RPRIVATE RVOID processDnsPacket ( KernelAcqDnsPacket* pDns ) { rSequence notification = NULL; RU32 i = 0; DnsLabel* pLabel = NULL; DnsHeader* dnsHeader = NULL; DnsResponseInfo* pResponseInfo = NULL; RCHAR domain[ DNS_LABEL_MAX_SIZE ] = { 0 }; RU16 recordType = 0; RU64 timestamp = 0; Atom parentAtom = { 0 }; if( NULL == pDns ) { return; } dnsHeader = (DnsHeader*)( (RPU8)pDns + sizeof( *pDns ) ); pLabel = (DnsLabel*)dnsHeader->data; // We are parsing DNS packets coming from the kernel. They may: // 1- Be requests and not responses, check there are Answers. // 2- Be maliciously crafter packets so we need extra checking for sanity. if( 0 == dnsHeader->anCount || 0 == dnsHeader->qr || DNS_SANITY_MAX_RECORDS < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->qdCount ) || DNS_SANITY_MAX_RECORDS < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->anCount ) ) { return; } // We need to walk the Questions first to get to the Answers // but we don't really care to record them since they'll be repeated // in the Answers. for( i = 0; i < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->qdCount ); i++ ) { DnsQuestionInfo* pQInfo = NULL; pLabel = dnsReadLabels( pLabel, NULL, (RPU8)dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize, 0, 0 ); pQInfo = (DnsQuestionInfo*)( pLabel ); if( !IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( pQInfo, sizeof( *pQInfo ), dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); break; } pLabel = (DnsLabel*)( (RPU8)pQInfo + sizeof( *pQInfo ) ); } if( !IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( pLabel, sizeof( RU16 ), dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); return; } // This is what we care about, the Answers (which also point to each Question). // We will emit one event per Answer so as to keep the DNS_REQUEST event flat and atomic. for( i = 0; i < rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->anCount ); i++ ) { pResponseInfo = NULL; // This was the Question for this answer. rpal_memory_zero( domain, sizeof( domain ) ); pLabel = dnsReadLabels( pLabel, domain, (RPU8)dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize, 0, 0 ); pResponseInfo = (DnsResponseInfo*)pLabel; pLabel = (DnsLabel*)( (RPU8)pResponseInfo + sizeof( *pResponseInfo ) + rpal_ntoh16( pResponseInfo->rDataLength ) ); if( !IS_WITHIN_BOUNDS( pResponseInfo, sizeof( *pResponseInfo ), dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); break; } if( NULL == ( notification = rSequence_new() ) ) { rpal_debug_warning( "error parsing dns packet" ); break; } // This is a timestamp coming from the kernel so it is not globally adjusted. // We'll adjust it with the global offset. timestamp = pDns->ts; timestamp += MSEC_FROM_SEC( rpal_time_getGlobalFromLocal( 0 ) ); // Try to relate the DNS request to the owner process, this only works on OSX // at the moment (since the kernel does not expose the PID at the packet capture // stage), and even on OSX it's the DNSResolver process. So it's not super useful // but regardless we have the mechanism here as it's better than nothing and when // we add better resolving in the kernel it will work transparently. parentAtom.key.process.pid = pDns->pid; parentAtom.key.category = RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_PROCESS; if( atoms_query( &parentAtom, timestamp ) ) { HbsSetParentAtom( notification, parentAtom.id ); } rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( notification, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, timestamp ); rSequence_addSTRINGA( notification, RP_TAGS_DOMAIN_NAME, domain ); rSequence_addRU32( notification, RP_TAGS_PROCESS_ID, pDns->pid ); recordType = rpal_ntoh16( pResponseInfo->recordType ); rSequence_addRU16( notification, RP_TAGS_MESSAGE_ID, rpal_ntoh16( dnsHeader->msgId ) ); rSequence_addRU16( notification, RP_TAGS_DNS_TYPE, recordType ); if( DNS_A_RECORD == recordType ) { rSequence_addIPV4( notification, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, *(RU32*)pResponseInfo->rData ); } else if( DNS_AAAA_RECORD == recordType ) { rSequence_addIPV6( notification, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, pResponseInfo->rData ); } else if( DNS_CNAME_RECORD == recordType ) { // CNAME records will have another label as a value and not an IP. rpal_memory_zero( domain, sizeof( domain ) ); dnsReadLabels( (DnsLabel*)pResponseInfo->rData, domain, (RPU8)dnsHeader, pDns->packetSize, 0, 0 ); rSequence_addSTRINGA( notification, RP_TAGS_CNAME, domain ); } else { // Right now we only care for A, CNAME and AAAA records. rSequence_free( notification ); notification = NULL; continue; } hbs_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_DNS_REQUEST, notification ); rSequence_free( notification ); notification = NULL; } }
static RPVOID networkDiffThread ( rEvent isTimeToStop, RPVOID ctx ) { NetLib_Tcp4Table* currentTcp4Table = NULL; NetLib_Tcp4Table* oldTcp4Table = NULL; NetLib_UdpTable* currentUdpTable = NULL; NetLib_UdpTable* oldUdpTable = NULL; RU32 i = 0; RU32 j = 0; RBOOL isFound = FALSE; rSequence notif = NULL; rSequence comp = NULL; RU32 timeout = 100; RU32 nThLoop = 0; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( ctx ); while( rpal_memory_isValid( isTimeToStop ) && !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) ) { if( NULL != oldTcp4Table ) { rpal_memory_free( oldTcp4Table ); oldTcp4Table = NULL; } if( NULL != oldUdpTable ) { rpal_memory_free( oldUdpTable ); oldUdpTable = NULL; } // Swap the old snapshot for the (prev) new one oldTcp4Table = currentTcp4Table; oldUdpTable = currentUdpTable; currentTcp4Table = NULL; currentUdpTable = NULL; // Generate new tables currentTcp4Table = NetLib_getTcp4Table(); currentUdpTable = NetLib_getUdpTable(); // Diff TCP snapshots for new entries if( rpal_memory_isValid( currentTcp4Table ) && rpal_memory_isValid( oldTcp4Table ) ) { for( i = 0; i < currentTcp4Table->nRows; i++ ) { isFound = FALSE; if( rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) ) { break; } for( j = 0; j < oldTcp4Table->nRows; j++ ) { if( isTcpEqual( ¤tTcp4Table->rows[ i ], &oldTcp4Table->rows[ j ] ) ) { isFound = TRUE; break; } } if( !isFound ) { if( NULL != ( notif = rSequence_new() ) ) { if( rSequence_addRU32( notif, RP_TAGS_STATE, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].state ) && rSequence_addRU32( notif, RP_TAGS_PROCESS_ID, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].pid ) && rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( notif, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, rpal_time_getGlobal() ) ) { if( NULL != ( comp = rSequence_new() ) ) { // Add the destination components if( !rSequence_addIPV4( comp, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].destIp ) || !rSequence_addRU16( comp, RP_TAGS_PORT, rpal_ntoh16( (RU16)currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].destPort ) ) || !rSequence_addSEQUENCE( notif, RP_TAGS_DESTINATION, comp ) ) { rSequence_free( comp ); comp = NULL; } } if( NULL != ( comp = rSequence_new() ) ) { // Add the source components if( !rSequence_addIPV4( comp, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].sourceIp ) || !rSequence_addRU16( comp, RP_TAGS_PORT, rpal_ntoh16( (RU16)currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].sourcePort ) ) || !rSequence_addSEQUENCE( notif, RP_TAGS_SOURCE, comp ) ) { rSequence_free( comp ); comp = NULL; } } rpal_debug_info( "new tcp connection: 0x%08X = 0x%08X:0x%04X ---> 0x%08X:0x%04X -- 0x%08X.", currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].state, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].sourceIp, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].sourcePort, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].destIp, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].destPort, currentTcp4Table->rows[ i ].pid ); notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_TCP4_CONNECTION, notif ); } rSequence_free( notif ); } } } } else if( 0 != nThLoop ) { rpal_debug_warning( "could not get tcp connections table." ); } // Diff TCP snapshots for new entries if( NULL != currentUdpTable && NULL != oldUdpTable ) { for( i = 0; i < currentUdpTable->nRows; i++ ) { isFound = FALSE; if( rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) ) { break; } for( j = 0; j < oldUdpTable->nRows; j++ ) { if( isUdpEqual( ¤tUdpTable->rows[ i ], &oldUdpTable->rows[ j ] ) ) { isFound = TRUE; break; } } if( !isFound ) { if( NULL != ( notif = rSequence_new() ) ) { if( !rSequence_addIPV4( notif, RP_TAGS_IP_ADDRESS, currentUdpTable->rows[ i ].localIp ) || !rSequence_addRU16( notif, RP_TAGS_PORT, rpal_ntoh16( (RU16)currentUdpTable->rows[ i ].localPort ) ) || !rSequence_addRU32( notif, RP_TAGS_PROCESS_ID, currentUdpTable->rows[ i ].pid ) || !rSequence_addTIMESTAMP( notif, RP_TAGS_TIMESTAMP, rpal_time_getGlobal() ) ) { notif = NULL; } else { rpal_debug_info( "new udp connection: 0x%08X:0x%04X -- 0x%08X.", currentUdpTable->rows[ i ].localIp, currentUdpTable->rows[ i ].localPort, currentUdpTable->rows[ i ].pid ); notifications_publish( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_UDP4_CONNECTION, notif ); } rSequence_free( notif ); } } } } else if( 0 != nThLoop ) { rpal_debug_warning( "could not get udp connections table." ); } nThLoop++; if( 0 == nThLoop % 10 ) { timeout = libOs_getUsageProportionalTimeout( 1000 ) + 500; } rpal_thread_sleep( timeout ); } rpal_memory_free( currentTcp4Table ); rpal_memory_free( currentUdpTable ); rpal_memory_free( oldTcp4Table ); rpal_memory_free( oldUdpTable ); return NULL; }