Esempio n. 1
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// JMC - backport 4604
rsDataObjUnlock( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, int fd ) {
    char tmpStr[NAME_LEN];
    int status;

    snprintf( tmpStr, NAME_LEN, "%-d", fd );
    addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, LOCK_FD_KW, tmpStr );
    addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, LOCK_TYPE_KW, UNLOCK_TYPE );

    status = rsDataObjLock( rsComm, dataObjInp );

    return status;
Esempio n. 2
rsDataObjCreate( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp ) {
    int l1descInx;
    int status;
    rodsObjStat_t *rodsObjStatOut = NULL;
    int remoteFlag;
    rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost;
    specCollCache_t *specCollCache = NULL;
    char *lockType = NULL; // JMC - backport 4604
    int lockFd = -1; // JMC - backport 4604

    resolveLinkedPath( rsComm, dataObjInp->objPath, &specCollCache,
                       &dataObjInp->condInput );
    remoteFlag = getAndConnRemoteZone( rsComm, dataObjInp, &rodsServerHost,
                                       REMOTE_CREATE );
    if ( remoteFlag < 0 ) {
        return ( remoteFlag );
    else if ( remoteFlag == REMOTE_HOST ) {
        openStat_t *openStat = NULL;
        addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, CROSS_ZONE_CREATE_KW, "" );
        status = rcDataObjCreateAndStat( rodsServerHost->conn, dataObjInp, &openStat );

        /* rm it to avoid confusion */
        rmKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, CROSS_ZONE_CREATE_KW );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            return status;
        l1descInx = allocAndSetL1descForZoneOpr( status, dataObjInp, rodsServerHost, openStat );

        if ( openStat != NULL ) {
            free( openStat );
        return ( l1descInx );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // working on the "home zone", determine if we need to redirect to a different
    // server in this zone for this operation.  if there is a RESC_HIER_STR_KW then
    // we know that the redirection decision has already been made
    char* resc_hier = getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW );
    if ( NULL == resc_hier ) {
        std::string       hier;
        irods::error ret = irods::resolve_resource_hierarchy( irods::CREATE_OPERATION, rsComm,
                           dataObjInp, hier );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "failed in irods::resolve_resource_hierarchy for [";
            msg << dataObjInp->objPath << "]";
            irods::log( PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret ) );
            return ret.code();

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // we resolved the redirect and have a host, set the hier str for subsequent
        // api calls, etc.
        addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW, hier.c_str() );

    } // if keyword

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // JMC - backport 4604
    lockType = getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, LOCK_TYPE_KW );
    if ( lockType != NULL ) {
        lockFd = rsDataObjLock( rsComm, dataObjInp );
        if ( lockFd >= 0 ) {
            /* rm it so it won't be done again causing deadlock */
            rmKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, LOCK_TYPE_KW );
        else {
            rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, lockFd,
                          "rsDataObjCreate: rsDataObjLock error for %s. lockType = %s",
                          dataObjInp->objPath, lockType );
            return lockFd;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // Gets here means local zone operation stat dataObj
    addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, SEL_OBJ_TYPE_KW, "dataObj" );

    status = rsObjStat( rsComm, dataObjInp, &rodsObjStatOut );

    if ( rodsObjStatOut != NULL && rodsObjStatOut->objType == COLL_OBJ_T ) {
        if ( lockFd >= 0 ) {
            rsDataObjUnlock( rsComm, dataObjInp, lockFd );    // JMC - backport 4604
        return ( USER_INPUT_PATH_ERR );

    if ( rodsObjStatOut                      != NULL &&
            rodsObjStatOut->specColl            != NULL &&
            rodsObjStatOut->specColl->collClass == LINKED_COLL ) {
        /*  should not be here because if has been translated */
        if ( lockFd >= 0 ) {
            rsDataObjUnlock( rsComm, dataObjInp, lockFd ); // JMC - backport 4604

        return SYS_COLL_LINK_PATH_ERR;

    if ( rodsObjStatOut  == NULL                     ||
            ( rodsObjStatOut->objType  == UNKNOWN_OBJ_T &&
              rodsObjStatOut->specColl == NULL ) ) {
        /* does not exist. have to create one */
        /* use L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus & OPEN_EXISTING_COPY instead */
        /* newly created. take out FORCE_FLAG since it could be used by put */
        /* rmKeyVal (&dataObjInp->condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW); */
        l1descInx = _rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, dataObjInp );

    else if ( rodsObjStatOut->specColl != NULL &&
              rodsObjStatOut->objType == UNKNOWN_OBJ_T ) {

        /* newly created. take out FORCE_FLAG since it could be used by put */
        /* rmKeyVal (&dataObjInp->condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW); */
        l1descInx = specCollSubCreate( rsComm, dataObjInp );
    else {

        /* dataObj exist */
        if ( getValByKey( &dataObjInp->condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW ) != NULL ) {
            dataObjInp->openFlags |= O_TRUNC | O_RDWR;

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // re-determine the resource hierarchy since this is an open instead of a create
            std::string       hier;
            irods::error ret = irods::resolve_resource_hierarchy( irods::WRITE_OPERATION,
                               rsComm, dataObjInp, hier );
            if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << __FUNCTION__;
                msg << " :: failed in irods::resolve_resource_hierarchy for [";
                msg << dataObjInp->objPath << "]";
                irods::log( PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret ) );
                return ret.code();

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // we resolved the redirect and have a host, set the hier str for subsequent
            // api calls, etc.
            addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, RESC_HIER_STR_KW, hier.c_str() );
            std::string top_resc;
            irods::hierarchy_parser parser;
            parser.set_string( hier );
            parser.first_resc( top_resc );
            addKeyVal( &dataObjInp->condInput, DEST_RESC_NAME_KW, top_resc.c_str() );
            l1descInx = _rsDataObjOpen( rsComm, dataObjInp );

        else {
            l1descInx = OVERWRITE_WITHOUT_FORCE_FLAG;

    if ( rodsObjStatOut != NULL ) {
        freeRodsObjStat( rodsObjStatOut );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // JMC - backport 4604
    if ( lockFd >= 0 ) {
        if ( l1descInx >= 0 ) {
            L1desc[l1descInx].lockFd = lockFd;
        else {
            rsDataObjUnlock( rsComm, dataObjInp, lockFd );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    return ( l1descInx );