Esempio n. 1
menuAccounting::menuAccounting(GUIClient *Pparent) :
  parent = Pparent;

  toolBar = new QToolBar(tr("Accounting Tools"));
  toolBar->setObjectName("Accounting Tools");
  toolBar->setIconSize(QSize(32, 32));

  mainMenu		= new QMenu(parent);
  apMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  apPurchaseMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  apVoucherMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  apMemosMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  apPaymentsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  apFormsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  apReportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  arMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  arInvoicesMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  arMemosMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  arCashReceiptsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  arFormsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  arReportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  glMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  glEnterTransactionMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  glStandardJournalsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  bankrecMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  bankrecReportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  financialReportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  glReportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  calendarMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  coaMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  budgetMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  taxMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  taxReportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  utilitiesMenu = new QMenu(parent);


  actionProperties acts[] = { 
    // Accounting | Accounts Payable
    { "menu", tr("Accounts &Payable"), (char*)apMenu,	mainMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Accaunts Payable | Purchase Orders
    { "menu", tr("Purchase &Order"), (char*)apPurchaseMenu, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.enterPurchaseOrder", tr("&New..."), SLOT(sEnterPurchaseOrder()), apPurchaseMenu, "MaintainPurchaseOrders", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.listUnpostedPurchaseOrders", tr("&List Open..."), SLOT(sUnpostedPurchaseOrders()), apPurchaseMenu, "MaintainPurchaseOrders ViewPurchaseOrders", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apPurchaseMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.postPurchaseOrder", tr("&Release..."), SLOT(sPostPurchaseOrder()), apPurchaseMenu, "ReleasePurchaseOrders", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    // Accounting | Accaunts Payable | Vouchers
    { "menu", tr("&Voucher"), (char*)apVoucherMenu, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.enterNewVoucher", tr("&New..."), SLOT(sEnterVoucher()), apVoucherMenu, "MaintainVouchers", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.enterNewMiscVoucher", tr("New &Miscellaneous..."), SLOT(sEnterMiscVoucher()), apVoucherMenu, "MaintainVouchers", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.listUnpostedVouchers", tr("&List Unposted..."), SLOT(sUnpostedVouchers()), apVoucherMenu, "MaintainVouchers ViewVouchers", QPixmap(":/images/listUnpostedVouchers.png"), toolBar, true , tr("List Unposted Vouchers") },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apVoucherMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.postVouchers", tr("&Post..."), SLOT(sPostVouchers()), apVoucherMenu, "PostVouchers", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    // Accounting | Accaunts Payable | Memos
    { "menu", tr("&Memos"), (char*)apMemosMenu, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.enterMiscCreditMemo", tr("&New Misc. Credit Memo..."), SLOT(sEnterMiscApCreditMemo()), apMemosMenu, "MaintainAPMemos", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.unapplidCreditMemo", tr("&List Unapplied Credit Memos..."), SLOT(sUnappliedApCreditMemos()), apMemosMenu, "MaintainAPMemos ViewAPMemos", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apMemosMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.enterMiscDebitMemo", tr("New &Misc. Debit Memo..."), SLOT(sEnterMiscApDebitMemo()), apMemosMenu, "MaintainAPMemos", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    // Accounting | Accaunts Payable |  Payments
    { "menu", tr("&Payments"), (char*)apPaymentsMenu, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.selectPayments", tr("&Select..."), SLOT(sSelectPayments()), apPaymentsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , tr("Select Payments") },
    { "ap.listSelectPayments", tr("&List Selected..."), SLOT(sSelectedPayments()), apPaymentsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apPaymentsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.prepareCheckRun", tr("&Prepare Check Run..."), SLOT(sPrepareCheckRun()), apPaymentsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.createMiscCheck", tr("Create &Miscellaneous Check..."), SLOT(sCreateMiscCheck()), apPaymentsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.viewCheckRun", tr("Vie&w Check Run..."), SLOT(sViewCheckRun()), apPaymentsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apPaymentsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.voidCheckRun", tr("&Void Check Run..."), SLOT(sVoidCheckRun()), apPaymentsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apPaymentsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.postCheck", tr("Post &Check..."), SLOT(sPostCheck()), apPaymentsMenu, "PostPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.postChecks", tr("P&ost Checks..."), SLOT(sPostChecks()), apPaymentsMenu, "PostPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.workbench", tr("&Workbench..."), SLOT(sApWorkBench()), apMenu, "MaintainPayments MaintainAPMemos", QPixmap(":/images/viewCheckRun.png"), toolBar, true, tr("Payables Workbench") },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Accaunts Payable | Forms
    { "menu", tr("&Forms"), (char*)apFormsMenu, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.printPurchaseOrder", tr("Print Purchase &Order..."), SLOT(sPrintPurchaseOrder()), apFormsMenu, "PrintPurchaseOrders", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apFormsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.printCheck", tr("Print &Check..."), SLOT(sPrintCheck()), apFormsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.printCheckRun", tr("Print Check &Run..."), SLOT(sPrintCheckRun()), apFormsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    // Accounting | Accaunts Payable |  Reports
    { "menu", tr("&Reports"), (char*)apReportsMenu, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.uninvoicedReceipts", tr("&Uninvoiced Receipts and Returns..."), SLOT(sDspUninvoicedReceipts()), apReportsMenu, "ViewUninvoicedReceipts MaintainUninvoicedReceipts", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.voucheringEditList", tr("Vouchering &Edit List..."), SLOT(sVoucheringEditList()), apReportsMenu, "MaintainVouchers ViewVouchers", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.dspOpenAPItemsByVendor", tr("Open &Payables..."), SLOT(sDspAPOpenItemsByVendor()), apReportsMenu, "ViewAPOpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.dspAPAging", tr("&Aging..."), SLOT(sDspTimePhasedOpenAPItems()), apReportsMenu, "ViewAPOpenItems", QPixmap(":/images/apAging.png"), toolBar, true , tr("Payables Aging") },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.dspCheckRegister", tr("&Check Register..."), SLOT(sDspCheckRegister()), apReportsMenu, "MaintainPayments", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.dspVoucherRegister", tr("&Voucher Register..."), SLOT(sDspVoucherRegister()), apReportsMenu, "MaintainVouchers ViewVouchers", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.dspAPApplications", tr("&Applications..."), SLOT(sDspAPApplications()), apReportsMenu, "ViewAPOpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.dspVendorHistory", tr("Vendor &History..."), SLOT(sDspVendorHistory()), apReportsMenu, "ViewAPOpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.rptPayablesJournal", tr("Pa&yables Journal..."), SLOT(sRptPayablesJournal()), apReportsMenu, "PrintAPJournals", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ap.rptCheckJournal", tr("Check &Journal..."), SLOT(sRptCheckJournal()), apReportsMenu, "PrintAPJournals", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, apMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ap.vendors", tr("Ve&ndors..."), SLOT(sVendors()), apMenu, "MaintainVendors ViewVendors", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    // Accounting | Accounts Receivable
    { "menu", tr("Accounts Recei&vable"),	(char*)arMenu,	mainMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Accounts Receivable | Invoices
    { "menu", tr("&Invoice"), (char*)arInvoicesMenu,	arMenu, "true",	 NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.createInvoice", tr("&New..."), SLOT(sCreateInvoice()), arInvoicesMenu, "MaintainMiscInvoices", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.listRecurringInvoices", tr("&List Recurring Invoices..."),	SLOT(sRecurringInvoices()), arInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling",	NULL, NULL,  true, NULL },
    { "ar.listUnpostedInvoices", tr("&List Unposted..."), SLOT(sUnpostedInvoices()), arInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling", QPixmap(":/images/unpostedInvoices.png"), toolBar, true , tr("List Unposted Invoices") },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arInvoicesMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.postInvoices", tr("&Post..."), SLOT(sPostInvoices()), arInvoicesMenu, "PostMiscInvoices", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    // Accounting | Accounts Receivable | Memos
    { "menu", tr("&Memos"), (char*)arMemosMenu,	arMenu, "true",	 NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.enterMiscCreditMemo", tr("&New Misc. Credit Memo..."), SLOT(sEnterMiscArCreditMemo()), arMemosMenu, "MaintainARMemos", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.unapplidCreditMemo", tr("&List Unapplied Credit Memos..."), SLOT(sUnappliedArCreditMemos()), arMemosMenu, "MaintainARMemos ViewARMemos", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arMemosMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.enterMiscDebitMemo", tr("New &Misc. Debit Memo..."), SLOT(sEnterMiscArDebitMemo()), arMemosMenu, "MaintainARMemos", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    // Accounting | Accounts Receivable | Cash Receipts
    { "menu", tr("C&ash Receipt"), (char*)arCashReceiptsMenu,	arMenu, "true",	 NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.enterCashReceipt", tr("&New..."), SLOT(sEnterCashReceipt()), arCashReceiptsMenu, "MaintainCashReceipts", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.cashReceiptEditList", tr("&Edit List..."), SLOT(sCashReceiptEditList()), arCashReceiptsMenu, "MaintainCashReceipts ViewCashReceipt", QPixmap(":/images/editCashReceipts.png"), toolBar, true , tr("Cash Receipt Edit List") },
    { "ar.postCashReceipts", tr("&Post..."), SLOT(sPostCashReceipts()), arCashReceiptsMenu, "PostCashReceipts", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.arWorkBench", tr("&Workbench..."), SLOT(sArWorkBench()), arMenu, "ViewAROpenItems" , QPixmap(":/images/arWorkbench.png"), toolBar, true , tr("Receivables Workbench") },

    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Accounts Receivable | Forms
    { "menu", tr("&Forms"), (char*)arFormsMenu,	arMenu, "true",	 NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.printInvoices", tr("Print &Invoices..."), SLOT(sPrintInvoices()), arFormsMenu, "PrintInvoices", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.reprintInvoices", tr("&Re-Print Invoices..."), SLOT(sReprintInvoices()), arFormsMenu, "PrintInvoices", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arFormsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.printStatementByCustomer", tr("Print S&tatement by Customer..."), SLOT(sPrintStatementByCustomer()), arFormsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.printStatementsByCustomerType", tr("Print State&ments by Customer Type..."), SLOT(sPrintStatementsByCustomerType()), arFormsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    // Accounting | Accounts Receivable | Reports
    { "menu", tr("&Reports"), (char*)arReportsMenu,	arMenu, "true",	 NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.dspInvoiceInformation", tr("&Invoice Information..."), SLOT(sDspInvoiceInformation()), arReportsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.dspOpenItems", tr("&Open Receivables..."), SLOT(sDspAROpenItems()), arReportsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.dspARAging", tr("A&ging..."), SLOT(sDspTimePhasedOpenItems()), arReportsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", QPixmap(":/images/arAging.png"), toolBar, true , tr("Receivables Aging") },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL }, 
    { "ar.dspInvoiceRegister", tr("In&voice Register..."), SLOT(sDspInvoiceRegister()), arReportsMenu, "ViewInvoiceRegister", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.dspCashReceipts", tr("Cash &Receipts..."), SLOT(sDspCashReceipts()), arReportsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.dspARApplications", tr("&Applications..."), SLOT(sDspARApplications()), arReportsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.dspDepositsRegister", tr("&Deposits Register..."), SLOT(sDspDepositsRegister()), arReportsMenu, "ViewDepositsRegister", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.dspCustomerHistory", tr("Customer &History..."), SLOT(sDspCustomerHistory()), arReportsMenu, "ViewAROpenItems", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.rptSalesJournal", tr("Sales &Journal..."), SLOT(sRptSalesJournal()), arReportsMenu, "PrintARJournals", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.rptCreditMemoJournal", tr("Credit &Memo Journal..."), SLOT(sRptCreditMemoJournal()), arReportsMenu, "PrintARJournals", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    { "separator", NULL, NULL, arMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "ar.customers", tr("&Customers..."), SLOT(sCustomers()), arMenu, "MaintainCustomerMasters ViewCustomerMasters", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    // Accounting | G/L
    { "menu",		    tr("General &Ledger"),		(char*)glMenu,	mainMenu,		"true",					NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | G/L | Journals
    { "menu",		    tr("&Journal Entry"),		(char*)glEnterTransactionMenu,	glMenu,		"true",					NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.simpleEntry",	    tr("S&imple..."),	SLOT(sSimpleEntry()),		glEnterTransactionMenu,	"PostJournalEntries", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.seriesEntry",     tr("&Series..."),	SLOT(sSeriesEntry()),		glEnterTransactionMenu,	"PostJournalEntries", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	    NULL,				NULL,			        glEnterTransactionMenu,   "true",					NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.unpostedEntries", tr("&List Unposted..."), SLOT(sUnpostedEntries()),	glEnterTransactionMenu,	"PostJournalEntries", QPixmap(":/images/journalEntries.png"), toolBar,  true, tr("List Unposted Journal Entries") },

    // Accounting | G/L | Standard Journals
    { "menu",			     tr("&Standard Journals"),		   (char*)glStandardJournalsMenu,	     glMenu,		   "true",					      NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.enterNewStandardJournal",  tr("&New..."),  SLOT(sEnterStandardJournal()),    glStandardJournalsMenu, "MaintainStandardJournals",     NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.listStandardJournals",     tr("&List..."),	   SLOT(sStandardJournals()),	     glStandardJournalsMenu, "MaintainStandardJournals",     NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.listStandardJournalGroups",tr("List &Groups..."),SLOT(sStandardJournalGroups()),   glStandardJournalsMenu, "MaintainStandardJournalGroups", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",		     NULL,				   NULL,			     glStandardJournalsMenu, "true",					      NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.postStandardJournal",	     tr("&Post..."),	   SLOT(sPostStandardJournal()),     glStandardJournalsMenu, "PostStandardJournals",	      NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.postStandardJournalGroup", tr("Post G&roup..."), SLOT(sPostStandardJournalGroup()),glStandardJournalsMenu, "PostStandardJournalGroups",    NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    { "separator",		     NULL,				   NULL,  glMenu, "true",					      NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("UseJournals"), NULL },
    { "gl.postJournals",   tr("&Post Journals to Ledger..."),	   SLOT(sPostJournals()), glMenu, "PostJournals",	      NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("UseJournals"), NULL },

    { "separator", NULL, NULL, glMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | General Ledger |  Reports
    { "menu", tr("&Reports"), (char*)glReportsMenu, glMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspGLTransactions",		tr("&Transactions..."),		SLOT(sDspGLTransactions()),		glReportsMenu, "ViewGLTransactions",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspSummarizedGLTransactions",	tr("Su&mmarized Transactions..."),	SLOT(sDspSummarizedGLTransactions()),	glReportsMenu, "ViewGLTransactions",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspGLSeries",			tr("&Series..."),			SLOT(sDspGLSeries()),			glReportsMenu, "ViewGLTransactions",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspStandardJournalHistory",	tr("Standard &Journal History..."),	SLOT(sDspStandardJournalHistory()),	glReportsMenu, "ViewGLTransactions",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, glReportsMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("UseJournals"), NULL },
    { "gl.dspJournals",	tr("Journals..."),	SLOT(sDspJournals()),	glReportsMenu, "ViewJournals",	NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("UseJournals"), NULL },

    { "menu",			tr("&Bank Reconciliation"), 	(char*)bankrecMenu,		mainMenu,    "true",						NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.reconcileBankaccnt",	tr("&Reconcile..."),SLOT(sReconcileBankaccount()),	bankrecMenu, "MaintainBankRec", QPixmap(":/images/bankReconciliation.png"), toolBar,  true, tr("Reconcile Bank Account") },
    { "separator",		NULL,				NULL,				bankrecMenu, "true",						NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.enterAdjustment",	tr("&New Adjustment..."),	SLOT(sEnterAdjustment()),	bankrecMenu, "MaintainBankAdjustments",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.adjustmentEditList",	tr("Adjustment Edit &List..."),	SLOT(sAdjustmentEditList()),	bankrecMenu, "MaintainBankAdjustments ViewBankAdjustments", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator", NULL, NULL, bankrecMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Bank Reconciliation |  Reports
    { "menu", tr("&Reports"), (char*)bankrecReportsMenu, bankrecMenu, "true", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspBankrecHistory",		tr("&History"),		SLOT(sDspBankrecHistory()),		bankrecReportsMenu, "ViewBankRec",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspSummarizedBankrecHistory",	tr("Summari&zed History"),	SLOT(sDspSummarizedBankrecHistory()),	bankrecReportsMenu, "ViewBankRec",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    { "separator",		  NULL,					NULL,					mainMenu,		"true",					       NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Statements
    { "menu",			  tr("Financial &Statements"),		(char*)financialReportsMenu,		mainMenu,			"true",					       NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.createFinancialReports",tr("&New Financial Report..."),	SLOT(sNewFinancialReport()),		financialReportsMenu,		"MaintainFinancialLayouts", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.editFinancialReports",  tr("&List Financial Reports..."),	SLOT(sFinancialReports()),		financialReportsMenu,		"MaintainFinancialLayouts", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",		  NULL,					NULL,					financialReportsMenu,		"true",					       NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspTrialBalances",	  tr("View &Trial Balances..."),		SLOT(sDspTrialBalances()),		financialReportsMenu,		"ViewTrialBalances",	   QPixmap(":/images/viewTrialBalance.png"), toolBar,  true, NULL },
    { "gl.viewFinancialReport",	  tr("View &Financial Report..."),	SLOT(sViewFinancialReport()),		financialReportsMenu,		"ViewFinancialReports",   QPixmap(":/images/viewFinancialReport.png"), toolBar, true, NULL },

    { "separator",		  NULL,					NULL,					mainMenu,		"true",					       NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Fiscal Calendar
    { "menu", tr("&Fiscal Calendar"), (char*)calendarMenu, mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.accountingYearPeriods",	tr("Fiscal &Years..."),	SLOT(sAccountingYearPeriods()),	calendarMenu,	"MaintainAccountingPeriods",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.accountingPeriods",	tr("Accounting &Periods..."),	SLOT(sAccountingPeriods()),	calendarMenu,	"MaintainAccountingPeriods",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Account
    { "menu", tr("&Account"), (char*)coaMenu, mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.accountNumbers",	tr("&Chart of Accounts..."),	SLOT(sAccountNumbers()), coaMenu,	"MaintainChartOfAccounts",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.companies",		tr("C&ompanies..."),		SLOT(sCompanies()),		coaMenu,	"MaintainChartOfAccounts", NULL, NULL, (_metrics->value("GLCompanySize").toInt() > 0), NULL },
    { "gl.profitCenterNumber",	tr("&Profit Center Numbers..."),	SLOT(sProfitCenters()),	coaMenu,	"MaintainChartOfAccounts", NULL, NULL, (_metrics->value("GLProfitSize").toInt() > 0), NULL },
    { "gl.subaccountNumbers",	tr("&Subaccount Numbers..."),	SLOT(sSubaccounts()), coaMenu,	"MaintainChartOfAccounts", NULL, NULL, (_metrics->value("GLSubaccountSize").toInt() > 0), NULL },
    { "gl.subAccntTypes",	tr("Su&baccount Types..."),	SLOT(sSubAccntTypes()),	coaMenu,	"MaintainChartOfAccounts",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Accounting | Budget
    { "menu", tr("Bu&dget"), (char*)budgetMenu, mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.maintainBudget",	tr("&New Budget..."),	SLOT(sMaintainBudget()), budgetMenu,	"MaintainBudgets",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.maintainBudgets",	tr("&List Budgets..."),	SLOT(sBudgets()),	 budgetMenu,	"MaintainBudgets ViewBudgets",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Accounting | Tax
    { "menu", tr("&Tax"), (char*)taxMenu, mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.taxAuthorities",	tr("Tax &Authorities..."),	SLOT(sTaxAuthorities()),	taxMenu,	"MaintainTaxAuthorities ViewTaxAuthorities", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.taxZones",		tr("Tax &Zones..."),		SLOT(sTaxZones()),		taxMenu,	"MaintainTaxZones ViewTaxZones",             NULL, NULL, true, NULL }, 
    { "gl.taxClasses",		tr("Tax &Classes..."),		SLOT(sTaxClasses()),		taxMenu,	"MaintainTaxClasses ViewTaxClasses",         NULL, NULL, true, NULL }, 
    { "gl.taxCodes",		tr("Tax &Codes..."),		SLOT(sTaxCodes()),		taxMenu,	"MaintainTaxCodes ViewTaxCodes",             NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.taxTypes",		tr("Tax &Types..."),		SLOT(sTaxTypes()),		taxMenu,	"MaintainTaxTypes ViewTaxTypes",             NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.taxAssignments",	tr("Tax Assi&gnments..."),	SLOT(sTaxAssignments()),	taxMenu,	"MaintainTaxAssignments ViewTaxAssignments", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.taxRegistatrions",	tr("Tax &Registrations..."),	SLOT(sTaxRegistrations()),	taxMenu,	"MaintainChartOfAccounts",                   NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",		NULL,			        NULL,			        taxMenu,	"true",	                                     NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Accounting | Tax | Reports
    { "menu",			tr("&Reports"),	                (char*)taxReportsMenu,		taxMenu,	"true",			    NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.dspTaxHistory",	tr("&Tax History..."),           SLOT(sDspTaxHistory()),        taxReportsMenu, "ViewTaxReconciliations",   NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",		  NULL,					NULL,					mainMenu,		"true",					       NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Accounting | Utilities
    { "menu",				tr("&Utilities"),			(char*)utilitiesMenu,		mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "gl.forwardUpdateAccounts",	tr("&Forward Update Accounts..."),	SLOT(sForwardUpdateAccounts()),	utilitiesMenu,	"ViewTrialBalances",	NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("ManualForwardUpdate"), NULL },
    { "gl.duplicateAccountNumbers",      tr("&Duplicate Account Numbers..."),  SLOT(sDuplicateAccountNumbers()), utilitiesMenu,  "MaintainChartOfAccounts", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",		  NULL,					NULL,					utilitiesMenu,		"true",					       NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.purgeInvoices", tr("Purge &Invoices..."), SLOT(sPurgeInvoices()), utilitiesMenu, "PurgeInvoices", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "ar.updateLateCustCreditStatus", tr("&Update Late Customer Credit Status..."), SLOT(sUpdateLateCustCreditStatus()), utilitiesMenu, "UpdateCustomerCreditStatus", NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("AutoCreditWarnLateCustomers"), NULL },
    { "ar.createRecurringInvoices", tr("&Create Recurring Invoices..."), SLOT(sCreateRecurringInvoices()), utilitiesMenu, "MaintainMiscInvoices", NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",		  NULL,					NULL,					utilitiesMenu,		"true",					       NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("MultiCompanyFinancialConsolidation"), NULL },
    { "gl.syncCompanies",           tr("&Synchronize Companies"),        SLOT(sSyncCompanies()),           utilitiesMenu, "SynchronizeCompanies", NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("MultiCompanyFinancialConsolidation"), NULL },

    { "gl.setup",	tr("&Setup..."),	SLOT(sSetup()),	mainMenu,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	true,	NULL},


  addActionsToMenu(acts, sizeof(acts) / sizeof(acts[0]));
  parent->populateCustomMenu(mainMenu, "Accounting");
  QAction * m = parent->menuBar()->addMenu(mainMenu);
Esempio n. 2
menuSales::menuSales(GUIClient *pParent) :
  parent = pParent;

  toolBar = new QToolBar(tr("Sales Tools"));
  toolBar->setObjectName("Sales Tools");
  toolBar->setIconSize(QSize(32, 32));

  mainMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  quotesMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  ordersMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  billingMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  billingInvoicesMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  billingCreditMemosMenu= new QMenu(parent);
  billingFormsMenu= new QMenu(parent);
  returnsMenu= new QMenu(parent);
  lookupMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  lookupQuoteMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  lookupSoMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  formsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  reportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  analysisMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  prospectMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  customerMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  pricingReportsMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  pricingMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  pricingUpdateMenu = new QMenu(parent);
  utilitiesMenu = new QMenu(parent);


  actionProperties acts[] = {
    // Sales | Quotes
    { "menu",	tr("&Quote"),	(char*)quotesMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.newQuote", tr("&New..."),	SLOT(sNewQuote()), quotesMenu, "MaintainQuotes",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.listQuotes", tr("&List..."),	SLOT(sQuotes()), quotesMenu, "MaintainQuotes ViewQuotes",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Sales Order
    { "menu",	tr("&Sales Order"),	(char*)ordersMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.newSalesOrder", 	     tr("&New..."),		SLOT(sNewSalesOrder()),   ordersMenu, "MaintainSalesOrders", NULL, NULL,	 true, NULL },
    { "so.listOpenSalesOrders",      tr("&List Open..."),	SLOT(sOpenSalesOrders()), ordersMenu, "MaintainSalesOrders ViewSalesOrders",	QPixmap(":/images/listOpenSalesOrders.png"), toolBar,  true, tr("List Open Sales Orders") },

    // Sales | Billing
    { "menu",	tr("&Billing"),     (char*)billingMenu,		mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Billing | Invoice
    { "menu",	tr("&Invoice"),   (char*)billingInvoicesMenu,	billingMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.uninvoicedShipments",		     tr("&Uninvoiced Shipments..."),			SLOT(sUninvoicedShipments()), 		billingInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling",	 QPixmap(":/images/uninvoicedShipments"), toolBar, true, tr("Uninvoiced Shipments") },
    { "so.selectAllShippedOrdersForBilling", tr("Approve &All Shipped Orders for Billing..."),	SLOT(sSelectShippedOrdersForBilling()), billingInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.selectOrderForBilling",	     tr("Approve &Order for Billing..."),			SLOT(sSelectOrderForBilling()),		billingInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	billingInvoicesMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspBillingSelections",	     tr("Billing &Approvals..."),	SLOT(sDspBillingSelections()), billingInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling", QPixmap(":/images/billingSelections"), toolBar, true, tr("Billing Approvals") },
    { "so.createInvoices",	     tr("&Create Invoices..."),	SLOT(sCreateInvoices()), billingInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	billingInvoicesMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.listUnpostedInvoices",	     tr("&List Unposted Invoices..."),	SLOT(sUnpostedInvoices()), billingInvoicesMenu, "SelectBilling",	NULL, NULL,  true, NULL },
    { "so.postInvoices",		     tr("Post &Invoices..."),		SLOT(sPostInvoices()), billingInvoicesMenu, "PostMiscInvoices",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Sales | Billing | Return
    { "menu",	tr("&Return"), (char*)billingCreditMemosMenu,	billingMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.newCreditMemo",		     tr("&New..."),		SLOT(sNewCreditMemo()), billingCreditMemosMenu, "MaintainCreditMemos",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.listUnpostedCreditMemos",	     tr("&List Unposted..."),	SLOT(sUnpostedCreditMemos()), billingCreditMemosMenu, "MaintainCreditMemos ViewCreditMemos",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.creditMemoEditList",		     tr("&Edit List..."),	SLOT(sCreditMemoEditList()), billingCreditMemosMenu, "MaintainCreditMemos ViewCreditMemos",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	billingCreditMemosMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.postCreditMemos",		     tr("&Post..."),	SLOT(sPostCreditMemos()), billingCreditMemosMenu, "PostARDocuments",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	billingMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Billing | Forms
    { "menu",	tr("&Forms"), (char*)billingFormsMenu,	billingMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.printInvoices",		     tr("&Print Invoices..."),		SLOT(sPrintInvoices()), billingFormsMenu, "PrintInvoices",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.reprintInvoices",		     tr("&Re-Print Invoices..."),	SLOT(sReprintInvoices()), billingFormsMenu, "PrintInvoices",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	billingFormsMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "so.printCreditMemos",		     tr("Print &Returns..."),	SLOT(sPrintCreditMemos()), billingFormsMenu, "PrintCreditMemos",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.reprintCreditMemos",		     tr("Re-Print &Returns..."),	SLOT(sReprintCreditMemos()), billingFormsMenu, "PrintCreditMemos",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Sales | Returns
    { "menu",	tr("&Return"),	(char*)returnsMenu,	mainMenu, "true",	NULL, NULL,  _metrics->boolean("EnableReturnAuth"), NULL },
    { "so.newReturn", tr("&New..."),	SLOT(sNewReturn()), returnsMenu, "MaintainReturns",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.openReturns", tr("&List Open..."),	SLOT(sOpenReturns()), returnsMenu, "MaintainReturns ViewReturns",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	returnsMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "so.returnsWorkbench", tr("&Workbench..."),	SLOT(sReturnsWorkbench()), returnsMenu, "MaintainReturns ViewReturns",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	mainMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Lookup
    { "menu",	tr("&Lookup"),           (char*)lookupMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Lookup | Quote Lookup
    { "menu",	tr("&Quote"),           (char*)lookupQuoteMenu,	lookupMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspQuoteLookupByCustomer", tr("by &Customer..."),	SLOT(sDspQuoteLookupByCustomer()), lookupQuoteMenu, "ViewQuotes",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspQuoteOrderLookupByItem", tr("by &Item..."),	SLOT(sDspQuoteLookupByItem()), lookupQuoteMenu, "ViewQuotes",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Lookup | Sales Order Lookup
    { "menu",	tr("&Sales Order"),           (char*)lookupSoMenu,	lookupMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspSalesOrderLookupByCustomerType", tr("by Customer &Type..."),	SLOT(sDspOrderLookupByCustomerType()), lookupSoMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspSalesOrderLookupByCustomer", tr("by &Customer..."),	SLOT(sDspOrderLookupByCustomer()), lookupSoMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspSalesOrderLookupByCustomerPO", tr("by Customer &PO..."),	SLOT(sDspOrderLookupByCustomerPO()), lookupSoMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspSalesOrderLookupByItem", tr("by &Item..."),	SLOT(sDspOrderLookupByItem()), lookupSoMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	lookupMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL }, 
    { "so.dspSalesOrderStatus", tr("Sales Order S&tatus..."),	SLOT(sDspSalesOrderStatus()), lookupMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },   
    // Sales | Forms
    { "menu",	tr("&Forms"),           (char*)formsMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.printSalesOrderForm", tr("Print Sales &Order Form..."),	SLOT(sPrintSalesOrderForm()), formsMenu, "MaintainSalesOrders ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.printReturnAuthForm", tr("Print &Return Auth. Form..."),	SLOT(sPrintReturnAuthForm()), formsMenu, "MaintainReturns",	NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("EnableReturnAuth"), NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	formsMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true , NULL }, 
    { "so.packingListBatch", tr("Packing &List Batch..."),	SLOT(sPackingListBatch()), formsMenu, "MaintainPackingListBatch ViewPackingListBatch",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.printPackingList", tr("&Print Packing List..."),	SLOT(sPrintPackingList()), formsMenu, "PrintPackingLists",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Sales | Reports
    { "menu",	tr("&Reports"),           (char*)reportsMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspSummarizedBacklogByWarehouse", tr("Su&mmarized Backlog..."),	SLOT(sDspSummarizedBacklogByWarehouse()), reportsMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	QPixmap(":/images/dspSummarizedBacklogByWhse.png"), toolBar,  true, tr("Summarized Backlog") },

    // Sales | Reports | Backlog
    { "so.dspBacklog", tr("&Backlog..."),	SLOT(sDspBacklog()), reportsMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspPartiallyShippedOrders", tr("&Partially Shipped Orders..."),	SLOT(sDspPartiallyShippedOrders()), reportsMenu, "ViewSalesOrders",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspReservations", tr("Reservations by Item..."),	SLOT(sDspReservations()), reportsMenu, "ViewInventoryAvailability",	NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("EnableSOReservations"), NULL },    
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	reportsMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },   
    // Sales | Reports | Inventory Availability
    { "so.dspInventoryAvailability", tr("Inventory &Availability..."),	SLOT(sDspInventoryAvailability()), reportsMenu, "ViewInventoryAvailability",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspInventoryAvailabilityBySalesOrder", tr("Availability by &Sales Order..."),	SLOT(sDspInventoryAvailabilityBySalesOrder()), reportsMenu, "ViewInventoryAvailability",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspInventoryAvailabilityByCustomerType", tr("Availability by &Customer Type..."),	SLOT(sDspInventoryAvailabilityByCustomerType()), reportsMenu, "ViewInventoryAvailability",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	reportsMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspEarnedCommissions", tr("&Earned Commissions..."),	SLOT(sDspEarnedCommissions()), reportsMenu, "ViewCommissions",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspBriefEarnedCommissions", tr("B&rief Earned Commissions..."),	SLOT(sDspBriefEarnedCommissions()), reportsMenu, "ViewCommissions",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspTaxHistory", tr("Tax History..."),	SLOT(sDspTaxHistory()), reportsMenu, "ViewTaxReconciliations",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	reportsMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Analysis
    { "menu",	tr("&Analysis"),           (char*)analysisMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "sa.dspBookings", tr("&Bookings..."), SLOT(sDspBookings()), analysisMenu, "ViewSalesOrders", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "sa.dspTimePhasedBookings", tr("T&ime Phased Bookings..."), SLOT(sDspTimePhasedBookings()), analysisMenu, "ViewSalesOrders", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	analysisMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "sa.dspSalesHistory", tr("Sales &History..."), SLOT(sDspSalesHistory()), analysisMenu, "ViewSalesHistory", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "sa.dspBriefSalesHistory", tr("Brie&f Sales History..."), SLOT(sDspBriefSalesHistory()), analysisMenu, "ViewSalesHistory", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "sa.dspSummarizedSalesHistory", tr("Summari&zed Sales History..."), SLOT(sDspSummarizedSales()), analysisMenu, "ViewSalesHistory", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "sa.dspTimePhasedSalesHistory", tr("Time &Phased Sales History..."), SLOT(sDspTimePhasedSales()), analysisMenu, "ViewSalesHistory", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	mainMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Sales | Prospect
    { "menu",	tr("&Prospect"),       (char*)prospectMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.enterNewProspect", tr("&New..."),	SLOT(sNewProspect()), prospectMenu, "MaintainProspectMasters",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.prospects", tr("&List..."),	SLOT(sProspects()), prospectMenu, "MaintainProspectMasters ViewProspectMasters",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Sales | Customer
    { "menu",	tr("&Customer"),       (char*)customerMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.enterNewCustomer", tr("&New..."),	SLOT(sNewCustomer()), customerMenu, "MaintainCustomerMasters",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.customers", tr("&List..."),	SLOT(sCustomers()), customerMenu, "MaintainCustomerMasters ViewCustomerMasters",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	customerMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.customerWorkbench", tr("&Workbench..."),	SLOT(sCustomerWorkbench()), customerMenu, "MaintainCustomerMasters ViewCustomerMasters",	QPixmap(":/images/customerInformationWorkbench.png"), toolBar,  true, tr("Customer Workbench") }, 
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	customerMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.customerGroups", tr("&Groups..."),	SLOT(sCustomerGroups()), customerMenu, "MaintainCustomerGroups ViewCustomerGroups",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    // Sales | Pricing
    { "menu",	tr("Pricing"),       (char*)pricingMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.itemListPrice", tr("Item &List Price..."),	SLOT(sItemListPrice()), pricingMenu, "MaintainListPrices ViewListPrices",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.updateListPricesByProductCategory", tr("&Update List Prices..."),	SLOT(sUpdateListPricesByProductCategory()), pricingMenu, "MaintainListPrices",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	pricingMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.pricingSchedules", tr("Pricing &Schedules..."),	SLOT(sPricingSchedules()), pricingMenu, "MaintainListPrices ViewListPrices",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.updatePricingSchedules", tr("Update Pricing Schedules..."),	SLOT(sUpdatePrices()), pricingMenu, "UpdatePricingSchedules",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.pricingScheduleAssignments", tr("Pricing Schedule Assi&gnments..."),	SLOT(sPricingScheduleAssignments()), pricingMenu, "AssignPricingSchedules",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.sales", tr("S&ales..."),	SLOT(sSales()), pricingMenu, "CreateSales",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	pricingMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    // Sales | Pricing | Reports
    { "menu",	tr("&Reports"),	(char*)pricingReportsMenu,	pricingMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspPricesByCustomerType", tr("Item Prices by Customer &Type..."),	SLOT(sDspPricesByCustomerType()), pricingReportsMenu, "ViewCustomerPrices", NULL, NULL,	 true, NULL },
    { "so.dspPricesByCustomer", tr("Item Prices by &Customer..."),	SLOT(sDspPricesByCustomer()), pricingReportsMenu, "ViewCustomerPrices", NULL, NULL,	 true, NULL },
    { "so.dspPricesByItem", tr("Item Prices by &Item..."),	SLOT(sDspPricesByItem()), pricingReportsMenu, "ViewCustomerPrices", NULL, NULL,	 true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	pricingReportsMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.dspFreightPricesByCustomerType", tr("Freight Prices by Customer &Type..."),	SLOT(sDspFreightPricesByCustomerType()), pricingReportsMenu, "ViewCustomerPrices", NULL, NULL,	 true, NULL },
    { "so.dspFreightPricesByCustomer", tr("Freight Prices by &Customer..."),	SLOT(sDspFreightPricesByCustomer()), pricingReportsMenu, "ViewCustomerPrices", NULL, NULL,	 true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	mainMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },

    { "menu",	tr("&Utilities"),         (char*)utilitiesMenu,	mainMenu,	"true",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.reassignCustomerTypeByCustomerType", tr("&Reassign Customer Type by Customer Type..."),	SLOT(sReassignCustomerTypeByCustomerType()), utilitiesMenu, "MaintainCustomerMasters",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.updateCreditStatusByCustomer", tr("&Update Credit Status by Customer..."),	SLOT(sUpdateCreditStatusByCustomer()), utilitiesMenu, "MaintainCustomerMasters UpdateCustomerCreditStatus",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	utilitiesMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.purgeInvoices",		     tr("Purge &Invoices..."),		SLOT(sPurgeInvoices()), utilitiesMenu, "PurgeInvoices",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "so.purgeCreditMemos",		     tr("Purge &Returns..."),	SLOT(sPurgeCreditMemos()), utilitiesMenu, "PurgeCreditMemos",	NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	utilitiesMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("EnableSOReservations"), NULL },
    { "so.allocateReservations", tr("Allocate Reser&vations..."), SLOT(sAllocateReservations()), utilitiesMenu, "MaintainReservations", NULL, NULL, _metrics->boolean("EnableSOReservations") , NULL },
    { "separator",	NULL,	NULL,	utilitiesMenu,	"true",		NULL, NULL, true, NULL },
    { "sa.archieveSalesHistory", tr("&Archive Sales History..."), SLOT(sArchiveSalesHistory()), utilitiesMenu, "ArchiveSalesHistory", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },
    { "sa.restoreSalesHistory", tr("Restore &Sales History..."), SLOT(sRestoreSalesHistory()), utilitiesMenu, "RestoreSalesHistory", NULL, NULL, true , NULL },

    { "so.setup",	tr("&Setup..."),	SLOT(sSetup()),	mainMenu,	NULL,	NULL,	NULL,	true, NULL	},


  addActionsToMenu(acts, sizeof(acts) / sizeof(acts[0]));

  parent->populateCustomMenu(mainMenu, "Sales");
  QAction * m = parent->menuBar()->addMenu(mainMenu);