int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    struct SCRAMNET * scram;
    scramtime_st scramtime;
    char    name[256];
    int     i;
    bool    got_pnt, got_agc, got_alfashm;
    time_t  time_pnt, time_agc, time_if1, time_if2, time_tt, time_alfashm, time_fix;
    double Enc2Deg = 1./ ( (4096. * 210. / 5.0) / (360.) );
    const double D2R=(M_PI/180.0);

    char strbuf[1024];
    redisContext *c;
    redisReply *reply;
    const char *hostname = "";
    int port = 6379;

    char *infilename;
    char *outfilename;
    char *rotatefilename;
    FILE *scramfp;
    const char *usage = "Usage: s6_observatory [-test] [-stdout] [-nodb] [-nottl] [-hostname hostname] [-port port]\n                      [-infile scram_input_file] [-outfile scram_output_file] [-rotate seconds]\n  -test: don't read scram, put in dummy values\n  -stdout: output packets to stdout (normally quiet)\n  -nodb: don't update redis db\n  -nottl: don't expire any of the scram keys in the redis db\n  hostname/port: for redis database (default\n  -infile: name of file to read scram packets from\n  -outfile: name of file to write scram packets to\n     (can't use both infile and outfile simultaneously)\n  -rotate: for output files, rotate every seconds seconds (default MAXINT)\n\n";

    bool dotest = false;
    bool dostdout = false;
    bool nodb = false;
    bool nottl = false;
    bool useinfile = false;
    bool useoutfile = false;
    int rotatesecs = 2147483647;
    time_t lastrotate;

    double RA, Dec, MJD, azfix, zafix; // PNT vars
    int mlasttck, Az, ZA, agctime; double Azdeg, ZAdeg, timesecs, Azerrdeg, ZAerrdeg; // AGC vars
    int synIDB_0, fltrbank; double synIHz_0, rfFreq, FrqMhz; // IF1 vars
    bool useAlfa; int sigSrc; // IF2 vars
    int encoder; double degrees; // TT vars
    int fstbias, sndbias; double motorpos; // ALFASHM vars
    double synIHz_1, lo2Hz;

    double beamAz, beamZA; // ra/dec conversion per beam vars
    double coord_unixtime;
    double fixedRA[7]; // for fixed values
    double fixedDec[7];

    // totally annoying: string buffers for doubles above, since hiredis/hmset demands we need these
    char RAbuf[24];
    char Decbuf[24];
    char MJDbuf[24];
    char azfixbuf[24];
    char zafixbuf[24];
    char Azdegbuf[24];
    char ZAdegbuf[24];
    char synIHz_0buf[24];
    char synIHz_1buf[24];
    char rfFreqbuf[24];
    char FrqMhzbuf[24];
    char degreesbuf[24];
    char motorposbuf[24];
    char *fixedRAbuf[7];
    char *fixedDecbuf[7];

    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { 
        fixedRAbuf[i] = malloc(24); 
        fixedDecbuf[i] = malloc(24); 

    infilename     = malloc(1024);
    outfilename    = malloc(1024);
    rotatefilename = malloc(1024);

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[i],"-test") == 0) { 
            // do not read scram - use hard coded fake data instead
            dotest = true; 
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-infile") == 0) { 
            // do not read scram from network - read scram blocks 
            // from a file instead
            useinfile = true; infilename = argv[++i];   
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-nodb") == 0) { 
            // do not update the redis DB
            nodb = true;    
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-stdout") == 0) { 
            // output values to stdout.  Can be used with or without
            // -nodb but is nearly always specified when -nodb is used.
            dostdout = true;    
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-nottl") == 0) { 
            // do not set time-to-live for redis entries.
            // TODO - redis TTL not yet implemented.
            nottl = true;   
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-hostname") == 0) { 
            // the host on which the redis DB resides
            hostname = argv[++i];   
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-port") == 0) { 
            // the port on which the redis DB server is listening
            port = atoi(argv[++i]);     
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-outfile") == 0) { 
            // dump all scram block to a file
            useoutfile = true; outfilename = argv[++i];     
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-rotate") == 0) { 
            // how often to rotate the outfile 
            rotatesecs = atoi(argv[++i]);   
        else { 
            fprintf(stderr,"%s",usage); exit (1);   

    if (useinfile && useoutfile) {
        fprintf(stderr,"can't use both -infile and -outfile\n\n%s",usage); exit (1);

    if (useinfile) {
        if ((scramfp = fopen(infilename,"rb")) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr,"cannot open file for reading: %s\n",infilename); exit (1);
    if (useoutfile) {
        lastrotate = time(NULL);
        if ((scramfp = fopen(outfilename,"wb")) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr,"cannot open file for writing: %s\n",outfilename); exit (1);

    if (!nodb) {
        struct timeval timeout = { 1, 500000 }; // 1.5 seconds
        c = redisConnectWithTimeout(hostname, port, timeout);
        if (c == NULL || c->err) {
            if (c) {
                printf("Connection error: %s\n", c->errstr);
            } else {
                printf("Connection error: can't allocate redis context\n");

    if (!dotest) scram = init_scramread(&scramtime.scram);

    got_pnt = got_agc = got_alfashm = false;
    time_pnt = time_agc = time_if1 = time_if2 = time_tt = time_alfashm = time_fix = 0;

    // main loop
    while (1) {

        if (!dotest) {

            if (useinfile) {
                if (fread(&scramtime,sizeof(scramtime),1,scramfp) != 1) {
                    fprintf(stderr,"end of file (reading scram)\n");
            } else { 
                if (read_scram(scram) == -1) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "GetScramData : bad scram read\n");
                if (useoutfile) {
                    scramtime.time = time(NULL);
                    if (fwrite(&scramtime,sizeof(scramtime),1,scramfp) != 1) {
                        fprintf(stderr,"problem writing to scram file\n");
                    if ((time(NULL)-lastrotate)>=rotatesecs) {
                        // fprintf(stderr,"rotating: %s to %s...\n",outfilename,rotatefilename);
                        if ((scramfp = fopen(outfilename,"wb")) == NULL) {
                            fprintf(stderr,"cannot open file for writing: %s\n",outfilename); exit (1);
                        lastrotate = time(NULL);

            getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr *)&scram->from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), name, 256, NULL, 0, 0);
            if (strcmp(scram->in.magic, "PNT") == 0) {
                got_pnt = true;
                time_pnt = time(NULL); 
                if (useinfile) {
                    time_pnt = scramtime.time;
                RA  = scram->;
                Dec = scram->;
                RA  *= 24.0 / C_2PI;
                Dec *= 360.0 / C_2PI;
                MJD  = scram-> + scram->;
                azfix = scram->[0] / D2R;   // go to degrees
                zafix = scram->[1] / D2R;

                ftoa(RA,RAbuf); ftoa(Dec,Decbuf); ftoa(MJD,MJDbuf); ftoa(azfix,azfixbuf); ftoa(zafix,zafixbuf);
                sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:PNT PNTSTIME %ld PNTRA %0.10lf PNTDEC %0.10lf PNTMJD %0.10lf PNTAZCOR %0.10lf PNTZACOR %0.10lf",time_pnt,RA,Dec,MJD,azfix,zafix);
                if (dostdout) {
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
            if (dostdout) {
            } else if (strcmp(scram->in.magic, "AGC") == 0) {
                got_agc = true;
                time_agc = time(NULL); 
                if (useinfile) {
                    time_agc = scramtime.time;
                mlasttck = scram->;
                Az = scram->;
                Azdeg = scram-> * 0.0001;
                ZA = scram->; 
                ZAdeg = scram-> * 0.0001;
                agctime = scram->;
                timesecs = scram-> * 0.001; 
                Azerrdeg = scram->[0];
                ZAerrdeg = scram->[1];
                ftoa(Azdeg,Azdegbuf); ftoa(ZAdeg,ZAdegbuf);
                sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:AGC AGCSTIME %ld AGCTIME %d AGCAZ %0.10lf AGCZA %0.10lf",time_agc,agctime,Azdeg,ZAdeg);
                if (!nodb) { 
                    reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %d %s %s %s %s",
                if (dostdout) {

            } else if (strcmp(scram->in.magic, "IF1") == 0) {
                time_if1 = time(NULL); 
                if (useinfile) {
                    time_if1 = scramtime.time;
                synIHz_0 = scram->[0];        // TODO label/name as 1st LO, right?
                synIDB_0 = scram->[0];
                rfFreq = scram->;
                FrqMhz = scram->;
                fltrbank = scram->;
                ftoa(synIHz_0,synIHz_0buf); ftoa(rfFreq,rfFreqbuf); ftoa(FrqMhz,FrqMhzbuf);
                sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:IF1 IF1STIME %ld IF1SYNHZ %0.10lf IF1SYNDB %d IF1RFFRQ %0.10lf IF1IFFRQ %0.10lf IF1ALFFB %d",
                if (!nodb) { 
                    reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %d",
                if (dostdout) {

            } else if (strcmp(scram->in.magic, "IF2") == 0) {
                time_if2 = time(NULL); 
                if (useinfile) {
                    time_if2 = scramtime.time;
                if(scram-> { useAlfa = true; } else { useAlfa = false; }
                synIHz_1 = scram->[4];        // TODO label/name as 2nd LO, right?  AO Phil says to use [4]
                sigSrc = scram->;
                sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:IF2 IF2STIME %ld IF2SYNHZ %s IF2ALFON %d IF2SIGSR %d",time_if2,synIHz_1buf,useAlfa,sigSrc);
                if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %d %s %d",
                                     "SCRAM:IF2","IF2STIME",time_if2, "IF2SYNHZ", synIHz_1buf, "IF2ALFON",useAlfa, "IF2SIGSR",sigSrc); 
                if (dostdout) {

            } else if (strcmp(scram->in.magic, "TT") == 0) {
                time_tt = time(NULL); 
                if (useinfile) {
                    time_tt = scramtime.time;
                encoder = scram->[0].inpMsg.position;
                degrees = (double)(scram->[0].inpMsg.position) * Enc2Deg;
double turDeg=scram->[0].tickMsg.position/ TUR_DEG_TO_ENC_UNITS;

                sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:TT TTSTIME %ld TTTURENC %d TTTURDEG %0.10lf",time_tt,encoder,degrees);
                if (!nodb) { 
                    reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %d %s %s",
                if (dostdout) {

            } else if (strcmp(scram->in.magic, "ALFASHM") == 0) {
                got_alfashm = true; 
                time_alfashm = time(NULL); 
                if (useinfile) {
                    time_alfashm = scramtime.time;
                fstbias = (int)scram->alfa.first_bias;
                sndbias = (int)scram->alfa.second_bias;
                motorpos = scram->alfa.motor_position; 
                sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:ALFASHM ALFSTIME %ld ALFBIAS1 %d ALFBIAS2 %d ALFMOPOS %0.10lf",
                if (!nodb) { 
                    reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %s",
                if (dostdout) {
            } else {
            // fprintf(stderr, "UNKNOWN SCRAM: %ld %s from %s\n", current, scram->in.magic, name);

            // Calculate derived values.
            if (got_alfashm && got_agc && got_pnt) {
                time_fix = time_alfashm;
                if (time_agc > time_fix) {
                    time_fix = time_agc;
                if (time_pnt > time_fix) {
                    time_fix = time_pnt;
                coord_unixtime = s6_seti_ao_timeMS2unixtime(agctime,time_fix);
                for (i=0;i<7;i++) {
                    beamAz = Azdeg; beamZA = ZAdeg; // in degrees
                    beamAz -= azfix; beamZA -= zafix; // fix also in degrees
                    s6_BeamOffset(&beamAz, &beamZA, i, motorpos); // i is beam
                    s6_AzZaToRaDec(beamAz, beamZA, coord_unixtime, &fixedRA[i], &fixedDec[i]);
                sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:DERIVED DERTIME %ld RA0 %0.10lf DEC0 %0.10lf RA1 %0.10lf DEC1 %0.10lf RA2 %0.10lf DEC2 %0.10lf RA3 %0.10lf DEC3 %0.10lf RA4 %0.10lf DEC4 %0.10lf RA5 %0.10lf DEC5 %0.10lf RA6 %0.10lf DEC6 %0.10lf",
                if (!nodb) { 
                    reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
                                         "DEC1", fixedDecbuf[1],"RA2",fixedRAbuf[2],"DEC2",fixedDecbuf[2],"RA3",fixedRAbuf[3],"DEC3",fixedDecbuf[3],
                                         "DEC6",fixedDecbuf[6]); freeReplyObject(reply); 
                if (dostdout) {
        } // end if !nodotest

        else { // test mode
            fprintf(stderr, "..test mode..\n");  // indicate that we are running

            sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:PNT PNTSTIME %ld PNTRA 1.1 PNTDEC 2.2 PNTMJD 3.3 PNTAZCOR 4.4 PNTZACOR 5.5",time(NULL));
            if (dostdout) {
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", reply->str);

            sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:AGC AGCSTIME %ld AGCTIME 1 AGCAZ 2.2 AGCZA 3.3",time(NULL));
            if (dostdout) {
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %d %s %s %s %s","SCRAM:AGC","AGCSTIME",time(NULL),"AGCTIME",1,
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", reply->str); 
            sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:IF1 IF1STIME %ld IF1SYNHZ 1.1 IF1SYNDB 2 IF1RFFRQ 3.3 IF1IFFRQ 4.4 IF1ALFFB 5",time(NULL));
            if (dostdout) { 
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %d",
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", reply->str); 

            sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:IF2 IF2STIME %ld IF2SYNHZ 0.0 IF2ALFON 1",time(NULL));
            if (dostdout) {
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %d","SCRAM:IF2","IF2STIME",time(NULL),"IF2SYNHZ","0.0","IF2ALFON",1); 
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", reply->str); 

            sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:TT TTSTIME %ld TTTURENC 1 TTTURDEG 2.2",time(NULL));
            if (dostdout) {
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %d %s %s","SCRAM:TT","TTSTIME",time(NULL),"TTTURENC",1,"TTTURDEG","2.2"); 
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", reply->str); 

            sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:ALFASHM ALFSTIME %ld ALFBIAS1 1 ALFBIAS2 2 ALFMOPOS 3.3",time(NULL));
            if (dostdout) {
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %s","SCRAM:ALFASHM","ALFSTIME",time(NULL),"ALFBIAS1",1,"ALFBIAS2",2,"ALFMOPOS","3.3"); 
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", reply->str); 

            sprintf(strbuf,"SCRAM:DERIVED DERTIME %ld RA0 0.1 DEC0 0.1 RA1 1.2 DEC1 1.2 RA2 2.3 DEC2 2.3 RA3 3.4 DEC3 3.4 RA4 4.4 DEC4 4.5 RA5 5.6 DEC5 5.6 RA6 6.7 DEC6 6.7",time(NULL));
            if (dostdout) {
            if (!nodb) { 
                reply = redisCommand(c,"HMSET %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s","SCRAM:DERIVED","DERTIME",time(NULL),"RA0","0.1","DEC0","0.1","RA1","1.2","DEC1","1.2","RA2","2.3","DEC2","2.3","RA3","3.4","DEC3","3.4","RA4","4.5","DEC4","4.5","RA5","5.6","DEC5","5.6","RA6","6.7","DEC6","6.7");
                if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { 
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", reply->str);
            sleep(1); // just so we make it look more like scram and don't hammer redis db

        } // end if dotest

    } // end main loop

Esempio n. 2
int write_etfits(s6_output_databuf_t *db, int block_idx, etfits_t *etf, scram_t *scram_p) {
    int row, rv;
    int nchan, nivals, nsubband;
    char* temp_str;
    double temp_dbl;
    size_t nhits;

    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;

    scram_t scram;

    extern const char *receiver[];

    // Create the initial file or change to a new one if needed.
    if (etf->new_run || etf->new_file) {
        etf->new_file = 0;
        if (!etf->new_run) {
            if(etf->file_open) {
            etf->integration_cnt = 0;
        // TODO update code versions
        etf->primary_hdr.n_subband = db->block[block_idx].header.num_coarse_chan;
        etf->primary_hdr.n_chan    = N_FINE_CHAN;
        etf->primary_hdr.n_inputs  = N_BEAMS * N_POLS_PER_BEAM;
        strncpy(etf->primary_hdr.receiver, receiver[scram_p->receiver], sizeof(etf->primary_hdr.receiver));
        // TODO not yet implemented
        //etf->primary_hdr.bandwidth = ;
        //etf->primary_hdr.chan_bandwidth = ;
        //etf->primary_hdr.freq_res = ;
        if(*status_p) {
            hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error creating/initializing new etfits file");
            //fprintf(stderr, "Error creating/initializing new etfits file.\n");
            fits_report_error(stderr, *status_p);

    // populate hits header data
    // TODO maybe I should do away with this and write directly to the header
    //      from scram in write_hits_header()
    for(int i=0; i < N_BEAMS*N_POLS_PER_BEAM; i++) {
        etf->hits_hdr[i].time    = (time_t)s6_seti_ao_timeMS2unixtime(scram_p->AGCTIME, scram_p->AGCSTIME);
        etf->hits_hdr[i].ra      = scram_p->ra_by_beam[int(floor(i/N_POLS_PER_BEAM))];       
        etf->hits_hdr[i].dec     = scram_p->dec_by_beam[int(floor(i/N_POLS_PER_BEAM))];  
        etf->hits_hdr[i].beampol = i;       

    if(! *status_p) write_integration_header(etf, scram_p);

    if(! *status_p) nhits = write_hits(db, block_idx, etf);


    // Now update some key values if no CFITSIO errors
    if (! *status_p) {
        etf->tot_rows += nhits;
        etf->N += 1;
        *status_p = check_for_file_roll(etf);

    if(*status_p) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "FITS error, exiting");
        //fprintf(stderr, "FITS error, exiting.\n");

    return *status_p;