Esempio n. 1
 /// U -= U
 Field& operator -=(const Field& U)
   cf3_assert(size() == U.size());
   cf3_assert(row_size() == U.row_size());
   for (Uint i=0; i<size(); ++i)
     for (Uint j=0; j<row_size(); ++j)
       array()[i][j] -= U.array()[i][j];
   return *this;
Esempio n. 2
		void resize( size_t rows, size_t cols ) {
			flut_error_if( rows < row_size() || cols < column_size(), "tables cannot be shrinked" );

			// reorganize existing data
			data_.resize( row_size() * cols );
			for ( index_t ri = rows; ri-- > 0; )
				for ( index_t ci = cols; ci-- > 0; )
					data_[ cols * ri + ci ] = ( ri < row_size() && ci < column_size() ) ? data_[ column_size() * ri + ci ] : T();
			col_labels_.resize( cols );
			row_labels_.resize( rows );
Esempio n. 3
// The constructor uses the appropriate settings in the config file to
// properly set up the sensor model for the specified "phase" of the LGMD
// input signal.
SensorModel::SensorModel(const std::string& lgmd_phase)
   : m_sigma(0.0f), m_name(lgmd_phase)
   const range<float> lgmd_range =
      get_conf(locust_model(), "spike_range", make_range(0.0f, 800.0f)) ;

   // Get the LGMD ranges for the columns of the sensor model
   m_lgmd_ranges = string_to_deque<float>(
      conf<std::string>(lgmd_phase + "_lgmd_ranges", "0 800")) ;
   if (m_lgmd_ranges.size() < 2) { // crappy configuration!
      m_lgmd_ranges.clear() ;
      m_lgmd_ranges.push_back(lgmd_range.min()) ;
      m_lgmd_ranges.push_back(lgmd_range.max()) ;
   sort(m_lgmd_ranges.begin(), m_lgmd_ranges.end()) ;
   if (m_lgmd_ranges.front() > lgmd_range.min())
      m_lgmd_ranges.push_front(lgmd_range.min()) ;
   if (m_lgmd_ranges.back() < lgmd_range.max())
      m_lgmd_ranges.push_back(lgmd_range.max()) ;

   // Figure out how many rows and columns the sensor model's probability
   // table has and allocate space for the required number of elements.
   // Initialize the probability table using a uniform distribution.
   const int C = m_lgmd_ranges.size() - 1 ;
   const int R = column_size() ;
   const int N = R * C ;
   m_prob.reserve(N) ;
   std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(m_prob), N, 1.0f/N) ;

   // Apply Gabbiani model to obtain causal probabilities and Gaussian
   // blur neighbouring bins in each row.
   update(clamp(conf(lgmd_phase + "_sigma", 1.0f),
                0.1f, static_cast<float>(row_size()))) ;
Esempio n. 4
oz::gpu_image oz::cpu_image::gpu() const {
    if (!is_valid()) return gpu_image();
    gpu_image dst(size(), format(), type_size());
    cudaMemcpy2D(dst.ptr<void>(), dst.pitch(), ptr<void>(), pitch(),
                 row_size(), h(), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    return dst;
Esempio n. 5
oz::cpu_image oz::gpu_image::cpu() const {
    if (!is_valid()) return cpu_image();
    cpu_image dst(size(), format(), type_size());
    OZ_CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy2D(dst.ptr<void>(), dst.pitch(), ptr<void>(), pitch(),
                                   row_size(), h(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
    return dst;
Esempio n. 6
 /// U /= c
 Field& operator /=(const Real& c)
   for (Uint i=0; i<size(); ++i)
     for (Uint j=0; j<row_size(); ++j)
       array()[i][j] /= c;
   return *this;
Esempio n. 7
 /// U /= U
 Field& operator /=(const Field& U)
   cf3_assert(size() == U.size());
   if (U.row_size() == 1) // U is a scalar field
     for (Uint i=0; i<size(); ++i)
       for (Uint j=0; j<row_size(); ++j)
         array()[i][j] /= U.array()[i][0];
     cf3_assert(row_size() == U.row_size()); // field must be same size
     for (Uint i=0; i<size(); ++i)
       for (Uint j=0; j<row_size(); ++j)
         array()[i][j] /= U.array()[i][j];
   return *this;
Esempio n. 8
  void set_row(const Uint array_idx, const VectorT& row)
    if (row.size() != row_size(array_idx))

    Uint j=0;
    boost_foreach( const typename VectorT::value_type& v, row)
      m_array[array_idx][j++] = v;
    void SparseMatrixPatternCRS::expand_symmetric_pattern(SparseMatrixPatternCRS& rhs) const {
        rhs.N = N ;
        rhs.symmetric_storage = false ; 

        // If matrix pattern does not use symmetric storage, just
        // copy the pattern.
        if(!symmetric_storage) {
            std::cerr << "SparseMatrixPatternCRS::expand_symmetric_pattern()" 
                      << " called for matrix without symmetric storage"
                      << std::endl ;
            rhs.colind.allocate(colind.size()) ;
            for(index_t i=0; i<colind.size(); i++) {
                rhs.colind[i] = colind[i] ;
            rhs.rowptr.allocate(rowptr.size()) ;
            for(index_t i=0; i<rowptr.size(); i++) {
                rhs.rowptr[i] = rowptr[i] ;
            return ;

        // Step1: compute row sizes and total number of non-zero coefficients
        size_t new_nnz = 0 ;
        IndexArray row_size(m()) ;
        row_size.set_all(0) ;
        for(index_t i=0; i<m(); i++) {
            row_size[i] += rowptr[i+1] - rowptr[i] ;
            new_nnz += rowptr[i+1] - rowptr[i] ;
            for(index_t jj= rowptr[i] ; jj < rowptr[i+1]; jj++) {
                index_t j = colind[jj] ;
                // Do not count diagonal elements twice
                if(j != i) { row_size[j]++ ; new_nnz++ ; }

        // Step 2: allocate target matrix pattern and compute row pointers.
        rhs.rowptr.allocate(m() + 1) ;
        rhs.colind.allocate(new_nnz) ;
        rhs.rowptr[0] = 0 ;
        for(index_t i=0; i<m(); i++) {
            rhs.rowptr[i+1] = rhs.rowptr[i] + row_size[i] ;

        // Step 3: compute column indices.
        row_size.set_all(0) ;
        for(index_t i=0; i<m(); i++) {
            for(index_t jj= rowptr[i] ; jj < rowptr[i+1]; jj++) {
                index_t j = colind[jj] ;
                rhs.colind[  rhs.rowptr[i] + row_size[i] ] = j ;
                row_size[i]++ ;
                if(j != i) { 
                    rhs.colind[ rhs.rowptr[j] + row_size[j] ] = i ;
                    row_size[j]++ ; 
Esempio n. 10
 void set_row(const Uint array_idx, const VectorT& row)
   cf3_assert(row.size() == row_size());
   Row row_to_set = m_array[array_idx];
   for(Uint j=0; j<row.size(); ++j)
     row_to_set[j] = row[j];
Esempio n. 11
oz::cpu_image oz::cpu_image::copy( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) const {
    int cw = x2 - x1 + 1;
    int ch = y2 - y1 + 1;
    if ((x1 < 0) || (x2 >= (int)w()) ||
        (y1 < 0) || (y2 >= (int)h()) ||
        (cw <= 0) || (ch <= 0)) OZ_X() << "Invalid region!";

    cpu_image dst(cw, ch, format());
    uchar *src_ptr = ptr<uchar>() + y1 * row_size() + x1 * type_size();
    cudaMemcpy2D(dst.ptr(), dst.pitch(), src_ptr, pitch(), dst.row_size(), dst.h(), cudaMemcpyHostToHost);
    return dst;
Esempio n. 12
Integer SpatiocyteWorld::add_structure3(const Species& sp, const boost::shared_ptr<const Shape> shape)
    // Real3 l, u;
    // shape->bounding_box(edge_lengths(), l, u);
    // const Real sigma(voxel_radius() * 2);
    // const unsigned int ndim(3);
    // for (unsigned int i(0); i != ndim; ++i)
    // {
    //     l[i] = std::max(0.0, l[i] - sigma);
    //     u[i] = std::min(edge_lengths()[i], u[i] + sigma);
    // }
    // const Integer3 lower(position2global(l)), upper(position2global(u));

    const SpatiocyteWorld::molecule_info_type info(get_molecule_info(sp));
    Integer count(0);
    for (Integer col(0); col < col_size(); ++col)
        for (Integer row(0); row < row_size(); ++row)
            for (Integer layer(0); layer < layer_size(); ++layer)
    // for (Integer col(lower[0]); col < upper[0]; ++col)
    // {
    //     for (Integer row(lower[1]); row < upper[1]; ++row)
    //     {
    //         for (Integer layer(lower[2]); layer < upper[2]; ++layer)
    //         {
                const Integer3 g(col, row, layer);
                const Real L(shape->is_inside(global2position(g)));
                if (L > 0)

                const Voxel v(sp, (*space_).global2private_coord(g),
                    info.radius, info.D, info.loc);
                if (new_voxel_structure(v).second)
    return count;
Esempio n. 13
// This method regenerates the sensor model's probabilities using the
// Gabbiani LGMD model and the given standard deviation for the Gaussian
// blurring operation for bins near the ones actually "pointed to" by the
// [TTI, LGMD] pairs returned by the Gabbiani model.
// DEVNOTE: The sigma provided to this function is actually added to the
// m_sigma member variable. This allows client behaviours to increment or
// decrement the current sigma value rather than provide an actual sigma.
// The very first sigma will be read from the config file (see
// constructor).
void SensorModel::update(float dsigma)
   AutoMutex M(m_mutex) ;

   // Record new standard deviation
   const float R = row_size() ;
   m_sigma = clamp(m_sigma + dsigma, 0.1f, R) ;

   // Begin with a uniform distribution for each state
   const int N = m_prob.size() ;
   std::fill_n(m_prob.begin(), N, 1/R) ;

   // Apply Gabbiani LGMD model to generate causal likelihoods
   const float step = row_step()/4.0f ;
   const range<float> tti = conf(m_name + "_tti_range", Params::tti_range()) ;
   for (float t = tti.min(); t <= tti.max(); t += step)
      update_row(t, GabbianiModel::spike_rate(t), m_sigma) ;
Esempio n. 14
// This function increments the bin "pointed" to by the given [TTI, LGMD]
// pair. It also increments the other bins in the row "pointed" to by the
// TTI using a Gaussian weighting formula to ensure that no bin in that
// row has weird likelihood values that can screw up the Bayesian TTI
// estimation. Finally, it normalizes the row to ensure that each row
// vector is a valid probability distribution.
void SensorModel::update_row(float tti, float lgmd, float sigma)
   const int   N = row_size() ;
   const int   C = column_size() ;
   const int   I = col_index(lgmd) ;
   const float S = 1/(2 * sqr(sigma)) ;

   Table::iterator begin = m_prob.begin() + row_index(tti) ;

   float normalizer = 0 ;
   Table::iterator it = begin ;
   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i, it += C) {
      *it += exp(-sqr(i - I) * S) ;
      //*it = exp(-sqr(i - I) * S) ;
      normalizer += *it ;

   it = begin ;
   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i, it += C)
      *it /= normalizer ;
Esempio n. 15
    CHECK(im(0,0) == 0);
    CHECK(im2(0,0) == 0);
    im2(0,0) = 1;
    CHECK(im2(0,0) == 1);
    CHECK(im2(0,0) == 514);
    CHECK(im2(1,1) == 514);

    // Check that size is correct
    CHECK(im.size() == 32);
    CHECK(im2.size() == 32);
    // Check that row_size is correct
    CHECK(im.row_size() == 8);
    CHECK(im2.row_size() == 8);
    // Check that get_premultiplied is correct

    // Check that set premultiplied works
    // Check that painted is correct

    // Check that set premultiplied works
Esempio n. 16
Integer SpatiocyteWorld::add_structure2(const Species& sp, const boost::shared_ptr<const Shape> shape)
    // std::ofstream fout("shape.csv");
    // fout << "# " << sp.serial() << std::endl;
    // const unsigned int n(50);
    // const Real3 L(edge_lengths() / static_cast<Real>(n));
    // for (unsigned int i(0); i < n * n * n; ++i)
    // {
    //     const unsigned int x(i % n);
    //     const unsigned int y((i / n) % n);
    //     const unsigned int z(i / (n * n));
    //     if (shape->test_AABB(Real3(x * L[0], y * L[1], z * L[2]),
    //         Real3((x + 1) * L[0], (y + 1) * L[1], (z + 1) * L[2])))
    //     {
    //         fout << x << "," << y << "," << z << std::endl;
    //     }
    // }
    // fout.close();

    // Real3 l, u;
    // shape->bounding_box(edge_lengths(), l, u);
    // const Real sigma(voxel_radius() * 2);
    // const unsigned int ndim(3);
    // for (unsigned int i(0); i != ndim; ++i)
    // {
    //     l[i] = std::max(0.0, l[i] - sigma);
    //     u[i] = std::min(edge_lengths()[i], u[i] + sigma);
    // }
    // const Integer3 lower(position2global(l)), upper(position2global(u));

    const SpatiocyteWorld::molecule_info_type info(get_molecule_info(sp));
    Integer count(0);
    for (Integer col(0); col < col_size(); ++col)
        for (Integer row(0); row < row_size(); ++row)
            for (Integer layer(0); layer < layer_size(); ++layer)
    // for (Integer col(lower[0]); col < upper[0]; ++col)
    // {
    //     for (Integer row(lower[1]); row < upper[1]; ++row)
    //     {
    //         for (Integer layer(lower[2]); layer < upper[2]; ++layer)
    //         {
                const Integer3 g(col, row, layer);
                if (!is_surface_voxel(g, shape))

                const Voxel v(sp, (*space_).global2private_coord(g),
                    info.radius, info.D, info.loc);
                if (new_voxel_structure(v).second)
    return count;
Esempio n. 17
		index_t add_row( const L& label, const T& default_value = T() ) {
			row_labels_.add( label );
			data_.resize( row_size() * column_size(), default_value );
			return row_size() - 1;
Esempio n. 18
 /// @return A Buffer object that can fill this Array
 Buffer create_buffer(const size_t buffersize=16384)
   // make sure the array has its columnsize defined
   cf3_assert(row_size() > 0);
   return Buffer(m_array,buffersize); 
Esempio n. 19
		index_t add_column( const L& label, const T& default_value = T() ) {
			resize( row_size(), column_size() + 1 );
			return col_labels_.set( column_size() - 1, label );
Esempio n. 20
		T& operator()( index_t row, index_t col ) { flut_assert( row < row_size() && col < column_size() ); return data_[ row * column_size() + col ]; }
Esempio n. 21
	ptrdiff_t stride() const
		return -static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(row_size());
Esempio n. 22
	const unsigned char *read_ptr() const
		const unsigned char *image_data = static_cast<const unsigned char *>(m_bitmap.image_data);
		return image_data + row_size() * (height() - 1);
Esempio n. 23
  * @brief stride of one row.
  * Usually return row_size, some format align the output,
  * so the stride maybe greater than row_size.
 virtual pix_len stride() const { return row_size(); } 
Esempio n. 24
void CField::create_data_storage()

  cf_assert( m_var_types.size()!=0 );
  cf_assert( is_not_null(m_topology->follow()) );

  // Check if there are coordinates in this field, and add to map
  m_coords = find_parent_component<CMesh>(topology()).nodes().coordinates().as_ptr<CTable<Real> >();

  Uint row_size(0);
  boost_foreach(const VarType var_size, m_var_types)
    row_size += Uint(var_size);


  switch (m_basis)
    case Basis::POINT_BASED:
      m_used_nodes = CElements::used_nodes(topology()).as_ptr<CList<Uint> >();
    case Basis::ELEMENT_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively<CEntities>(topology()))
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());
    case Basis::CELL_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively<CCells>(topology()))
        //CFinfo << name() << ": creating cellbased field storage in " << field_elements.uri().path() << CFendl;
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());
    case Basis::FACE_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively_with_tag<CEntities>(topology(),Mesh::Tags::face_entity()))
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());

      throw NotSupported(FromHere() , "Basis can only be ELEMENT_BASED or NODE_BASED");
Esempio n. 25
void oz::gpu_image::clear() {
    OZ_CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemset2D(ptr(), pitch(), 0, row_size(), h()));