void Text::layout1() { if (styled() && !_editMode) SimpleText::layout(); else { _doc->setDefaultFont(textStyle().font(spatium())); qreal w = -1.0; QPointF o(textStyle().offset(spatium())); if (parent() && layoutToParentWidth()) { Element* e = parent(); w = e->width(); if (e->type() == HBOX || e->type() == VBOX || e->type() == TBOX) { Box* b = static_cast<Box*>(e); w -= ((b->leftMargin() + b->rightMargin()) * MScore::DPMM); } } QTextOption to = _doc->defaultTextOption(); to.setUseDesignMetrics(true); to.setWrapMode(w <= 0.0 ? QTextOption::NoWrap : QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); _doc->setDefaultTextOption(to); if (w <= 0.0) w = _doc->idealWidth(); _doc->setTextWidth(w); QSizeF size(_doc->size()); if (align() & ALIGN_BOTTOM) o.ry() -= size.height(); else if (align() & ALIGN_VCENTER) o.ry() -= (size.height() * .5); else if (align() & ALIGN_BASELINE) o.ry() -= baseLine(); if (align() & ALIGN_RIGHT) o.rx() -= size.width(); else if (align() & ALIGN_HCENTER) o.rx() -= (size.width() * .5); setbbox(QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), size)); _doc->setModified(false); setPos(o); } if (parent()) { Element* e = parent(); qreal w, h, xo, yo; if (layoutToParentWidth()) { if (e->type() == HBOX || e->type() == VBOX || e->type() == TBOX) { // consider inner margins of frame Box* b = static_cast<Box*>(e); xo = b->leftMargin() * MScore::DPMM; yo = b->topMargin() * MScore::DPMM; w = b->width() - xo - b->rightMargin() * MScore::DPMM; h = b->height() - yo - b->bottomMargin() * MScore::DPMM; } else { w = e->width(); h = e->height(); xo = 0.0; yo = 0.0; } QPointF ro(_textStyle.reloff() * .01); rxpos() += xo + ro.x() * w; rypos() += yo + ro.y() * h; } if (e->type() == SEGMENT) { Segment* s = static_cast<Segment*>(e); rypos() += s->measure()->system()->staff(staffIdx())->y(); } } if (hasFrame()) layoutFrame(); }
void TextLineSegment::layout() { if (autoplace()) setUserOff(QPointF()); TextLineBaseSegment::layout(); if (parent()) { if (textLine()->placeBelow()) { qreal sh = staff() ? staff()->height() : 0.0; rypos() = sh + score()->styleP(StyleIdx::textLinePosBelow) * mag(); } else rypos() = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::textLinePosAbove) * mag(); if (autoplace()) { qreal minDistance = spatium() * .7; Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); if (textLine()->placeAbove()) { qreal d = system()->topDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = -d - minDistance; } else { qreal d = system()->bottomDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = d + minDistance; } } else adjustReadPos(); } }
void VoltaSegment::layout() { rypos() = 0.0; TextLineSegment::layout1(); if (parent()) // for palette rypos() += score()->styleS(ST_voltaY).val() * spatium(); adjustReadPos(); }
void TempoText::layout() { Text::layout(); if (placement() == BELOW) { rypos() = -rypos() + 4 * spatium(); // rUserYoffset() *= -1; // text height ? } }
void HairpinSegment::layout() { QTransform t; qreal _spatium = spatium(); qreal h1 = score()->styleS(ST_hairpinHeight).val() * _spatium * .5; qreal h2 = score()->styleS(ST_hairpinContHeight).val() * _spatium * .5; rypos() = 0.0; qreal len; qreal x = pos2().x(); if (x < _spatium) // minimum size of hairpin x = _spatium; qreal y = pos2().y(); len = sqrt(x * x + y * y); t.rotateRadians(asin(y/len)); if (hairpin()->hairpinType() == 0) { // crescendo switch (spannerSegmentType()) { case SEGMENT_SINGLE: case SEGMENT_BEGIN: l1.setLine(.0, .0, len, h1); l2.setLine(.0, .0, len, - h1); break; case SEGMENT_MIDDLE: case SEGMENT_END: l1.setLine(.0, h2, len, h1); l2.setLine(.0, -h2, len, - h1); break; } } else { // decrescendo switch(spannerSegmentType()) { case SEGMENT_SINGLE: case SEGMENT_END: l1.setLine(.0, h1, len, 0.0); l2.setLine(.0, -h1, len, 0.0); break; case SEGMENT_BEGIN: case SEGMENT_MIDDLE: l1.setLine(.0, h1, len, + h2); l2.setLine(.0, -h1, len, - h2); break; } } l1 = t.map(l1); l2 = t.map(l2); QRectF r = QRectF(l1.p1(), l1.p2()).normalized() | QRectF(l2.p1(), l2.p2()).normalized(); qreal w = point(score()->styleS(ST_hairpinWidth)); setbbox(r.adjusted(-w*.5, -w*.5, w, w)); if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleS(ST_hairpinY).val() * _spatium; adjustReadPos(); }
void Text::layout() { if (styled() && !_editMode) { SimpleText::layout(); } else { _doc->setDefaultFont(textStyle().font(spatium())); qreal w = -1.0; qreal x = 0.0; qreal y = 0.0; if (parent() && layoutToParentWidth()) { w = parent()->width(); if (parent()->type() == HBOX || parent()->type() == VBOX || parent()->type() == TBOX) { Box* box = static_cast<Box*>(parent()); x += box->leftMargin() * MScore::DPMM; y += box->topMargin() * MScore::DPMM; w = box->width() - ((box->leftMargin() + box->rightMargin()) * MScore::DPMM); } } QTextOption to = _doc->defaultTextOption(); to.setUseDesignMetrics(true); to.setWrapMode(w <= 0.0 ? QTextOption::NoWrap : QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); _doc->setDefaultTextOption(to); if (w < 0.0) w = _doc->idealWidth(); _doc->setTextWidth(w); setbbox(QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), _doc->size())); if (hasFrame()) layoutFrame(); _doc->setModified(false); textStyle().layout(this); // process alignment #if 0 // TODO TEXT_STYLE_TEXTLINE if ((textStyle().align() & ALIGN_VCENTER) && (textStyle() == TEXT_STYLE_TEXTLINE)) { // special case: vertically centered text with TextLine needs to // take into account the line width TextLineSegment* tls = static_cast<TextLineSegment*>(parent()); TextLine* tl = tls->textLine(); if (tl) { qreal textlineLineWidth = point(tl->lineWidth()); rypos() -= textlineLineWidth * .5; } } #endif rxpos() += x; rypos() += y; } if (parent() && parent()->type() == SEGMENT) { Segment* s = static_cast<Segment*>(parent()); rypos() += s ? s->measure()->system()->staff(staffIdx())->y() : 0.0; } adjustReadPos(); }
void TrillSegment::layout() { rypos() = 0.0; QRectF b1(symbols[score()->symIdx()][trillSym].bbox(magS())); QRectF rr(b1.translated(-b1.x(), 0.0)); rr |= QRectF(0.0, rr.y(), pos2().x(), rr.height()); setbbox(rr); if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleS(ST_trillY).val() * spatium(); adjustReadPos(); }
void VibratoSegment::layout() { if (staff()) setMag(staff()->mag(tick())); if (spanner()->placeBelow()) rypos() = staff() ? staff()->height() : 0.0; if (isSingleType() || isBeginType()) { switch (vibrato()->vibratoType()) { case Vibrato::Type::GUITAR_VIBRATO: symbolLine(SymId::guitarVibratoStroke, SymId::guitarVibratoStroke); break; case Vibrato::Type::GUITAR_VIBRATO_WIDE: symbolLine(SymId::guitarWideVibratoStroke, SymId::guitarWideVibratoStroke); break; case Vibrato::Type::VIBRATO_SAWTOOTH: symbolLine(SymId::wiggleSawtooth, SymId::wiggleSawtooth); break; case Vibrato::Type::VIBRATO_SAWTOOTH_WIDE: symbolLine(SymId::wiggleSawtoothWide, SymId::wiggleSawtoothWide); break; } } else symbolLine(SymId::wiggleVibrato, SymId::wiggleVibrato); if (isStyled(Pid::OFFSET)) roffset() = vibrato()->propertyDefault(Pid::OFFSET).toPointF(); autoplaceSpannerSegment(); }
void OttavaSegment::layout() { TextLineSegment::layout1(); if (parent()) // for palette rypos() += score()->styleS(ST_ottavaY).val() * spatium(); adjustReadPos(); }
void PedalSegment::layout() { if (autoplace()) setUserOff(QPointF()); TextLineBaseSegment::layout(); if (parent()) { // for palette rypos() += score()->styleP(pedal()->placeBelow() ? StyleIdx::pedalPosBelow : StyleIdx::pedalPosAbove); if (autoplace()) { qreal minDistance = spatium() * .7; Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); if (pedal()->placeBelow()) { qreal d = system()->bottomDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = d + minDistance; } else { qreal d = system()->topDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = -(d + minDistance); } } else adjustReadPos(); } }
void OttavaSegment::layout() { TextLineBaseSegment::layout(); if (parent()) { qreal y; if (placeAbove()) { y = score()->styleP(Sid::ottavaPosAbove); } else { qreal sh = ottava()->staff() ? ottava()->staff()->height() : 0; y = score()->styleP(Sid::ottavaPosBelow) + sh; } rypos() = y; if (autoplace()) { setUserOff(QPointF()); qreal minDistance = spatium() * .7; Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); if (ottava()->placeAbove()) { qreal d = system()->topDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = -d - minDistance; } else { qreal d = system()->bottomDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = d + minDistance; } } } }
void PedalSegment::layout() { TextLineSegment::layout(); if (parent()) // for palette rypos() += score()->styleS(StyleIdx::pedalY).val() * spatium(); adjustReadPos(); }
void Fermata::layout() { Segment* s = segment(); setPos(QPointF()); if (!s) { // for use in palette setOffset(0.0, 0.0); QRectF b(symBbox(_symId)); setbbox(b.translated(-0.5 * b.width(), 0.0)); return; } if (isStyled(Pid::OFFSET)) setOffset(propertyDefault(Pid::OFFSET).toPointF()); Element* e = s->element(track()); if (e) { if (e->isChord()) rxpos() += score()->noteHeadWidth() * staff()->mag(Fraction(0, 1)) * .5; else rxpos() += e->x() + e->width() * staff()->mag(Fraction(0, 1)) * .5; } QString name = Sym::id2name(_symId); if (placeAbove()) { if (name.endsWith("Below")) _symId = Sym::name2id(name.left(name.size() - 5) + "Above"); } else { rypos() += staff()->height(); if (name.endsWith("Above")) _symId = Sym::name2id(name.left(name.size() - 5) + "Below"); } QRectF b(symBbox(_symId)); setbbox(b.translated(-0.5 * b.width(), 0.0)); autoplaceSegmentElement(styleP(Sid::fermataMinDistance)); }
void OttavaSegment::layout() { if (autoplace()) setUserOff(QPointF()); TextLineSegment::layout(); if (parent()) { qreal yo = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::ottavaY) * mag(); if (ottava()->placement() == Element::Placement::BELOW) yo = -yo + staff()->height(); rypos() += yo; if (autoplace()) { qreal minDistance = spatium() * .7; Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); if (ottava()->placement() == Element::Placement::ABOVE) { qreal d = system()->topDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = -d - minDistance; } else { qreal d = system()->bottomDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = d + minDistance; } } else adjustReadPos(); } }
void TrillSegment::layout() { if (autoplace()) setUserOff(QPointF()); if (staff()) setMag(staff()->mag(tick())); if (isSingleType() || isBeginType()) { Accidental* a = trill()->accidental(); if (a) { a->layout(); a->setMag(a->mag() * .6); qreal _spatium = spatium(); a->setPos(_spatium * 1.3, -2.2 * _spatium); a->setParent(this); } switch (trill()->trillType()) { case Trill::Type::TRILL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::ornamentTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); break; case Trill::Type::PRALLPRALL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::wiggleTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); break; case Trill::Type::UPPRALL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::ornamentBottomLeftConcaveStroke, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); break; case Trill::Type::DOWNPRALL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::ornamentLeftVerticalStroke, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); break; } } else symbolLine(SymId::wiggleTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); if (parent()) { qreal yo = score()->styleP(trill()->placeBelow() ? Sid::trillPosBelow : Sid::trillPosAbove); rypos() = yo; if (autoplace()) { qreal minDistance = spatium(); Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); if (trill()->placeAbove()) { qreal d = system()->topDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = -d - minDistance; } else { qreal d = system()->bottomDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = d + minDistance; } } } }
void OttavaSegment::layout() { TextLineSegment::layout1(); if (parent()) { // for palette qreal yo(score()->styleS(StyleIdx::ottavaY).val() * spatium()); if (ottava()->placement() == Placement::BELOW) yo = -yo + staff()->height(); rypos() += yo; } adjustReadPos(); }
void TempoText::layout() { setPos(textStyle().offset(spatium())); Text::layout1(); // tempo text on first chordrest of measure should align over time sig if present // Segment* s = segment(); if (s && !s->rtick()) { Segment* p = segment()->prev(Segment::Type::TimeSig); if (p) { rxpos() -= s->x() - p->x(); Element* e = p->element(staffIdx() * VOICES); if (e) rxpos() += e->x(); } } if (placement() == Element::Placement::BELOW) rypos() = -rypos() + 4 * spatium(); adjustReadPos(); }
void TrillSegment::layout() { if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleS(StyleIdx::trillY).val() * spatium(); if (staff()) setMag(staff()->mag()); if (spannerSegmentType() == SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE || spannerSegmentType() == SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN) { Accidental* a = trill()->accidental(); if (a) { a->layout(); a->setMag(a->mag() * .6); qreal _spatium = spatium(); a->setPos(_spatium * 1.3, -2.2 * _spatium); a->adjustReadPos(); } switch (trill()->trillType()) { case Trill::Type::TRILL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::ornamentTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); break; case Trill::Type::PRALLPRALL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::wiggleTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); break; case Trill::Type::UPPRALL_LINE: if (score()->scoreFont()->isValid(SymId::ornamentBottomLeftConcaveStroke)) symbolLine(SymId::ornamentBottomLeftConcaveStroke, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); else symbolLine(SymId::ornamentUpPrall, // SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd); break; case Trill::Type::DOWNPRALL_LINE: if (score()->scoreFont()->isValid(SymId::ornamentLeftVerticalStroke)) symbolLine(SymId::ornamentLeftVerticalStroke, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); else symbolLine(SymId::ornamentDownPrall, // SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd); break; } } else symbolLine(SymId::wiggleTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); adjustReadPos(); }
void VoltaSegment::layout() { if (autoplace()) setUserOff(QPointF()); TextLineBaseSegment::layout(); if (!parent()) return; rypos() = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::voltaY) * mag(); if (autoplace()) { qreal minDistance = spatium() * .7; Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); qreal d = system()->topDistance(staffIdx(), s1); if (d > -minDistance) rUserYoffset() = -d - minDistance; } else adjustReadPos(); }
void Stem::layout() { qreal l = _len + _userLen; qreal _up = up() ? -1.0 : 1.0; l *= _up; qreal y1 = 0.0; // vertical displacement to match note attach point Staff* stf = staff(); if (chord()) { int tick = chord()->tick(); StaffType* st = stf->staffType(tick); if (st->isTabStaff() ) { // TAB staves if (st->stemThrough()) { // if stems through staves, gets Y pos. of stem-side note relative to chord other side qreal lineDist = st->lineDistance().val() * spatium(); y1 = (chord()->downString() - chord()->upString()) * _up * lineDist; // if fret marks above lines, raise stem beginning by 1/2 line distance if (!st->onLines()) y1 -= lineDist * 0.5; // shorten stem by 1/2 lineDist to clear the note and a little more to keep 'air' betwen stem and note lineDist *= 0.7 * mag(); y1 += _up * lineDist; } // in other TAB types, no correction } else { // non-TAB // move stem start to note attach point Note* n = up() ? chord()->downNote() : chord()->upNote(); y1 += (up() ? n->stemUpSE().y() : n->stemDownNW().y()); rypos() = n->rypos(); } } qreal lw5 = _lineWidth * .5; line.setLine(0.0, y1, 0.0, l); // compute bounding rectangle QRectF r(line.p1(), line.p2()); setbbox(r.normalized().adjusted(-lw5, -lw5, lw5, lw5)); adjustReadPos(); // does not work if stem is layouted twice }
void TrillSegment::layout() { QRectF b1(symBbox(SymId::ornamentTrill)); QRectF rr(b1.translated(-b1.x(), 0.0)); rr |= QRectF(0.0, rr.y(), pos2().x(), rr.height()); setbbox(rr); if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleS(ST_trillY).val() * spatium(); if (spannerSegmentType() == SEGMENT_SINGLE || spannerSegmentType() == SEGMENT_BEGIN) { Accidental* a = trill()->accidental(); if (a) { a->layout(); a->setMag(a->mag() * .6); qreal _spatium = spatium(); a->setPos(_spatium*1.3, -2.2*_spatium); a->adjustReadPos(); } } adjustReadPos(); }
void TrillSegment::layout() { if (staff()) setMag(staff()->mag(tick())); if (spanner()->placeBelow()) rypos() = staff() ? staff()->height() : 0.0; if (isSingleType() || isBeginType()) { Accidental* a = trill()->accidental(); if (a) { a->layout(); a->setMag(a->mag() * .6); qreal _spatium = spatium(); a->setPos(_spatium * 1.3, -2.2 * _spatium); a->setParent(this); } switch (trill()->trillType()) { case Trill::Type::TRILL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::ornamentTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); break; case Trill::Type::PRALLPRALL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::wiggleTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); break; case Trill::Type::UPPRALL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::ornamentBottomLeftConcaveStroke, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); break; case Trill::Type::DOWNPRALL_LINE: symbolLine(SymId::ornamentLeftVerticalStroke, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineNoRightEnd, SymId::ornamentZigZagLineWithRightEnd); break; } } else symbolLine(SymId::wiggleTrill, SymId::wiggleTrill); if (isStyled(Pid::OFFSET)) roffset() = trill()->propertyDefault(Pid::OFFSET).toPointF(); autoplaceSpannerSegment(); }
void HairpinSegment::layout() { Dynamic* sd = 0; Dynamic* ed = 0; qreal _spatium = spatium(); if (autoplace()) { setUserOff(QPointF()); setUserOff2(QPointF()); } if (isSingleType() || isBeginType()) { sd = lookupDynamic(hairpin()->startElement()); if (sd) { if (autoplace()) { qreal dx = sd->bbox().right() + sd->pos().x() + sd->segment()->pos().x() + sd->measure()->pos().x(); // hardcoded distance between Dynamic and Hairpin: 0.5sp qreal dist = dx - pos().x() + score()->styleP(StyleIdx::autoplaceHairpinDynamicsDistance); rUserXoffset() = dist; rUserXoffset2() = -dist; } else sd->doAutoplace(); } } if (isSingleType() || isEndType()) { ed = lookupDynamic(hairpin()->endElement()); if (ed) { if (autoplace()) { rUserXoffset2() -= ed->bbox().width(); qreal dx = ed->bbox().left() + ed->pos().x() + ed->segment()->pos().x() + ed->measure()->pos().x(); // hardcoded distance between Hairpin and Dynamic: 0.5sp ed->rUserXoffset() = pos2().x() + pos().x() - dx + score()->styleP(StyleIdx::autoplaceHairpinDynamicsDistance); } else ed->doAutoplace(); } } Hairpin::Type type = hairpin()->hairpinType(); if (type == Hairpin::Type::DECRESC_LINE || type == Hairpin::Type::CRESC_LINE) { twoLines = false; TextLineSegment::layout(); drawCircledTip = false; if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleP(StyleIdx::hairpinY); } else { delete _text; delete _endText; _text = 0; _endText = 0; QTransform t; qreal h1 = hairpin()->hairpinHeight().val() * spatium() * .5; qreal h2 = hairpin()->hairpinContHeight().val() * spatium() * .5; qreal len; qreal x = pos2().x(); if (x < _spatium) // minimum size of hairpin x = _spatium; qreal y = pos2().y(); len = sqrt(x * x + y * y); t.rotateRadians(asin(y/len)); drawCircledTip = hairpin()->hairpinCircledTip(); circledTipRadius = drawCircledTip ? 0.6 * _spatium * .5 : 0.0; QLine l1, l2; twoLines = true; switch (type) { case Hairpin::Type::CRESC_HAIRPIN: { switch (spannerSegmentType()) { case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: l1.setLine(circledTipRadius * 2.0, 0.0, len, h1); l2.setLine(circledTipRadius * 2.0, 0.0, len, -h1); circledTip.setX(circledTipRadius ); circledTip.setY(0.0); break; case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: case SpannerSegmentType::END: drawCircledTip = false; l1.setLine(.0, h2, len, h1); l2.setLine(.0, -h2, len, -h1); break; } } break; case Hairpin::Type::DECRESC_HAIRPIN: { switch(spannerSegmentType()) { case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: case SpannerSegmentType::END: l1.setLine(0.0, h1, len - circledTipRadius * 2, 0.0); l2.setLine(0.0, -h1, len - circledTipRadius * 2, 0.0); circledTip.setX(len - circledTipRadius); circledTip.setY(0.0); break; case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: drawCircledTip = false; l1.setLine(.0, h1, len, + h2); l2.setLine(.0, -h1, len, - h2); break; } } break; default: break; } // Do Coord rotation l1 = t.map(l1); l2 = t.map(l2); if (drawCircledTip ) circledTip = t.map(circledTip); points[0] = l1.p1(); points[1] = l1.p2(); points[2] = l2.p1(); points[3] = l2.p2(); npoints = 4; QRectF r = QRectF(l1.p1(), l1.p2()).normalized() | QRectF(l2.p1(), l2.p2()).normalized(); qreal w = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::hairpinLineWidth); setbbox(r.adjusted(-w*.5, -w*.5, w, w)); if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleP(StyleIdx::hairpinY); } if (autoplace() && parent()) { qreal minDistance = spatium() * .7; Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); qreal d = system()->bottomDistance(staffIdx(), s1); qreal ymax = pos().y(); if (d > -minDistance) ymax += d + minDistance; qreal sdy; if (sd) { sdy = -sd->bbox().top() * .4; sd->doAutoplace(); if (sd->pos().y() - sdy > ymax) ymax = sd->pos().y() - sdy; } qreal edy; if (ed) { edy = -ed->bbox().top() * .4; ed->doAutoplace(); if (ed->pos().y() - edy > ymax) ymax = ed->pos().y() - edy; } rUserYoffset() = ymax - pos().y(); if (sd) moveDynamic(sd, ymax - sd->ipos().y() + sdy); if (ed) moveDynamic(ed, ymax - ed->ipos().y() + edy); } else adjustReadPos(); }
void Text::layout() { #if 0 QSizeF pageSize(-1.0, 1000000); setPos(0.0, 0.0); if (parent() && _layoutToParentWidth) { pageSize.setWidth(parent()->width()); if (parent()->type() == HBOX || parent()->type() == VBOX || parent()->type() == TBOX) { Box* box = static_cast<Box*>(parent()); rxpos() += box->leftMargin() * DPMM; rypos() += box->topMargin() * DPMM; // pageSize.setHeight(box->height() - (box->topMargin() + box->bottomMargin()) * DPMM); pageSize.setWidth(box->width() - (box->leftMargin() + box->rightMargin()) * DPMM); } } QTextOption to = _doc->defaultTextOption(); to.setUseDesignMetrics(true); to.setWrapMode(pageSize.width() <= 0.0 ? QTextOption::NoWrap : QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); _doc->setDefaultTextOption(to); if (pageSize.width() <= 0.0) _doc->setTextWidth(_doc->idealWidth()); else _doc->setPageSize(pageSize); if (hasFrame()) { frame = QRectF(); for (QTextBlock tb = _doc->begin(); tb.isValid(); tb = tb.next()) { QTextLayout* tl = tb.layout(); int n = tl->lineCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) // frame |= tl->lineAt(0).naturalTextRect().translated(tl->position()); frame |= tl->lineAt(0).rect().translated(tl->position()); } if (circle()) { if (frame.width() > frame.height()) { frame.setY(frame.y() + (frame.width() - frame.height()) * -.5); frame.setHeight(frame.width()); } else { frame.setX(frame.x() + (frame.height() - frame.width()) * -.5); frame.setWidth(frame.height()); } } qreal w = (paddingWidth() + frameWidth() * .5) * DPMM; frame.adjust(-w, -w, w, w); w = frameWidth() * DPMM; _bbox = frame.adjusted(-w, -w, w, w); } else { _bbox = QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), _doc->size()); //_doc->documentLayout()->frameBoundingRect(_doc->rootFrame()); } _doc->setModified(false); style().layout(this); // process alignment if ((style().align() & ALIGN_VCENTER) && (subtype() == TEXT_TEXTLINE)) { // special case: vertically centered text with TextLine needs to // take into account the line width TextLineSegment* tls = (TextLineSegment*)parent(); TextLine* tl = (TextLine*)(tls->line()); qreal textlineLineWidth = point(tl->lineWidth()); rypos() -= textlineLineWidth * .5; } if (parent() == 0) return; if (parent()->type() == SEGMENT) { Segment* s = static_cast<Segment*>(parent()); rypos() += s ? s->measure()->system()->staff(staffIdx())->y() : 0.0; } #endif Font f = style().font(spatium()); qreal asc, desc, leading; qreal w = textMetrics(f.family(), _text, f.size(), &asc, &desc, &leading); // printf("text(%s) asc %f desc %f leading %f w %f\n", qPrintable(_text), asc, desc, leading, w); _lineHeight = asc + desc; _lineSpacing = _lineHeight + leading; _baseLine = asc; setbbox(QRectF(0.0, -asc, w, _lineHeight)); #if 0 if (parent() && _layoutToParentWidth) { qreal wi = parent()->width(); qreal ph = parent()->height(); qreal x; qreal y = pos.y(); if (align() & ALIGN_HCENTER) x = (wi - w) * .5; else if (align() & ALIGN_RIGHT) x = wi - w; else x = 0.0; if (align() & ALIGN_VCENTER) y = (ph - asc) * .5; else if (align() & ALIGN_BOTTOM) y = ph - asc; else y = asc; setPos(x, y + asc); } #endif style().layout(this); // process alignment rypos() += asc; if (parent() && _layoutToParentWidth) { qreal wi = parent()->width(); if (align() & ALIGN_HCENTER) rxpos() = (wi - w) * .5; else if (align() & ALIGN_RIGHT) rxpos() = wi - w; } if ((style().align() & ALIGN_VCENTER) && (subtype() == TEXT_TEXTLINE)) { // special case: vertically centered text with TextLine needs to // take into account the line width TextLineSegment* tls = (TextLineSegment*)parent(); TextLine* tl = (TextLine*)(tls->line()); qreal textlineLineWidth = point(tl->lineWidth()); rypos() -= textlineLineWidth * .5; } if (parent() == 0) return; if (parent()->type() == SEGMENT) { Segment* s = static_cast<Segment*>(parent()); rypos() += s ? s->measure()->system()->staff(staffIdx())->y() : 0.0; } }
void Rest::layout() { if (staff() && staff()->isTabStaff()) { // no rests for tablature _space.setLw(0.0); _space.setRw(0.0); return; } switch(durationType().type()) { case TDuration::V_64TH: case TDuration::V_32ND: dotline = -3; break; case TDuration::V_256TH: case TDuration::V_128TH: dotline = -5; break; default: dotline = -1; break; } qreal _spatium = spatium(); int stepOffset = 0; if (staff()) stepOffset = staff()->staffType()->stepOffset(); int line = lrint(userOff().y() / _spatium); // + ((staff()->lines()-1) * 2); int lineOffset = 0; int lines = staff() ? staff()->lines() : 5; if (segment() && measure() && measure()->mstaff(staffIdx())->hasVoices) { // move rests in a multi voice context bool up = (voice() == 0) || (voice() == 2); // TODO: use style values switch(durationType().type()) { case TDuration::V_LONG: lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5; break; case TDuration::V_BREVE: lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5; break; case TDuration::V_MEASURE: if (duration() >= Fraction(2, 1)) // breve symbol lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5; // fall through case TDuration::V_WHOLE: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 6; break; case TDuration::V_HALF: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_QUARTER: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_EIGHT: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_16TH: lineOffset = up ? -6 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_32ND: lineOffset = up ? -6 : 6; break; case TDuration::V_64TH: lineOffset = up ? -8 : 6; break; case TDuration::V_128TH: lineOffset = up ? -8 : 8; break; case TDuration::V_256TH: // not available lineOffset = up ? -10 : 6; break; default: break; } } else { switch(durationType().type()) { case TDuration::V_LONG: case TDuration::V_BREVE: case TDuration::V_MEASURE: case TDuration::V_WHOLE: if (lines == 1) lineOffset = -2; break; case TDuration::V_HALF: case TDuration::V_QUARTER: case TDuration::V_EIGHT: case TDuration::V_16TH: case TDuration::V_32ND: case TDuration::V_64TH: case TDuration::V_128TH: case TDuration::V_256TH: // not available if (lines == 1) lineOffset = -4; break; default: break; } } int yo; _sym = getSymbol(durationType().type(), line + lineOffset/2, lines, &yo); layoutArticulations(); rypos() = (qreal(yo) + qreal(lineOffset + stepOffset) * .5) * _spatium; Spatium rs; if (dots()) { rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance) + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance)); } Segment* s = segment(); if (s && s->measure() && s->measure()->multiMeasure()) { qreal _spatium = spatium(); qreal h = _spatium * 6.5; qreal w = point(score()->styleS(ST_minMMRestWidth)); setbbox(QRectF(-w * .5, -h + 2 * _spatium, w, h)); } else { if (dots()) { rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance) + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance)); } setbbox(symbols[score()->symIdx()][_sym].bbox(magS())); } _space.setLw(0.0); _space.setRw(width() + point(rs)); }
void Fingering::layout() { if (parent()) { Fraction tick = parent()->tick(); const Staff* st = staff(); if (st && st->isTabStaff(tick) && !st->staffType(tick)->showTabFingering()) { setbbox(QRectF()); return; } } TextBase::layout(); rypos() = 0.0; // handle placement below if (autoplace() && note()) { Note* n = note(); Chord* chord = n->chord(); bool voices = chord->measure()->hasVoices(chord->staffIdx()); bool tight = voices && chord->notes().size() == 1 && !chord->beam() && tid() != Tid::STRING_NUMBER; qreal headWidth = n->bboxRightPos(); // update offset after drag qreal rebase = 0.0; if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) rebase = rebaseOffset(); // temporarily exclude self from chord shape setAutoplace(false); if (layoutType() == ElementType::CHORD) { Stem* stem = chord->stem(); Segment* s = chord->segment(); Measure* m = s->measure(); qreal sp = spatium(); qreal md = minDistance().val() * sp; SysStaff* ss = m->system()->staff(chord->vStaffIdx()); Staff* vStaff = chord->staff(); // TODO: use current height at tick if (n->mirror()) rxpos() -= n->ipos().x(); rxpos() += headWidth * .5; if (placeAbove()) { if (tight) { if (chord->stem()) rxpos() -= 0.8 * sp; rypos() -= 1.5 * sp; } else { QRectF r = bbox().translated(m->pos() + s->pos() + chord->pos() + n->pos() + pos()); SkylineLine sk(false); sk.add(r.x(), r.bottom(), r.width()); qreal d = sk.minDistance(ss->skyline().north()); qreal yd = 0.0; if (d > 0.0 && isStyled(Pid::MIN_DISTANCE)) yd -= d + height() * .25; // force extra space above staff & chord (but not other fingerings) qreal top; if (chord->up() && chord->beam() && stem) { top = stem->y() + stem->bbox().top(); } else { Note* un = chord->upNote(); top = qMin(0.0, un->y() + un->bbox().top()); } top -= md; qreal diff = (bbox().bottom() + ipos().y() + yd + n->y()) - top; if (diff > 0.0) yd -= diff; if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) { // user moved element within the skyline // we may need to adjust minDistance, yd, and/or offset bool inStaff = placeAbove() ? r.bottom() + rebase > 0.0 : r.top() + rebase < staff()->height(); rebaseMinDistance(md, yd, sp, rebase, inStaff); } rypos() += yd; } } else { if (tight) { if (chord->stem()) rxpos() += 0.8 * sp; rypos() += 1.5 * sp; } else { QRectF r = bbox().translated(m->pos() + s->pos() + chord->pos() + n->pos() + pos()); SkylineLine sk(true); sk.add(r.x(), r.top(), r.width()); qreal d = ss->skyline().south().minDistance(sk); qreal yd = 0.0; if (d > 0.0 && isStyled(Pid::MIN_DISTANCE)) yd += d + height() * .25; // force extra space below staff & chord (but not other fingerings) qreal bottom; if (!chord->up() && chord->beam() && stem) { bottom = stem->y() + stem->bbox().bottom(); } else { Note* dn = chord->downNote(); bottom = qMax(vStaff->height(), dn->y() + dn->bbox().bottom()); } bottom += md; qreal diff = bottom - (bbox().top() + ipos().y() + yd + n->y()); if (diff > 0.0) yd += diff; if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) { // user moved element within the skyline // we may need to adjust minDistance, yd, and/or offset bool inStaff = placeAbove() ? r.bottom() + rebase > 0.0 : r.top() + rebase < staff()->height(); rebaseMinDistance(md, yd, sp, rebase, inStaff); } rypos() += yd; } } } else if (tid() == Tid::LH_GUITAR_FINGERING) { // place to left of note qreal left = n->shape().left(); if (left - n->x() > 0.0) rxpos() -= left; else rxpos() -= n->x(); } // for other fingering styles, do not autoplace // restore autoplace setAutoplace(true); } else if (offsetChanged() != OffsetChange::NONE) { // rebase horizontally too, as autoplace may have adjusted it rebaseOffset(false); } setOffsetChanged(false); }
void LyricsLineSegment::layout() { bool endOfSystem = false; bool isEndMelisma = lyricsLine()->lyrics()->ticks() > 0; Lyrics* lyr = 0; Lyrics* nextLyr = 0; qreal fromX = 0; qreal toX = 0; // start and end point of intra-lyrics room qreal sp = spatium(); System* sys; if (lyricsLine()->ticks() <= 0) { // if no span, _numOfDashes = 0; // nothing to draw return; // and do nothing } // HORIZONTAL POSITION // A) if line precedes a syllable, advance line end to right before the next syllable text // if not a melisma and there is a next syllable; if (!isEndMelisma && lyricsLine()->nextLyrics() && isSingleEndType()) { lyr = nextLyr = lyricsLine()->nextLyrics(); sys = lyr->segment()->system(); endOfSystem = (sys != system()); // if next lyrics is on a different system, this line segment is at the end of its system: // do not adjust for next lyrics position if (!endOfSystem) { qreal lyrX = lyr->bbox().x(); qreal lyrXp = lyr->pagePos().x(); qreal sysXp = sys->pagePos().x(); toX = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX; // syst.rel. X pos. qreal offsetX = toX - pos().x() - pos2().x() - score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashPad); // delta from current end pos.| ending padding rxpos2() += offsetX; } } // B) if line follows a syllable, advance line start to after the syllable text lyr = lyricsLine()->lyrics(); sys = lyr->segment()->system(); if (sys && isSingleBeginType()) { qreal lyrX = lyr->bbox().x(); qreal lyrXp = lyr->pagePos().x(); qreal lyrW = lyr->bbox().width(); qreal sysXp = sys->pagePos().x(); fromX = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX + lyrW; // syst.rel. X pos. | lyr.advance qreal offsetX = fromX - pos().x(); offsetX += score()->styleP(isEndMelisma ? Sid::lyricsMelismaPad : Sid::lyricsDashPad); // delta from curr.pos. | add initial padding rxpos() += offsetX; rxpos2() -= offsetX; } // VERTICAL POSITION: at the base line of the syllable text if (!isEndType()) rypos() = lyr->ipos().y(); else { // use Y position of *next* syllable if there is one on same system Lyrics* nextLyr = searchNextLyrics(lyr->segment(), lyr->staffIdx(), lyr->no(), lyr->placement()); if (nextLyr && nextLyr->segment()->system() == system()) rypos() = nextLyr->y(); else rypos() = lyr->y(); } // MELISMA vs. DASHES if (isEndMelisma) { // melisma _numOfDashes = 1; rypos() -= lyricsLine()->lineWidth() * .5; // let the line 'sit on' the base line qreal offsetX = score()->styleP(Sid::minNoteDistance) * mag(); // if final segment, extend slightly after the chord, otherwise shorten it rxpos2() += (isBeginType() || isEndType()) ? -offsetX : +offsetX; } else { // dash(es) // set conventional dash Y pos rypos() -= MScore::pixelRatio * lyr->fontMetrics().xHeight() * score()->styleD(Sid::lyricsDashYposRatio); _dashLength = score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashMaxLength) * mag(); // and dash length qreal len = pos2().x(); qreal minDashLen = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMinLength).val() * sp; qreal maxDashDist = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMaxDistance).val() * sp; if (len < minDashLen) { // if no room for a dash // if at end of system or dash is forced if (endOfSystem || score()->styleB(Sid::lyricsDashForce)) { rxpos2() = minDashLen; // draw minimal dash _numOfDashes = 1; _dashLength = minDashLen; } else // if within system or dash not forced _numOfDashes = 0; // draw no dash } else if (len < (maxDashDist * 2.0)) { // if no room for two dashes _numOfDashes = 1; // draw one dash if (_dashLength > len) // if no room for a full dash _dashLength = len; // shorten it } else _numOfDashes = len / (maxDashDist); // draw several dashes // adjust next lyrics horiz. position if too little a space forced to skip the dash if (_numOfDashes == 0 && nextLyr != nullptr && len > 0) nextLyr->rxpos() -= (toX - fromX); } // set bounding box QRectF r = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, pos2().x(), pos2().y()).normalized(); qreal lw = lyricsLine()->lineWidth() * .5; setbbox(r.adjusted(-lw, -lw, lw, lw)); }
void Rest::layout() { _space.setLw(0.0); if (parent() && measure() && measure()->multiMeasure()) { _space.setRw(point(score()->styleS(ST_minMMRestWidth))); return; } rxpos() = 0.0; if (staff() && staff()->isTabStaff()) { StaffTypeTablature* tab = (StaffTypeTablature*)staff()->staffType(); // if rests are shown and note values are shown as duration symbols if(tab->showRests() &&tab->genDurations()) { // symbol needed; if not exist, create, if exists, update duration if (!_tabDur) _tabDur = new TabDurationSymbol(score(), tab, durationType().type(), dots()); else _tabDur->setDuration(durationType().type(), dots(), tab); _tabDur->setParent(this); // needed? _tabDur->setTrack(track()); _tabDur->layout(); setbbox(_tabDur->bbox()); setPos(0.0, 0.0); // no rest is drawn: reset any position might be set for it _space.setLw(0.0); _space.setRw(width()); return; } // if no rests or no duration symbols, delete any dur. symbol and chain into standard staff mngmt // this is to ensure horiz space is reserved for rest, even if they are not diplayed // Rest::draw() will skip their drawing, if not needed if(_tabDur) { delete _tabDur; _tabDur = 0; } } switch(durationType().type()) { case TDuration::V_64TH: case TDuration::V_32ND: dotline = -3; break; case TDuration::V_256TH: case TDuration::V_128TH: dotline = -5; break; default: dotline = -1; break; } qreal _spatium = spatium(); int stepOffset = 0; if (staff()) stepOffset = staff()->staffType()->stepOffset(); int line = lrint(userOff().y() / _spatium); // + ((staff()->lines()-1) * 2); qreal lineDist = staff() ? staff()->staffType()->lineDistance().val() : 1.0; int lineOffset = 0; int lines = staff() ? staff()->lines() : 5; if (segment() && measure() && measure()->mstaff(staffIdx())->hasVoices) { // move rests in a multi voice context bool up = (voice() == 0) || (voice() == 2); // TODO: use style values switch(durationType().type()) { case TDuration::V_LONG: lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5; break; case TDuration::V_BREVE: lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5; break; case TDuration::V_MEASURE: if (duration() >= Fraction(2, 1)) // breve symbol lineOffset = up ? -3 : 5; // fall through case TDuration::V_WHOLE: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 6; break; case TDuration::V_HALF: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_QUARTER: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_EIGHT: lineOffset = up ? -4 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_16TH: lineOffset = up ? -6 : 4; break; case TDuration::V_32ND: lineOffset = up ? -6 : 6; break; case TDuration::V_64TH: lineOffset = up ? -8 : 6; break; case TDuration::V_128TH: lineOffset = up ? -8 : 8; break; case TDuration::V_256TH: // not available lineOffset = up ? -10 : 6; break; default: break; } } else { switch(durationType().type()) { case TDuration::V_LONG: case TDuration::V_BREVE: case TDuration::V_MEASURE: case TDuration::V_WHOLE: if (lines == 1) lineOffset = -2; break; case TDuration::V_HALF: case TDuration::V_QUARTER: case TDuration::V_EIGHT: case TDuration::V_16TH: case TDuration::V_32ND: case TDuration::V_64TH: case TDuration::V_128TH: case TDuration::V_256TH: // not available if (lines == 1) lineOffset = -4; break; default: break; } } int yo; _sym = getSymbol(durationType().type(), line + lineOffset/2, lines, &yo); layoutArticulations(); rypos() = (qreal(yo) + qreal(lineOffset + stepOffset) * .5) * lineDist * _spatium; Spatium rs; if (dots()) { rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance) + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance)); } if (dots()) { rs = Spatium(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance) + dots() * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance)); } setbbox(symbols[score()->symIdx()][_sym].bbox(magS())); _space.setRw(width() + point(rs)); }
void HairpinSegment::layout() { if (hairpin()->useTextLine()) { if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleS(StyleIdx::hairpinY).val() * spatium(); TextLineSegment::layout(); return; } QTransform t; qreal _spatium = spatium(); qreal h1 = hairpin()->hairpinHeight().val() * spatium() * .5; qreal h2 = hairpin()->hairpinContHeight().val() * spatium() * .5; qreal len; qreal x = pos2().x(); if (x < _spatium) // minimum size of hairpin x = _spatium; qreal y = pos2().y(); len = sqrt(x * x + y * y); t.rotateRadians(asin(y/len)); drawCircledTip = hairpin()->hairpinCircledTip(); circledTipRadius = 0; if( drawCircledTip ) circledTipRadius = 0.6 * _spatium * .5; if (hairpin()->hairpinType() == Hairpin::Type::CRESCENDO) { // crescendo switch (spannerSegmentType()) { case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: l1.setLine(.0 + circledTipRadius*2, .0, len, h1); l2.setLine(.0 + circledTipRadius*2, .0, len, -h1); circledTip.setX( 0 + circledTipRadius ); circledTip.setY( 0 ); break; case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: case SpannerSegmentType::END: drawCircledTip = false; l1.setLine(.0, h2, len, h1); l2.setLine(.0, -h2, len, -h1); break; } } else { // decrescendo switch(spannerSegmentType()) { case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: case SpannerSegmentType::END: l1.setLine(.0, h1, len - circledTipRadius*2, 0.0); l2.setLine(.0, -h1, len - circledTipRadius*2, 0.0); circledTip.setX( len - circledTipRadius ); circledTip.setY( 0 ); break; case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: drawCircledTip = false; l1.setLine(.0, h1, len, + h2); l2.setLine(.0, -h1, len, - h2); break; } } // Do Coord rotation l1 = t.map(l1); l2 = t.map(l2); if( drawCircledTip ) circledTip = t.map(circledTip); QRectF r = QRectF(l1.p1(), l1.p2()).normalized() | QRectF(l2.p1(), l2.p2()).normalized(); qreal w = point(score()->styleS(StyleIdx::hairpinLineWidth)); setbbox(r.adjusted(-w*.5, -w*.5, w, w)); if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleS(StyleIdx::hairpinY).val() * _spatium; adjustReadPos(); }
void PedalSegment::layout() { TextLineSegment::layout(); rypos() += score()->styleS(ST_pedalY).val() * spatium(); adjustReadPos(); }