Esempio n. 1
bool RDOEditorProject::saveProject()
	if ( isModify() ) {

		if ( name.IsEmpty() ) {
			if ( !saveAsDlg() ) return false;

	} else return true;


	return true;
Esempio n. 2
// Get a file name from the user, obtain the generated HTML and then save it in that file.
void CStatisticsTree::ExportHTML()
	CFile htmlFile;

	// Save/Restore the current directory
	DWORD dwCurDirLen = GetCurrentDirectory(_countof(szCurDir), szCurDir);
	if (dwCurDirLen == 0 || dwCurDirLen >= _countof(szCurDir))
		szCurDir[0] = _T('\0');

	CFileDialog saveAsDlg(false, _T("html"), _T("eMule Statistics.html"), OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_EXPLORER, _T("HTML Files (*.html)|*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"), this, 0);
	if (saveAsDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
		CString		strHTML;

		strHTML.Format( CString("<html>\r\n<header>\r\n<title>eMule %s [%s]</title>\r\n"
			"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"
			"<style type=\"text/css\">\r\n"
			"#pghdr { color: #000F80; font: bold 12pt/14pt Verdana, Courier New, Helvetica; }\r\n"
			"#pghdr2 { color: #000F80; font: bold 10pt/12pt Verdana, Courier New, Helvetica; }\r\n"
			"img { border: 0px; }\r\n"
			"a { text-decoration: none; }\r\n"
			"#sec { color: #000000; font: bold 9pt/11pt Verdana, Courier New, Helvetica; }\r\n"
			"#item { color: #000000; font: normal 8pt/10pt Verdana, Courier New, Helvetica; }\r\n"
			"#bdy { color: #000000; font: normal 8pt/10pt Verdana, Courier New, Helvetica; background-color: #FFFFFF; }\r\n</style>\r\n</header>\r\n"
			"<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n"
			"function obj(menu)\r\n"
			"return (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")?this[menu]:document.getElementById(menu);\r\n"
			"function togglevisible(treepart)\r\n"
			"if (this.obj(\"T\"+treepart).style.visibility == \"hidden\")\r\n"
			"<body id=\"bdy\">\r\n"

			"<span id=\"pghdr\"><b>eMule %s</b></span><br /><span id=\"pghdr2\">%s %s</span>\r\n<br /><br />\r\n"
			"%s</body></html>") ,
			GetResString(IDS_SF_STATISTICS), thePrefs.GetUserNick(),
			GetResString(IDS_SF_STATISTICS), GetResString(IDS_CD_UNAME), thePrefs.GetUserNick(),
			GetHTMLForExport() );

		htmlFile.Open(saveAsDlg.GetPathName(), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite);
		CStringA strHtmlA(wc2utf8(strHTML));
		htmlFile.Write(strHtmlA, strHtmlA.GetLength());		

		static const TCHAR *const s_apcFileNames[] = {
			_T("stats_0.gif"), _T("stats_1.gif"), _T("stats_2.gif"), _T("stats_3.gif"), _T("stats_4.gif"),
			_T("stats_5.gif"), _T("stats_6.gif"), _T("stats_7.gif"), _T("stats_8.gif"), _T("stats_9.gif"),
			_T("stats_10.gif"), _T("stats_11.gif"), _T("stats_12.gif"), _T("stats_13.gif"),
			_T("stats_14.gif"), _T("stats_15.gif"), _T("stats_16.gif"), _T("stats_17.gif"),
			_T("stats_hidden.gif"), _T("stats_space.gif"), _T("stats_visible.gif")
		CString		strDst = saveAsDlg.GetPathName().Left(saveAsDlg.GetPathName().GetLength() - saveAsDlg.GetFileName().GetLength());// EC - what if directory name == filename? this should fix this
		CString		strSrc = thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_WEBSERVERDIR);

		for (unsigned ui = 0; ui < ARRSIZE(s_apcFileNames); ui++)
			::CopyFile(strSrc + s_apcFileNames[ui], strDst + s_apcFileNames[ui], false);

	if (szCurDir[0] != _T('\0'))
		VERIFY( SetCurrentDirectory(szCurDir) );
Esempio n. 3
void RDOEditorProject::saveAsProject()
	if ( saveAsDlg() ) {