Esempio n. 1
        bool RejectionInfSampler::sampleUniform(State *statePtr, const Cost &minCost, const Cost &maxCost)
            // Variable
            // Whether we were successful in creating an informed sample. Initially not:
            bool foundSample = false;

            // Spend numIters_ iterations trying to find an informed sample:
            for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < InformedSampler::numIters_ && foundSample == false; ++i)
                // Call the helper function for the larger cost. It will move our iteration counter:
                foundSample = sampleUniform(statePtr, maxCost, &i);

                // Did we find a sample?
                if (foundSample == true)
                    // We did, but it only satisfied the upper bound. Check that it meets the lower bound.

                    // Variables
                    // The cost of the sample we found:
                    Cost sampledCost = InformedSampler::heuristicSolnCost(statePtr);

                    // Check if the sample's cost is greater than or equal to the lower bound
                    foundSample = InformedSampler::opt_->isCostEquivalentTo(minCost, sampledCost) || InformedSampler::opt_->isCostBetterThan(minCost, sampledCost);
                // No else, no sample was found.

            // One way or the other, we're done:
            return foundSample;
Esempio n. 2
void ompl::base::SO3StateSampler::sampleGaussian(State *state, const State * mean, const double stdDev)
    // CDF of N(0, 1.17) at -pi/4 is approx. .25, so there's .25 probability
    // weight in each tail. Since the maximum distance in SO(3) is pi/2, we're
    // essentially as likely to sample a state within distance [0, pi/4] as
    // within distance [pi/4, pi/2]. With most weight in the tails (that wrap
    // around in case of quaternions) we might as well sample uniformly.
    if (stdDev > 1.17)
    double x = rng_.gaussian(0, stdDev), y = rng_.gaussian(0, stdDev), z = rng_.gaussian(0, stdDev),
        theta = std::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
    if (theta < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
        space_->copyState(state, mean);
        SO3StateSpace::StateType q,
            *qs = static_cast<SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(state);
        const SO3StateSpace::StateType *qmu = static_cast<const SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(mean);
        double s = sin(theta / 2) / theta;
        q.w = cos(theta / 2);
        q.x = s * x;
        q.y = s * y;
        q.z = s * z;
        quaternionProduct(*qs, *qmu, q);
Esempio n. 3
task main()

	// Array for accumulating Gaussian values
	int accumulator[100];
	for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++) {
		accumulator[i] = 0;

	// Infinite loop
		// Get and print uniform-distributed and Gaussian-distributed random numbers
		float uniform_float = sampleUniform(1.0);
		float gaussian_float = sampleGaussian(0.0, 1.0);
		nxtDisplayString(1, "Uniform : %04f", uniform_float);
		nxtDisplayString(2, "Gaussian: %04f", gaussian_float);

		// Build a histogram of Gaussian numbers and plot on the NXT screen

		// Scale random number to screen resolution
		int gaussian_int = (int) (gaussian_float * 10.0) + 50;
		nxtSetPixel(gaussian_int, accumulator[gaussian_int]);


Esempio n. 4
        bool RejectionInfSampler::sampleUniform(State *statePtr, const Cost &maxCost)
            // Variable
            // The persistent iteration counter:
            unsigned int iter = 0u;

            //Call the sampleUniform helper function with my iteration counter:
            return sampleUniform(statePtr, maxCost, &iter);
Esempio n. 5
int GP_Hedge::update_hedge()
    // We just care about the differences
    double max_l = *std::max_element(loss_.begin(),loss_.end());
    loss_ += svectord(loss_.size(),max_l);

    // To avoid overflow
    double mean_g = std::accumulate(gain_.begin(),gain_.end(),0.0)
                    / static_cast<double>(gain_.size());
    gain_ -= svectord(gain_.size(),mean_g);

    // Optimal eta according to Shapire
    double max_g = *std::max_element(gain_.begin(),gain_.end());
    double eta = (std::min)(10.0,sqrt(2.0*log(3.0)/max_g));

    // Compute probabilities
    std::transform(gain_.begin(), gain_.end(), prob_.begin(),

    double sum_p =std::accumulate(prob_.begin(),prob_.end(),0.0);
    prob_ /= sum_p;

    //Update bandits gain
    gain_ -= loss_;

    std::partial_sum(prob_.begin(), prob_.end(), cumprob_.begin(),

    randFloat sampleUniform( *mtRandom, realUniformDist(0,1));
    double u = sampleUniform();

    for (size_t i=0; i < cumprob_.size(); ++i)
        if (u < cumprob_(i))
            return i;
    FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "Error updating Hedge algorithm. "
                       << "Selecting first criteria by default.";
    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
 static void sample(T* tests, int cnt, int patch_sz, int type)
    switch (type)
       case 0:     // uniform random, i.i.d.
          sampleUniform(tests, patch_sz, cnt);
       case 1:     // Gaussian random, i.i.d.
          sampleGaussian(tests, patch_sz, cnt);
          STDOUT_ERROR("Bad sample type");
Esempio n. 7
void ompl::base::SO3StateSampler::sampleUniformNear(State *state, const State *near, const double distance)
    if (distance >= .25 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>())
    double d = rng_.uniform01();
    SO3StateSpace::StateType q,
        *qs = static_cast<SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(state);
    const SO3StateSpace::StateType *qnear = static_cast<const SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(near);
    computeAxisAngle(q, rng_.gaussian01(), rng_.gaussian01(), rng_.gaussian01(), 2.*pow(d,1./3.)*distance);
    quaternionProduct(*qs, *qnear, q);
Esempio n. 8
int getRandomParticleIndex()
    float randomFloat = 0;
    float cumulativeWeight = 0;
    int currentIndex = 0;

    while (randomFloat == 0)
	    randomFloat = sampleUniform();

	  while (cumulativeWeight < randomFloat)
	      cumulativeWeight = cumulativeWeight + weightArray[currentIndex];

	  return currentIndex-1;
Esempio n. 9
void ompl::base::SO3StateSampler::sampleGaussian(State *state, const State * mean, const double stdDev)
    // The standard deviation of the individual components of the tangent
    // perturbation needs to be scaled so that the expected quaternion distance
    // between the sampled state and the mean state is stdDev. The factor 2 is
    // due to the way we define distance (see also Matt Mason's lecture notes
    // on quaternions at
    // The 1/sqrt(3) factor is necessary because the distribution in the tangent
    // space is a 3-dimensional Gaussian, so that the *length* of a tangent
    // vector needs to be scaled by 1/sqrt(3).
    double rotDev = (2. * stdDev) / boost::math::constants::root_three<double>();

    // CDF of N(0, 1.17) at -pi/4 is approx. .25, so there's .25 probability
    // weight in each tail. Since the maximum distance in SO(3) is pi/2, we're
    // essentially as likely to sample a state within distance [0, pi/4] as
    // within distance [pi/4, pi/2]. With most weight in the tails (that wrap
    // around in case of quaternions) we might as well sample uniformly.
    if (rotDev > 1.17)

    double x = rng_.gaussian(0, rotDev), y = rng_.gaussian(0, rotDev), z = rng_.gaussian(0, rotDev),
        theta = std::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
    if (theta < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
        space_->copyState(state, mean);
        SO3StateSpace::StateType q,
            *qs = static_cast<SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(state);
        const SO3StateSpace::StateType *qmu = static_cast<const SO3StateSpace::StateType*>(mean);
	double half_theta = theta / 2.0;
        double s = sin(half_theta) / theta;
        q.w = cos(half_theta);
        q.x = s * x;
        q.y = s * y;
        q.z = s * z;
        quaternionProduct(*qs, *qmu, q);
Esempio n. 10
rgbColor whittedRayTracer::_L(ray& r, const int& depth) const{
    if(depth > MAX_DEPTH){
        return rgbColor(0.f);

    const intersection isect = parent.intersect(r);
    //return rgbColor(0, isect.debugInfo / 1e8, 0);

        return rgbColor(0.f);
    }else if( != NULL){

    material& mat = ? *>getMaterial().get() : *isect.s->getMaterial().get();
    const vec3& normal = isect.shadingNormal;
    const bsdf& bsdf = mat.getBsdf(isect.uv);
    const vec3 wo = worldToBsdf(-r.direction, isect);

    bxdfType sampledType;
    rgbColor colorSum(0.f);

        return mat.Le();

    // Diffuse calculations.
    float lightPdf = 0.f;
    for(int i=0; i<parent.numLights(); ++i){
        const light& li = parent.getLight(i);
            vec3 lightDir;
            const rgbColor Li = li.sampleL(r.origin, lightDir, sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), lightPdf);
            const float lightDist = norm(lightDir);
            lightDir = normalize(lightDir);

            // Test for shadowing early.
            ray shadowRay(r.origin, lightDir);
            shadowRay.tMax = lightDist;
                const vec3 wi = worldToBsdf(lightDir, isect);
                const rgbColor f = bsdf.f(wo, wi, bxdfType(DIFFUSE | GLOSSY | REFLECTION)) + mat.Le();
                colorSum += f * dot(normal, lightDir) * (Li / lightPdf);
            rgbColor areaContrib(0.f);

            for(int j=0; j<areaSamples; ++j){
                vec3 lightDir;

                const rgbColor Li = li.sampleL(r.origin, lightDir, sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), lightPdf);

                ray shadowRay(r.origin, normalize(lightDir));
                shadowRay.tMax = norm(lightDir) + EPSILON;

                if(!parent.intersectB(shadowRay) && li.intersect(shadowRay).hit){
                    lightDir = normalize(lightDir);
                    const vec3 wi = worldToBsdf(lightDir, isect);

                    const rgbColor f = bsdf.f(wo, wi, bxdfType(DIFFUSE | GLOSSY | REFLECTION)) + mat.Le();
                    areaContrib += f * dot(normal, lightDir) * (Li / lightPdf);
            colorSum += areaContrib / (float)areaSamples;

    // Trace specular rays.
    vec3 specDir;
    float pdf;
    const rgbColor fr =
        bsdf.sampleF(sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(),
                wo, specDir, bxdfType(GLOSSY | SPECULAR | REFLECTION), sampledType, pdf);

        specDir = bsdfToWorld(specDir, isect);
        ray r2(r.origin, specDir);
        colorSum += (fr / pdf) * _L(r2, depth+1) * abs(dot(specDir, normal));

    const rgbColor ft =
        bsdf.sampleF(sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(), sampleUniform(),
                wo, specDir, bxdfType(GLOSSY | SPECULAR | TRANSMISSION), sampledType, pdf);

        specDir = bsdfToWorld(specDir, isect);
        ray r2(r.origin, specDir);
        colorSum += (ft / pdf) * _L(r2, depth+1) * abs(dot(specDir, normal));

    if(!isFinite(colorSum.avg())) {
        return ERROR_COLOR;
    } else {
        return colorSum;
Esempio n. 11
void Nucleotide::sampleAmbiguity()
  switch (rep_) {
  case NT_A:
  case NT_C:
  case NT_G:
  case NT_T:
  case NT_GAP:
  case NT_M:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_A, NT_C); break;
  case NT_R:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_A, NT_G); break;  
  case NT_W:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_A, NT_T); break;
  case NT_S:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_C, NT_G); break;
  case NT_Y:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_C, NT_T); break;
  case NT_K:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_G, NT_T); break;
  case NT_V:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_A, NT_C, NT_G); break;
  case NT_H:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_A, NT_C, NT_T); break;
  case NT_D:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_A, NT_G, NT_T); break;
  case NT_B:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_C, NT_G, NT_T); break;
  case NT_N:
    rep_ = sampleUniform(NT_A, NT_C, NT_G, NT_T); break;
    std::cerr << rep_ << std::endl;
Esempio n. 12
ompl::base::PlannerStatus ompl::geometric::RRTstar::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
    base::Goal                  *goal   = pdef_->getGoal().get();
    base::GoalSampleableRegion  *goal_s = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion*>(goal);

    bool symCost = opt_->isSymmetric();

    // Check if there are more starts
    if (pis_.haveMoreStartStates() == true)
        // There are, add them
        while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
            auto *motion = new Motion(si_);
            si_->copyState(motion->state, st);
            motion->cost = opt_->identityCost();

        // And assure that, if we're using an informed sampler, it's reset
    // No else

    if (nn_->size() == 0)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: There are no valid initial states!", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;

    //Allocate a sampler if necessary
    if (!sampler_ && !infSampler_)

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with %u states already in datastructure", getName().c_str(), nn_->size());

    if ((useTreePruning_ || useRejectionSampling_ || useInformedSampling_ || useNewStateRejection_) && !si_->getStateSpace()->isMetricSpace())
        OMPL_WARN("%s: The state space (%s) is not metric and as a result the optimization objective may not satisfy the triangle inequality. "
                  "You may need to disable pruning or rejection."
                  , getName().c_str(), si_->getStateSpace()->getName().c_str());

    const base::ReportIntermediateSolutionFn intermediateSolutionCallback = pdef_->getIntermediateSolutionCallback();

    Motion *solution       = lastGoalMotion_;

    Motion *approximation  = nullptr;
    double approximatedist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    bool sufficientlyShort = false;

    auto *rmotion        = new Motion(si_);
    base::State *rstate    = rmotion->state;
    base::State *xstate    = si_->allocState();

    std::vector<Motion*>       nbh;

    std::vector<base::Cost>    costs;
    std::vector<base::Cost>    incCosts;
    std::vector<std::size_t>   sortedCostIndices;

    std::vector<int>           valid;
    unsigned int               rewireTest = 0;
    unsigned int               statesGenerated = 0;

    if (solution)
        OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with existing solution of cost %.5f", getName().c_str(), solution->cost.value());

    if (useKNearest_)
        OMPL_INFORM("%s: Initial k-nearest value of %u", getName().c_str(), (unsigned int)std::ceil(k_rrg_ * log((double)(nn_->size() + 1u))));
        OMPL_INFORM("%s: Initial rewiring radius of %.2f", getName().c_str(), std::min(maxDistance_, r_rrg_*std::pow(log((double)(nn_->size() + 1u))/((double)(nn_->size() + 1u)), 1/(double)(si_->getStateDimension()))));

    // our functor for sorting nearest neighbors
    CostIndexCompare compareFn(costs, *opt_);

    while (ptc == false)

        // sample random state (with goal biasing)
        // Goal samples are only sampled until maxSampleCount() goals are in the tree, to prohibit duplicate goal states.
        if (goal_s && goalMotions_.size() < goal_s->maxSampleCount() && rng_.uniform01() < goalBias_ && goal_s->canSample())
            // Attempt to generate a sample, if we fail (e.g., too many rejection attempts), skip the remainder of this loop and return to try again
            if (!sampleUniform(rstate))

        // find closest state in the tree
        Motion *nmotion = nn_->nearest(rmotion);

        if (intermediateSolutionCallback && si_->equalStates(nmotion->state, rstate))

        base::State *dstate = rstate;

        // find state to add to the tree
        double d = si_->distance(nmotion->state, rstate);
        if (d > maxDistance_)
            si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nmotion->state, rstate, maxDistance_ / d, xstate);
            dstate = xstate;

        // Check if the motion between the nearest state and the state to add is valid
        if (si_->checkMotion(nmotion->state, dstate))
            // create a motion
            auto *motion = new Motion(si_);
            si_->copyState(motion->state, dstate);
            motion->parent = nmotion;
            motion->incCost = opt_->motionCost(nmotion->state, motion->state);
            motion->cost = opt_->combineCosts(nmotion->cost, motion->incCost);

            // Find nearby neighbors of the new motion
            getNeighbors(motion, nbh);

            rewireTest += nbh.size();

            // cache for distance computations
            // Our cost caches only increase in size, so they're only
            // resized if they can't fit the current neighborhood
            if (costs.size() < nbh.size())

            // cache for motion validity (only useful in a symmetric space)
            // Our validity caches only increase in size, so they're
            // only resized if they can't fit the current neighborhood
            if (valid.size() < nbh.size())
            std::fill(valid.begin(), valid.begin() + nbh.size(), 0);

            // Finding the nearest neighbor to connect to
            // By default, neighborhood states are sorted by cost, and collision checking
            // is performed in increasing order of cost
            if (delayCC_)
                // calculate all costs and distances
                for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < nbh.size(); ++i)
                    incCosts[i] = opt_->motionCost(nbh[i]->state, motion->state);
                    costs[i] = opt_->combineCosts(nbh[i]->cost, incCosts[i]);

                // sort the nodes
                // we're using index-value pairs so that we can get at
                // original, unsorted indices
                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbh.size(); ++i)
                    sortedCostIndices[i] = i;
                std::sort(sortedCostIndices.begin(), sortedCostIndices.begin() + nbh.size(),

                // collision check until a valid motion is found
                // ASYMMETRIC CASE: it's possible that none of these
                // neighbors are valid. This is fine, because motion
                // already has a connection to the tree through
                // nmotion (with populated cost fields!).
                for (std::vector<std::size_t>::const_iterator i = sortedCostIndices.begin();
                     i != sortedCostIndices.begin() + nbh.size();
                    if (nbh[*i] == nmotion || si_->checkMotion(nbh[*i]->state, motion->state))
                        motion->incCost = incCosts[*i];
                        motion->cost = costs[*i];
                        motion->parent = nbh[*i];
                        valid[*i] = 1;
                    else valid[*i] = -1;
            else // if not delayCC
                motion->incCost = opt_->motionCost(nmotion->state, motion->state);
                motion->cost = opt_->combineCosts(nmotion->cost, motion->incCost);
                // find which one we connect the new state to
                for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < nbh.size(); ++i)
                    if (nbh[i] != nmotion)
                        incCosts[i] = opt_->motionCost(nbh[i]->state, motion->state);
                        costs[i] = opt_->combineCosts(nbh[i]->cost, incCosts[i]);
                        if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(costs[i], motion->cost))
                            if (si_->checkMotion(nbh[i]->state, motion->state))
                                motion->incCost = incCosts[i];
                                motion->cost = costs[i];
                                motion->parent = nbh[i];
                                valid[i] = 1;
                            else valid[i] = -1;
                        incCosts[i] = motion->incCost;
                        costs[i] = motion->cost;
                        valid[i] = 1;

            if (useNewStateRejection_)
                if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(solutionHeuristic(motion), bestCost_))
                else // If the new motion does not improve the best cost it is ignored.
                    delete motion;
                // add motion to the tree

            bool checkForSolution = false;
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbh.size(); ++i)
                if (nbh[i] != motion->parent)
                    base::Cost nbhIncCost;
                    if (symCost)
                        nbhIncCost = incCosts[i];
                        nbhIncCost = opt_->motionCost(motion->state, nbh[i]->state);
                    base::Cost nbhNewCost = opt_->combineCosts(motion->cost, nbhIncCost);
                    if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(nbhNewCost, nbh[i]->cost))
                        bool motionValid;
                        if (valid[i] == 0)
                            motionValid = si_->checkMotion(motion->state, nbh[i]->state);
                            motionValid = (valid[i] == 1);

                        if (motionValid)
                            // Remove this node from its parent list
                            removeFromParent (nbh[i]);

                            // Add this node to the new parent
                            nbh[i]->parent = motion;
                            nbh[i]->incCost = nbhIncCost;
                            nbh[i]->cost = nbhNewCost;

                            // Update the costs of the node's children

                            checkForSolution = true;

            // Add the new motion to the goalMotion_ list, if it satisfies the goal
            double distanceFromGoal;
            if (goal->isSatisfied(motion->state, &distanceFromGoal))
                checkForSolution = true;

            // Checking for solution or iterative improvement
            if (checkForSolution)
                bool updatedSolution = false;
                for (auto & goalMotion : goalMotions_)
                    if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(goalMotion->cost, bestCost_))
                        if (opt_->isFinite(bestCost_) == false)
                            OMPL_INFORM("%s: Found an initial solution with a cost of %.2f in %u iterations (%u vertices in the graph)", getName().c_str(), goalMotion->cost.value(), iterations_, nn_->size());
                        bestCost_ = goalMotion->cost;
                        updatedSolution = true;

                    sufficientlyShort = opt_->isSatisfied(goalMotion->cost);
                    if (sufficientlyShort)
                        solution = goalMotion;
                    else if (!solution ||
                        solution = goalMotion;
                        updatedSolution = true;

                if (updatedSolution)
                    if (useTreePruning_)

                    if (intermediateSolutionCallback)
                        std::vector<const base::State *> spath;
                        Motion *intermediate_solution = solution->parent; // Do not include goal state to simplify code.

                        //Push back until we find the start, but not the start itself
                        while (intermediate_solution->parent != nullptr)
                            intermediate_solution = intermediate_solution->parent;

                        intermediateSolutionCallback(this, spath, bestCost_);

            // Checking for approximate solution (closest state found to the goal)
            if (goalMotions_.size() == 0 && distanceFromGoal < approximatedist)
                approximation = motion;
                approximatedist = distanceFromGoal;

        // terminate if a sufficient solution is found
        if (solution && sufficientlyShort)

    bool approximate = (solution == nullptr);
    bool addedSolution = false;
    if (approximate)
        solution = approximation;
        lastGoalMotion_ = solution;

    if (solution != nullptr)
        // construct the solution path
        std::vector<Motion*> mpath;
        while (solution != nullptr)
            solution = solution->parent;

        // set the solution path
        auto *geoPath = new PathGeometric(si_);
        for (int i = mpath.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i)

        base::PathPtr path(geoPath);
        // Add the solution path.
        base::PlannerSolution psol(path);
        if (approximate)
        // Does the solution satisfy the optimization objective?
        psol.setOptimized(opt_, bestCost_, sufficientlyShort);

        addedSolution = true;

    if (rmotion->state)
    delete rmotion;

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Created %u new states. Checked %u rewire options. %u goal states in tree. Final solution cost %.3f", getName().c_str(), statesGenerated, rewireTest, goalMotions_.size(), bestCost_.value());

    return base::PlannerStatus(addedSolution, approximate);
Esempio n. 13
ompl::base::PlannerStatus ompl::geometric::RRTXstatic::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
    base::Goal *goal = pdef_->getGoal().get();
    auto *goal_s = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion *>(goal);

    // Check if there are more starts
    if (pis_.haveMoreStartStates() == true)
        // There are, add them
        while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
            auto *motion = new Motion(si_);
            si_->copyState(motion->state, st);
            motion->cost = opt_->identityCost();

        // And assure that, if we're using an informed sampler, it's reset
    // No else

    if (nn_->size() == 0)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: There are no valid initial states!", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;

    // Allocate a sampler if necessary
    if (!sampler_ && !infSampler_)

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with %u states already in datastructure", getName().c_str(), nn_->size());

    if (!si_->getStateSpace()->isMetricSpace())
        OMPL_WARN("%s: The state space (%s) is not metric and as a result the optimization objective may not satisfy "
                  "the triangle inequality. "
                  "You may need to disable rejection.",
                  getName().c_str(), si_->getStateSpace()->getName().c_str());

    const base::ReportIntermediateSolutionFn intermediateSolutionCallback = pdef_->getIntermediateSolutionCallback();

    Motion *solution = lastGoalMotion_;

    Motion *approximation = nullptr;
    double approximatedist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    bool sufficientlyShort = false;

    auto *rmotion = new Motion(si_);
    base::State *rstate = rmotion->state;
    base::State *xstate = si_->allocState();
    base::State *dstate;

    Motion *motion;
    Motion *nmotion;
    Motion *nb;
    Motion *min;
    Motion *c;
    bool feas;

    unsigned int rewireTest = 0;
    unsigned int statesGenerated = 0;

    base::Cost incCost, cost;

    if (solution)
        OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with existing solution of cost %.5f", getName().c_str(),

    if (useKNearest_)
        OMPL_INFORM("%s: Initial k-nearest value of %u", getName().c_str(),
                    (unsigned int)std::ceil(k_rrt_ * log((double)(nn_->size() + 1u))));
            "%s: Initial rewiring radius of %.2f", getName().c_str(),
            std::min(maxDistance_, r_rrt_ * std::pow(log((double)(nn_->size() + 1u)) / ((double)(nn_->size() + 1u)),
                                                     1 / (double)(si_->getStateDimension()))));

    while (ptc == false)

        // Computes the RRG values for this iteration (number or radius of neighbors)

        // sample random state (with goal biasing)
        // Goal samples are only sampled until maxSampleCount() goals are in the tree, to prohibit duplicate goal
        // states.
        if (goal_s && goalMotions_.size() < goal_s->maxSampleCount() && rng_.uniform01() < goalBias_ &&
            // Attempt to generate a sample, if we fail (e.g., too many rejection attempts), skip the remainder of this
            // loop and return to try again
            if (!sampleUniform(rstate))

        // find closest state in the tree
        nmotion = nn_->nearest(rmotion);

        if (intermediateSolutionCallback && si_->equalStates(nmotion->state, rstate))

        dstate = rstate;

        // find state to add to the tree
        double d = si_->distance(nmotion->state, rstate);
        if (d > maxDistance_)
            si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nmotion->state, rstate, maxDistance_ / d, xstate);
            dstate = xstate;

        // Check if the motion between the nearest state and the state to add is valid
        if (si_->checkMotion(nmotion->state, dstate))
            // create a motion
            motion = new Motion(si_);
            si_->copyState(motion->state, dstate);
            motion->parent = nmotion;
            incCost = opt_->motionCost(nmotion->state, motion->state);
            motion->cost = opt_->combineCosts(nmotion->cost, incCost);

            // Find nearby neighbors of the new motion

            // find which one we connect the new state to
            for (auto it = motion->nbh.begin(); it != motion->nbh.end();)
                nb = it->first;
                feas = it->second;

                // Compute cost using nb as a parent
                incCost = opt_->motionCost(nb->state, motion->state);
                cost = opt_->combineCosts(nb->cost, incCost);
                if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(cost, motion->cost))
                    // Check range and feasibility
                    if ((!useKNearest_ || distanceFunction(motion, nb) < maxDistance_) &&
                        si_->checkMotion(nb->state, motion->state))
                        // mark than the motino has been checked as valid
                        it->second = true;

                        motion->cost = cost;
                        motion->parent = nb;
                        // Remove unfeasible neighbor from the list of neighbors
                        it = motion->nbh.erase(it);

            // Check if the vertex should included
            if (!includeVertex(motion))
                delete motion;

            // Update neighbor motions neighbor datastructure
            for (auto it = motion->nbh.begin(); it != motion->nbh.end(); ++it)
                it->first->nbh.emplace_back(motion, it->second);

            // add motion to the tree
            if (updateChildren_)

            // add the new motion to the queue to propagate the changes

            bool checkForSolution = false;

            // Add the new motion to the goalMotion_ list, if it satisfies the goal
            double distanceFromGoal;
            if (goal->isSatisfied(motion->state, &distanceFromGoal))
                checkForSolution = true;

            // Process the elements in the queue and rewire the tree until epsilon-optimality
            while (!q_.empty())
                // Get element to update
                min =>data;
                // Remove element from the queue and NULL the handle so that we know it's not in the queue anymore
                min->handle = nullptr;

                // Stop cost propagation if it is not in the relevant region
                if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(bestCost_, mc_.costPlusHeuristic(min)))

                // Try min as a parent to optimize each neighbor
                for (auto it = min->nbh.begin(); it != min->nbh.end();)
                    nb = it->first;
                    feas = it->second;

                    // Neighbor culling: removes neighbors farther than the neighbor radius
                    if ((!useKNearest_ || min->nbh.size() > rrg_k_) && distanceFunction(min, nb) > rrg_r_)
                        it = min->nbh.erase(it);

                    // Calculate cost of nb using min as a parent
                    incCost = opt_->motionCost(min->state, nb->state);
                    cost = opt_->combineCosts(min->cost, incCost);

                    // If cost improvement is better than epsilon
                    if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(opt_->combineCosts(cost, epsilonCost_), nb->cost))
                        if (nb->parent != min)
                            // changing parent, check feasibility
                            if (!feas)
                                feas = si_->checkMotion(nb->state, min->state);
                                if (!feas)
                                    // Remove unfeasible neighbor from the list of neighbors
                                    it = min->nbh.erase(it);
                                    // mark than the motino has been checked as valid
                                    it->second = true;
                            if (updateChildren_)
                                // Remove this node from its parent list
                                // add it as a children of min
                            // Add this node to the new parent
                            nb->parent = min;
                        nb->cost = cost;

                        // Add to the queue for more improvements

                        checkForSolution = true;
                if (updateChildren_)
                    // Propagatino of the cost to the children
                    for (auto it = min->children.begin(), end = min->children.end(); it != end; ++it)
                        c = *it;
                        incCost = opt_->motionCost(min->state, c->state);
                        cost = opt_->combineCosts(min->cost, incCost);
                        c->cost = cost;
                        // Add to the queue for more improvements

                        checkForSolution = true;

            // empty q and reset handles
            while (!q_.empty())
      >data->handle = nullptr;

            // Checking for solution or iterative improvement
            if (checkForSolution)
                bool updatedSolution = false;
                for (auto &goalMotion : goalMotions_)
                    if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(goalMotion->cost, bestCost_))
                        if (opt_->isFinite(bestCost_) == false)
                            OMPL_INFORM("%s: Found an initial solution with a cost of %.2f in %u iterations (%u "
                                        "vertices in the graph)",
                                        getName().c_str(), goalMotion->cost.value(), iterations_, nn_->size());
                        bestCost_ = goalMotion->cost;
                        updatedSolution = true;

                    sufficientlyShort = opt_->isSatisfied(goalMotion->cost);
                    if (sufficientlyShort)
                        solution = goalMotion;
                    else if (!solution || opt_->isCostBetterThan(goalMotion->cost, solution->cost))
                        solution = goalMotion;
                        updatedSolution = true;

                if (updatedSolution)
                    if (intermediateSolutionCallback)
                        std::vector<const base::State *> spath;
                        Motion *intermediate_solution =
                            solution->parent;  // Do not include goal state to simplify code.

                        // Push back until we find the start, but not the start itself
                        while (intermediate_solution->parent != nullptr)
                            intermediate_solution = intermediate_solution->parent;

                        intermediateSolutionCallback(this, spath, bestCost_);

            // Checking for approximate solution (closest state found to the goal)
            if (goalMotions_.size() == 0 && distanceFromGoal < approximatedist)
                approximation = motion;
                approximatedist = distanceFromGoal;

        // terminate if a sufficient solution is found
        if (solution && sufficientlyShort)

    bool approximate = (solution == nullptr);
    bool addedSolution = false;
    if (approximate)
        solution = approximation;
        lastGoalMotion_ = solution;

    if (solution != nullptr)
        // construct the solution path
        std::vector<Motion *> mpath;
        while (solution != nullptr)
            solution = solution->parent;

        // set the solution path
        auto path = std::make_shared<PathGeometric>(si_);
        for (int i = mpath.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)

        // Add the solution path.
        base::PlannerSolution psol(path);
        if (approximate)
        // Does the solution satisfy the optimization objective?
        psol.setOptimized(opt_, bestCost_, sufficientlyShort);

        addedSolution = true;

    if (rmotion->state)
    delete rmotion;

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Created %u new states. Checked %u rewire options. %u goal states in tree. Final solution cost "
                getName().c_str(), statesGenerated, rewireTest, goalMotions_.size(), bestCost_.value());

    return {addedSolution, approximate};