int main(void) { initscr(); noecho(); noecho(); curs_set(0); int grid[COLS][LINES]; init_life (grid); printgrid (grid); for (;;) { run_life (grid); printgrid (grid); refresh(); if (gameover(grid) == 0) break; usleep (50000); } refresh(); endwin(); return 0; }
/* Pointless Idea, it'd be cool to run a '###' across the grid, in such a way that it moved one block at a time, or something. */ int main(int argc, char **argv){ srandom(time(NULL)); //add options later ncurses_init(); atexit((void(*)(void))endwin); sigaction(SIGTERM, &interupt_act, NULL); world *w = init_world(term_rows, term_cols); randomize_grid(w); draw_world(w, stdscr); while(1){ wmove(stdscr, 0, 0); setup_initial_conditons(w, stdscr); run_life(w, stdscr); } }