Esempio n. 1
void rt_set_numthreads(SceneHandle voidscene, int numthreads) {
  scenedef * scene = (scenedef *) voidscene;
#ifdef THR
  if (numthreads > 0) {
    scene->numthreads = numthreads;
  else {
    scene->numthreads = rt_thread_numprocessors();

  /* force set of # kernel threads  */

  scene->numthreads = 1;
  scene->scenecheck = 1;
Esempio n. 2
int calc_grid_energies_excl_mgrid(float* atoms, float* grideners, long int numplane, long int numcol, long int numpt, long int natoms, float gridspacing, unsigned char* excludepos, int maxnumprocs) {
// cionize_params* params, cionize_molecule* molecule, cionize_grid* grid) {
  int i;
  enthrparms *parms;
  rt_thread_t * threads;

#if defined(THR)
  int numprocs;
  int availprocs = rt_thread_numprocessors();
  if (params->maxnumprocs <= availprocs) {
    numprocs = params->maxnumprocs;
  } else {
    numprocs = availprocs;
  int numprocs = 1;


  /* DH: setup and compute long-range */
  MgridParam mg_prm;
  MgridSystem mg_sys;
  Mgrid mg;
  //MgridLattice *lattice;
  int j, k;
  int gridfactor;

  double h, h_1;
  int nspacings;

  double *eh;
  int ndim;
  int ii, jj, kk;
  int im, jm, km;
  int ilo, jlo, klo;
  double dx_h, dy_h, dz_h;
  double xphi[4], yphi[4], zphi[4];
  double t, en, c;
  int koff, jkoff, index;

  rt_timerhandle timer;
  float totaltime;

  memset(&mg_prm, 0, sizeof(mg_prm));
  memset(&mg_sys, 0, sizeof(mg_sys));

   * set mgrid parameters
   * make sure origin of mgrid's grid is at ionize's grid origin (0,0,0)
   * length is (number of grid spacings) * (grid spacing),
   * where the number of spacings is one less than number of grid points
  mg_prm.length = (numpt-1) * gridspacing; = 0.5 * mg_prm.length; = 0.5 * mg_prm.length; = 0.5 * mg_prm.length;

  /* make sure domain and grid are both cubic */
  if (numpt != numcol || numcol != numplane) {
    printf("ERROR: grid must be cubic\n");
    return -1;

   * grid used by mgrid needs spacing h >= 2
   * determine grid factor:  (2^gridfactor)*h_ionize = h_mgrid
  gridfactor = 0;
  //nspacings = numpt - 1;
  nspacings = numpt;
    /* add one more spacing so that interpolation loop below will work */
  h = gridspacing;
  while (h < 2.0) {
    h *= 2;
    nspacings = ((nspacings & 1) ? nspacings/2 + 1 : nspacings/2);
  mg_prm.nspacings = nspacings;

  /* have to modify mgrid length */
  mg_prm.length += h; = 0.5 * mg_prm.length; = 0.5 * mg_prm.length; = 0.5 * mg_prm.length;
  h_1 = 1.0/h;

  mg_prm.cutoff = CUTOFF;
  mg_prm.boundary = MGRID_NONPERIODIC;

  /* choice of splitting must be consistent with short-range below */
#if defined(CUBIC_TAYLOR2)
  mg_prm.approx = MGRID_CUBIC;
  mg_prm.split = MGRID_TAYLOR2;
#elif defined(QUINTIC1_TAYLOR3)
  mg_prm.approx = MGRID_QUINTIC1;
  mg_prm.split = MGRID_TAYLOR3;
#elif defined(HEPTIC1_TAYLOR4)
  mg_prm.approx = MGRID_HEPTIC1;
  mg_prm.split = MGRID_TAYLOR4;
#elif defined(HERMITE_TAYLOR3)
  mg_prm.approx = MGRID_HERMITE;
  mg_prm.split = MGRID_TAYLOR3;

  mg_prm.natoms = natoms;
  printf("natom = %d\n", mg_prm.natoms);
  printf("mgrid center = %g %g %g\n",,,;
  printf("mgrid length = %g\n", mg_prm.length);
  printf("mgrid nspacings = %d\n", mg_prm.nspacings);

  /* setup mgrid system */
  mg_sys.f_elec = (MD_Dvec *) calloc(mg_prm.natoms, sizeof(MD_Dvec));
  mg_sys.pos = (MD_Dvec *) calloc(mg_prm.natoms, sizeof(MD_Dvec));
  mg_sys.charge = (double *) calloc(mg_prm.natoms, sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0;  i < mg_prm.natoms;  i++) {
    mg_sys.pos[i].x  = atoms[4*i    ];
    mg_sys.pos[i].y  = atoms[4*i + 1];
    mg_sys.pos[i].z  = atoms[4*i + 2];
    mg_sys.charge[i] = atoms[4*i + 3];

  /* setup mgrid solver and compute */
  if (mgrid_param_config(&mg_prm)) {
    printf("ERROR: mgrid_param_config() failed\n");
    return -1;
  printf("spacing = %g\n", mg_prm.spacing);
  if (mgrid_init(&mg)) {
    printf("ERROR: mgrid_init() failed\n");
    return -1;
  if (mgrid_setup(&mg, &mg_sys, &mg_prm)) {
    printf("ERROR: mgrid_setup() failed\n");
    return -1;

  timer = rt_timer_create();

  if (mgrid_force(&mg, &mg_sys)) {
    printf("ERROR: mgrid_force() failed\n");
    return -1;
  /* DH: end setup and compute long-range */

  printf("  using %d processors\n", numprocs);  

  /* allocate array of threads */
  threads = (rt_thread_t *) calloc(numprocs * sizeof(rt_thread_t), 1);

  /* allocate and initialize array of thread parameters */
  parms = (enthrparms *) malloc(numprocs * sizeof(enthrparms));
  for (i=0; i<numprocs; i++) {
    parms[i].threadid = i;
    parms[i].threadcount = numprocs;
    parms[i].atoms = atoms;
    parms[i].grideners = grideners;
    parms[i].numplane = numplane;
    parms[i].numcol = numcol;
    parms[i].numpt = numpt;
    parms[i].natoms = natoms;
    parms[i].gridspacing = gridspacing;
    parms[i].excludepos = excludepos;

#if defined(THR)
  /* spawn child threads to do the work */
  for (i=0; i<numprocs; i++) {
    rt_thread_create(&threads[i], energythread, &parms[i]);

  /* join the threads after work is done */
  for (i=0; i<numprocs; i++) {
    rt_thread_join(threads[i], NULL);
  /* single thread does all of the work */
  energythread((void *) &parms[0]);

  /* DH: tabulate and cleanup long-range */

  /* interpolate from mgrid potential lattice */

  eh = (double *)(mg.egrid[0].data); /* mgrid's long-range potential lattice */
  ndim = mg.egrid[0].ni;  /* number of points in each dimension of lattice */

  for (kk = 0;  kk < numplane;  kk++) {
    for (jj = 0;  jj < numcol;  jj++) {
      for (ii = 0;  ii < numpt;  ii++) {

        /* distance between atom and corner measured in grid points */
        dx_h = (ii*gridspacing) * h_1;
        dy_h = (jj*gridspacing) * h_1;
        dz_h = (kk*gridspacing) * h_1;

        /* find closest mgrid lattice point less than or equal to */
        im = ii >> gridfactor;
        jm = jj >> gridfactor;
        km = kk >> gridfactor;

#if defined(CUBIC_TAYLOR2)
        ilo = im-1;
        jlo = jm-1;
        klo = km-1;

        /* find t for x dimension and compute xphi */
        t = dx_h - ilo;
        xphi[0] = 0.5 * (1 - t) * (2 - t) * (2 - t);
        xphi[1] = (1 - t) * (1 + t - 1.5 * t * t);
        xphi[2] = (1 + t) * (1 - t - 1.5 * t * t);
        xphi[3] = 0.5 * (1 + t) * (2 + t) * (2 + t);

        /* find t for y dimension and compute yphi */
        t = dy_h - jlo;
        yphi[0] = 0.5 * (1 - t) * (2 - t) * (2 - t);
        yphi[1] = (1 - t) * (1 + t - 1.5 * t * t);
        yphi[2] = (1 + t) * (1 - t - 1.5 * t * t);
        yphi[3] = 0.5 * (1 + t) * (2 + t) * (2 + t);

        /* find t for z dimension and compute zphi */
        t = dz_h - klo;
        zphi[0] = 0.5 * (1 - t) * (2 - t) * (2 - t);
        zphi[1] = (1 - t) * (1 + t - 1.5 * t * t);
        zphi[2] = (1 + t) * (1 - t - 1.5 * t * t);
        zphi[3] = 0.5 * (1 + t) * (2 + t) * (2 + t);

        /* determine 64=4*4*4 eh grid stencil contribution to potential */
        en = 0;
        for (k = 0;  k < 4;  k++) {
          koff = (k + klo) * ndim;
          for (j = 0;  j < 4;  j++) {
            jkoff = (koff + (j + jlo)) * ndim;
            c = yphi[j] * zphi[k];
            for (i = 0;  i < 4;  i++) {
              index = jkoff + (i + ilo);
                  == mgrid_lattice_elem(&(mg.egrid[0]), i+ilo, j+jlo, k+klo));
              if (&eh[index] !=
                  mgrid_lattice_elem(&(mg.egrid[0]), i+ilo, j+jlo, k+klo)) {
                printf("ndim=%d  index=%d  i+ilo=%d  j+jlo=%d  k+klo=%d\n"
                    "ia=%d  ib=%d  ni=%d\n"
                    "ja=%d  jb=%d  nj=%d\n"
                    "ka=%d  kb=%d  nk=%d\n",
                    ndim, index, i+ilo, j+jlo, k+klo,
                    mg.egrid[0].ia, mg.egrid[0].ib, mg.egrid[0].ni,
                    mg.egrid[0].ja, mg.egrid[0].jb, mg.egrid[0].nj,
                    mg.egrid[0].ka, mg.egrid[0].kb, mg.egrid[0].nk

              en += eh[index] * xphi[i] * c;
        /* end CUBIC */

        //ENERGY(grid->eners[k*numcol*numpt + j*numpt + i]);

        grideners[kk*numcol*numpt + jj*numpt + ii] += (float)en;

        //  (float) *((double *)mgrid_lattice_elem(lattice, i, j, k));

        //ENERGY((float) *((double *)mgrid_lattice_elem(lattice, i, j, k)));
        //ENERGY(grid->eners[k*numcol*numpt + j*numpt + i]*560.47254);

  totaltime = rt_timer_timenow(timer);
  printf("total time for mgrid: %.1f\n", totaltime);

  /* cleanup mgrid */
  /* DH: tabulate and cleanup long-range */

  /* free thread parms */

  return 0;