Esempio n. 1
int history_color(FILE *fd, time_t snapshot, time_t *starttime, char **histlogname)
	char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	time_t duration;
	char colstr[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	int color;
	char *p;

	*histlogname = NULL;
	scan_historyfile(fd, snapshot, snapshot, l, sizeof(l), starttime, &duration, colstr);
	strcat(colstr, " ");
	color = parse_color(colstr);
	if ((color == COL_PURPLE) || (color == -1)) {
		color = -2;

	p = timename(l);
	if (p) *histlogname = strdup(p);

	return color;
Esempio n. 2
int parse_historyfile(FILE *fd, reportinfo_t *repinfo, char *hostname, char *servicename, 
			time_t fromtime, time_t totime, int for_history, 
			double warnlevel, double greenlevel, int warnstops, char *reporttime)
	char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	time_t starttime, duration;
	unsigned int uistart, uidur;
	char colstr[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	int color, done, i, scanres;
	int fileerrors = 0;

	repinfo->fstate = "OK";
	repinfo->withreport = 0;
	repinfo->reportstart = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	for (i=0; (i<COL_COUNT); i++) {
		repinfo->count[i] = 0;
		repinfo->fullduration[i] = 0;
		repinfo->fullpct[i] = 0.0;
		repinfo->reportduration[i] = 0;
		repinfo->reportpct[i] = 0.0;
	repinfo->fullavailability = 0.0;
	repinfo->reportavailability = 0.0;
	repinfo->fullstops = 0;
	repinfo->reportstops = 0;

	if (reporttime) build_reportspecs(reporttime);

	/* Sanity check */
	if (totime > getcurrenttime(NULL)) totime = getcurrenttime(NULL);

	/* If for_history and fromtime is 0, dont do any seeking */
	if (!for_history || (fromtime > 0)) {
		fileerrors = scan_historyfile(fd, fromtime, totime, 
				      l, sizeof(l), &starttime, &duration, colstr);
	else {
		/* Already positioned (probably in a pipe) */
		if (get_historyline(l, sizeof(l), fd, &fileerrors, colstr, &uistart, &uidur, &scanres)) {
			starttime = uistart; duration = uidur;
			if (scanres == 2) duration = getcurrenttime(NULL) - starttime;
		else {
			starttime = getcurrenttime(NULL); duration = 0;
			strcpy(colstr, "clear");
			fileerrors = 1;

	if (starttime > totime) {
		repinfo->fullavailability = repinfo->reportavailability = 100.0;
		repinfo->fullpct[COL_CLEAR] = repinfo->reportpct[COL_CLEAR] = 100.0;
		repinfo->count[COL_CLEAR] = 1;
		return COL_CLEAR;

	/* If event starts before our fromtime, adjust starttime and duration */
	if (starttime < fromtime) {
		duration -= (fromtime - starttime);
		starttime = fromtime;
	repinfo->reportstart = starttime;

	done = 0;
	do {
		/* If event ends after our reportend, adjust duration */
		if ((starttime + duration) > totime) duration = (totime - starttime);
		strcat(colstr, " "); color = parse_color(colstr);

		if (color != -1) {
			unsigned long sladuration = 0;

			dbgprintf("In-range entry starting %lu lasting %lu color %d: %s", starttime, duration, color, l);
			repinfo->fullduration[color] += duration;
			if (color > COL_YELLOW) repinfo->fullstops++;
			if (reporttime) {
				sladuration = reportingduration(starttime, duration);
				repinfo->reportduration[color] += sladuration;
				if ((color > COL_YELLOW) && (sladuration > 0)) repinfo->reportstops++;

			if (for_history || ((hostname != NULL) && (servicename != NULL))) {
				replog_t *newentry;
				char *timespec = timename(l);

				newentry = (replog_t *) malloc(sizeof(replog_t));
				newentry->starttime = starttime;
				newentry->duration = duration;
				newentry->color = color;
				newentry->affectssla = (reporttime && (sladuration > 0));

				if (!for_history && timespec && (color != COL_GREEN)) {
					newentry->cause = parse_histlogfile(hostname, servicename, timespec);
				else newentry->cause = "";

				newentry->timespec = (timespec ? strdup(timespec): NULL);
				newentry->next = reploghead;
				reploghead = newentry;

		if ((starttime + duration) < totime) {
			if (get_historyline(l, sizeof(l), fd, &fileerrors, colstr, &uistart, &uidur, &scanres)) {
				starttime = uistart; duration = uidur;
				if (scanres == 2) duration = getcurrenttime(NULL) - starttime;
			else done = 1;
		else done = 1;
	} while (!done);

	for (i=0; (i<COL_COUNT); i++) {
		dbgprintf("Duration for color %d: %lu\n", i, repinfo->fullduration[i]);
		repinfo->fullpct[i] = (100.0*repinfo->fullduration[i] / (totime - repinfo->reportstart));
	repinfo->fullavailability = 100.0 - repinfo->fullpct[COL_RED];

	if (reporttime) {
		repinfo->withreport = 1;
		duration = repinfo->reportduration[COL_GREEN] + 
			   repinfo->reportduration[COL_YELLOW] + 
			   repinfo->reportduration[COL_RED] + 

		if (duration > 0) {
			repinfo->reportpct[COL_GREEN] = (100.0*repinfo->reportduration[COL_GREEN] / duration);
			repinfo->reportpct[COL_YELLOW] = (100.0*repinfo->reportduration[COL_YELLOW] / duration);
			repinfo->reportpct[COL_RED] = (100.0*repinfo->reportduration[COL_RED] / duration);
			repinfo->reportpct[COL_CLEAR] = (100.0*repinfo->reportduration[COL_CLEAR] / duration);
			repinfo->reportavailability = 100.0 - repinfo->reportpct[COL_RED] - repinfo->reportpct[COL_CLEAR];

			if (repinfo->reportavailability > greenlevel) color = COL_GREEN;
			else if (repinfo->reportavailability >= warnlevel) color = COL_YELLOW;
			else color = COL_RED;

			if ((warnstops >= 0) && (repinfo->reportstops > warnstops)) color = COL_RED;
		else {
			/* Reporting period has no match with REPORTTIME setting */
			repinfo->reportpct[COL_CLEAR] = 100.0;
			repinfo->reportavailability = 100.0;
			color = COL_GREEN;
	else {
		if (repinfo->fullavailability > greenlevel) color = COL_GREEN;
		else if (repinfo->fullavailability >= warnlevel) color = COL_YELLOW;
		else color = COL_RED;

		if ((warnstops >= 0) && (repinfo->fullstops > warnstops)) color = COL_RED;

		/* Copy the full percentages/durations to the SLA ones */
		repinfo->reportavailability = repinfo->fullavailability;
		repinfo->reportstops = repinfo->fullstops;
		for (i=0; (i<COL_COUNT); i++) {
			repinfo->reportduration[i] = repinfo->fullduration[i];
			repinfo->reportpct[i] = repinfo->fullpct[i];

	if (fileerrors) repinfo->fstate = "NOTOK";
	return color;