static rpmRC checkDep(rpmSpec spec, char *N, char *EVR, char **emsg) { /* * Tokens must begin with alphanumeric, _, or /, but we don't know * the spec's encoding so we only check what we can: plain ascii. */ if (isascii(N[0]) && !(risalnum(N[0]) || N[0] == '_' || N[0] == '/')) { rasprintf(emsg, _("Dependency tokens must begin with alpha-numeric, '_' or '/'")); return RPMRC_FAIL; } if (EVR) { if (N[0] == '/') { rasprintf(emsg, _("Versioned file name not permitted")); return RPMRC_FAIL; } if (rpmCharCheck(spec, EVR, ".-_+:%{}~")) return RPMRC_FAIL; if (checkSep(EVR, '-', emsg) != RPMRC_OK || checkSep(EVR, ':', emsg) != RPMRC_OK) return RPMRC_FAIL; } return RPMRC_OK; }
rpmRC parseRCPOT(rpmSpec spec, Package pkg, const char *field, rpmTagVal tagN, int index, rpmsenseFlags tagflags) { const char *r, *re, *v, *ve; const char *emsg = NULL; char * N = NULL, * EVR = NULL; rpmTagVal nametag = RPMTAG_NOT_FOUND; rpmsenseFlags Flags; Header h = pkg->header; /* everything except buildrequires go here */ rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL; /* assume failure */ switch (tagN) { default: case RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS: nametag = RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME; tagflags |= RPMSENSE_ANY; break; case RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS: nametag = RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME; break; case RPMTAG_OBSOLETEFLAGS: nametag = RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME; break; case RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS: nametag = RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME; break; case RPMTAG_ORDERFLAGS: nametag = RPMTAG_ORDERNAME; break; case RPMTAG_PREREQ: /* XXX map legacy PreReq into Requires(pre,preun) */ nametag = RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME; tagflags |= (RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PRE|RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PREUN); break; case RPMTAG_TRIGGERPREIN: nametag = RPMTAG_TRIGGERNAME; tagflags |= RPMSENSE_TRIGGERPREIN; break; case RPMTAG_TRIGGERIN: nametag = RPMTAG_TRIGGERNAME; tagflags |= RPMSENSE_TRIGGERIN; break; case RPMTAG_TRIGGERPOSTUN: nametag = RPMTAG_TRIGGERNAME; tagflags |= RPMSENSE_TRIGGERPOSTUN; break; case RPMTAG_TRIGGERUN: nametag = RPMTAG_TRIGGERNAME; tagflags |= RPMSENSE_TRIGGERUN; break; case RPMTAG_BUILDPREREQ: case RPMTAG_BUILDREQUIRES: nametag = RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME; tagflags |= RPMSENSE_ANY; h = spec->buildRestrictions; break; case RPMTAG_BUILDCONFLICTS: nametag = RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME; h = spec->buildRestrictions; break; } for (r = field; *r != '\0'; r = re) { SKIPWHITE(r); if (*r == '\0') break; Flags = (tagflags & ~RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK); /* * Tokens must begin with alphanumeric, _, or /, but we don't know * the spec's encoding so we only check what we can: plain ascii. */ if (isascii(r[0]) && !(risalnum(r[0]) || r[0] == '_' || r[0] == '/')) { emsg = _("Dependency tokens must begin with alpha-numeric, '_' or '/'"); goto exit; } re = r; SKIPNONWHITE(re); N = xmalloc((re-r) + 1); rstrlcpy(N, r, (re-r) + 1); /* Parse EVR */ v = re; SKIPWHITE(v); ve = v; SKIPNONWHITE(ve); re = v; /* ==> next token (if no EVR found) starts here */ /* Check for possible logical operator */ if (ve > v) { const struct ReqComp *rc; for (rc = ReqComparisons; rc->token != NULL; rc++) { if ((ve-v) != strlen(rc->token) || !rstreqn(v, rc->token, (ve-v))) continue; if (r[0] == '/') { emsg = _("Versioned file name not permitted"); goto exit; } Flags |= rc->sense; /* now parse EVR */ v = ve; SKIPWHITE(v); ve = v; SKIPNONWHITE(ve); break; } } if (Flags & RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK) { if (*v == '\0' || ve == v) { emsg = _("Version required"); goto exit; } EVR = xmalloc((ve-v) + 1); rstrlcpy(EVR, v, (ve-v) + 1); if (rpmCharCheck(spec, EVR, ve-v, ".-_+:%{}")) goto exit; re = ve; /* ==> next token after EVR string starts here */ } else EVR = NULL; if (addReqProv(h, nametag, N, EVR, Flags, index)) { emsg = _("invalid dependency"); goto exit; } N = _free(N); EVR = _free(EVR); } rc = RPMRC_OK; exit: if (emsg) { /* Automatic dependencies don't relate to spec lines */ if (tagflags & (RPMSENSE_FIND_REQUIRES|RPMSENSE_FIND_PROVIDES)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "%s: %s\n", emsg, r); } else { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: %s: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, emsg, spec->line); } } free(N); free(EVR); return rc; }
static rpmRC handlePreambleTag(rpmSpec spec, Package pkg, rpmTagVal tag, const char *macro, const char *lang) { char * field = spec->line; char * end; int multiToken = 0; rpmsenseFlags tagflags = RPMSENSE_ANY; rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL; if (field == NULL) /* XXX can't happen */ goto exit; /* Find the start of the "field" and strip trailing space */ while ((*field) && (*field != ':')) field++; if (*field != ':') { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Malformed tag: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); goto exit; } field++; SKIPSPACE(field); if (!*field) { /* Empty field */ rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Empty tag: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); goto exit; } end = findLastChar(field); *(end+1) = '\0'; /* See if this is multi-token */ end = field; SKIPNONSPACE(end); if (*end != '\0') multiToken = 1; switch (tag) { case RPMTAG_NAME: SINGLE_TOKEN_ONLY; if (rpmCharCheck(spec, field, WHITELIST_NAME)) goto exit; headerPutString(pkg->header, tag, field); /* Main pkg name is unknown at the start, populate as soon as we can */ if (pkg == spec->packages) pkg->name = rpmstrPoolId(spec->pool, field, 1); break; case RPMTAG_VERSION: case RPMTAG_RELEASE: SINGLE_TOKEN_ONLY; if (rpmCharCheck(spec, field, "._+%{}~")) goto exit; headerPutString(pkg->header, tag, field); break; case RPMTAG_URL: case RPMTAG_DISTTAG: case RPMTAG_BUGURL: /* XXX TODO: validate format somehow */ case RPMTAG_VCS: SINGLE_TOKEN_ONLY; headerPutString(pkg->header, tag, field); break; case RPMTAG_GROUP: case RPMTAG_SUMMARY: case RPMTAG_DISTRIBUTION: case RPMTAG_VENDOR: case RPMTAG_LICENSE: case RPMTAG_PACKAGER: if (addLangTag(spec, pkg->header, tag, field, lang)) goto exit; break; case RPMTAG_BUILDROOT: /* just silently ignore BuildRoot */ macro = NULL; break; case RPMTAG_PREFIXES: { struct rpmtd_s td; const char *str; if (addOrAppendListEntry(pkg->header, tag, field)) goto exit; headerGet(pkg->header, tag, &td, HEADERGET_MINMEM); while ((str = rpmtdNextString(&td))) { size_t len = strlen(str); if (len > 1 && str[len-1] == '/') { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Prefixes must not end with \"/\": %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); rpmtdFreeData(&td); goto exit; } } rpmtdFreeData(&td); break; } case RPMTAG_DOCDIR: SINGLE_TOKEN_ONLY; if (field[0] != '/') { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Docdir must begin with '/': %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); goto exit; } macro = NULL; rpmPopMacro(NULL, "_docdir"); rpmPushMacro(NULL, "_docdir", NULL, field, RMIL_SPEC); break; case RPMTAG_EPOCH: { SINGLE_TOKEN_ONLY; uint32_t epoch; if (parseUnsignedNum(field, &epoch)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Epoch field must be an unsigned number: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); goto exit; } headerPutUint32(pkg->header, tag, &epoch, 1); break; } case RPMTAG_AUTOREQPROV: pkg->autoReq = parseYesNo(field); pkg->autoProv = pkg->autoReq; break; case RPMTAG_AUTOREQ: pkg->autoReq = parseYesNo(field); break; case RPMTAG_AUTOPROV: pkg->autoProv = parseYesNo(field); break; case RPMTAG_SOURCE: case RPMTAG_PATCH: macro = NULL; if (addSource(spec, pkg, field, tag)) goto exit; break; case RPMTAG_ICON: SINGLE_TOKEN_ONLY; if (addSource(spec, pkg, field, tag) || readIcon(pkg->header, field)) goto exit; break; case RPMTAG_NOSOURCE: case RPMTAG_NOPATCH: spec->noSource = 1; if (parseNoSource(spec, field, tag)) goto exit; break; case RPMTAG_ORDERFLAGS: case RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS: if (parseBits(lang, installScriptBits, &tagflags)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Bad %s: qualifiers: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, rpmTagGetName(tag), spec->line); goto exit; } /* fallthrough */ case RPMTAG_PREREQ: case RPMTAG_RECOMMENDFLAGS: case RPMTAG_SUGGESTFLAGS: case RPMTAG_SUPPLEMENTFLAGS: case RPMTAG_ENHANCEFLAGS: case RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS: case RPMTAG_OBSOLETEFLAGS: case RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS: if (parseRCPOT(spec, pkg, field, tag, 0, tagflags)) goto exit; break; case RPMTAG_BUILDPREREQ: case RPMTAG_BUILDREQUIRES: case RPMTAG_BUILDCONFLICTS: if (parseRCPOT(spec, spec->sourcePackage, field, tag, 0, tagflags)) goto exit; break; case RPMTAG_EXCLUDEARCH: case RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEARCH: case RPMTAG_EXCLUDEOS: case RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEOS: if (addOrAppendListEntry(spec->buildRestrictions, tag, field)) goto exit; break; case RPMTAG_BUILDARCHS: { int BACount; const char **BANames = NULL; if (poptParseArgvString(field, &BACount, &BANames)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Bad BuildArchitecture format: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); goto exit; } if (spec->packages == pkg) { if (spec->BANames) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Duplicate BuildArch entry: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); BANames = _free(BANames); goto exit; } spec->BACount = BACount; spec->BANames = BANames; } else { if (BACount != 1 || !rstreq(BANames[0], "noarch")) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Only noarch subpackages are supported: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); BANames = _free(BANames); goto exit; } headerPutString(pkg->header, RPMTAG_ARCH, "noarch"); } if (!BACount) spec->BANames = _free(spec->BANames); break; } case RPMTAG_REMOVEPATHPOSTFIXES: argvSplit(&pkg->removePostfixes, field, ":"); break; default: rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Internal error: Bogus tag %d\n"), tag); goto exit; } if (macro) { rpmPushMacro(spec->macros, macro, NULL, field, RMIL_SPEC); /* Add a separate uppercase macro for tags from the main package */ if (pkg == spec->packages) { char *m = xstrdup(macro); for (char *p = m; *p; ++p) *p = rtoupper(*p); rpmPushMacro(spec->macros, m, NULL, field, RMIL_SPEC); free(m); } } rc = RPMRC_OK; exit: return rc; }
int parsePreamble(rpmSpec spec, int initialPackage) { int nextPart = PART_ERROR; int res = PART_ERROR; /* assume failure */ int rc; char *name, *linep; int flag = 0; Package pkg; char *NVR = NULL; char lang[BUFSIZ]; if (! initialPackage) { /* There is one option to %package: <pkg> or -n <pkg> */ if (parseSimplePart(spec->line, &name, &flag)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Bad package specification: %s\n"), spec->line); goto exit; } if (rpmCharCheck(spec, name, WHITELIST_NAME)) goto exit; if (!lookupPackage(spec, name, flag, NULL)) { free(name); goto exit; } /* Construct the package */ if (flag == PART_SUBNAME) { rasprintf(&NVR, "%s-%s", headerGetString(spec->packages->header, RPMTAG_NAME), name); } else NVR = xstrdup(name); free(name); pkg = newPackage(NVR, spec->pool, &spec->packages); headerPutString(pkg->header, RPMTAG_NAME, NVR); } else { NVR = xstrdup("(main package)"); pkg = newPackage(NULL, spec->pool, &spec->packages); spec->sourcePackage = newPackage(NULL, spec->pool, NULL); } if ((rc = readLine(spec, STRIP_TRAILINGSPACE | STRIP_COMMENTS)) > 0) { nextPart = PART_NONE; } else if (rc < 0) { goto exit; } else { while (! (nextPart = isPart(spec->line))) { const char * macro; rpmTagVal tag; /* Skip blank lines */ linep = spec->line; SKIPSPACE(linep); if (*linep != '\0') { if (findPreambleTag(spec, &tag, ¯o, lang)) { if (spec->lineNum == 1 && (unsigned char)(spec->line[0]) == 0xed && (unsigned char)(spec->line[1]) == 0xab && (unsigned char)(spec->line[2]) == 0xee && (unsigned char)(spec->line[3]) == 0xdb) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Binary rpm package found. Expected spec file!\n")); goto exit; } rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Unknown tag: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, spec->line); goto exit; } if (handlePreambleTag(spec, pkg, tag, macro, lang)) { goto exit; } if (spec->BANames && !spec->recursing) { res = PART_BUILDARCHITECTURES; goto exit; } } if ((rc = readLine(spec, STRIP_TRAILINGSPACE | STRIP_COMMENTS)) > 0) { nextPart = PART_NONE; break; } if (rc) { goto exit; } } } /* * Expand buildroot one more time to get %{version} and the like * from the main package, validate sanity. The spec->buildRoot could * still contain unexpanded macros but it cannot be empty or '/', and it * can't be messed with by anything spec does beyond this point. */ if (initialPackage) { char *buildRoot = rpmGetPath(spec->buildRoot, NULL); if (*buildRoot == '\0') { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%%{buildroot} couldn't be empty\n")); goto exit; } if (rstreq(buildRoot, "/")) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%%{buildroot} can not be \"/\"\n")); goto exit; } free(spec->buildRoot); spec->buildRoot = buildRoot; rpmPushMacro(spec->macros, "buildroot", NULL, spec->buildRoot, RMIL_SPEC); } /* XXX Skip valid arch check if not building binary package */ if (!(spec->flags & RPMSPEC_ANYARCH) && checkForValidArchitectures(spec)) { goto exit; } /* It is the main package */ if (pkg == spec->packages) { fillOutMainPackage(pkg->header); /* Define group tag to something when group is undefined in main package*/ if (!headerIsEntry(pkg->header, RPMTAG_GROUP)) { headerPutString(pkg->header, RPMTAG_GROUP, "Unspecified"); } } if (checkForDuplicates(pkg->header, NVR)) { goto exit; } if (pkg != spec->packages) { headerCopyTags(spec->packages->header, pkg->header, (rpmTagVal *)copyTagsDuringParse); } if (checkForRequired(pkg->header, NVR)) { goto exit; } /* if we get down here nextPart has been set to non-error */ res = nextPart; exit: free(NVR); return res; }