LocalECPotential_CUDA::add(int groupID, RadialPotentialType* ppot, RealType z)
  RadialPotentialType* savefunc = PPset[groupID];
  LocalECPotential::add(groupID, ppot, z);
  RadialPotentialType* rfunc = PPset[groupID];
  if (rfunc != savefunc)
    // Setup CUDA spline
    SRSplines[groupID] = new TextureSpline();
    //      int np = 10001;
    //       RealType rmax(20.0);
    //       char fname[100];
    //       snprintf (fname, 100, "local_ecp_%d.dat", groupID);
    //       FILE *fout = fopen (fname, "w");
    int np = rfunc->size();
    vector<RealType> scaledData(np);
    for (int ir=0; ir<np; ir++)
      // double r = ((RealType)ir / (RealType)(np-1)) * rmax ;
      // 	scaledData[ir] = -z* rfunc->splint(r);
      //	fprintf (stderr, "V(%1.5f) = %1.8f\n", r, scaledData[ir]);
      //	fprintf (fout, "%16.10f %18.10e\n", r,
      // 	scaledData[ir]);
      scaledData[ir] = -z * (*rfunc)(ir);
    // fclose(fout);
    //SRSplines[groupID]->set(&(scaledData[0]), np, 0.0, rmax);
    SRSplines[groupID]->set(&(scaledData[0]), rfunc->size(),
                            rfunc->grid().rmin(), rfunc->grid().rmax());
Esempio n. 2
void FFTFrame::doFFT(const float* data) {
  AudioFloatArray scaledData(m_FFTSize);
  // veclib fft returns a result that is twice as large as would be expected.
  // Compensate for that by scaling the input by half so the FFT has the
  // correct scaling.
  float scale = 0.5f;
  VectorMath::vsmul(data, 1, &scale, scaledData.data(), 1, m_FFTSize);

  vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex*)scaledData.data(), 2, &m_frame, 1, m_FFTSize / 2);
  vDSP_fft_zrip(m_FFTSetup, &m_frame, 1, m_log2FFTSize, FFT_FORWARD);