void Update::updateFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { reply->deleteLater(); QString update_url = reply->property("update_url").toString(); if (reply->error()) hUpdateResults[update_url] = QString::null; else { QVariant possibleRedirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); if (!possibleRedirectUrl.toUrl().isEmpty()) { updateRequest("GET", possibleRedirectUrl.toString(), update_url); return; } QString strUpdateXml = reply->readAll(); hUpdateResults[update_url] = strUpdateXml; } if (hUpdateResults.size() == 1) { checkUpdateGithub(); } else if (hUpdateResults.size() == 2) { int updateSourceforge = fastParseVersion(hUpdateResults.value(UPDATE_URL_SOURCEFORGE)); int updateGithub = fastParseVersion(hUpdateResults.value(UPDATE_URL_GITHUB)); if ((updateSourceforge != 0) && (updateGithub != 0)) { if (updateSourceforge >= updateGithub) saveUpdate(hUpdateResults.value(UPDATE_URL_SOURCEFORGE)); else saveUpdate(hUpdateResults.value(UPDATE_URL_GITHUB)); if (!Settings::instance()->get("motd").isEmpty()) { QString strMOTD = Settings::instance()->get("motd"); QString strMessageOfTheDay = QString("%Fb%%1 %2").arg(tr("Message Of The Day:"), strMOTD); Message::instance()->showMessage(STATUS_WINDOW, strMessageOfTheDay, MessageDefault); } if (Settings::instance()->get("available_version") != "") { QString strVersionStatus = fullParseVersion(); // save status Settings::instance()->set("version_status", strVersionStatus); if (Settings::instance()->get("updates") == "true") Notification::instance()->refreshUpdate(); } } } }
void CKLBUpdate::exec_download(u32 /*deltaT*/) { bool bResult = m_httpIF->httpRECV(); // Current downloaded size (may be inacurate) s64 size = m_httpIF->getDwnldSize(); // Completly download size (accurate but updated at the end) s64 completeOnSize = m_httpIF->getSize(); if(size != m_dlSize) { m_dlSize = size; // 読み込み済サイズを更新 if(m_callbackDL) { float progress = (m_dlSize * 1000 / m_zipSize) / 1000.0f; if (progress < 0.0f) { progress = 0.0f; // Trick : // - avoid callback at 100% because 100% is better to be done when we are sure // that download is complete. // - because of inacurracy, we may also go over 100% } else if (progress >= 0.999f) { progress = 0.999f; } char buf[64]; CKLBUtility::numString64(buf, (u64)(m_zipSize * progress)); // Ensure that we get only higher values, no backward. if (progress > m_maxProgress) { m_maxProgress = progress; // Only perform callback here when progress is NOT complete. if (!bResult) { CKLBScriptEnv::getInstance().call_eventUpdateDownload(m_callbackDL, this, (double)progress, buf); } } } } // 平成24年12月17日(月) // RECVの結果がtrueの時、 // もしdownload sizeとそもそものzip sizeとの値が異なっている場合は正常に受信できていないので、 // ひとまずリトライするようにしてみる. if(bResult) { if (completeOnSize == m_zipSize) { char buf[64]; CKLBUtility::numString64(buf, completeOnSize); // Perform a 100% callback here because we know download IS complete. CKLBScriptEnv::getInstance().call_eventUpdateDownload(m_callbackDL, this, (double)1.0, buf); saveUpdate(); m_eStep = S_INIT_UNZIP; } else { CKLBScriptEnv::getInstance().call_eventUpdateError(m_callbackError, this); DEBUG_PRINT("[update] download success but with invalid size. retry."); m_eStep = S_INIT_DL; } } }