sc_result sc_helper_init(sc_memory_context const * ctx) { g_message("Initialize sc-helper"); _init_keynodes_str(); sc_keynodes = g_new0(sc_addr, SC_KEYNODE_COUNT); if (resolve_nrel_system_identifier(ctx) != SC_RESULT_OK) { g_message("Can't resovle nrel_system_identifier node. Create the last one"); sc_addr addr = sc_memory_node_new(ctx, sc_type_const | sc_type_node_norole); sc_addr link = sc_memory_link_new(ctx); sc_stream *stream = sc_stream_memory_new(keynodes_str[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER], (sc_uint)(sizeof(sc_uchar) * strlen(keynodes_str[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER])), SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ, SC_FALSE); sc_memory_set_link_content(ctx, link, stream); sc_stream_free(stream); sc_addr arc = sc_memory_arc_new(ctx, sc_type_arc_common | sc_type_const, addr, link); sc_memory_arc_new(ctx, sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, addr, arc); sc_keynodes[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER] = addr; } sc_helper_is_initialized = SC_TRUE; return SC_RESULT_OK; }
sc_result resolve_nrel_system_identifier(sc_memory_context const * ctx) { sc_addr *results = 0; sc_uint32 results_count = 0; sc_stream *stream = sc_stream_memory_new(keynodes_str[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER], (sc_uint)(sizeof(sc_uchar) * strlen(keynodes_str[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER])), SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ, SC_FALSE); sc_uint32 i = 0; sc_iterator5 *it = 0; sc_bool found = SC_FALSE; sc_addr addr1, addr2; // try to find nrel_system_identifier strings if (sc_memory_find_links_with_content(ctx, stream, &results, &results_count) == SC_RESULT_OK) { for (i = 0; i < results_count; i++) { it = sc_iterator5_a_a_f_a_a_new(ctx, sc_type_node | sc_type_const | sc_type_node_norole, sc_type_arc_common | sc_type_const, results[i], sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, sc_type_const | sc_type_node | sc_type_node_norole); while (sc_iterator5_next(it)) { addr1 = sc_iterator5_value(it, 0); addr2 = sc_iterator5_value(it, 4); // comare begin sc-element and attribute, they must be equivalent if (SC_ADDR_IS_EQUAL(addr1, addr2)) { if (found == SC_FALSE) { sc_keynodes[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER] = addr1; found = SC_TRUE; }else { sc_iterator5_free(it); sc_stream_free(stream); g_free(results); g_error("There are more then one sc-elements with system identifier nrel_system_identifier "); return SC_RESULT_ERROR; } } } sc_iterator5_free(it); } g_free(results); }else return SC_RESULT_ERROR; sc_stream_free(stream); return found == SC_TRUE ? SC_RESULT_OK : SC_RESULT_ERROR; }
sc_result sc_helper_find_element_by_system_identifier(sc_memory_context const * ctx, const sc_char* data, sc_uint32 len, sc_addr *result_addr) { sc_addr *results = 0; sc_uint32 results_count = 0; sc_stream *stream = 0; sc_uint32 i = 0; sc_iterator5 *it = 0; sc_bool found = SC_FALSE; g_assert(sc_helper_is_initialized == SC_TRUE); g_assert(sc_keynodes != 0); // try to find sc-links with that contains system identifier value stream = sc_stream_memory_new(data, sizeof(sc_char) * len, SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ, SC_FALSE); if (sc_memory_find_links_with_content(ctx, stream, &results, &results_count) == SC_RESULT_OK) { for (i = 0; i < results_count; i++) { it = sc_iterator5_a_a_f_a_f_new(ctx, 0, sc_type_arc_common | sc_type_const, results[i], sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, sc_keynodes[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]); if (sc_iterator5_next(it)) { if (found == SC_FALSE) { found = SC_TRUE; *result_addr = sc_iterator5_value(it, 0); }else { // don't foget to free allocated memory before return error sc_iterator5_free(it); sc_stream_free(stream); g_free(results); return SC_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } } sc_iterator5_free(it); } g_free(results); } sc_stream_free(stream); return found == SC_TRUE ? SC_RESULT_OK : SC_RESULT_ERROR; }
scp_result write_link_content_number(sc_memory_context *context, double data, sc_addr link) { sc_stream *stream; char *content = calloc(NUMBER_PRECISE, sizeof(sc_char)); g_snprintf(content, NUMBER_PRECISE, "%lf", data); stream = sc_stream_memory_new(content, (sc_uint)strlen(content), SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ, SC_FALSE); if (SC_RESULT_OK != sc_memory_set_link_content(context, link, stream)) { free(content); sc_stream_free(stream); return SCP_RESULT_ERROR; } free(content); sc_stream_free(stream); return SCP_RESULT_TRUE; }
void test6() { sc_uint32 i, j; sc_addr addr; sc_stream *stream = 0; sc_addr *results = 0; sc_uint32 results_count = 0; printf("Segments count: %d\n", sc_storage_get_segments_count()); print_storage_statistics(); timer = g_timer_new(); //g_snprintf(test, 1024, "../CMakeLists.txt"); g_timer_reset(timer); g_timer_start(timer); for (i = 0; i < link_append_count; i++) { //addr = sc_storage_link_new(); printf("Find addrs for content %d\t", i); stream = sc_stream_memory_new((char*)&i, sizeof(i), SC_STREAM_READ, SC_FALSE); if (sc_storage_find_links_with_content(stream, &results, &results_count) == SC_RESULT_OK) { printf("founded: \n"); for (j = 0; j < results_count; j++) printf("seg=%d, offset=%d\n", results[j].seg, results[j].offset); g_free(results); results = 0; }else printf("error\n"); sc_stream_free(stream); } g_timer_stop(timer); printf("Created links: %d\n", link_append_count); printf("Links per second: %f\n", link_append_count / g_timer_elapsed(timer, 0)); printf("Segments count: %d\n", sc_storage_get_segments_count()); print_storage_statistics(); g_timer_destroy(timer); }
scp_result write_link_content_string(sc_memory_context *context, char* data, sc_addr link) { sc_stream *stream; size_t data_len = strlen(data) + 1; char *content = calloc(data_len, sizeof(sc_char)); g_snprintf(content, (gulong)data_len, "%s", data); stream = sc_stream_memory_new(content, (sc_uint)strlen(content), SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ, SC_FALSE); if (SC_RESULT_OK != sc_memory_set_link_content(context, link, stream)) { free(content); sc_stream_free(stream); return SCP_RESULT_ERROR; } free(content); sc_stream_free(stream); return SCP_RESULT_TRUE; }
void test5() { sc_uint32 i; sc_addr addr; sc_stream *stream = 0; printf("Segments count: %d\n", sc_storage_get_segments_count()); print_storage_statistics(); timer = g_timer_new(); printf("Create %d links\n", link_append_count); //g_snprintf(test, 1024, "../CMakeLists.txt"); g_timer_reset(timer); g_timer_start(timer); for (i = 0; i < link_append_count; i++) { addr = sc_storage_link_new(); printf("Created sc-link: seg=%d, offset=%d, content=%d\n", addr.seg, addr.offset, i); stream = sc_stream_memory_new((char*)&i, sizeof(i), SC_STREAM_READ, SC_FALSE); sc_storage_set_link_content(addr, stream); sc_stream_free(stream); } g_timer_stop(timer); printf("Created links: %d\n", link_append_count); printf("Links per second: %f\n", link_append_count / g_timer_elapsed(timer, 0)); printf("Segments count: %d\n", sc_storage_get_segments_count()); print_storage_statistics(); g_timer_destroy(timer); }
sctpErrorCode sctpCommand::processFindLinks(quint32 cmdFlags, quint32 cmdId, QDataStream *params, QIODevice *outDevice) { sc_addr addr; sc_uint32 data_len = 0; sc_char *data = 0; Q_UNUSED(cmdFlags); Q_ASSERT(params != 0); // read length of content data READ_PARAM(data_len); Q_ASSERT(data_len > 0); data = new sc_char[data_len]; if (params->readRawData(data, data_len) != data_len) return SCTP_ERROR_CMD_READ_PARAMS; sc_stream *stream = sc_stream_memory_new(data, data_len, SC_STREAM_READ, SC_FALSE); sc_uint32 result_count = 0; sc_addr *result = 0; if (sc_memory_find_links_with_content(stream, &result, &result_count) != SC_RESULT_OK) writeResultHeader(SCTP_CMD_FIND_LINKS, cmdId, SCTP_RESULT_FAIL, 0, outDevice); else { writeResultHeader(SCTP_CMD_FIND_LINKS, cmdId, SCTP_RESULT_OK, result_count * sizeof(sc_addr) + sizeof(result_count), outDevice); outDevice->write((const char*)&result_count, sizeof(result_count)); outDevice->write((const char*)result, sizeof(sc_addr) * result_count); } sc_stream_free(stream); return SCTP_ERROR_NO; }
bool GwfTranslator::processString(const String &data) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.Parse(data.c_str()); if (error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { THROW_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_PARSE, doc.GetErrorStr2(), mParams.fileName, -1); } tinyxml2::XMLElement *root = doc.FirstChildElement("GWF"); if (!root) { THROW_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_PARSE, "Can't find root element", mParams.fileName, -1); } root = root->FirstChildElement("staticSector"); if (!root) { THROW_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_PARSE, "Cna't find static sector", mParams.fileName, -1); } // collect elements std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement*> nodes; std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement*> edges; std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement*> buses; std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement*> all; static std::string s_arc = "arc"; static std::string s_pair = "pair"; static std::string s_bus = "bus"; tinyxml2::XMLElement *el = root->FirstChildElement(); while (el) { all.push_back(el); if (el->Name() == s_arc || el->Name() == s_pair) edges.push_back(el); else if (el->Name() == s_bus) buses.push_back(el); else nodes.push_back(el); el = el->NextSiblingElement(); } static std::string s_node = "node"; static std::string s_contour = "contour"; tStringAddrMap id_map; tStringAddrMap::iterator itId; // create all nodes std::vector<tinyxml2::XMLElement*>::iterator it, itEnd = nodes.end(); for (it = nodes.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { el = *it; String idtf = el->Attribute("idtf"); String id = el->Attribute("id"); sc_addr addr; itId = id_map.find(id); if (itId != id_map.end()) continue; if (idtf.size() > 0) { if (getScAddr(idtf, addr)) { id_map[id] = addr; continue; // skip elements that already exists } } if (el->Name() == s_contour) { addr = sc_memory_node_new(sc_type_const | sc_type_node_struct); appendScAddr(addr, idtf); } else { tinyxml2::XMLElement *content = el->FirstChildElement("content"); if (!content) { THROW_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_PARSE, "There are no child content for node with id=" + id, mParams.fileName, -1); } if (content->IntAttribute("type") == 0) { addr = sc_memory_node_new(convertType(el->Attribute("type"))); appendScAddr(addr, idtf); } else { // need to create link addr = sc_memory_link_new(); // setup content String data = content->GetText(); if (content->IntAttribute("type") == 4) data = base64_decode(data); sc_stream *stream = sc_stream_memory_new(data.c_str(), data.size(), SC_STREAM_READ, SC_FALSE); sc_memory_set_link_content(addr, stream); sc_stream_free(stream); if (mParams.autoFormatInfo) { String ext = StringUtil::getFileExtension(content->Attribute("file_name")); if (!ext.empty()) generateFormatInfo(addr, ext); } } } if (!idtf.empty()) sc_helper_set_system_identifier(addr, idtf.c_str(), idtf.size()); id_map[id] = addr; } // process buses itEnd = buses.end(); for (it = buses.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { el = *it; tStringAddrMap::iterator itOwner = id_map.find(el->Attribute("owner")); if (itOwner == id_map.end()) continue; id_map[el->Attribute("id")] = itOwner->second; } // now create edges bool created = true; while (created) { created = false; itEnd = edges.end(); for (it = edges.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { el = *it; sc_addr addr; String id = el->Attribute("id"); String idtf = el->Attribute("idtf"); if (id_map.find(id) != id_map.end()) continue; if (getScAddr(idtf, addr)) continue; // get begin and end elements tStringAddrMap::iterator itB = id_map.find(el->Attribute("id_b")); if (itB == id_map.end()) continue; tStringAddrMap::iterator itE = id_map.find(el->Attribute("id_e")); if (itE == id_map.end()) continue; // create arc created = true; addr = sc_memory_arc_new(convertType(el->Attribute("type")), itB->second, itE->second); appendScAddr(addr, idtf); id_map[id] = addr; if (!idtf.empty()) sc_helper_set_system_identifier(addr, idtf.c_str(), idtf.size()); } } // now append elemnts into contours itEnd = all.end(); for (it = all.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { el = *it; tStringAddrMap::iterator itSelf = id_map.find(el->Attribute("id")); if (itSelf == id_map.end()) continue; tStringAddrMap::iterator itP = id_map.find(el->Attribute("parent")); if (itP == id_map.end()) continue; sc_memory_arc_new(sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, itP->second, itSelf->second); } return false; }
sc_addr SCsTranslator::createScAddr(sElement *el) { sc_addr addr; SC_ADDR_MAKE_EMPTY(addr); if (el->type & sc_type_node) addr = sc_memory_node_new(mContext, el->type); else if (el->type & sc_type_link) { addr = sc_memory_link_new(mContext); // setup link content if (el->link_is_file) { String file_path; if (_getAbsFilePath(el->file_path, file_path)) { sc_stream *stream = sc_stream_file_new(file_path.c_str(), SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ); if (stream) { sc_memory_set_link_content(mContext, addr, stream); sc_stream_free(stream); } else { THROW_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Can't open file " + el->file_path, mParams.fileName, -1); } } else { THROW_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_PARAMS, "Unsupported link type " + el->file_path, mParams.fileName, -1); } } else { sc_stream *stream = sc_stream_memory_new(el->, (sc_uint)el->, SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ, SC_FALSE); sc_memory_set_link_content(mContext, addr, stream); sc_stream_free(stream); } // generate format information if (mParams.autoFormatInfo) { if (el->link_is_file) { size_t n = el->file_path.find_last_of("."); if (n != String::npos) generateFormatInfo(addr, el->file_path.substr(n + 1)); } } } else { assert(el->arc_src && el->arc_trg); if (SC_ADDR_IS_EMPTY(el->arc_src->addr) || SC_ADDR_IS_EMPTY(el->arc_trg->addr)) return addr; addr = sc_memory_arc_new(mContext, el->type, el->arc_src->addr, el->arc_trg->addr); } el->addr = addr; return addr; }
sc_result sc_helper_set_system_identifier(sc_memory_context const * ctx, sc_addr addr, const sc_char* data, sc_uint32 len) { sc_iterator5 *it5 = 0; sc_addr *results = 0; sc_uint32 results_count = 0; sc_stream *stream = 0; sc_uint32 i = 0; sc_addr idtf_addr, arc_addr; SC_ADDR_MAKE_EMPTY(idtf_addr) g_assert(sc_keynodes != 0); // check if specified system identifier already used stream = sc_stream_memory_new(data, sizeof(sc_char) * len, SC_STREAM_FLAG_READ, SC_FALSE); if (sc_memory_find_links_with_content(ctx, stream, &results, &results_count) == SC_RESULT_OK) { for (i = 0; i < results_count; i++) { it5 = sc_iterator5_a_a_f_a_f_new(ctx, 0, sc_type_arc_common | sc_type_const, results[i], sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, sc_keynodes[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]); if (sc_iterator5_next(it5)) { // don't foget to free allocated memory before return error sc_iterator5_free(it5); sc_stream_free(stream); g_free(results); return SC_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } sc_iterator5_free(it5); } g_free(results); } // if there are no elements with specified system identitifier, then we can use it idtf_addr = sc_memory_link_new(ctx); if (sc_memory_set_link_content(ctx, idtf_addr, stream) != SC_RESULT_OK) { sc_stream_free(stream); return SC_RESULT_ERROR; } // we doesn't need link data anymore sc_stream_free(stream); // setup new system identifier arc_addr = sc_memory_arc_new(ctx, sc_type_arc_common | sc_type_const, addr, idtf_addr); if (SC_ADDR_IS_EMPTY(arc_addr)) return SC_RESULT_ERROR; arc_addr = sc_memory_arc_new(ctx, sc_type_arc_pos_const_perm, sc_keynodes[SC_KEYNODE_NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER], arc_addr); if (SC_ADDR_IS_EMPTY(arc_addr)) return SC_RESULT_ERROR; return SC_RESULT_OK; }
ScStream::ScStream(sc_char const * buffer, size_t bufferSize, sc_uint8 flags) { m_stream = sc_stream_memory_new(buffer, (sc_uint)bufferSize, flags, SC_FALSE); }