Esempio n. 1
	INTERNAL_QUAL int rtos_task_set_priority(RTOS_TASK * task, int priority)
        int policy = 0;
        struct sched_param param;
        // first retrieve thread scheduling parameters:
        if( task && task->thread != 0 && pthread_getschedparam(task->thread, &policy, &param) == 0) {
            if ( rtos_task_check_priority( &policy, &priority ) != 0 )
                return -1;
            param.sched_priority = priority;
            task->priority = priority; // store for set_scheduler
            // write new policy:
            return pthread_setschedparam( task->thread, policy, &param);
        return -1;
Esempio n. 2
 INTERNAL_QUAL int rtos_task_set_scheduler(RTOS_TASK* task, int sched_type) {
     int policy = -1;
     struct sched_param param;
     // first check the argument
     if ( task && task->thread != 0 && rtos_task_check_scheduler( &sched_type) == -1 )
         return -1;
     // if sched_type is different, the priority must change as well.
     if (pthread_getschedparam(task->thread, &policy, &param) == 0) {
         // now update the priority
         param.sched_priority = task->priority;
         rtos_task_check_priority( &sched_type, &param.sched_priority );
         // write new policy:
         return pthread_setschedparam( task->thread, sched_type, &param);
     return -1;
Esempio n. 3
	INTERNAL_QUAL int rtos_task_create(RTOS_TASK* task,
					   int priority,
					   const char * name,
					   int sched_type,
					   size_t stack_size,
					   void * (*start_routine)(void *),
					   ThreadInterface* obj)
            int rv; // return value
            rtos_task_check_priority( &sched_type, &priority );
            // Save priority internally, since the pthread_attr* calls are broken !
            // we will pick it up later in rtos_task_set_scheduler().
            task->priority = priority;

	    // Set name
	    if ( strlen(name) == 0 )
                name = "Thread";
	        task->name = strcpy( (char*)malloc( (strlen(name) + 1) * sizeof(char)), name);

	    if ( (rv = pthread_attr_init(&(task->attr))) != 0 ){
                return rv;
	    // Set scheduler type (_before_ assigning priorities!)
	    if ( (rv = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&(task->attr), sched_type)) != 0){
                return rv;
            pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(&(task->attr), &rv );
            assert( rv == sched_type );

            struct sched_param sp;
            // Set priority
            if ( (rv = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&(task->attr), &sp)) != 0 ){
                return rv;
	    rv = pthread_create(&(task->thread), &(task->attr), start_routine, obj);
            log(Debug) <<"Created Posix thread "<< task->thread <<endlog();
            return rv;
Esempio n. 4
        INTERNAL_QUAL int rtos_task_create(RTOS_TASK* task,
                                           int priority,
                                           unsigned cpu_affinity,
                                           const char* name,
                                           int sched_type,
                                           size_t stack_size,
                                           void * (*start_routine)(void *),
                                           ThreadInterface* obj)
            rtos_task_check_priority(&sched_type, &priority);
            XenoCookie* xcookie = (XenoCookie*)malloc( sizeof(XenoCookie) );
            xcookie->data = obj;
            xcookie->wrapper = start_routine;
            if ( name == 0 || strlen(name) == 0)
                name = "XenoThread";
            task->name = strncpy( (char*)malloc( (strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char) ), name, strlen(name)+1 );
            task->sched_type = sched_type; // User requested scheduler.
            int rv;

            unsigned int aff = 0;
            if ( cpu_affinity != 0 ) {
                // calculate affinity:
                for(unsigned i = 0; i < 8*sizeof(cpu_affinity); i++) {
                    if(cpu_affinity & (1 << i)) { 
                        // RTHAL_NR_CPUS is defined in the kernel, not in user space. So we just limit up to 7, until Xenomai allows us to get the maximum.
                        if ( i > 7 ) {
                            const unsigned int all_cpus = ~0;
                            if ( cpu_affinity != all_cpus ) // suppress this warning when ~0 is provided
                                log(Warning) << "rtos_task_create: ignoring cpu_affinity for "<< name << " on CPU " << i << " since it's larger than RTHAL_NR_CPUS - 1 (="<< 7 <<")"<<endlog();
                        } else {
                            aff |= T_CPU(i); 
            if (stack_size == 0) {
                log(Debug) << "Raizing default stack size to 128kb for Xenomai threads in Orocos." <<endlog();
                stack_size = 128000;

            // task, name, stack, priority, mode, fun, arg
            // UGLY, how can I check in Xenomai that a name is in use before calling rt_task_spawn ???
            rv = rt_task_spawn(&(task->xenotask), name, stack_size, priority, T_JOINABLE | (aff & T_CPUMASK), rtos_xeno_thread_wrapper, xcookie);
            if ( rv == -EEXIST ) {
                free( task->name );
                task->name = strncpy( (char*)malloc( (strlen(name)+2)*sizeof(char) ), name, strlen(name)+1 );
                task->name[ strlen(name) ] = '0';
                task->name[ strlen(name)+1 ] = 0;
                while ( rv == -EEXIST &&  task->name[ strlen(name) ] != '9') {
                    task->name[ strlen(name) ] += 1;
                    rv = rt_task_spawn(&(task->xenotask), task->name, stack_size, priority, T_JOINABLE | (aff & T_CPUMASK), rtos_xeno_thread_wrapper, xcookie);
            if ( rv == -EEXIST ) {
                log(Warning) << name << ": an object with that name is already existing in Xenomai." << endlog();
                rv = rt_task_spawn(&(task->xenotask), 0, stack_size, priority, T_JOINABLE | (aff & T_CPUMASK), rtos_xeno_thread_wrapper, xcookie);
            if ( rv != 0) {
                log(Error) << name << " : CANNOT INIT Xeno TASK " << task->name <<" error code: "<< rv << endlog();
                return rv;

            return 0;
Esempio n. 5
	INTERNAL_QUAL int rtos_task_create(RTOS_TASK* task,
					   int priority,
					   unsigned cpu_affinity,
					   const char * name,
					   int sched_type,
					   size_t stack_size,
					   void * (*start_routine)(void *),
					   ThreadInterface* obj)
        int rv; // return value
        task->wait_policy = ORO_WAIT_ABS;
        rtos_task_check_priority( &sched_type, &priority );
        // Save priority internally, since the pthread_attr* calls are broken !
        // we will pick it up later in rtos_task_set_scheduler().
        task->priority = priority;

        PosixCookie* xcookie = (PosixCookie*)malloc( sizeof(PosixCookie) );
        xcookie->data = obj;
        xcookie->wrapper = start_routine;

	    // Set name
	    if ( strlen(name) == 0 )
            name = "Thread";
	    task->name = strcpy( (char*)malloc( (strlen(name) + 1) * sizeof(char)), name);

	    if ( (rv = pthread_attr_init(&(task->attr))) != 0 ){
            return rv;
	    // Set scheduler type (_before_ assigning priorities!)
	    if ( (rv = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&(task->attr), sched_type)) != 0){
            return rv;
        // Set stack size
        if (stack_size )
            if ( (rv = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&(task->attr), stack_size)) != 0){
                return rv;
        pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(&(task->attr), &rv );
        assert( rv == sched_type );
	    /* SCHED_OTHER tasks are always assigned static priority 0, see
	       man sched_setscheduler
        struct sched_param sp;
	    if (sched_type != SCHED_OTHER){
            // Set priority
            if ( (rv = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&(task->attr), &sp)) != 0 ){
                return rv;
	    rv = pthread_create(&(task->thread), &(task->attr),
	    		rtos_posix_thread_wrapper, xcookie);
        if (rv != 0) {
            log(Error) << "Failed to create thread " << task->name << ": "
                       << strerror(rv) << endlog();
            return rv;

        // Set thread name to match task name, to help with debugging
            // trim the name to fit 16 bytes restriction (including terminating
            // \0 character) of pthread_setname_np
            static const int MAX_THREAD_NAME_SIZE = 15;
            const char *thread_name = task->name;
            std::size_t thread_name_len = strlen(thread_name);
            if (thread_name_len > MAX_THREAD_NAME_SIZE) {
                thread_name += thread_name_len - MAX_THREAD_NAME_SIZE;
            int result = pthread_setname_np(task->thread, thread_name);
            if (result != 0) {
                log(Error) << "Failed to set thread name for " << task->name << ": "
                           << strerror(result) << endlog();

        if ( cpu_affinity != (unsigned)~0 ) {
            log(Debug) << "Setting CPU affinity to " << cpu_affinity << endlog();
            int result = rtos_task_set_cpu_affinity(task, cpu_affinity);
            if (result != 0) {
                log(Error) << "Failed to set CPU affinity to " << cpu_affinity << " for " << task->name << ": "
                           << strerror(result) << endlog();

        return rv;