static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_hdc_check(struct rtgui_filerw *file) { int start; rt_bool_t is_HDC; rt_uint8_t magic[4]; if (!file) return 0; start = rtgui_filerw_tell(file); /* move to the beginning of file */ rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET); is_HDC = RT_FALSE; if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic)) { if (magic[0] == 'H' && magic[1] == 'D' && magic[2] == 'C' && magic[3] == '\0') { is_HDC = RT_TRUE; } } rtgui_filerw_seek(file, start, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET); return(is_HDC); }
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_png_check(struct rtgui_filerw *file) { int start; rt_bool_t is_PNG; rt_uint8_t magic[4]; if (!file) return 0; start = rtgui_filerw_tell(file); /* move to the begining of file */ rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); is_PNG = RT_FALSE; if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic)) { if (magic[0] == 0x89 && magic[1] == 'P' && magic[2] == 'N' && magic[3] == 'G') { is_PNG = RT_TRUE; } } rtgui_filerw_seek(file, start, SEEK_SET); return(is_PNG); }
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_bmp_check(struct rtgui_filerw* file) { char magic[2]; rt_bool_t is_bmp; rt_off_t start; if ( !file ) return 0; start = rtgui_filerw_tell(file); /* move to the beginning of file */ rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET); is_bmp = RT_FALSE; if ( rtgui_filerw_read(file, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic) ) { if (magic[0] == 'B' && magic[1] == 'M') { is_bmp = RT_TRUE; } } rtgui_filerw_seek(file, start, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET); return(is_bmp); }
static void rtgui_image_hdc_blit(struct rtgui_image *image, struct rtgui_dc *dc, struct rtgui_rect *dst_rect) { rt_uint16_t y, w, h; struct rtgui_image_hdc *hdc; RT_ASSERT(image != RT_NULL || dc != RT_NULL || dst_rect != RT_NULL); /* this dc is not visible */ if (rtgui_dc_get_visible(dc) != RT_TRUE) return; hdc = (struct rtgui_image_hdc *) image->data; RT_ASSERT(hdc != RT_NULL); /* the minimum rect */ if (image->w < rtgui_rect_width(*dst_rect)) w = image->w; else w = rtgui_rect_width(*dst_rect); if (image->h < rtgui_rect_height(*dst_rect)) h = image->h; else h = rtgui_rect_height(*dst_rect); if (hdc->pixels != RT_NULL) { rt_uint8_t *ptr; /* get pixel pointer */ ptr = hdc->pixels; for (y = 0; y < h; y ++) { dc->engine->blit_line(dc, dst_rect->x1, dst_rect->x1 + w, dst_rect->y1 + y, ptr); ptr += hdc->pitch; } } else { rt_uint8_t *ptr; ptr = rtgui_malloc(hdc->pitch); if (ptr == RT_NULL) return; /* no memory */ /* seek to the begin of pixel data */ rtgui_filerw_seek(hdc->filerw, hdc->pixel_offset, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET); for (y = 0; y < h; y ++) { /* read pixel data */ if (rtgui_filerw_read(hdc->filerw, ptr, 1, hdc->pitch) != hdc->pitch) break; /* read data failed */ dc->engine->blit_line(dc, dst_rect->x1, dst_rect->x1 + w, dst_rect->y1 + y, ptr); } rtgui_free(ptr); } }
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_bmp_check(struct rtgui_filerw *file) { rt_uint8_t buffer[18]; rt_bool_t is_bmp = RT_FALSE; do { if (!file) { break; } /* Prepare to decode */ if (rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET) < 0) { break; } if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, (void *)buffer, 18, 1) != 18) { break; } /* Read file type */ if (buffer[0] != 'B' || buffer[1] != 'M') { break; } /* Read BMP header size */ if (*(rt_uint32_t *)&buffer[14] == 12) { /* Bitmap Header Version 2.x */ if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, (void *)buffer, 8, 1) != 8) { break; } /* Read image size */ is_bmp = RT_TRUE; } else { /* Bitmap Header Version bigger than 2.x */ if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, (void *)buffer, 8, 1) != 8) { break; } /* Read image size */ is_bmp = RT_TRUE; } } while (0); return is_bmp; }
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_bmp_load(struct rtgui_image *image, struct rtgui_filerw *file, rt_bool_t load) { rt_uint8_t scale = 0; rt_uint8_t *wrkBuffer; struct rtgui_image_bmp *bmp; rt_uint32_t bmpHeaderSize; rt_uint32_t colorsUsed; if (scale > BMP_MAX_SCALING_FACTOR) { return RT_FALSE; } do { wrkBuffer = (rt_uint8_t *)rtgui_malloc(BMP_WORKING_BUFFER_SIZE); if (wrkBuffer == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("BMP err: no mem\n"); break; } bmp = (struct rtgui_image_bmp *)rtgui_malloc(sizeof(struct rtgui_image_bmp)); if (bmp == RT_NULL) { break; } /* Prepare to decode */ if (rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET) < 0) { break; } if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, (void *)wrkBuffer, 18, 1) != 18) { break; } /* Read file type */ if (wrkBuffer[0] != 'B' || wrkBuffer[1] != 'M') { break; } // rt_kprintf("BMP: format ok\n"); /* Read pixel array offset */ bmp->pixel_offset = *(rt_uint32_t *)&wrkBuffer[10]; // rt_kprintf("BMP: bmp->pixel_offset %d\n", bmp->pixel_offset); /* Read BMP header size */ bmpHeaderSize = *(rt_uint32_t *)&wrkBuffer[14]; // rt_kprintf("BMP: bmpHeaderSize %d\n", bmpHeaderSize); colorsUsed = 0; if (bmpHeaderSize == 12) { /* Bitmap Header Version 2.x */ if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, (void *)wrkBuffer, 8, 1) != 8) { break; } /* Read image size */ bmp->w = (rt_uint32_t) * (rt_uint16_t *)&wrkBuffer[0]; bmp->h = (rt_uint32_t) * (rt_uint16_t *)&wrkBuffer[2]; /* Read bits per pixel */ bmp->bit_per_pixel = (rt_uint8_t) * (rt_uint16_t *)&wrkBuffer[6]; } else { /* Bitmap Header Version bigger than 2.x */ rt_uint32_t compression; if (rtgui_filerw_read(file, (void *)wrkBuffer, 36, 1) != 36) { break; } /* Read image size */ bmp->w = *(rt_uint32_t *)&wrkBuffer[0]; bmp->h = *(rt_uint32_t *)&wrkBuffer[4]; /* Read bits per pixel */ bmp->bit_per_pixel = (rt_uint8_t) * (rt_uint16_t *)&wrkBuffer[10]; if (bmp->bit_per_pixel > 32) { rt_kprintf("BMP err: unsupported format\n"); break; } /* Read compression method */ compression = *(rt_uint32_t *)&wrkBuffer[12]; if (compression != BI_RGB && compression != BI_BITFIELDS) { rt_kprintf("BMP err: unsupported format\n"); break; } /* Read number of colors */ colorsUsed = *(rt_uint32_t *)&wrkBuffer[28]; } if (!colorsUsed) { colorsUsed = 1 << bmp->bit_per_pixel; } /* Load palette */ if (bmp->bit_per_pixel <= 8) { if (rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 14 + bmpHeaderSize, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET) < 0) { break; } image->palette = rtgui_image_bmp_load_palette(file, colorsUsed, bmpHeaderSize > 12 ? RT_TRUE : RT_FALSE); if (image->palette == RT_NULL) { break; } } /* Set image information */ bmp->is_loaded = RT_FALSE; bmp->scale = scale; if (bmp->bit_per_pixel == 1) { bmp->pitch = (bmp->w + 7) >> 3; } else if (bmp->bit_per_pixel == 4) { bmp->pitch = (bmp->w + 1) >> 1; }
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_png_load(struct rtgui_image *image, struct rtgui_filerw *file, rt_bool_t load) { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned int error; rt_uint8_t* pixel; rt_uint8_t* in; rt_uint32_t in_size; RT_ASSERT(image != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(file != RT_NULL); rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, SEEK_END); in_size = rtgui_filerw_tell(file); in = rtgui_malloc(in_size); if (in == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; /* out of memory */ rtgui_filerw_seek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); rtgui_filerw_read(file, in, in_size, 1); error = lodepng_decode32(&pixel, &width, &height, in, in_size); if(error) { rt_kprintf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error)); rtgui_free(in); return RT_FALSE; } rtgui_free(in); /* set image information */ image->w = width; image->h = height; image->engine = &rtgui_image_png_engine; image->data = pixel; /* NOTE: the pixel format of PNG is ABGR888, bit0 R,G,B,A bit31 */ /* convert pixel to ARGB888, swap B/G */ { rt_uint8_t* pixel_ptr; rt_uint8_t* pixel_end; pixel_ptr = (rt_uint8_t*) pixel; pixel_end = pixel_ptr + width * height * 4; while (pixel_ptr < pixel_end) { pixel_ptr[0] = pixel_ptr[0] ^ pixel_ptr[2]; pixel_ptr[2] = pixel_ptr[0] ^ pixel_ptr[2]; pixel_ptr[0] = pixel_ptr[0] ^ pixel_ptr[2]; pixel_ptr += 4; } } /* close file handler */ rtgui_filerw_close(file); return RT_TRUE; }
static rt_bool_t rtgui_image_bmp_load(struct rtgui_image* image, struct rtgui_filerw* src, rt_bool_t load) { rt_uint32_t Rmask; rt_uint32_t Gmask; rt_uint32_t Bmask; int ExpandBMP, bmpPitch; struct rtgui_image_bmp* bmp; struct rtgui_image_bmp_header* header; struct rtgui_image_palette* palette; bmp = RT_NULL; header = RT_NULL; palette = RT_NULL; header = (struct rtgui_image_bmp_header*) rtgui_malloc(sizeof(struct rtgui_image_bmp_header)); if (header == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; if ( rtgui_filerw_read(src, header->magic, 1, sizeof(header->magic)) == sizeof(sizeof(header->magic)) ) { if (header->magic[0] != 'B' || header->magic[1] != 'M') { goto __exit; } } header->bfSize = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->bfReserved1 = rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->bfReserved2 = rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->bfOffBits = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); /* Read the Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER */ header->biSize = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); if ( header->biSize == 12 ) { header->biWidth = (rt_uint32_t)rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->biHeight = (rt_uint32_t)rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->biPlanes = rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->biBitCount = rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->biCompression = BI_RGB; header->biSizeImage = 0; header->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; header->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; header->biClrUsed = 0; header->biClrImportant = 0; } else { header->biWidth = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->biHeight = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->biPlanes = rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->biBitCount = rtgui_filerw_read16(src); header->biCompression = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->biSizeImage = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->biXPelsPerMeter = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->biYPelsPerMeter = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->biClrUsed = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); header->biClrImportant = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); } /* allocate palette and expand 1 and 4 bit bitmaps to 8 bits per pixel */ switch (header->biBitCount) { case 1: ExpandBMP = header->biBitCount; palette = rtgui_image_bmp_load_palette(header, src); header->biBitCount = 8; break; case 4: ExpandBMP = header->biBitCount; palette = rtgui_image_bmp_load_palette(header, src); header->biBitCount = 8; break; case 8: palette = rtgui_image_bmp_load_palette(header, src); ExpandBMP = 0; break; default: ExpandBMP = 0; break; } /* We don't support any BMP compression right now */ Rmask = Gmask = Bmask = 0; switch (header->biCompression) { case BI_RGB: /* If there are no masks, use the defaults */ if ( header->bfOffBits == (14 + header->biSize) ) { /* Default values for the BMP format */ switch (header->biBitCount) { case 15: case 16: Rmask = 0x7C00; Gmask = 0x03E0; Bmask = 0x001F; break; case 24: case 32: Rmask = 0x00FF0000; Gmask = 0x0000FF00; Bmask = 0x000000FF; break; default: break; } break; } /* Fall through -- read the RGB masks */ case BI_BITFIELDS: switch (header->biBitCount) { case 15: case 16: case 32: Rmask = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); Gmask = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); Bmask = rtgui_filerw_read32(src); break; default: break; } break; default: rt_kprintf("Compressed BMP files not supported\n"); goto __exit; } bmp = (struct rtgui_image_bmp*) rtgui_malloc(sizeof(struct rtgui_image_bmp)); if (bmp == RT_NULL) goto __exit; /* set image information */ image->w = header->biWidth; image->h = header->biHeight; image->engine = &rtgui_image_bmp_engine; image->data = bmp; bmp->filerw = src; bmp->byte_per_pixel = header->biBitCount/8; bmp->pitch = image->w * bmp->byte_per_pixel; bmp->pixel_offset = header->bfOffBits; bmp->Rmask = Rmask; bmp->Gmask = Gmask; bmp->Bmask = Bmask; bmp->ExpandBMP = ExpandBMP; if (palette != RT_NULL) image->palette = palette; /* get padding */ switch (ExpandBMP) { case 1: bmpPitch = (header->biWidth + 7) >> 3; bmp->pad = (((bmpPitch)%4) ? (4-((bmpPitch)%4)) : 0); break; case 4: bmpPitch = (header->biWidth + 1) >> 1; bmp->pad = (((bmpPitch)%4) ? (4-((bmpPitch)%4)) : 0); break; default: bmp->pad = ((bmp->pitch%4) ? (4-(bmp->pitch%4)) : 0); break; } if (load == RT_TRUE) { rt_uint8_t *bits; rt_uint32_t i; /* load all pixels */ bmp->pixels = rtgui_malloc(image->h * bmp->pitch); if (bmp->pixels == RT_NULL) goto __exit; /* Read the pixels. Note that the bmp image is upside down */ if ( rtgui_filerw_seek(src, bmp->pixel_offset, RTGUI_FILE_SEEK_SET) < 0) goto __exit; bits = bmp->pixels + image->h * bmp->pitch; while ( bits > bmp->pixels ) { bits -= bmp->pitch; switch (ExpandBMP) { case 1: case 4: { rt_uint8_t pixel = 0; int shift = (8 - ExpandBMP); for ( i=0; i < image->w; ++i ) { if ( i % (8/ExpandBMP) == 0 ) { if ( !rtgui_filerw_read(src, &pixel, 1, 1) ) goto __exit; } *(bits+i) = (pixel>>shift); pixel <<= ExpandBMP; } } break; default: if ( rtgui_filerw_read(src, bits, 1, bmp->pitch) != bmp->pitch ) goto __exit; break; } /* Skip padding bytes */ if ( bmp->pad ) { rt_uint8_t padbyte; for ( i=0; i < bmp->pad; ++i ) { rtgui_filerw_read(src, &padbyte, 1, 1); } } } rtgui_filerw_close(bmp->filerw); bmp->line_pixels = RT_NULL; bmp->filerw = RT_NULL; bmp->pixel_offset = 0; }