Esempio n. 1
int sba_motstr_levmar(
    const int n,   /* number of points */
    const int m,   /* number of images */
    const int mcon,/* number of images (starting from the 1st) whose parameters should not be modified.
					          * All A_ij (see below) with j<mcon are assumed to be zero
    char *vmask,  /* visibility mask: vmask[i, j]=1 if point i visible in image j, 0 otherwise. nxm */
    double *p,    /* initial parameter vector p0: (a1, ..., am, b1, ..., bn).
                   * aj are the image j parameters, bi are the i-th point parameters,
                   * size m*cnp + n*pnp
    const int cnp,/* number of parameters for ONE camera; e.g. 6 for Euclidean cameras */
    const int pnp,/* number of parameters for ONE point; e.g. 3 for Euclidean points */
    double *x,    /* measurements vector: (x_11^T, .. x_1m^T, ..., x_n1^T, .. x_nm^T)^T where
                   * x_ij is the projection of the i-th point on the j-th image.
                   * NOTE: some of the x_ij might be missing, if point i is not visible in image j;
                   * see vmask[i, j], max. size n*m*mnp
    double *covx, /* measurements covariance matrices: (Sigma_x_11, .. Sigma_x_1m, ..., Sigma_x_n1, .. Sigma_x_nm),
                   * where Sigma_x_ij is the mnp x mnp covariance of x_ij stored row-by-row. Set to NULL if no
                   * covariance estimates are available (identity matrices are implicitly used in this case).
                   * NOTE: a certain Sigma_x_ij is missing if the corresponding x_ij is also missing;
                   * see vmask[i, j], max. size n*m*mnp*mnp
    const int mnp,/* number of parameters for EACH measurement; usually 2 */
    void (*proj)(int j, int i, double *aj, double *bi, double *xij, void *adata),
                                              /* functional relation computing a SINGLE image measurement. Assuming that
                                               * the parameters of point i are bi and the parameters of camera j aj,
                                               * computes a prediction of \hat{x}_{ij}. aj is cnp x 1, bi is pnp x 1 and
                                               * xij is mnp x 1. This function is called only if point i is visible in
                                               * image j (i.e. vmask[i, j]==1)
    void (*projac)(int j, int i, double *aj, double *bi, double *Aij, double *Bij, void *adata),
                                              /* functional relation to evaluate d x_ij / d a_j and
                                               * d x_ij / d b_i in Aij and Bij resp.
                                               * This function is called only if point i is visible in * image j
                                               * (i.e. vmask[i, j]==1). Also, A_ij and B_ij are mnp x cnp and mnp x pnp
                                               * matrices resp. and they should be stored in row-major order.
                                               * If NULL, the jacobians are approximated by repetitive proj calls
                                               * and finite differences. 
    void *adata,       /* pointer to possibly additional data, passed uninterpreted to proj, projac */ 

    const int itmax,   /* I: maximum number of iterations. itmax==0 signals jacobian verification followed by immediate return */
    const int verbose, /* I: verbosity */
    const double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ],
	                     /* I: minim. options [\mu, \epsilon1, \epsilon2, \epsilon3, \epsilon4]. Respectively the scale factor for initial \mu,
                        * stoping thresholds for ||J^T e||_inf, ||dp||_2, ||e||_2 and (||e||_2-||e_new||_2)/||e||_2
    double info[SBA_INFOSZ],
	                     /* O: information regarding the minimization. Set to NULL if don't care
                        * info[0]=||e||_2 at initial p.
                        * info[1-4]=[ ||e||_2, ||J^T e||_inf,  ||dp||_2, mu/max[J^T J]_ii ], all computed at estimated p.
                        * info[5]= # iterations,
                        * info[6]=reason for terminating: 1 - stopped by small gradient J^T e
                        *                                 2 - stopped by small dp
                        *                                 3 - stopped by itmax
                        *                                 4 - stopped by small relative reduction in ||e||_2
                        *                                 5 - too many attempts to increase damping. Restart with increased mu
                        *                                 6 - stopped by small ||e||_2
                        *                                 7 - stopped by invalid (i.e. NaN or Inf) "func" values. This is a user error
                        * info[7]= # function evaluations
                        * info[8]= # jacobian evaluations
			                  * info[9]= # number of linear systems solved, i.e. number of attempts	for reducing error
                  int use_constraints, camera_constraints_t *constraints, 
                  int use_point_constraints, 
                  point_constraints_t *point_constraints, 
                  double *Vout, double *Sout, double *Uout, double *Wout)
int retval;
struct wrap_motstr_data_ wdata;
static void (*fjac)(double *p, struct sba_crsm *idxij, int *rcidxs, int *rcsubs, double *jac, void *adata);


  fjac=(projac)? sba_motstr_Qs_jac : sba_motstr_Qs_fdjac;
  retval=sba_motstr_levmar_x(n, m, mcon, vmask, p, cnp, pnp, x, covx, mnp, sba_motstr_Qs, fjac, &wdata, itmax, verbose, opts, info, use_constraints, constraints, use_point_constraints, point_constraints, Vout, Sout, Uout, Wout);

    register int i;
    int nvis;

    /* count visible image points */
    for(i=nvis=0; i<n*m; ++i)

    /* each "func" & "fjac" evaluation requires nvis "proj" & "projac" evaluations */

  return retval;
void BundleRTS::run(int nPtsCon, int nCamsCon, int maxIter) {

    numPtsCon = nPtsCon;
    numCamsCon = nCamsCon;


    const int cnp = 11; //5:intrinsic parameters 6:extrinsic parameters
    const int pnp = 3;
    const int mnp = 2;

    m_globs.cnp = cnp;
    m_globs.pnp = pnp;
    m_globs.mnp = mnp;

    if (m_globs.rot0params) {
        delete[] m_globs.rot0params;
    m_globs.rot0params = new double[FULLQUATSZ * numCams];

    //set initial camera parameters
    for (int i = 0; i < numCams; ++i) {
        mat2quat(Rs + 9 * i, m_globs.rot0params + 4 * i);

    m_globs.intrcalib = 0;
    m_globs.nccalib = 5;

    m_globs.camparams = 0;
    m_globs.ptparams = 0;

    /* call sparse LM routine */
    double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ];
    opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU * 1E-4;
    opts[1] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
    opts[2] = SBA_STOP_THRESH;
    opts[3] = 0; //0.05 * numMeas; // uncomment to force termination if the average reprojection error drops below 0.05
    opts[4] = 1E-16; // uncomment to force termination if the relative reduction in the RMS reprojection error drops below 1E-05

    if (m_paramVec)
        delete[] m_paramVec;
    m_paramVec = new double[numCams * cnp + numPts * pnp];

    double * pParamVec = m_paramVec;
    double* pKs =;
    double* pTs =;
    for (int i = 0; i < numCams; ++i) {
        pParamVec[0] = pKs[0];
        pParamVec[1] = pKs[2];
        pParamVec[2] = pKs[5];
        pParamVec[3] = pKs[4] / pKs[0];
        pParamVec[4] = pKs[1];

        pParamVec[5] = 0;
        pParamVec[6] = 0;
        pParamVec[7] = 0;
        pParamVec[8] = pTs[0];
        pParamVec[9] = pTs[1];
        pParamVec[10] = pTs[2];

        pParamVec += cnp;
        pKs += 9;
        pTs += 3;
    double* pParamPoints = m_paramVec + numCams * cnp;
    memcpy(pParamPoints,, numPts * 3 * sizeof(double));

    double sbaInfo[SBA_INFOSZ];
    if (sba_motstr_levmar_x(numPts, numPtsCon, numCams, numCamsCon, vmask,
                            m_paramVec, cnp, pnp,, 0, mnp, img_projsKRTS_x,
                            img_projsKRTS_jac_x, (void *) (&m_globs), maxIter, 0, opts,
                            sbaInfo) == SBA_ERROR) {
        //for debug
        //save the bundle data for debug

        repErr("bundle adjustment failed!\n");
        "initial error:%lf, final error:%lf #iterations:%lf stop reason:%lf\n",
        sqrt(sbaInfo[0] / numMeas), sqrt(sbaInfo[1] / numMeas), sbaInfo[5],