Esempio n. 1
static const char * rpmcliEvalSlurp(const char * arg)
	/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/
	/*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext @*/
    const char * pre = "";
    const char * post = "";
    rpmiob iob = NULL;
    const char * val = NULL;
    struct stat sb;
    int xx;

    if (!strcmp(arg, "-")) {	/* Macros from stdin arg. */
	xx = rpmiobSlurp(arg, &iob);
    } else
    if ((arg[0] == '/' || strchr(arg, ' ') == NULL)
     && !Stat(arg, &sb)
     && S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {	/* Macros from a file arg. */
	xx = rpmiobSlurp(arg, &iob);
    } else {			/* Macros from string arg. */
	iob = rpmiobAppend(rpmiobNew(strlen(arg)+1), arg, 0);

    val = rpmExpand(pre, iob->b, post, NULL);
    iob = rpmiobFree(iob);
    return val;
Esempio n. 2
rpmRC rpmpythonRunFile(rpmpython python, const char * fn, const char ** resultp)
    rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL;

if (_rpmpython_debug)
fprintf(stderr, "==> %s(%p,%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, python, fn);

    if (python == NULL) python = rpmpythonI();

    if (fn != NULL) {
	const char * pyfn = ((fn == NULL || !strcmp(fn, "-")) ? "<stdin>" : fn);
	FILE * pyfp = (!strcmp(pyfn, "<stdin>") ? stdin : fopen(fn, "rb"));
	int closeit = (pyfp != stdin);
	PyCompilerFlags cf = { .cf_flags = 0 };
	if (pyfp != NULL) {
	    PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(pyfp, pyfn, closeit, &cf);
	    rc = RPMRC_OK;
    return rc;

static const char * rpmpythonSlurp(const char * arg)
    rpmiob iob = NULL;
    const char * val = NULL;
    struct stat sb;
    int xx;

    if (!strcmp(arg, "-")) {	/* Macros from stdin arg. */
	xx = rpmiobSlurp(arg, &iob);
    } else
    if ((arg[0] == '/' || strchr(arg, ' ') == NULL)
     && !Stat(arg, &sb)
     && S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {	/* Macros from a file arg. */
	xx = rpmiobSlurp(arg, &iob);
    } else {			/* Macros from string arg. */
	iob = rpmiobAppend(rpmiobNew(strlen(arg)+1), arg, 0);

    val = xstrdup(rpmiobStr(iob));
    iob = rpmiobFree(iob);
    return val;
Esempio n. 3
static int rpm_slurp(lua_State *L)
/*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
/*@modifies L, fileSystem, internalState @*/
    rpmiob iob = NULL;
    const char *fn;
    int rc;

    if (lua_isstring(L, 1))
        fn = lua_tostring(L, 1);
    else {
        (void)luaL_argerror(L, 1, "filename");
        return 0;
    rc = rpmiobSlurp(fn, &iob);
    if (rc || iob == NULL) {
        (void)luaL_error(L, "failed to slurp data");
        return 0;
    lua_pushlstring(L, (const char *)rpmiobStr(iob), rpmiobLen(iob));
    iob = rpmiobFree(iob);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 4
static void integrity_check(const char *progname, enum modes progmode_num)
    rpmts ts = NULL;
    rpmlua lua = NULL;
    char *spec_fn = NULL;
    char *proc_fn = NULL;
    char *pkey_fn = NULL;
    char *spec = NULL;
    char *proc = NULL;
    rpmiob spec_iob = NULL;
    rpmiob proc_iob = NULL;
    const char *result = NULL;
    const char *error = NULL;
    int xx;
    const char *progmode;
    int rc = INTEGRITY_ERROR;

    /* determine paths of integrity checking related files */
    spec_fn = rpmExpand("%{?_integrity_spec_cfg}%{!?_integrity_spec_cfg:scripts/integrity.cfg}", NULL);
    if (spec_fn == NULL || spec_fn[0] == '\0') {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Integrity Configuration Specification file not configured.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: macro %%{_integrity_spec_cfg} not configured correctly.\n");
        goto failure;
    proc_fn = rpmExpand("%{?_integrity_proc_lua}%{!?_integrity_proc_lua:scripts/integrity.lua}", NULL);
    if (proc_fn == NULL || proc_fn[0] == '\0') {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Integrity Validation Processor file not configured.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: macro %%{_integrity_proc_lua} not configured correctly.\n");
        goto failure;
    pkey_fn = rpmExpand("%{?_integrity_pkey_pgp}%{!?_integrity_pkey_pgp:scripts/integrity.pgp}", NULL);
    if (pkey_fn == NULL || pkey_fn[0] == '\0') {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Integrity Autority Public-Key file not configured.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: macro %%{_integrity_pkey_pgp} not configured correctly.\n");
        goto failure;

    /* create RPM transaction environment and open RPM database */
    ts = rpmtsCreate();
    (void)rpmtsOpenDB(ts, O_RDONLY);

    /* check signature on integrity configuration specification file */
    if (rpmnsProbeSignature(ts, spec_fn, NULL, pkey_fn, RPM_INTEGRITY_FP, 0) != RPMRC_OK) {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Integrity Configuration Specification file contains invalid signature.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: Check file \"%s\".\n", spec_fn);
        goto failure;

    /* check signature on integrity validation processor file */
    if (rpmnsProbeSignature(ts, proc_fn, NULL, pkey_fn, RPM_INTEGRITY_FP, 0) != RPMRC_OK) {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Integrity Validation Processor file contains invalid signature.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: Check file \"%s\".\n", proc_fn);
        goto failure;

    /* load integrity configuration specification file */
    xx = rpmiobSlurp(spec_fn, &spec_iob);
    if (!(xx == 0 && spec_iob != NULL)) {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Unable to load Integrity Configuration Specification file.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: Check file \"%s\".\n", spec_fn);
        goto failure;
    spec = rpmiobStr(spec_iob);

    /* load integrity validation processor file */
    xx = rpmiobSlurp(proc_fn, &proc_iob);
    if (!(xx == 0 && proc_iob != NULL)) {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Unable to load Integrity Validation Processor file.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: Check file \"%s\".\n", proc_fn);
        goto failure;
    proc = rpmiobStr(proc_iob);

    /* provision program name and mode */
    if (progname == NULL || progname[0] == '\0')
        progname = "rpm";
    switch (progmode_num) {
        case MODE_QUERY:     progmode = "query";     break;
        case MODE_VERIFY:    progmode = "verify";    break;
        case MODE_CHECKSIG:  progmode = "checksig";  break;
        case MODE_RESIGN:    progmode = "resign";    break;
        case MODE_INSTALL:   progmode = "install";   break;
        case MODE_ERASE:     progmode = "erase";     break;
        case MODE_BUILD:     progmode = "build";     break;
        case MODE_REBUILD:   progmode = "rebuild";   break;
        case MODE_RECOMPILE: progmode = "recompile"; break;
        case MODE_TARBUILD:  progmode = "tarbuild";  break;
        case MODE_REBUILDDB: progmode = "rebuilddb"; break;
        case MODE_UNKNOWN:   progmode = "unknown";   break;
        default:             progmode = "unknown";   break;

    /* execute Integrity Validation Processor via Lua glue code */
    lua = rpmluaNew();
    rpmluaSetPrintBuffer(lua, 1);
    lua_getfield(lua->L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "integrity");
    lua_getfield(lua->L, -1, "processor");
    lua_remove(lua->L, -2);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, progname);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, progmode);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, spec_fn);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, spec);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, proc_fn);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, proc);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, RPM_INTEGRITY_MV);
    lua_pushstring(lua->L, "0");
    if (lua_pcall(lua->L, 7, 1, 0) != 0) {
        error = lua_isstring(lua->L, -1) ? lua_tostring(lua->L, -1) : "unknown error";
        lua_pop(lua->L, 1);
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Failed to execute Integrity Validation Processor.\n"
            "rpm: ERROR: Lua: %s.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: Check file \"%s\".\n", error, proc_fn);
        goto failure;

    /* check Integrity Validation Processor results */
    if (!lua_isstring(lua->L, -1)) {
        integrity_check_message("ERROR: Failed to fetch Integrity Validation Processor results.\n"
            "rpm: HINT: Check file \"%s\".\n", proc_fn);
        goto failure;
    result = lua_tostring(lua->L, -1);
    if (strcmp(result, "OK") == 0)
        rc = INTEGRITY_OK;
    else if (strncmp(result, "WARNING:", 8) == 0) {
        integrity_check_message("%s\n", result);
    else {
        rc = INTEGRITY_ERROR;
        integrity_check_message("%s\n", result);

    /* cleanup processing */
    if (lua != NULL)
    if (ts != NULL)
    ts = NULL;
    if (spec_iob != NULL)
	spec_iob = rpmiobFree(spec_iob);
    if (proc_iob != NULL)
	proc_iob = rpmiobFree(proc_iob);

    /* final result handling */
    if (rc != INTEGRITY_OK) {
        if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO) || isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
        if (rc == INTEGRITY_ERROR)