Esempio n. 1
void SymCompCol :: times(const FloatArray &x, FloatArray &answer) const
    int M = dim_ [ 0 ];
    int N = dim_ [ 1 ];

    //      Check for compatible dimensions:
    if ( x.giveSize() != N ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("SymCompCol::times: Error in CompCol -- incompatible dimensions");


    int j, t;
    double rhs, sum;

    for ( j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
        rhs = x(j);
        sum = 0.0;
        for ( t = colptr_(j) + 1; t < colptr_(j + 1); t++ ) {
            answer( rowind_(t) ) += val_(t) * rhs; // column loop
            sum += val_(t) * x( rowind_(t) ); // row loop

        answer(j) += sum;
        answer(j) += val_( colptr_(j) ) * rhs; // diagonal
Esempio n. 2
double &CompCol :: operator() (int i, int j)
    // increment version

    for ( int t = colptr_(j); t < colptr_(j + 1); t++ ) {
        if ( rowind_(t) == i ) {
            return val_(t);

    OOFEM_ERROR("Array element (%d,%d) not in sparse structure -- cannot assign", i, j);
    return val_(0); // return to suppress compiler warning message
Esempio n. 3
double &CompCol :: at(int i, int j)
    // increment version

    for ( int t = colptr_(j - 1); t < colptr_(j); t++ ) {
        if ( rowind_(t) == i - 1 ) {
            return val_(t);

    OOFEM_ERROR("Array accessing exception -- (%d,%d) out of bounds", i, j);
    return val_(0); // return to suppress compiler warning message
Esempio n. 4
double CompCol :: operator() (int i, int j)  const
    for ( int t = colptr_(j); t < colptr_(j + 1); t++ ) {
        if ( rowind_(t) == i ) {
            return val_(t);

    if ( i < dim_ [ 0 ] && j < dim_ [ 1 ] ) {
        return 0.0;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Array accessing exception -- (%d,%d) out of bounds", i, j);
        return ( 0 ); // return to suppress compiler warning message
Esempio n. 5
double &SymCompCol :: at(int i, int j)
    int ii = i, jj = j;
    if ( ii < jj ) {
        ii = j;
        jj = i;

    // increment version

    for ( int t = colptr_(jj - 1); t < colptr_(jj); t++ ) {
        if ( rowind_(t) == ( ii - 1 ) ) {
            return val_(t);

    OOFEM_ERROR("SymCompCol::operator(): Array accessing exception -- out of bounds");
    return val_(0); // return to suppress compiler warning message
Esempio n. 6
double SymCompCol :: operator() (int i, int j)  const
    int ii = i, jj = j;
    if ( ii < jj ) {
        ii = j;
        jj = i;

    for ( int t = colptr_(jj); t < colptr_(jj + 1); t++ ) {
        if ( rowind_(t) == ii ) {
            return val_(t);

    if ( i < dim_ [ 0 ] && j < dim_ [ 1 ] ) {
        return 0.0;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR3("SymCompCol::operator(): Array accessing exception, index out of bounds (%d,%d)", i, j);
        return ( 0 ); // return to suppress compiler warning message
Esempio n. 7
void CompCol :: times(const FloatArray &x, FloatArray &answer) const
    int M = dim_ [ 0 ];
    int N = dim_ [ 1 ];

    //      Check for compatible dimensions:
    if ( x.giveSize() != N ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("incompatible dimensions");


    int j, t;
    double rhs;

    for ( j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
        rhs = x(j);
        for ( t = colptr_(j); t < colptr_(j + 1); t++ ) {
            answer( rowind_(t) ) += val_(t) * rhs;
Esempio n. 8
void CompCol :: timesT(const FloatArray &x, FloatArray &answer) const
    int M = dim_ [ 0 ];
    int N = dim_ [ 1 ];

    //      Check for compatible dimensions:
    if ( x.giveSize() != M ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Error in CompCol -- incompatible dimensions");

    int i, t;
    double r;

    for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        r = 0.0;
        for ( t = colptr_(i); t < colptr_(i + 1); t++ ) {
            r += val_(t) * x( rowind_(t) );

        answer(i) = r;
Esempio n. 9
int SymCompCol :: buildInternalStructure(EngngModel *eModel, int di, EquationID ut, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s)
     * IntArray  loc;
     * Domain* domain = eModel->giveDomain(di);
     * int neq = eModel -> giveNumberOfDomainEquations (di);
     * int nelem = domain -> giveNumberOfElements() ;
     * int i,ii,j,jj,n, indx;
     * Element* elem;
     * // allocation map
     * int nmap = neq*neq-neq*(neq-1)/2;
     * char* map = new char[nmap];
     * if (map == NULL) {
     * printf ("CompCol::buildInternalStructure - map creation failed");
     * exit (1);
     * }
     * for (i=0; i<nmap; i++)
     * map[i]=0;
     * this->nz_ = 0;
     * for (n=1 ; n<=nelem ; n++) {
     * elem = domain -> giveElement(n);
     * elem -> giveLocationArray (loc) ;
     * for (i=1 ; i <= loc.giveSize() ; i++) {
     * if ((ii = {
     *  for (j=1; j <= loc.giveSize() ; j++) {
     *   if (( && (ii>=jj)) {
     *    if (MAP(ii-1,jj-1) == 0) {
     *     MAP(ii-1,jj-1) = 1;
     *     this->nz_ ++;
     *    }
     *   }
     *  }
     * }
     * }
     * }
     * rowind_.resize (nz_);
     * colptr_.resize (neq+1);
     * indx = 0;
     * for (j=0; j<neq; j++) { // column loop
     * colptr_(j) = indx;
     * for (i=j; i<neq; i++) { // row loop
     *  if (MAP(i,j)) {
     *   rowind_(indx) = i;
     *   indx++;
     *  }
     * }
     * }
     * colptr_(neq) = indx;
     * // delete map
     * delete (map);
     * // allocate value array
     * val_.resize(nz_);
     * printf ("\nSymCompCol info: neq is %d, nwk is %d\n",neq,nz_);
     * dim_[0] = dim_[1] = nColumns = nRows = neq;
     * // increment version
     * this->version++;
     * return true;
    IntArray loc;
    Domain *domain = eModel->giveDomain(di);
    int neq = eModel->giveNumberOfDomainEquations(di, ut);
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    int i, ii, j, jj, n, indx;
    Element *elem;
    // allocation map
    std :: vector< std :: set< int > >columns(neq);
     * std::set<int> **columns = new std::set<int>*[neq];
     * for (j=0; j<neq; j++) {
     * columns[j] = new std::set<int>;
     * }

    this->nz_ = 0;

    for ( n = 1; n <= nelem; n++ ) {
        elem = domain->giveElement(n);
        elem->giveLocationArray(loc, ut, s);

        for ( i = 1; i <= loc.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( ( ii = ) ) {
                for ( j = 1; j <= loc.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                    if ( ( jj = ) && ( ii >= jj ) ) {
                        columns [ jj - 1 ].insert(ii - 1);

    for ( i = 0; i < neq; i++ ) {
        this->nz_ += columns [ i ].size();

    colptr_.resize(neq + 1);
    indx = 0;

    std :: set< int > :: iterator pos;
    for ( j = 0; j < neq; j++ ) { // column loop
        colptr_(j) = indx;
        for ( pos = columns [ j ].begin(); pos != columns [ j ].end(); ++pos ) { // row loop
            rowind_(indx++) = * pos;

    colptr_(neq) = indx;

     * // delete map
     * for (i=0; i< neq; i++) {columns[i]->clear(); delete columns[i];}
     * delete columns;

    // allocate value array

    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SymCompCol info: neq is %d, nwk is %d\n", neq, nz_);

    dim_ [ 0 ] = dim_ [ 1 ] = nColumns = nRows = neq;

    // increment version

    return true;
Esempio n. 10
int CompCol :: buildInternalStructure(EngngModel *eModel, int di, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s)
     * IntArray  loc;
     * Domain* domain = eModel->giveDomain(di);
     * int neq = eModel -> giveNumberOfDomainEquations (di);
     * int nelem = domain -> giveNumberOfElements() ;
     * int i,ii,j,jj,n, indx;
     * Element* elem;
     * // allocation map
     * char* map = new char[neq*neq];
     * if (map == NULL) {
     * printf ("CompCol::buildInternalStructure - map creation failed");
     * exit (1);
     * }
     * for (i=0; i<neq*neq; i++)
     * map[i]=0;
     * this->nz_ = 0;
     * for (n=1 ; n<=nelem ; n++) {
     * elem = domain -> giveElement(n);
     * elem -> giveLocationArray (loc) ;
     * for (i=1 ; i <= loc.giveSize() ; i++) {
     * if ((ii = {
     *  for (j=1; j <= loc.giveSize() ; j++) {
     *   if (( {
     *    if (map[(ii-1)*neq+jj-1] == 0) {
     *     map[(ii-1)*neq+jj-1] = 1;
     *     this->nz_ ++;
     *    }
     *   }
     *  }
     * }
     * }
     * }
     * rowind_.resize (nz_);
     * colptr_.resize (neq+1);
     * indx = 0;
     * for (j=0; j<neq; j++) { // column loop
     * colptr_(j) = indx;
     * for (i=0; i<neq; i++) { // row loop
     *  if (map[i*neq+j]) {
     *   rowind_(indx) = i;
     *   indx++;
     *  }
     * }
     * }
     * colptr_(neq) = indx;
     * // delete map
     * delete (map);
     * // allocate value array
     * val_.resize(nz_);
     * printf ("\nCompCol info: neq is %d, nwk is %d\n",neq,nz_);
     * dim_[0] = dim_[1] = nColumns = nRows = neq;
     * // increment version
     * this->version++;
     * return true;
    IntArray loc;
    Domain *domain = eModel->giveDomain(di);
    int neq = eModel->giveNumberOfDomainEquations(di, s);
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    int i, ii, j, jj, n, indx;
    Element *elem;
    // allocation map
    std :: vector< std :: set< int > > columns(neq);
     * std::set<int> **columns = new std::set<int>*[neq];
     * for (j=0; j<neq; j++) {
     * columns[j] = new std::set<int>;
     * }

    this->nz_ = 0;

    for ( n = 1; n <= nelem; n++ ) {
        elem = domain->giveElement(n);
        elem->giveLocationArray(loc, s);

        for ( i = 1; i <= loc.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( ( ii = ) ) {
                for ( j = 1; j <= loc.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                    if ( ( jj = ) ) {
                        columns [ jj - 1 ].insert(ii - 1);

    // loop over active boundary conditions
    int nbc = domain->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions();
    std :: vector< IntArray >r_locs;
    std :: vector< IntArray >c_locs;

    for ( int i = 1; i <= nbc; ++i ) {
        ActiveBoundaryCondition *bc = dynamic_cast< ActiveBoundaryCondition * >( domain->giveBc(i) );
        if ( bc != NULL ) {
            bc->giveLocationArrays(r_locs, c_locs, UnknownCharType, s, s);
            for ( std :: size_t k = 0; k < r_locs.size(); k++ ) {
                IntArray &krloc = r_locs [ k ];
                IntArray &kcloc = c_locs [ k ];
                for ( int i = 1; i <= krloc.giveSize(); i++ ) {
                    if ( ( ii = ) ) {
                        for ( int j = 1; j <= kcloc.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                            if ( ( jj = ) ) {
                                columns [ jj - 1 ].insert(ii - 1);

    for ( i = 0; i < neq; i++ ) {
        this->nz_ += columns [ i ].size();

    colptr_.resize(neq + 1);
    indx = 0;

    for ( j = 0; j < neq; j++ ) { // column loop
        colptr_(j) = indx;
        for ( int row: columns [  j ] ) { // row loop
            rowind_(indx++) = row;

    colptr_(neq) = indx;

     * // delete map
     * for (i=0; i< neq; i++) {columns[i]->clear(); delete columns[i];}
     * delete columns;

    // allocate value array

    OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("CompCol info: neq is %d, nwk is %d\n", neq, nz_);

    dim_ [ 0 ] = dim_ [ 1 ] = nColumns = nRows = neq;

    // increment version

    return true;