:	mVideoMemoryHeap( CMemoryHeap::Create( MAKE_UNCACHED_PTR( sceGeEdramGetAddr() ), sceGeEdramGetSize() ) )
,	mRamMemoryHeap( CMemoryHeap::Create( MAKE_UNCACHED_PTR( (void*)(((u32)malloc_volatile(ERAM + 0xF) + 0xF) & ~0xF) ), ERAM ) )
//,	mRamMemoryHeap( CMemoryHeap::Create( 1 * 1024 * 1024 ) )
	printf( "vram base: %p\n", sceGeEdramGetAddr() );
	printf( "vram size: %d KB\n", sceGeEdramGetSize() / 1024 );
Esempio n. 2
 * display_init:  Initialize the PSP display.
 * [Parameters]
 *     None
 * [Return value]
 *     Nonzero on success, zero on error
int display_init(void)
    /* Have we already initialized? */
    static int initted = 0;
    if (initted) {
        return 1;

    /* Clear out VRAM */
    memset(sceGeEdramGetAddr(), 0, sceGeEdramGetSize());

    /* Set display mode */
    int32_t res = sceDisplaySetMode(0, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT);
    if (res < 0) {
        DMSG("sceDisplaySetMode() failed: %s", psp_strerror(res));
        return 0;
    display_width = DISPLAY_WIDTH;
    display_height = DISPLAY_HEIGHT;
    display_mode = PSP_DISPLAY_PIXEL_FORMAT_8888;
    display_bpp = 32;

    /* Initialize VRAM pointers */
    uint8_t *vram_addr = sceGeEdramGetAddr();
    uint32_t vram_size = sceGeEdramGetSize();
    const uint32_t frame_size =
        DISPLAY_STRIDE * DISPLAY_HEIGHT * (display_bpp/8);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < lenof(surfaces); i++) {
        surfaces[i] = vram_addr + i*frame_size;
    vram_spare_ptr = (uint8_t *)(vram_addr + lenof(surfaces)*frame_size);
    vram_next_alloc = vram_spare_ptr;
    vram_top = vram_addr + vram_size;
    displayed_surface = 0;
    work_surface = 1;
    swap_pending = 0;

    /* Set the currently-displayed buffer */
    sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(surfaces[displayed_surface], DISPLAY_STRIDE,
                          display_mode, PSP_DISPLAY_SETBUF_IMMEDIATE);

    /* Set up the GU library */
    guStart(GU_DIRECT, display_list);
                 surfaces[displayed_surface], DISPLAY_STRIDE);
    guSync(0, 0);

    /* Success */
    initted = 1;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
void __pspgl_vram_dump (void)
	unsigned long vram_start = (unsigned long) sceGeEdramGetAddr();
	unsigned long vram_size = (unsigned long) sceGeEdramGetSize() * 4;
	unsigned long header [4];
	unsigned char vram_copy [0x10000];
	int fd;
	int i;


	if (pspgl_curctx) {
		struct pspgl_surface *s = pspgl_curctx->draw;
		struct pspgl_dump_surfaces surf;

		header[1] = sizeof(header) + sizeof(surf);
		header[2] = 0;
		header[3] = 0;

		memset(&surf, 0, sizeof(surf));

		surf.pixfmt = s->pixfmt;
		surf.alpha_mask = s->alpha_mask;
		surf.stencil_mask = s->stencil_mask;

		surf.front.start = s->color_front->base - sceGeEdramGetAddr();
		surf.front.size = s->height * s->pixelperline * (s->pixfmt == GE_RGBA_8888 ? 4 : 2);
		surf.front.stride = s->pixelperline;

		surf.back.start = s->color_back->base - sceGeEdramGetAddr();
		surf.back.size = s->height * s->pixelperline * (s->pixfmt == GE_RGBA_8888 ? 4 : 2);
		surf.back.stride = s->pixelperline;

		if (s->depth_buffer) {
			surf.depth.start = s->depth_buffer->base - sceGeEdramGetAddr();
			surf.depth.size = s->height * s->pixelperline * 2;
			surf.depth.stride = s->pixelperline;

		sceIoWrite(fd, header, sizeof(header));
		sceIoWrite(fd, &surf, sizeof(surf));

	header[0] = PSPGL_GE_DUMP_VRAM;
	header[1] = sizeof(header) + vram_size;
	header[2] = vram_start;
	header[3] = vram_size;

	sceIoWrite(fd, header, sizeof(header));

	/* copy in blocks, direct writes from VRAM to file don't seem to work... */
	for (i=0; i<vram_size/sizeof(vram_copy); i++, vram_start+=sizeof(vram_copy)) {
		memcpy(vram_copy, (void *) vram_start, sizeof(vram_copy));
		sceIoWrite(fd, (void *) vram_copy, sizeof(vram_copy));

Esempio n. 4
static int is_edram_addr(void *p)
	static void *edram_start, *edram_end;

	if (edram_end == NULL) {
		edram_start = sceGeEdramGetAddr();
		edram_end = sceGeEdramGetAddr() + sceGeEdramGetSize();

	return (p >= edram_start) && (p < edram_end);
Esempio n. 5
static void* vidmem_alloc(unsigned int size)
	/*(16[bytes]境界へ .align 調整処理.)*/
	unsigned int i;
	/* round the size up to the nearest 16 bytes and
	 all hwsurfaces are safe to use as textures. */
	i = (size & (16-1));//(size % 16)
//	if (0 != i) 	{	size += 16 - i; 	}
	if (0 != i) 	{	size += 16; size -= i;	}
	unsigned int start_addr;
	unsigned int temp_addr;
	start_addr	= ((unsigned int)sceGeEdramGetAddr());
	temp_addr	= start_addr;
	for (i=0; i<vidmem_map_len; i++)
		if (vidmem_map[i].ptr != NULL)
			unsigned int new_addr;
			new_addr = ((unsigned int)vidmem_map[i].ptr);
			if (size <= new_addr - temp_addr)
				goto my_insert_end;/*(その場所に挿入)*/
			temp_addr = new_addr + vidmem_map[i].len;
	if (temp_addr + size > start_addr + sceGeEdramGetSize())
	{return (NULL);/*(挿入できない)*/}
	i = vidmem_map_len;
	return (vidmem_map_insert_new(i, temp_addr, size));/* (挿入処理.) */
	namespace vram
		typedef std::vector<unsigned short>	allocated_list;

		static char* const			base			= static_cast<char*>(sceGeEdramGetAddr());
		static const std::size_t	block_size		= 32 * 32;
		static const std::size_t	block_count		= sceGeEdramGetSize() / block_size;
		static allocated_list		allocated(block_count, 0);
		static std::size_t			bytes_required	= 0;
		static std::size_t			bytes_allocated	= 0;

		void* allocate(std::size_t size)
			// How many blocks to allocate?
			bytes_required += size;
			std::size_t blocks_required = (size + block_size - 1) / block_size;

			Con_Printf("vram::allocate %u bytes (%u blocks)\n", size, blocks_required);
			Con_Printf("\tblock_size = %u\n", block_size);
			Con_Printf("\tblock_count = %u\n", block_count);

			// Find a sequential area this big.
			for (std::size_t start = 0; start < (block_count - blocks_required);)
				// Is this block allocated?
				const std::size_t allocated_blocks = allocated.at(start);
				if (allocated_blocks)
					// Skip the allocated block.
					start += allocated_blocks;

					//Con_Printf("\tskipping from block %u to %u\n", start - allocated_blocks, start);
					// Where would the allocated block end?
					const std::size_t	end	= start + blocks_required;

					//Con_Printf("\ttrying blocks %u to %u\n", start, end - 1);

					// Check for allocated blocks in the area we want.
					std::size_t free_blocks_here	= 1;
					for (std::size_t b = start + 1; b < end; ++b)
						if (allocated.at(b))

					// Is the block big enough?
					if (free_blocks_here >= blocks_required)
						// Mark it as allocated.
						Con_Printf("\tmarking blocks %u to %u as allocated\n", start, end - 1);
						bytes_allocated += (blocks_required * block_size);
						for (std::size_t b = start; b < end; ++b)
							allocated.at(b) = blocks_required--;

						// Done.
						Con_Printf("\tdone (%u allocated, %u required)\n", bytes_allocated, bytes_required);
						return base + (block_size * start);
						// Move on.
						start += free_blocks_here;
						Con_Printf("\tskipping from block %u to %u, because there wasn't a big enough run of free blocks\n",
							start - free_blocks_here, start);

			// Failed.
			Con_Printf("\tfailed, no free blocks big enough (%u allocated, %u required)\n",
				bytes_allocated, bytes_required);
			return 0;

		void free(void* memory)
			// Which block is this?
			const std::size_t	relative_address	= static_cast<char*>(memory) - base;
			const std::size_t	block_index			= relative_address / block_size;

			Con_Printf("vram::free freeing blocks starting with %u\n", block_index);

			// Mark the blocks as deallocated.
			const std::size_t blocks_to_free	= allocated.at(block_index);
			Con_Printf("\tfreeing to %u\n", block_index + blocks_to_free - 1);
			for (std::size_t block = 0; block < blocks_to_free; ++block)
				allocated.at(block_index + block) = 0;

			const std::size_t bytes_to_free	= blocks_to_free * block_size;
			bytes_allocated -= bytes_to_free;
			bytes_required -= bytes_to_free;
			Con_Printf("\tnow %u allocated, %u required\n", bytes_allocated, bytes_required);
void Host_Init (quakeparms_t *parms)
	#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(GLQUAKE)
	FILE *fp = fopen("opengl32.dll","r");
	if (fp) {
		// exists
		Sys_Error ("OpenGL32.dll found in Quake folder.  You must delete this file from your Quake folder to run this engine.");
	#endif // Windows only

	if (standard_quake)
		minimum_memory = MINIMUM_MEMORY;
		minimum_memory = MINIMUM_MEMORY_LEVELPAK;

	if (COM_CheckParm ("-minmemory"))
		parms->memsize = minimum_memory;

	host_parms = *parms;

	if (parms->memsize < minimum_memory)
		Sys_Error ("Only %4.1f megs of memory available, can't execute game and memsize = %i and minimum memory is %i", parms->memsize / (float)0x100000, parms->memsize, minimum_memory);

	com_argc = parms->argc;
	com_argv = parms->argv;
	// JPG 3.00 - moved this here
#if defined(_WIN32)
	srand(time(NULL) ^ _getpid());
	srand(time(NULL) ^ getpid());

	Memory_Init (parms->membase, parms->memsize);
	Cbuf_Init ();
	Cmd_Init ();
	Cvar_Init ();
	V_Init ();
	Chase_Init ();
	Host_InitVCR (parms);
	COM_Init (parms->basedir);
	Host_InitLocal ();

	W_LoadWadFile ("gfx.wad");
	Key_Init ();

	Con_Init ();
	M_Init ();
	PR_Init ();
	Mod_Init ();
	Security_Init ();	// JPG 3.20 - cheat free
	NET_Init ();
	SV_Init ();
	IPLog_Init ();	// JPG 1.05 - ip address logging

	Con_Printf ("Exe: "__TIME__" "__DATE__"\n");
	Con_Printf ("Insomnia ProQuake Engine v 4.71 Rev4\n"); //(EBOOT: "__TIME__" "__DATE__")\n");

	int currentCPU = scePowerGetCpuClockFrequency();
	int currentVRAM = sceGeEdramGetSize();
    int currentVRAMADD = sceGeEdramGetAddr();
	int currentRAMAVAIL = sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize();

	Con_Printf ("PSP Normal 32MB RAM Mode \n");
	Con_Printf ("PSP Slim 64MB RAM Mode \n");

	Con_Printf ("%4.1f megabyte heap \n",parms->memsize/ (1024*1024.0));
	Con_Printf ("%4.1f PSP application heap \n",1.0f*PSP_HEAP_SIZE_MB);
	Con_Printf ("%d VRAM \n",currentVRAM);
    Con_Printf ("%d VRAM Address \n",currentVRAMADD);
    Con_Printf ("%d Current Total RAM \n",currentRAMAVAIL);

	Con_Printf ("CPU Speed %d MHz\n", currentCPU);
	Con_Printf ("%s \n", com_gamedir);

	R_InitTextures ();		// needed even for dedicated servers
	Con_Printf ("%4.1f megabyte heap\n",parms->memsize/ (1024*1024.0));

	if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
		host_basepal = (byte *)COM_LoadHunkFile ("gfx/palette.lmp");
		if (!host_basepal)
			Sys_Error ("Couldn't load gfx/palette.lmp");
		host_colormap = (byte *)COM_LoadHunkFile ("gfx/colormap.lmp");
		if (!host_colormap)
			Sys_Error ("Couldn't load gfx/colormap.lmp");

#ifndef _WIN32 // on non win32, mouse comes before video for security reasons
		IN_Init ();
		VID_Init (host_basepal);

        Draw_Init ();
		SCR_Init ();
		R_Init ();
#ifndef	_WIN32
	// on Win32, sound initialization has to come before video initialization, so we
	// can put up a popup if the sound hardware is in use
		S_Init ();

#ifdef	GLQUAKE
	// FIXME: doesn't use the new one-window approach yet
		S_Init ();

#endif	// _WIN32
		CDAudio_Init ();
		Sbar_Init ();
		CL_Init ();
#ifdef _WIN32 // on non win32, mouse comes before video for security reasons
		IN_Init ();

#ifdef _WIN32
		// Baker: 3.99m to get sys info
		// must be AFTER video init stuff
		Sys_InfoInit();  // We don't care about dedicated servers for this

		// Baker 3.76 - Autoplay demo

		if (com_argc >= 2)
			char *infile = com_argv[1];

			if (infile[0] && infile[0] != '-' && infile[0] != '+') {
				char tmp[1024] = {0}, *ext = COM_FileExtension(infile);

				if (!strncasecmp(ext, "dem", sizeof("dem")))
					snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "playdemo \"%s\"\n", infile);

				if (tmp[0])
					nostartdemos = true;


	Cbuf_InsertText ("exec quake.rc\n");

	// Baker 3.80x: this is a hack

	if (!isDedicated) {

		Cbuf_AddText ("\nsavefov\n");
		Cbuf_AddText ("savesensitivity\n");
	Hunk_AllocName (0, "-HOST_HUNKLEVEL-");
	host_hunklevel = Hunk_LowMark ();

	host_initialized = true;

	Con_Printf ("Host Initialized\n");
	Sys_Printf ("========Quake Initialized=========\n");