Esempio n. 1
void Folder::slotWatchedPathChanged(const QString& path)
    // When no sync is running or it's in the prepare phase, we can
    // always schedule a new sync.
    if (! _engine || _syncResult.status() == SyncResult::SyncPrepare) {
        emit scheduleToSync(this);

    // The folder watcher fires a lot of bogus notifications during
    // a sync operation, both for actual user files and the database
    // and log. Therefore we check notifications against operations
    // the sync is doing to filter out our own changes.
    bool ownChange = false;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    // On OSX the folder watcher does not report changes done by our
    // own process. Therefore nothing needs to be done here!
    // Use the path to figure out whether it was our own change
    const auto maxNotificationDelay = 15*1000;
    qint64 time = _engine->timeSinceFileTouched(path);
    if (time != -1 && time < maxNotificationDelay) {
        ownChange = true;

    if (! ownChange) {
        emit scheduleToSync(this);
Esempio n. 2
void Folder::slotRunEtagJob()
    qDebug() << "* Trying to check" << alias() << "for changes via ETag check. (time since last sync:" << (_timeSinceLastSyncDone.elapsed() / 1000) << "s)";

    Q_ASSERT(_accountState );

    AccountPtr account = _accountState->account();

    if (!_requestEtagJob.isNull()) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << alias() << "has ETag job queued, not trying to sync";

    if (_definition.paused || !_accountState->isConnected()) {
        qDebug() << "Not syncing.  :"  << alias() << _definition.paused << AccountState::stateString(_accountState->state());

    bool forceSyncIntervalExpired =
            quint64(_timeSinceLastSyncDone.elapsed()) > ConfigFile().forceSyncInterval();
    bool syncAgainAfterFail = _consecutiveFailingSyncs > 0 && _consecutiveFailingSyncs < 3;

    // There are several conditions under which we trigger a full-discovery sync:
    // * When a suitably long time has passed since the last sync finished
    // * When the last sync failed (only a couple of times)
    // * When the last sync requested another sync to be done (only a couple of times)
    // Note that the etag check (see below) and the file watcher may also trigger
    // syncs.
    if (forceSyncIntervalExpired
            || _forceSyncOnPollTimeout
            || syncAgainAfterFail) {

        if (forceSyncIntervalExpired) {
            qDebug() << "** Force Sync, because it has been " << _timeSinceLastSyncDone.elapsed() << "ms "
                     << "since the last sync";
        if (_forceSyncOnPollTimeout) {
            qDebug() << "** Force Sync, because it was requested";
        if (syncAgainAfterFail) {
            qDebug() << "** Force Sync, because the last"
                     << _consecutiveFailingSyncs << "syncs failed, last status:"
                     << _syncResult.statusString();
        _forceSyncOnPollTimeout = false;
        emit scheduleToSync(this);

    } else {
        // Do the ordinary etag check for the root folder and only schedule a real
        // sync if it's different.

        _requestEtagJob = new RequestEtagJob(account, remotePath(), this);
        // check if the etag is different
        QObject::connect(_requestEtagJob, SIGNAL(etagRetreived(QString)), this, SLOT(etagRetreived(QString)));
        FolderMan::instance()->slotScheduleETagJob(alias(), _requestEtagJob);
        // The _requestEtagJob is auto deleting itself on finish. Our guard pointer _requestEtagJob will then be null.
Esempio n. 3
void Folder::evaluateSync(const QStringList &/*pathList*/)
  if( !_enabled ) {
    qDebug() << "*" << alias() << "sync skipped, disabled!";

  _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::NotYetStarted );
  emit scheduleToSync( alias() );

Esempio n. 4
void Folder::etagRetreived(const QString& etag)
    qDebug() << "* Compare etag  with previous etag: " << (_lastEtag != etag);

    // re-enable sync if it was disabled because network was down

    if (_lastEtag != etag) {
        _lastEtag = etag;
        emit scheduleToSync(alias());
Esempio n. 5
void Folder::etagRetreived(const QString& etag)
    qDebug() << "* Compare etag with previous etag: last:" << _lastEtag << ", received:" << etag;

    // re-enable sync if it was disabled because network was down

    if (_lastEtag != etag) {
        _lastEtag = etag;
        emit scheduleToSync(this);

    if( _accountState ) {
Esempio n. 6
void Folder::slotPollTimerTimeout()
    qDebug() << "* Polling" << alias() << "for changes. (time since last sync:" << (_timeSinceLastSync.elapsed() / 1000) << "s)";

    if (quint64(_timeSinceLastSync.elapsed()) > MirallConfigFile().forceSyncInterval() ||
            !(_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Success ||_syncResult.status() == SyncResult::Problem)) {
        qDebug() << "** Force Sync now, state is " << _syncResult.statusString();
        emit scheduleToSync(alias());
    } else {
        RequestEtagJob* job = new RequestEtagJob(AccountManager::instance()->account(), remotePath(), this);
        // check if the etag is different
        QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(etagRetreived(QString)), this, SLOT(etagRetreived(QString)));
        QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(networkError(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(slotNetworkUnavailable()));
Esempio n. 7
void Folder::evaluateSync(const QStringList &pathList)
  if( !_enabled ) {
    qDebug() << "*" << alias() << "sync skipped, disabled!";
  if (!_online && onlyOnlineEnabled()) {
    qDebug() << "*" << alias() << "sync skipped, not online";

  // stop the poll timer here. Its started again in the slot of
  // sync finished.
  qDebug() << "* " << alias() << "Poll timer disabled";

  _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::NotYetStarted );
  emit scheduleToSync( alias() );
