sRect CCBFrameLook::GetClientRect(CCFrame* pFrame, sRect& r) { if(GetCustomLook() == 1) { int al = FRAME_OUTLINE_WIDTH+FRAME_WIDTH+FRAME_INLINE_WIDTH+RECT_DEFAULT_SPACE; int au = m_pFrameBitmaps[7]->GetHeight() + FRAME_OUTLINE_WIDTH + FRAME_INLINE_WIDTH+RECT_DEFAULT_SPACE; return sRect(r.x+al, r.y+au, r.w-(al*2), r.h-(al+au)); } if( GetCustomLook() == 2 ) { #define CUSTOM2_FRAME_OFFSET_WIDTH 2 #define CUSTOM2_FRAME_OFFSET_HEIGHT 10 return sRect(r.x + CUSTOM2_FRAME_OFFSET_WIDTH, r.y + CUSTOM2_FRAME_OFFSET_HEIGHT , r.w - 2 * CUSTOM2_FRAME_OFFSET_WIDTH, r.h - 2 * CUSTOM2_FRAME_OFFSET_HEIGHT); } else { if(IsNull(m_pFrameBitmaps, FRAME_BITMAP_COUNT)==true) return r; float fScale = GetScale(); int al = (int)(fScale * m_pFrameBitmaps[3]->GetWidth()); int au = (int)(fScale * m_pFrameBitmaps[7]->GetHeight()); int ar = (int)(fScale * m_pFrameBitmaps[5]->GetWidth()); int ab = (int)(fScale * m_pFrameBitmaps[1]->GetHeight()); return sRect(r.x+al, r.y+au, r.w-(al+ar), r.h-(au+ab)); } }
void KexiTableViewHeader::setSelectedSection(int section) { if (m_selectedSection == section || (section != -1 && section >= count())) return; const int oldSection = m_selectedSection; m_selectedSection = section; if (oldSection != -1) update(sRect(oldSection)); if (m_selectedSection != -1) update(sRect(m_selectedSection)); }
ZQ<ZRectPOD> Insert(const ZDCPixmap& iPixmap) { const ZPointPOD theSourceSize = iPixmap.Size(); const ZPointPOD thePaddedSize = theSourceSize + sPointPOD(2*fPaddingX,2*fPaddingY); for (;;) { int theX, theY; if (spInsert(fRoot, fCapX, fCapY, X(thePaddedSize), Y(thePaddedSize), 0, 0, theX, theY)) { const ZPointPOD destLocation = sPointPOD(theX+fPaddingX, theY+fPaddingY); fPixmap.CopyFrom(destLocation, iPixmap, sRect(theSourceSize)); const ZRectPOD result = sRect(theSourceSize) + destLocation; fUsedX = sMax(fUsedX, R(result) + fPaddingX); fUsedY = sMax(fUsedY, B(result) + fPaddingY); return result; } else { const int newCapX = fCapX + X(thePaddedSize); const int newCapY = fCapY + Y(thePaddedSize); fGrowHorizontal = not fGrowHorizontal; if (fGrowHorizontal && newCapX <= X(fPixmap.Size())) { ZRef<Node> newRoot = new Node; newRoot->fVertical = true; newRoot->fPos = fCapX; newRoot->f0 = fRoot; newRoot->f1 = new Node; fRoot = newRoot; fCapX = newCapX; } else if (newCapY <= Y(fPixmap.Size())) { ZRef<Node> newRoot = new Node; newRoot->fVertical = false; newRoot->fPos = fCapY; newRoot->f0 = fRoot; newRoot->f1 = new Node; fRoot = newRoot; fCapY = newCapY; } else { return null; } } } }
/*! \reimp */ void QHeader::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( e->button() != LeftButton ) return; State oldState = state; state = Idle; switch ( oldState ) { case Pressed: { int section = d->i2s[handleIdx]; repaint(sRect( handleIdx ), FALSE); emit released( section ); if ( sRect( handleIdx ).contains( e->pos() ) ) { emit sectionClicked( handleIdx ); emit clicked( section ); } } break; case Sliding: { int c = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y(); c += offset(); handleColumnResize( handleIdx, c, TRUE ); } break; case Moving: { #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR unsetCursor(); #endif int section = d->i2s[handleIdx]; if ( handleIdx != moveToIdx && moveToIdx != -1 ) { moveSection( section, moveToIdx ); repaint(); // a bit overkill, but removes the handle as well emit moved( handleIdx, moveToIdx ); emit indexChange( section, handleIdx, moveToIdx ); emit released( section ); } else { repaint(sRect( handleIdx ), FALSE ); if ( sRect( handleIdx).contains( e->pos() ) ) { emit released( section ); emit sectionClicked( handleIdx ); emit clicked( section ); } } break; } case Blocked: //nothing break; default: // empty, probably. Idle, at any rate. break; } }
void sTabBorderBase::OnPaint(int layer) { auto sty = Style(); auto pnt = Painter(); if(BoxesDirty) UpdateElements(); sRect r(Outer); r.y1 = r.y0 + ReqSizeY; sty->Rect(layer,this,sSK_ToolBorder_Top,r); sDragDropIcon icon; int mx,my; int drophere = -1; if(Gui->GetDragDropInfo(this,icon,mx,my)) drophere = FindDragDrop(icon,mx,my); if(drophere==0) { pnt->SetLayer(layer+1); pnt->Rect(sty->Colors[sGC_HoverFeedback],sRect(Client.x0,Client.y0,Client.x0+2,Client.y1)); } int n = 0; for(sTabDummyElement *e : *Array) { sTabElementInfo &info = e->*Info; int mod = 0; if(Pressed && e==Selected) mod |= sSM_Pressed; if(e==*WindowSelect) mod |= sSM_WindowSel; if(e==*GlobalSelect) mod |= sSM_GlobalSel; if(info.HoverDelete && (Flags & sWF_Hover)) mod |= sSM_HoverIcon; sty->Rect(layer,this,sSK_TabItem,info.Client,mod,info.Name); n++; if(n==drophere) { int x = info.Client.x1 + 4; pnt->SetLayer(layer+1); pnt->Rect(sty->Colors[sGC_HoverFeedback],sRect(x-1,Client.y0,x+1,Client.y1)); } } }
BOOL CMsgReplayWnd::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext) { //Creation of the listbox window CRect sRect(0,0,0,0); this->GetClientRect(sRect); int nReplayMode = m_ouReplayDetails.m_ouReplayFile.m_nReplayMode; DWORD wListStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | LVS_REPORT | LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_OWNERDATA; // Virtual List control if( nReplayMode == defREPLAY_MODE_MONOSHOT) { wListStyle |= LVS_SINGLESEL; } m_omMessageList.Create( wListStyle, sRect, this, IDC_LSTB_REPLAY ); m_omMessageList.SetExtendedStyle( LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT ); // Create Image if( m_omImageList.Create( IDB_BMP_BREAKPOINT, defICON_SIZE, defICON_GROW, WHITE_COLOR ) == TRUE ) { m_omMessageList.SetImageList( &m_omImageList, LVSIL_SMALL ); } // Insert invisible column m_omMessageList.InsertColumn( 0, "" ); // Set the window icon SetIcon( AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICO_REPLAY), TRUE); return CMDIChildWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext); }
/*! \reimp */ void QHeader::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( e->button() != LeftButton || state != Idle ) return; handleIdx = 0; int c = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y(); c += offset(); int section = sectionAt( c ); if ( section < 0 ) return; int index = d->s2i[section]; if ( (index > 0 && c < d->positions[index] + GRIPMARGIN) || (c > d->positions[index] + d->sizes[section] - GRIPMARGIN) ) { if ( c < d->positions[index] + GRIPMARGIN ) handleIdx = index-1; else handleIdx = index; oldHIdxSize = d->sizes[ d->i2s[handleIdx] ]; state = d->resize[d->i2s[handleIdx] ] ? Sliding : Blocked; } else if ( index >= 0 ) { handleIdx = index; moveToIdx = -1; state = d->clicks[ d->i2s[handleIdx] ] ? Pressed : Blocked; clickPos = c; repaint( sRect( handleIdx ) ); emit pressed( section ); } }
void QHeader::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *m ) { if ( m->button() != LeftButton ) return; handleIdx = 0; int c = orient == Horizontal ? m->pos().x() : m->pos().y(); int i = 0; while ( i < (int) count() ) { if ( pPos(i+1) - MINSIZE/2 < c && c < pPos(i+1) + MINSIZE/2 ) { handleIdx = i+1; oldHIdxSize = cellSize( i ); if ( data->resize.testBit(i) ) state = Sliding; else state = Blocked; break; } else if ( pPos(i) < c && c < pPos( i+1 ) ) { handleIdx = i; moveToIdx = -1; if ( data->clicks.testBit(i) ) state = Pressed; else state = Blocked; clickPos = c; repaint(sRect( handleIdx )); break; } i++; } }
sRect CCBButtonLook::GetClientRect(CCButton* pButton, sRect& r) { float fScale = GetScale(); int al = (int)(fScale * GETWIDTH(m_pUpBitmaps[3])); int au = (int)(fScale * GETHEIGHT(m_pUpBitmaps[7])); int ar = (int)(fScale * GETWIDTH(m_pUpBitmaps[5])); int ab = (int)(fScale * GETHEIGHT(m_pUpBitmaps[1])); return sRect(r.x+al, r.y+au, r.w-(al+ar), r.h-(au+ab)); }
void FlatCheckbox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); p.setOpacity(_opacity); if (_st.bgColor != st::transparent) { p.fillRect(rect(), _st.bgColor->b); } if (!_text.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(_st.font->f); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); p.setPen((_state & StateDisabled ? _st.disColor : _st.textColor)->p); QRect tRect(rect()); tRect.setTop(_st.textTop); tRect.setLeft(_st.textLeft); // p.drawText(_st.textLeft, _st.textTop + _st.font->ascent, _text); p.drawText(tRect, _text, QTextOption(style::al_topleft)); } if (_state & StateDisabled) { QRect sRect(_checked ? _st.chkDisImageRect : _st.disImageRect); p.drawPixmap(_st.imagePos, App::sprite(), sRect); } else if ((_checked && _st.chkImageRect == _st.chkOverImageRect) || (!_checked && _st.imageRect == _st.overImageRect)) { p.setOpacity(_opacity); QRect sRect(_checked ? _st.chkImageRect : _st.imageRect); p.drawPixmap(_st.imagePos, App::sprite(), sRect); } else { if (a_over.current() < 1) { QRect sRect(_checked ? _st.chkImageRect : _st.imageRect); p.drawPixmap(_st.imagePos, App::sprite(), sRect); } if (a_over.current() > 0) { p.setOpacity(_opacity * a_over.current()); QRect sRect(_checked ? _st.chkOverImageRect : _st.overImageRect); p.drawPixmap(_st.imagePos, App::sprite(), sRect); } } }
sRect CCBTabCtrlLook::GetClientRect(CCTabCtrl* pTabCtrl, sRect& r) { int al = GETWIDTH(m_pFrameBitmaps[3]); int au = GETHEIGHT(m_pFrameBitmaps[7]); int ar = GETWIDTH(m_pFrameBitmaps[5]); int ab = GETHEIGHT(m_pFrameBitmaps[1]); int nWidth = r.w-(al+ar); const int nMargin = 2; return sRect(r.x+al + nMargin, r.y+au + nMargin, nWidth -nMargin*2, r.h-(au+ab) -nMargin*2); }
void QHeader::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *m ) { if ( m->button() != LeftButton ) return; State oldState = state; state = Idle; switch ( oldState ) { case Pressed: repaint(sRect( handleIdx )); if ( sRect( handleIdx ).contains( m->pos() ) ) emit sectionClicked( handleIdx ); break; case Sliding: { int s = orient == Horizontal ? m->pos().x() : m->pos().y(); // setCursor( arrowCursor ); // We're probably still there... handleColumnResize( handleIdx, s, TRUE ); } break; case Moving: { setCursor( arrowCursor ); if ( handleIdx != moveToIdx && moveToIdx != -1 ) { moveAround( handleIdx, moveToIdx ); emit moved( handleIdx, moveToIdx ); repaint(); } else { if ( sRect( handleIdx).contains( m->pos() ) ) emit sectionClicked( handleIdx ); repaint(sRect( handleIdx )); } break; } case Blocked: //nothing break; default: // empty, probably. Idle, at any rate. break; } }
void QDirectFbBlitter::drawPixmapOpacity(const QRectF &rect, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRectF &subrect, QPainter::CompositionMode cmode, qreal opacity) { QRect sQRect = subrect.toRect(); QRect dQRect = rect.toRect(); DFBRectangle sRect(sQRect.x(), sQRect.y(), sQRect.width(), sQRect.height()); DFBRectangle dRect(dQRect.x(), dQRect.y(), dQRect.width(), dQRect.height()); DFBResult result; // skip if dst too small if ((dRect.w <= 0) || (dRect.h <= 0)) return; // correct roundings if needed if (sRect.w <= 0) sRect.w = 1; if (sRect.h <= 0) sRect.h = 1; QDirectFbBlitterPlatformPixmap *blitPm = static_cast<QDirectFbBlitterPlatformPixmap *>(pixmap.handle()); QDirectFbBlitter *dfbBlitter = static_cast<QDirectFbBlitter *>(blitPm->blittable()); dfbBlitter->unlock(); IDirectFBSurface *s = dfbBlitter->; DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags blittingFlags = DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags(DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL); DFBSurfacePorterDuffRule porterDuff = (cmode == QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver) ? DSPD_SRC_OVER : DSPD_SRC; if (opacity != 1.0) { blittingFlags = DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags(blittingFlags | DSBLIT_BLEND_COLORALPHA | (m_premult ? DSBLIT_SRC_PREMULTCOLOR : 0)); m_surface->SetColor(, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, (u8) (opacity * 255.0)); } m_surface->SetBlittingFlags(, DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags(blittingFlags)); m_surface->SetPorterDuff(, porterDuff); if (cmode == QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver) m_surface->SetDstBlendFunction(, DSBF_INVSRCALPHA); if ((sRect.w == dRect.w) && (sRect.h == dRect.h)) { result = m_surface->Blit(, s, &sRect, dRect.x, dRect.y); if (result != DFB_OK) DirectFBError("QDirectFBBlitter::drawPixmapOpacity()", result); if (m_debugPaint) drawDebugRect(QRect(dRect.x, dRect.y, sRect.w, sRect.h), QColor(Qt::green)); } else { result = m_surface->StretchBlit(, s, &sRect, &dRect); if (result != DFB_OK) DirectFBError("QDirectFBBlitter::drawPixmapOpacity()", result); if (m_debugPaint) drawDebugRect(QRect(dRect.x, dRect.y, dRect.w, dRect.h), QColor(Qt::red)); } }
void GSDevice11::DoInterlace(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex, int shader, bool linear, float yoffset) { GSVector4 s = GSVector4(dTex->GetSize()); GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1); GSVector4 dRect(0.0f, yoffset, s.x, s.y + yoffset); InterlaceConstantBuffer cb; cb.ZrH = GSVector2(0, 1.0f / s.y); cb.hH = s.y / 2; m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_interlace.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0); StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect,[shader], m_interlace.cb, linear); }
void GSDevice11::DoShadeBoost(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex) { GSVector2i s = dTex->GetSize(); GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1); GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y); ShadeBoostConstantBuffer cb; cb.rcpFrame = GSVector4(1.0f / s.x, 1.0f / s.y, 0.0f, 0.0f); cb.rcpFrameOpt = GSVector4::zero(); m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_shadeboost.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0); StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect,, m_shadeboost.cb, true); }
void GSDevice::ShadeBoost() { GSVector2i s = m_current->GetSize(); if(m_shadeboost == NULL || m_shadeboost->GetSize() != s) { delete m_shadeboost; m_shadeboost = CreateRenderTarget(s.x, s.y, false); } if(m_shadeboost != NULL) { GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1); GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y); StretchRect(m_current, sRect, m_shadeboost, dRect, 0, false); DoShadeBoost(m_shadeboost, m_current); } }
void GSDevice::ExternalFX() { GSVector2i s = m_current->GetSize(); if (m_shaderfx == NULL || m_shaderfx->GetSize() != s) { delete m_shaderfx; m_shaderfx = CreateRenderTarget(s.x, s.y, false); } if (m_shaderfx != NULL) { GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1); GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y); StretchRect(m_current, sRect, m_shaderfx, dRect, 7, false); DoExternalFX(m_shaderfx, m_current); } }
void GSDevice::FXAA() { GSVector2i s = m_current->GetSize(); if(m_fxaa == NULL || m_fxaa->GetSize() != s) { delete m_fxaa; m_fxaa = CreateRenderTarget(s.x, s.y, false); } if(m_fxaa != NULL) { GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1); GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y); StretchRect(m_current, sRect, m_fxaa, dRect, 7, false); DoFXAA(m_fxaa, m_current); } }
void GSDevice11::DoExternalFX(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex) { GSVector2i s = dTex->GetSize(); GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1); GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y); ExternalFXConstantBuffer cb; InitExternalFX(); cb.xyFrame = GSVector2((float)s.x, (float)s.y); cb.rcpFrame = GSVector4(1.0f / (float)s.x, 1.0f / (float)s.y, 0.0f, 0.0f); cb.rcpFrameOpt = GSVector4::zero(); m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_shaderfx.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0); StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect,, m_shaderfx.cb, true); }
void GSDevice11::DoFXAA(GSTexture* sTex, GSTexture* dTex) { GSVector2i s = dTex->GetSize(); GSVector4 sRect(0, 0, 1, 1); GSVector4 dRect(0, 0, s.x, s.y); FXAAConstantBuffer cb; InitFXAA(); cb.rcpFrame = GSVector4(1.0f / s.x, 1.0f / s.y, 0.0f, 0.0f); cb.rcpFrameOpt = GSVector4::zero(); m_ctx->UpdateSubresource(m_fxaa.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0); StretchRect(sTex, sRect, dTex, dRect,, m_fxaa.cb, true); //sTex->Save("c:\\temp1\\1.bmp"); //dTex->Save("c:\\temp1\\2.bmp"); }
sRect CCWidget::GetClientRect(){ return sRect(0, 0, m_Rect.w, m_Rect.h); }
/*! \reimp */ void QHeader::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { int section; bool hit; int c = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y(); c += offset(); switch( state ) { case Idle: hit = FALSE; if ( (section = sectionAt( c )) >= 0 ) { int index = d->s2i[section]; if ( (index > 0 && c < d->positions[index] + GRIPMARGIN) || (c > d->positions[index] + d->sizes[section] - GRIPMARGIN) ) { if ( index > 0 && c < d->positions[index] + GRIPMARGIN ) section = d->i2s[--index]; if ( d->resize.testBit(section) ) { hit = TRUE; #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR if ( orient == Horizontal ) setCursor( splitHCursor ); else setCursor( splitVCursor ); #endif } } } #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR if ( !hit ) unsetCursor(); #endif break; case Blocked: break; case Pressed: if ( QABS( c - clickPos ) > 4 && d->move ) { state = Moving; moveToIdx = -1; #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR if ( orient == Horizontal ) setCursor( sizeHorCursor ); else setCursor( sizeVerCursor ); #endif } break; case Sliding: handleColumnResize( handleIdx, c, FALSE ); break; case Moving: { int newPos = findLine( c ); if ( newPos != moveToIdx ) { if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 ) repaint( sRect(handleIdx) ); else unMarkLine( moveToIdx ); moveToIdx = newPos; if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 ) paintRect( pPos( handleIdx ), pSize( handleIdx ) ); else markLine( moveToIdx ); } break; } default: qWarning( "QHeader::mouseMoveEvent: (%s) unknown state", name() ); break; } }
void Splitter::resize(HDWP aHdwp) { if (mRowCount <= 0 || mColumnCount <= 0) return; if (mWindowRect.Width() <= 0 || mWindowRect.Height() <= 0) return; xpr_sint_t i, j; xpr_sint_t sOldRight; xpr_sint_t sOldBottom; CRect sRect(mWindowRect); Pane *sPane; sOldRight = sOldBottom = 0; HDWP sHdwp = aHdwp; if (XPR_IS_NULL(aHdwp)) sHdwp = ::BeginDeferWindowPos(mRowCount * mColumnCount); for (i = 0; i < mRowCount; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < mColumnCount; ++j) { sPane = mPanes[i] + j; if (j == 0) sRect.left = mWindowRect.left; else sRect.left = sOldRight + mSplitSize; if (i == 0) =; else = sOldBottom + mSplitSize; sRect.right = sRect.left + sPane->; sRect.bottom = + sPane->; if (j == (mColumnCount - 1)) sRect.right = mWindowRect.right; if (i == (mRowCount - 1)) sRect.bottom = mWindowRect.bottom; sPane->mVertSplitterRect = mWindowRect; sPane->mVertSplitterRect.left = sRect.right; sPane->mVertSplitterRect.right = sPane->mVertSplitterRect.left + mSplitSize; sPane->mHorzSplitterRect = mWindowRect; sPane-> = sRect.bottom; sPane->mHorzSplitterRect.bottom = sPane-> + mSplitSize; sPane-> = sRect.Width(); sPane-> = sRect.Height(); sPane->mPaneRect = sRect; if (XPR_IS_NOT_NULL(sPane->mPaneWnd)) { ::DeferWindowPos(sHdwp, *sPane->mPaneWnd, XPR_NULL, sRect.left,, sRect.Width(), sRect.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER); } sOldRight = sRect.right; } sOldBottom = sRect.bottom; } if (XPR_IS_NULL(aHdwp)) ::EndDeferWindowPos(sHdwp); }
void DrawBitmapFrame2(CCDrawContext* pDC, sRect& r, sRect& cr, CCBitmap* Bms[9]) { if(Bms[0]&&Bms[0]) { //자신의 영역을 둘러싸는 이미지를 그려준다.. // 9곳 회전해서 그리기.. // 1 2 3 // 4 5 6 // 7 8 9 Bms[0]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_Normal); Bms[1]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_Normal); sRect cliprect = pDC->GetClipRect();//잠시풀어준다.. pDC->SetColor(sColor(255,255,255,255)); // pDC->SetOpacity(255); // pDC->SetClipRect(0,0,CCGetWorkspaceWidth(),CCGetWorkspaceHeight()); pDC->SetClipRect( cr.x, cr.y, cr.w, cr.h ); // pDC->SetBitmapColor(color); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[0] ); pDC->Draw(r.x, r.y, 16, 16); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[1] ); pDC->Draw(r.x+16, r.y, r.w-32,16); Bms[0]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_FlipLR); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[0] ); pDC->Draw(r.x+r.w-16, r.y, 16, 16); //그려야할사이즈가있다면~ 중간단계 if(r.h > 32) { Bms[1]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_RotL90); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[1] ); pDC->Draw(r.x, r.y+16, 16, r.h-32); //중간색채우기 pDC->SetColor(sColor(0xffD9D9D9));//임시 pDC->FillRectangle(sRect(r.x+16,r.y+16,r.w-32,r.h-32)); Bms[1]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_RotR90); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[1] ); pDC->Draw(r.x+r.w-16, r.y+16, 16, r.h-32); } // 아래부분~ Bms[0]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_FlipUD); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[0] ); pDC->Draw(r.x, r.y+r.h-16, 16, 16); Bms[1]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_FlipUD); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[1] ); pDC->Draw(r.x+16, r.y+r.h-16, r.w-32,16); Bms[0]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_FlipUD|CCBM_FlipLR); pDC->SetBitmap( Bms[0] ); pDC->Draw(r.x+r.w-16, r.y+r.h-16, 16, 16); Bms[0]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_Normal); Bms[1]->SetDrawMode(CCBM_Normal); // pDC->SetBitmapColor(sColor(255,255,255,255)); pDC->SetClipRect(cliprect); } }
void DrawBitmapFrame9(CCDrawContext* pDC, sRect& r, CCBitmap* Bms[9],bool bStretch,float fScale) { //if(IsNull(Bms, 9)==true) return; /* 6 7 8 3 4 5 0 1 2 */ int add_h = 0;//버튼이 너무 작아졌을때 뭉개지는것 우선 땜질~ //if(button && (r.h < 24)) add_h = 1; int bmw[9] = {0,}; int bmh[9] = {0,}; int dtw[9] = {0,}; // scale 이 감안된 크기 int dth[9] = {0,}; for(int i=0; i<9; i++){ bmw[i] = GETWIDTH(Bms[i]); bmh[i] = GETHEIGHT(Bms[i]); dtw[i] = (int)(fScale * bmw[i]); dth[i] = (int)(fScale * bmh[i]); } // Body(4) pDC->SetBitmap(Bms[4]); int bdw = dtw[4]; int bdh = dth[4]; int sx = min(min(dtw[3], dtw[0]), dtw[6]); int sy = min(min(dth[7], dth[6]), dth[8]); int ex = min(min(dtw[5], dtw[8]), dtw[2]); int ey = min(min(dth[1], dth[0]), dth[2]); int bw = r.w-sx-ex; int bh = r.h-sy-ey; int wc = 0; if(bdw>0) wc = bw/bdw; int hc = 0; if(bdh>0) hc = bh/bdh; /* if(bw%bdw!=0) wc += 1; if(bh%bdh!=0) hc += 1; */ if (!bStretch) { for(int y=0; y<hc; y++){ for(int x=0; x<wc; x++){ pDC->Draw(r.x+sx+x*bdw, r.y+sy+y*bdh , bdw, bdh); } } // Bms[4] 크기로는 모자른 부분을 짤라서 맞춰 찍음 if(bdw>0 && (bw%bdw)>0){ for(int y=0; y<hc; y++){ //pDC->Draw(r.x+sx+bw-bdw, r.y+sy+y*bdh, true); pDC->Draw(r.x+sx+wc*bdw, r.y+sy+y*bdh, bw%bdw, bdh, 0, 0, bw%bdw, bdh); } } if(bdh>0 && (bh%bdh)>0){ for(int x=0; x<wc; x++){ //pDC->Draw(r.x+sx+x*bdw, r.y+sy+bh-bdh, true); pDC->Draw(r.x+sx+x*bdw, r.y+sy+hc*bdh, bdw, bh%bdh, 0, 0, bdw, bh%bdh); } } //모서리 if(bdw>0 && bdh>0 && (bw%bdw)>0 && (bh%bdh)>0){ pDC->Draw(r.x+sx+wc*bdw, r.y+sy+hc*bdh, bw%bdw, bh%bdh, 0, 0, bw%bdw, bh%bdh); //pDC->Draw(r.x+sx+bw-bdw, r.y+sy+bh-bdh, true); } } else { sRect rcClient = sRect(sx, sy, bw, bh); pDC->Draw(rcClient); } // Upper int uw = r.w - (dtw[6]+dtw[8]); HLineBitmap(pDC, r.x+dtw[6], r.y, uw, Bms[7], bStretch, fScale); // Bottom int dw = r.w - (dtw[0]+dtw[2]); HLineBitmap(pDC, r.x+dtw[0], r.y+r.h-dth[1], dw, Bms[1], bStretch, fScale); // Left int lh = r.h - (dth[0]+dth[6]); VLineBitmap(pDC, r.x, r.y+dth[6]+add_h, lh, Bms[3], bStretch, fScale); // Right int rh = r.h - (dth[2]+dth[8]); VLineBitmap(pDC, r.x+r.w-dtw[5], r.y+dth[8]+add_h, rh, Bms[5], bStretch, fScale); // 6 pDC->SetBitmap(Bms[6]); pDC->Draw(r.x, r.y, dtw[6], dth[6]); // 8 pDC->SetBitmap(Bms[8]); pDC->Draw(r.x+r.w-dtw[8], r.y, dtw[8], dth[8]); // 0 pDC->SetBitmap(Bms[0]); pDC->Draw(r.x, r.y+r.h-dth[0], dtw[0], dth[0]); // 2 pDC->SetBitmap(Bms[2]); pDC->Draw(r.x+r.w-dtw[2], r.y+r.h-dth[2], dtw[2], dth[2]); }
sRect CCClientToScreen(CCWidget* pWidget, sRect& p){ sRect r = pWidget->GetScreenRect(); return sRect(p.x+r.x, p.y+r.y, p.w, p.h); }
sRect CCScreenToClient(CCWidget* pWidget, sRect& p){ sRect r = pWidget->GetScreenRect(); return sRect(p.x-r.x, p.y-r.y, p.w, p.h); }
sRect S_GetWindowSize(){ cGraphics *gr = sEngine->GetGraphicsManager(); return sRect(0, 0, gr->GetWidth(), gr->GetHeight()); }
void MainWindow::saveContextsPixmapToFile() { QString fileName; bool quick = true; QString filep = filepath + ".temp/mask.png"; if(quick == true) { fileName = filep; } else { fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save contexts image"), tr((const char*)filep.toLatin1()), tr("*.png")); } if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; QFile file(fileName); if (! | QFile::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Save mask image"), tr("Cannot save file %1:\n%2.") .arg(fileName) .arg(file.errorString())); return; } QImage image(388,288,QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); QRect sRect(0,0,388,288); QPainter painter(&image); rbeVisualizeWidget->getDrawScene()->render(&painter); //traslate pixel QRgb pixColor; //set a mask image, keep the area color, black the rest for (int i = 0; i < image.width(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < image.height(); ++j) { pixColor = image.pixel(i, j); bool value = false; for(int k = 0 ; k < generalContainer->getGeneralContextItems()->size(); k++) { if(rbeVisualizeWidget->getDrawScene()->items()[k]->type() == RbeVisualizeWidget_GraphicsScene::POLYGON_ITEM) { RbeVisualizeWidget_PolygonItem *item = qgraphicsitem_cast<RbeVisualizeWidget_PolygonItem*>(rbeVisualizeWidget->getDrawScene()->items()[k]); if(QColor::fromRgb(pixColor) == item->getColor()) { value = true; } } } if(value == false) { image.setPixel(i, j, qRgb(0,0,0));//set to black } } },"PNG"); }
CCWidget::CCWidget(const char* szName, CCWidget* pParent, CCListener* pListener){ g_nWidgetCount++; m_iID = g_nWidgetCount; if(szName==NULL) m_szName[0] = NULL; else{ if(strlen(szName)<CCWIDGET_NAME_LENGTH){ strcpy(m_szName, szName); } else{ memcpy(m_szName, szName, CCWIDGET_NAME_LENGTH-4); m_szName[CCWIDGET_NAME_LENGTH-4] = '.'; m_szName[CCWIDGET_NAME_LENGTH-3] = '.'; m_szName[CCWIDGET_NAME_LENGTH-2] = '.'; m_szName[CCWIDGET_NAME_LENGTH-1] = 0; } } // Default Region m_Rect.x = 0; m_Rect.y = 0; m_Rect.w = 100; m_Rect.h = 100; m_pParent = pParent; if(m_pParent!=NULL) m_pParent->AddChild(this); m_pListener = pListener; m_pCursor = NULL; // NULL Cursor is Default Cursor m_pFont = NULL; // NULL Font is Default Font m_bVisible = true; m_bEnable = true; m_bFocusEnable = false; // Default Focus Disabled m_pToolTip = NULL; SetAccelerator(0); m_bZOrderChangable = false; m_bResizable = false; m_iResizeSide = 0; m_bClipByParent = true; m_iOpacity = 255; m_bEnableDesignerMode = true; m_iDragWidget = 0; m_bModifiedByDesigner = false; m_bAddedByDesigner = false; m_BoundsAlignment = CCD_NOTALIGN; m_iMinWidth = 10; m_iMinHeight = 10; m_bIsListBox = false; m_iDebugType = 0; m_bEventAcceleratorCall = false; m_IDLRect = sRect(-1,-1,-1,-1); }