( f, true ) )
            QgsGeometry* geom = f.geometry();
            if ( geom )
                mFeatureRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, geom->type() == QGis::Polygon );
                mFeatureRubberBand->setColor( Qt::red );
                mFeatureRubberBand->setToGeometry( geom, vlayer );

        //fixpoint rubber band
        QgsPoint fixPoint;
        if ( rotationPoint( fixPoint ) )
            if ( mCanvas )
                QgsMapRenderer* r = mCanvas->mapRenderer();
                if ( r && r->hasCrsTransformEnabled() )
                    fixPoint = r->mapToLayerCoordinates( vlayer, fixPoint );

            QgsGeometry* pointGeom = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( fixPoint );
            mFixPointRubberBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, false );
            mFixPointRubberBand->setColor( Qt::blue );
            mFixPointRubberBand->setToGeometry( pointGeom, vlayer );
            delete pointGeom;
Esempio n. 5
math::Vector<2> CDispRigidBody::bCoef(real_t e, const NewtonCollisionBase & bData) const
	const real_t & dt = bData.dData.dt;

	math::Vector<2> r(bData.points.eff - rotationPoint());

	real_t ax = 1.0 / m() + (r(1) * r(1) / Idisp());
	real_t ay = 1.0 / m() + (r(0) * r(0) / Idisp());

	//compensate permanent forces
	//reaction to permanent force
	real_t bx = resultantForce(0) * dt * ax;
	real_t by = resultantForce(1) * dt * ay;
	//reaction to permanent moment
	real_t resultantMomentx_add = 0.0;
	real_t resultantMomenty_add = 0.0;
	if (r(1) != 0.0)
		resultantMomentx_add = resultantMoment() * dt * ax / r(1);
	if (r(0) != 0.0)
		resultantMomenty_add = resultantMoment() * dt * ay / r(0);
	bx += resultantMomentx_add;
	by -= resultantMomenty_add;

	//momentum addition
	bx += e * pA(0) / m();
	by += e * pA(1) / m();

	//angular momentum addition
	bx += e * LA() * -r(1) / Idisp();
	by += e * LA() * r(0) / Idisp();

	//L translates into force proportional to (rx, ry)
	real_t Lx_coef = std::abs(r(1)) / (std::abs(r(1)) + std::abs(r(0)));
	real_t Ly_coef = std::abs(r(0)) / (std::abs(r(1)) + std::abs(r(0)));
	real_t Lx_add = std::abs(LA() * r(1) / Idisp() + resultantMomentx_add);
	real_t Ly_add = std::abs(LA() * r(0) / Idisp() - resultantMomenty_add);
	real_t px_add = std::abs(pA(0) / m() + resultantForce(0) * dt * ax);
	real_t py_add = std::abs(pA(1) / m() + resultantForce(1) * dt * ay);

	//multiply bx by bx_coef
	if ((Lx_add + px_add) != 0.0)	//do not divide by 0.0 (note: px_add and Lx_add are absolute values)
		bx *= (Lx_coef * Lx_add + px_add) / (Lx_add + px_add);
	//multiply by by by_coef
	if ((Ly_add + py_add) != 0.0)	//do not divide by 0.0 (note: py_add and Ly_add are absolute values)
		by *= (Ly_coef * Ly_add + py_add) / (Ly_add + py_add);

	return math::Vector<2>(bx, by);
Esempio n. 6
math::Vector<2> CDispRigidBody::aCoef(const NewtonCollisionBase & bData) const
	math::Vector<2> r(bData.points.eff - rotationPoint());
	return math::Vector<2>(1.0 / m() + (r(1) * r(1) / Idisp()), 1.0 / m() + (r(0) * r(0) / Idisp()));
Esempio n. 7
bool QgsMapToolPinLabels::pinUnpinLabel( QgsVectorLayer* vlayer,
    const QgsLabelPosition& labelpos,
    bool pin )
  // skip diagrams
  if ( labelpos.isDiagram )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Label is diagram, skipping" ) );
    return false;

  // verify attribute table has x, y fields mapped
  int xCol, yCol;
  double xPosOrig, yPosOrig;
  bool xSuccess, ySuccess;

  if ( !dataDefinedPosition( vlayer, mCurrentLabelPos.featureId, xPosOrig, xSuccess, yPosOrig, ySuccess, xCol, yCol ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Label X or Y column not mapped, skipping" ) );
    return false;

  // rotation field is optional, but will be used if available, unless data exists
  int rCol;
  bool rSuccess = false;
  double defRot;

  bool hasRCol = ( layerIsRotatable( vlayer, rCol )
                   && dataDefinedRotation( vlayer, mCurrentLabelPos.featureId, defRot, rSuccess, true ) );

  // get whether to preserve predefined rotation data during label pin/unpin operations
  bool preserveRot = preserveRotation();

  // edit attribute table
  int fid = labelpos.featureId;

  bool writeFailed = false;
  QString labelText = currentLabelText( 24 );

  if ( pin )

//     QgsPoint labelpoint = 0 );

    QgsPoint referencePoint;
    if ( !rotationPoint( referencePoint, !preserveRot, false ) )
      referencePoint.setX( mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect.xMinimum() );
      referencePoint.setY( mCurrentLabelPos.labelRect.yMinimum() );

    double labelX = referencePoint.x();
    double labelY = referencePoint.y();
    double labelR = labelpos.rotation * 180 / M_PI;

    // transform back to layer crs, if on-fly on
    if ( mCanvas->mapSettings().hasCrsTransformEnabled() )
      QgsPoint transformedPoint = mCanvas->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( vlayer, referencePoint );
      labelX = transformedPoint.x();
      labelY = transformedPoint.y();

    vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Pinned label" ) + QString( " '%1'" ).arg( labelText ) );
    writeFailed = !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, xCol, labelX );
    if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, yCol, labelY ) )
      writeFailed = true;
    if ( hasRCol && !preserveRot )
      if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, rCol, labelR ) )
        writeFailed = true;
    vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Unpinned label" ) + QString( " '%1'" ).arg( labelText ) );
    writeFailed = !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, xCol, QVariant( QString::null ) );
    if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, yCol, QVariant( QString::null ) ) )
      writeFailed = true;
    if ( hasRCol && !preserveRot )
      if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, rCol, QVariant( QString::null ) ) )
        writeFailed = true;

  if ( writeFailed )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Write to attribute table failed" ) );

#if 0
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Undoing and removing failed command from layer's undo stack" ) );
    int lastCmdIndx = vlayer->undoStack()->count();
    const QgsUndoCommand* lastCmd = qobject_cast<const QgsUndoCommand *>( vlayer->undoStack()->command( lastCmdIndx ) );
    if ( lastCmd )
      vlayer->undoEditCommand( lastCmd );
      delete vlayer->undoStack()->command( lastCmdIndx );

    return false;

  return true;