Esempio n. 1
 * Shrinkwrap moving vertexs to the nearest surface point on the target
 * it builds a BVHTree from the target mesh and then performs a
 * NN matches for each vertex
static void shrinkwrap_calc_nearest_surface_point(ShrinkwrapCalcData *calc)
	int i;

	BVHTreeFromMesh treeData = NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;
	BVHTreeNearest nearest  = NULL_BVHTreeNearest;

	/* Create a bvh-tree of the given target */
	bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&treeData, calc->target, 0.0, 2, 6);
	if (treeData.tree == NULL) {

	/* Setup nearest */
	nearest.index = -1;
	nearest.dist_sq = FLT_MAX;

	/* Find the nearest vertex */
#ifndef __APPLE__
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(i) firstprivate(nearest) shared(calc, treeData) schedule(static)
	for (i = 0; i < calc->numVerts; ++i) {
		float *co = calc->vertexCos[i];
		float tmp_co[3];
		float weight = defvert_array_find_weight_safe(calc->dvert, i, calc->vgroup);
		if (weight == 0.0f) continue;

		/* Convert the vertex to tree coordinates */
		if (calc->vert) {
			copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, calc->vert[i].co);
		else {
			copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
		space_transform_apply(&calc->local2target, tmp_co);

		/* Use local proximity heuristics (to reduce the nearest search)
		 * If we already had an hit before.. we assume this vertex is going to have a close hit to that other vertex
		 * so we can initiate the "nearest.dist" with the expected value to that last hit.
		 * This will lead in pruning of the search tree. */
		if (nearest.index != -1)
			nearest.dist_sq = len_squared_v3v3(tmp_co,;
			nearest.dist_sq = FLT_MAX;

		BLI_bvhtree_find_nearest(treeData.tree, tmp_co, &nearest, treeData.nearest_callback, &treeData);

		/* Found the nearest vertex */
		if (nearest.index != -1) {
			if (calc->smd->shrinkOpts & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_KEEP_ABOVE_SURFACE) {
				/* Make the vertex stay on the front side of the face */
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(tmp_co,,, calc->keepDist);
			else {
				/* Adjusting the vertex weight,
				 * so that after interpolating it keeps a certain distance from the nearest position */
				const float dist = sasqrt(nearest.dist_sq);
				if (dist > FLT_EPSILON) {
					/* linear interpolation */
					interp_v3_v3v3(tmp_co, tmp_co,, (dist - calc->keepDist) / dist);
				else {

			/* Convert the coordinates back to mesh coordinates */
			space_transform_invert(&calc->local2target, tmp_co);
			interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, tmp_co, weight);  /* linear interpolation */

Esempio n. 2
/* determines the velocity the boid wants to have */
void boid_brain(BoidBrainData *bbd, int p, ParticleData *pa)
	BoidRule *rule;
	BoidSettings *boids = bbd->part->boids;
	BoidValues val;
	BoidState *state = get_boid_state(boids, pa);
	BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid;
	ParticleSystem *psys = bbd->sim->psys;
	int rand;
	//BoidCondition *cond;

	if (bpa-> <= 0.0f) {
		pa->alive = PARS_DYING;
		pa->dietime = bbd->cfra;

	//planned for near future
	//cond = state->conditions.first;
	//for (; cond; cond=cond->next) {
	//	if (boid_condition_is_true(cond)) {
	//		pa->boid->state_id = cond->state_id;
	//		state = get_boid_state(boids, pa);
	//		break; /* only first true condition is used */
	//	}

	bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f;

	/* create random seed for every particle & frame */
	rand = (int)(psys_frand(psys, psys->seed + p) * 1000);
	rand = (int)(psys_frand(psys, (int)bbd->cfra + rand) * 1000);

	set_boid_values(&val, bbd->part->boids, pa);

	/* go through rules */
	switch (state->ruleset_type) {
		case eBoidRulesetType_Fuzzy:
			for (rule = state->rules.first; rule; rule = rule->next) {
				if (apply_boid_rule(bbd, rule, &val, pa, state->rule_fuzziness))
					break; /* only first nonzero rule that comes through fuzzy rule is applied */
		case eBoidRulesetType_Random:
			/* use random rule for each particle (always same for same particle though) */
			rule = BLI_findlink(&state->rules, rand % BLI_listbase_count(&state->rules));

			apply_boid_rule(bbd, rule, &val, pa, -1.0);
		case eBoidRulesetType_Average:
			float wanted_co[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, wanted_speed = 0.0f;
			int n = 0;
			for (rule = state->rules.first; rule; rule=rule->next) {
				if (apply_boid_rule(bbd, rule, &val, pa, -1.0f)) {
					add_v3_v3(wanted_co, bbd->wanted_co);
					wanted_speed += bbd->wanted_speed;
					bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f;

			if (n > 1) {
				mul_v3_fl(wanted_co, 1.0f/(float)n);
				wanted_speed /= (float)n;

			copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, wanted_co);
			bbd->wanted_speed = wanted_speed;


	/* decide on jumping & liftoff */
	if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_OnLand) {
		/* fuzziness makes boids capable of misjudgement */
		float mul = 1.0f + state->rule_fuzziness;
		if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT && bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f) {
			float cvel[3], dir[3];

			copy_v3_v3(dir, pa->prev_state.ave);

			copy_v3_v3(cvel, bbd->wanted_co);

			if (dot_v2v2(cvel, dir) > 0.95f / mul)
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Liftoff;
		else if (val.jump_speed > 0.0f) {
			float jump_v[3];
			int jump = 0;

			/* jump to get to a location */
			if (bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f) {
				float cvel[3], dir[3];
				float z_v, ground_v, cur_v;
				float len;

				copy_v3_v3(dir, pa->prev_state.ave);

				copy_v3_v3(cvel, bbd->wanted_co);

				len = len_v2(pa->prev_state.vel);

				/* first of all, are we going in a suitable direction? */
				/* or at a suitably slow speed */
				if (dot_v2v2(cvel, dir) > 0.95f / mul || len <= state->rule_fuzziness) {
					/* try to reach goal at highest point of the parabolic path */
					cur_v = len_v2(pa->prev_state.vel);
					z_v = sasqrt(-2.0f * bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] * bbd->wanted_co[2]);
					ground_v = len_v2(bbd->wanted_co)*sasqrt(-0.5f * bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] / bbd->wanted_co[2]);

					len = sasqrt((ground_v-cur_v)*(ground_v-cur_v) + z_v*z_v);

					if (len < val.jump_speed * mul || bbd->part->boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT) {
						jump = 1;

						len = MIN2(len, val.jump_speed);

						copy_v3_v3(jump_v, dir);
						jump_v[2] = z_v;
						mul_v3_fl(jump_v, ground_v);

						mul_v3_fl(jump_v, len);
						add_v2_v2v2(jump_v, jump_v, pa->prev_state.vel);

			/* jump to go faster */
			if (jump == 0 && val.jump_speed > val.max_speed && bbd->wanted_speed > val.max_speed) {

			if (jump) {
				copy_v3_v3(pa->prev_state.vel, jump_v);
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;
Esempio n. 3
 * \param col (float[4]) Store the rgb color here (with alpha)
 * The alpha is used to blend the color to the background 
 * color_new = (1-alpha)*color_background + color
 * \param zz The current zbuffer value at the place of this pixel
 * \param dist Distance of the pixel from the center of the halo squared. Given in pixels
 * \param xn The x coordinate of the pixel relaticve to the center of the halo. given in pixels
 * \param yn The y coordinate of the pixel relaticve to the center of the halo. given in pixels
int shadeHaloFloat(HaloRen *har, float col[4], int zz,
                   float dist, float xn,  float yn, short flarec)
	/* fill in col */
	float t, zn, radist, ringf=0.0f, linef=0.0f, alpha, si, co;
	int a;

	if (R.wrld.mode & WO_MIST) {
		if (har->type & HA_ONLYSKY) {
			alpha= har->alfa;
		else {
			/* a bit patchy... */
			alpha= mistfactor(-har->co[2], har->co)*har->alfa;
	else alpha= har->alfa;
	if (alpha==0.0f)
		return 0;

	/* soften the halo if it intersects geometry */
	if (har->mat && har->mat->mode & MA_HALO_SOFT) {
		float segment_length, halo_depth, distance_from_z /* , visible_depth */ /* UNUSED */, soften;
		/* calculate halo depth */
		segment_length= har->hasize*sasqrt(1.0f - dist/(har->rad*har->rad));
		halo_depth= 2.0f*segment_length;

		if (halo_depth < FLT_EPSILON)
			return 0;

		/* calculate how much of this depth is visible */
		distance_from_z = haloZtoDist(zz) - haloZtoDist(har->zs);
		/* visible_depth = halo_depth; */ /* UNUSED */
		if (distance_from_z < segment_length) {
			soften= (segment_length + distance_from_z)/halo_depth;

			/* apply softening to alpha */
			if (soften < 1.0f)
				alpha *= soften;
			if (alpha <= 0.0f)
				return 0;
	else {
		/* not a soft halo. use the old softening code */
		/* halo being intersected? */
		if (har->zs> zz-har->zd) {
			t= ((float)(zz-har->zs))/(float)har->zd;
			alpha*= sqrtf(sqrtf(t));

	radist = sqrtf(dist);

	/* watch it: not used nicely: flarec is set at zero in pixstruct */
	if (flarec) har->pixels+= (int)(har->rad-radist);

	if (har->ringc) {
		const float *rc;
		float fac;
		int ofs;
		/* per ring an antialised circle */
		ofs= har->seed;
		for (a= har->ringc; a>0; a--, ofs+=2) {
			rc= hashvectf + (ofs % 768);
			fac = fabsf(rc[1] * (har->rad * fabsf(rc[0]) - radist));
			if (fac< 1.0f) {
				ringf+= (1.0f-fac);

	if (har->type & HA_VECT) {
		dist= fabsf(har->cos * (yn) - har->sin * (xn)) / har->rad;
		if (dist>1.0f) dist= 1.0f;
		if (har->tex) {
			zn= har->sin*xn - har->cos*yn;
			yn= har->cos*xn + har->sin*yn;
			xn= zn;
	else dist= dist/har->radsq;

	if (har->type & HA_FLARECIRC) {
		dist = 0.5f + fabsf(dist - 0.5f);

	if (har->hard>=30) {
		dist = sqrtf(dist);
		if (har->hard>=40) {
			dist = sinf(dist*(float)M_PI_2);
			if (har->hard>=50) {
				dist = sqrtf(dist);
	else if (har->hard<20) dist*=dist;

	if (dist < 1.0f)
		dist= (1.0f-dist);
		dist= 0.0f;
	if (har->linec) {
		const float *rc;
		float fac;
		int ofs;
		/* per starpoint an antialiased line */
		ofs= har->seed;
		for (a= har->linec; a>0; a--, ofs+=3) {
			rc= hashvectf + (ofs % 768);
			fac = fabsf((xn) * rc[0] + (yn) * rc[1]);
			if (fac< 1.0f )
				linef+= (1.0f-fac);
		linef*= dist;

	if (har->starpoints) {
		float ster, angle;
		/* rotation */
		angle = atan2f(yn, xn);
		angle *= (1.0f+0.25f*har->starpoints);
		co= cosf(angle);
		si= sinf(angle);
		angle= (co*xn+si*yn)*(co*yn-si*xn);
		ster = fabsf(angle);
		if (ster>1.0f) {
			ster= (har->rad)/(ster);
			if (ster<1.0f) dist*= sqrtf(ster);

	/* disputable optimize... (ton) */
	if (dist<=0.00001f)
		return 0;
	dist*= alpha;
	ringf*= dist;
	linef*= alpha;
	/* The color is either the rgb spec-ed by the user, or extracted from   */
	/* the texture                                                           */
	if (har->tex) {
		col[0]= har->r; 
		col[1]= har->g; 
		col[2]= har->b;
		col[3]= dist;
		do_halo_tex(har, xn, yn, col);
		col[0]*= col[3];
		col[1]*= col[3];
		col[2]*= col[3];
	else {
		col[0]= dist*har->r;
		col[1]= dist*har->g;
		col[2]= dist*har->b;
		if (har->type & HA_XALPHA) col[3]= dist*dist;
		else col[3]= dist;

	if (har->mat) {
		if (har->mat->mode & MA_HALO_SHADE) {
			/* we test for lights because of preview... */
			if (R.lights.first) render_lighting_halo(har, col);

		/* Next, we do the line and ring factor modifications. */
		if (linef!=0.0f) {
			Material *ma= har->mat;
			col[0]+= linef * ma->specr;
			col[1]+= linef * ma->specg;
			col[2]+= linef * ma->specb;
			if (har->type & HA_XALPHA) col[3]+= linef*linef;
			else col[3]+= linef;
		if (ringf!=0.0f) {
			Material *ma= har->mat;

			col[0]+= ringf * ma->mirr;
			col[1]+= ringf * ma->mirg;
			col[2]+= ringf * ma->mirb;
			if (har->type & HA_XALPHA) col[3]+= ringf*ringf;
			else col[3]+= ringf;
	/* alpha requires clip, gives black dots */
	if (col[3] > 1.0f)
		col[3]= 1.0f;

	return 1;
Esempio n. 4
/* tries to realize the wanted velocity taking all constraints into account */
void boid_body(BoidBrainData *bbd, ParticleData *pa)
	BoidSettings *boids = bbd->part->boids;
	BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid;
	BoidValues val;
	EffectedPoint epoint;
	float acc[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, tan_acc[3], nor_acc[3];
	float dvec[3], bvec[3];
	float new_dir[3], new_speed;
	float old_dir[3], old_speed;
	float wanted_dir[3];
	float q[4], mat[3][3]; /* rotation */
	float ground_co[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, ground_nor[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
	float force[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float pa_mass=bbd->part->mass, dtime=bbd->dfra*bbd->timestep;

	set_boid_values(&val, boids, pa);

	/* make sure there's something in new velocity, location & rotation */
	copy_particle_key(&pa->state, &pa->prev_state, 0);

	if (bbd->part->flag & PART_SIZEMASS)

	/* if boids can't fly they fall to the ground */
	if ((boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT)==0 && ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)==0 && psys_uses_gravity(bbd->sim))
		bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;

	if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Falling) {
		/* Falling boids are only effected by gravity. */
		acc[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2];
	else {
		/* figure out acceleration */
		float landing_level = 2.0f;
		float level = landing_level + 1.0f;
		float new_vel[3];

		if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Liftoff) {
			bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
			bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
		else if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir && boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
			/* auto-leveling & landing if close to ground */

			bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			/* level = how many particle sizes above ground */
			level = (pa->[2] - ground_co[2])/(2.0f * pa->size) - 0.5f;

			landing_level = - boids->landing_smoothness * pa->prev_state.vel[2] * pa_mass;

			if (pa->prev_state.vel[2] < 0.0f) {
				if (level < 1.0f) {
					bbd->wanted_co[0] = bbd->wanted_co[1] = bbd->wanted_co[2] = 0.0f;
					bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;
				else if (level < landing_level) {
					bbd->wanted_speed *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level;
					bbd->wanted_co[2] *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level;

		copy_v3_v3(old_dir, pa->prev_state.ave);
		new_speed = normalize_v3_v3(wanted_dir, bbd->wanted_co);

		/* first check if we have valid direction we want to go towards */
		if (new_speed == 0.0f) {
			copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir);
		else {
			float old_dir2[2], wanted_dir2[2], nor[3], angle;
			copy_v2_v2(old_dir2, old_dir);
			copy_v2_v2(wanted_dir2, wanted_dir);

			/* choose random direction to turn if wanted velocity */
			/* is directly behind regardless of z-coordinate */
			if (dot_v2v2(old_dir2, wanted_dir2) < -0.99f) {
				wanted_dir[0] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));
				wanted_dir[1] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));
				wanted_dir[2] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));

			/* constrain direction with maximum angular velocity */
			angle = saacos(dot_v3v3(old_dir, wanted_dir));
			angle = min_ff(angle, val.max_ave);

			cross_v3_v3v3(nor, old_dir, wanted_dir);
			axis_angle_to_quat(q, nor, angle);
			copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir);
			mul_qt_v3(q, new_dir);

			/* save direction in case resulting velocity too small */
			axis_angle_to_quat(q, nor, angle*dtime);
			copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, old_dir);
			mul_qt_v3(q, pa->state.ave);

		/* constrain speed with maximum acceleration */
		old_speed = len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel);
		if (bbd->wanted_speed < old_speed)
			new_speed = MAX2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed - val.max_acc);
			new_speed = MIN2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed + val.max_acc);

		/* combine direction and speed */
		copy_v3_v3(new_vel, new_dir);
		mul_v3_fl(new_vel, new_speed);

		/* maintain minimum flying velocity if not landing */
		if (level >= landing_level) {
			float len2 = dot_v2v2(new_vel, new_vel);
			float root;

			len2 = MAX2(len2, val.min_speed*val.min_speed);
			root = sasqrt(new_speed*new_speed - len2);

			new_vel[2] = new_vel[2] < 0.0f ? -root : root;

			mul_v2_fl(new_vel, sasqrt(len2));

		/* finally constrain speed to max speed */
		new_speed = normalize_v3(new_vel);
		mul_v3_fl(new_vel, MIN2(new_speed, val.max_speed));

		/* get acceleration from difference of velocities */
		sub_v3_v3v3(acc, new_vel, pa->prev_state.vel);

		/* break acceleration to components */
		project_v3_v3v3(tan_acc, acc, pa->prev_state.ave);
		sub_v3_v3v3(nor_acc, acc, tan_acc);

	/* account for effectors */
	pd_point_from_particle(bbd->sim, pa, &pa->state, &epoint);
	pdDoEffectors(bbd->sim->psys->effectors, bbd->sim->colliders, bbd->part->effector_weights, &epoint, force, NULL);

	if (ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)) {
		float length = normalize_v3(force);

		length = MAX2(0.0f, length - boids->land_stick_force);

		mul_v3_fl(force, length);
	add_v3_v3(acc, force);

	/* store smoothed acceleration for nice banking etc. */
	madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->data.acc, acc, dtime);
	mul_v3_fl(bpa->data.acc, 1.0f / (1.0f + dtime));

	/* integrate new location & velocity */

	/* by regarding the acceleration as a force at this stage we*/
	/* can get better control allthough it's a bit unphysical	*/
	mul_v3_fl(acc, 1.0f/pa_mass);

	copy_v3_v3(dvec, acc);
	mul_v3_fl(dvec, dtime*dtime*0.5f);
	copy_v3_v3(bvec, pa->prev_state.vel);
	mul_v3_fl(bvec, dtime);
	add_v3_v3(dvec, bvec);
	add_v3_v3(pa->, dvec);

	madd_v3_v3fl(pa->state.vel, acc, dtime);

	//if (bpa->data.mode != eBoidMode_InAir)
	bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);

	/* change modes, constrain movement & keep track of down vector */
	switch (bpa->data.mode) {
		case eBoidMode_InAir:
			float grav[3];

			grav[0] = 0.0f;
			grav[1] = 0.0f;
			grav[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;

			/* don't take forward acceleration into account (better banking) */
			if (dot_v3v3(bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel) > 0.0f) {
				project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel);
				sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc);

			/* gather apparent gravity */
			madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking);

			/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
			if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
				bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
				boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			else if (pa->[2] <= ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height) {
				/* land boid when below ground */
				if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
					pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand;
				/* fly above ground */
				else if (bpa->ground) {
					pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
		case eBoidMode_Falling:
			float grav[3];

			grav[0] = 0.0f;
			grav[1] = 0.0f;
			grav[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;

			/* gather apparent gravity */
			madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dtime);

			if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
				/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
				if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
					bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
					boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
					boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				/* land boid when really near ground */
				else if (pa->[2] <= ground_co[2] + 1.01f * pa->size * boids->height) {
					pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand;
				/* if we're falling, can fly and want to go upwards lets fly */
				else if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT && bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f)
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
		case eBoidMode_Climbing:
			boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			//float nor[3];
			//copy_v3_v3(nor, ground_nor);

			///* gather apparent gravity to r_ve */
			//madd_v3_v3fl(pa->r_ve, ground_nor, -1.0);

			///* raise boid it's size from surface */
			//mul_v3_fl(nor, pa->size * boids->height);
			//add_v3_v3v3(pa->, ground_co, nor);

			///* remove normal component from velocity */
			//project_v3_v3v3(v, pa->state.vel, ground_nor);
			//sub_v3_v3v3(pa->state.vel, pa->state.vel, v);
		case eBoidMode_OnLand:
			/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
			if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
				bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
				boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			/* ground is too far away so boid falls */
			else if (pa->[2]-ground_co[2] > 1.1f * pa->size * boids->height)
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;
			else {
				/* constrain to surface */
				pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
				pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;

			if (boids->banking > 0.0f) {
				float grav[3];
				/* Don't take gravity's strength in to account, */
				/* otherwise amount of banking is hard to control. */
				negate_v3_v3(grav, ground_nor);

				project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel);
				sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec);

				/* gather apparent gravity */
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking);
			else {
				/* gather negative surface normal */
				madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, ground_nor, -1.0f);

	/* save direction to state.ave unless the boid is falling */
	/* (boids can't effect their direction when falling) */
	if (bpa->data.mode!=eBoidMode_Falling && len_v3(pa->state.vel) > 0.1f*pa->size) {
		copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, pa->state.vel);
		pa->state.ave[2] *= bbd->part->boids->pitch;

	/* apply damping */
	if (ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing))
		mul_v3_fl(pa->state.vel, 1.0f - 0.2f*bbd->part->dampfac);

	/* calculate rotation matrix based on forward & down vectors */
	if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir) {
		copy_v3_v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave);

		project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->gravity, pa->state.ave);
		sub_v3_v3v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity, dvec);
	else {
		project_v3_v3v3(dvec, pa->state.ave, bpa->gravity);
		sub_v3_v3v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave, dvec);

		copy_v3_v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity);
	cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], mat[2], mat[0]);
	/* apply rotation */
	mat3_to_quat_is_ok(q, mat);
	copy_qt_qt(pa->state.rot, q);
Esempio n. 5
 * Shrinkwrap to the nearest vertex
 * it builds a kdtree of vertexs we can attach to and then
 * for each vertex performs a nearest vertex search on the tree
static void shrinkwrap_calc_nearest_vertex(ShrinkwrapCalcData *calc)
	int i;

	BVHTreeFromMesh treeData = NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;
	BVHTreeNearest  nearest  = NULL_BVHTreeNearest;

	BENCH(bvhtree_from_mesh_verts(&treeData, calc->target, 0.0, 2, 6));
	if (treeData.tree == NULL) {

	//Setup nearest
	nearest.index = -1;
	nearest.dist = FLT_MAX;
#ifndef __APPLE__
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(i) firstprivate(nearest) shared(treeData,calc) schedule(static)
	for (i = 0; i<calc->numVerts; ++i) {
		float *co = calc->vertexCos[i];
		float tmp_co[3];
		float weight = defvert_array_find_weight_safe(calc->dvert, i, calc->vgroup);
		if (weight == 0.0f) continue;

		//Convert the vertex to tree coordinates
		if (calc->vert) {
			copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, calc->vert[i].co);
		else {
			copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
		space_transform_apply(&calc->local2target, tmp_co);

		//Use local proximity heuristics (to reduce the nearest search)
		//If we already had an hit before.. we assume this vertex is going to have a close hit to that other vertex
		//so we can initiate the "nearest.dist" with the expected value to that last hit.
		//This will lead in prunning of the search tree.
		if (nearest.index != -1)
			nearest.dist = len_squared_v3v3(tmp_co,;
			nearest.dist = FLT_MAX;

		BLI_bvhtree_find_nearest(treeData.tree, tmp_co, &nearest, treeData.nearest_callback, &treeData);

		//Found the nearest vertex
		if (nearest.index != -1) {
			//Adjusting the vertex weight, so that after interpolating it keeps a certain distance from the nearest position
			float dist = sasqrt(nearest.dist);
			if (dist > FLT_EPSILON) weight *= (dist - calc->keepDist)/dist;

			//Convert the coordinates back to mesh coordinates
			space_transform_invert(&calc->local2target, tmp_co);

			interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, tmp_co, weight);	//linear interpolation
