Esempio n. 1
SCM tf_add_gradient_(SCM scm_graph, SCM scm_expression, SCM scm_variables)
  SCM retval;
  if (scm_is_true(scm_list_p(scm_variables))) {
    struct tf_graph_t *graph = get_tf_graph(scm_graph);
    struct tf_output_t *expression = get_tf_output(scm_expression);
    int nvariables = scm_ilength(scm_variables);
    TF_Output *variables = scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(TF_Output) * nvariables, "tf-add-gradient_");
    for (int i=0; i<nvariables; i++) {
      variables[i] = get_tf_output(scm_car(scm_variables))->output;
      scm_variables = scm_cdr(scm_variables);
    TF_Output *output = scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(TF_Output) * nvariables, "tf-add-gradient_");
    TF_AddGradients(graph->graph, &expression->output, 1, variables, nvariables, NULL, status(), output);
    if (TF_GetCode(_status) != TF_OK)
      scm_misc_error("tf-add-gradient_", TF_Message(_status), SCM_EOL);
    retval = SCM_EOL;
    for (int i=nvariables-1; i>=0; i--) {
      SCM element;
      struct tf_output_t *result = scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_output_t), "tf-add-gradient_");
      SCM_NEWSMOB(element, tf_output_tag, result);
      result->output = output[i];
      retval = scm_cons(element, retval);
  } else
    retval = scm_car(tf_add_gradient_(scm_graph, scm_expression, scm_list_1(scm_variables)));
  return retval;
Esempio n. 2
SCM tf_run(SCM scm_session, SCM scm_input, SCM scm_output)
  SCM retval;
  if (scm_is_true(scm_list_p(scm_output))) {
    struct tf_session_t *session = get_tf_session(scm_session);
    int ninputs = scm_ilength(scm_input);
    TF_Output *inputs = scm_gc_malloc(sizeof(TF_Output) * ninputs, "tf-run");
    TF_Tensor **input_values = scm_gc_malloc(sizeof(TF_Tensor *) * ninputs, "tf-run");
    for (int i=0; i<ninputs; i++) {
      memcpy(&inputs[i], &get_tf_output(scm_caar(scm_input))->output, sizeof(TF_Output));
      input_values[i] = get_tf_tensor(scm_cdar(scm_input))->tensor;
      scm_input = scm_cdr(scm_input);
    int noutputs = scm_ilength(scm_output);
    TF_Output *output = scm_gc_malloc(sizeof(TF_Output) * noutputs, "tf-run");
    TF_Tensor **output_values = scm_gc_malloc(sizeof(TF_Tensor *) * noutputs, "tf-run");
    for (int i=0; i<noutputs; i++) {
      output[i] = get_tf_output(scm_car(scm_output))->output;
      scm_output = scm_cdr(scm_output);
    TF_SessionRun(session->session, NULL, inputs, input_values, ninputs, output, output_values, noutputs, NULL, 0, NULL, status());
    if (TF_GetCode(_status) != TF_OK)
      scm_misc_error("tf-run", TF_Message(_status), SCM_EOL);
    retval = SCM_EOL;
    for (int i=noutputs-1; i>=0; i--) {
      SCM element;
      struct tf_tensor_t *result = (struct tf_tensor_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_tensor_t), "make-tensor");
      SCM_NEWSMOB(element, tf_tensor_tag, result);
      result->tensor = output_values[i];
      retval = scm_cons(element, retval);
  } else
    retval = scm_car(tf_run(scm_session, scm_input, scm_list_1(scm_output)));
  return retval;
Esempio n. 3
/* Return a new port of type PORT_TYPE.  */
static inline SCM
make_port (scm_t_bits port_type)
  SCM port;
  char *c_buffer;
  scm_t_port *c_port;

  c_buffer = scm_gc_calloc (PORT_BUFFER_SIZE, "custom-port-buffer");

  port = scm_new_port_table_entry (port_type);

  /* Associate C_BUFFER with PORT, for test purposes.  */
  SCM_SETSTREAM (port, (scm_t_bits) c_buffer);

  /* Use C_BUFFER as PORT's internal buffer.  */
  c_port = SCM_PTAB_ENTRY (port);
  c_port->read_pos = c_port->read_buf = (unsigned char *) c_buffer;
  c_port->read_end = (unsigned char *) c_buffer + PORT_BUFFER_SIZE;
  c_port->read_buf_size = PORT_BUFFER_SIZE;

  /* Mark PORT as open and readable.  */
  SCM_SET_CELL_TYPE (port, port_type | SCM_OPN | SCM_RDNG);

  return port;
Esempio n. 4
SCM make_graph(void)
  SCM retval;
  struct tf_graph_t *self = (struct tf_graph_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_graph_t), "make-graph");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, tf_graph_tag, self);
  self->graph = TF_NewGraph();
  return retval;
Esempio n. 5
SCM make_llvm_module_base(void)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_module_t *self;
  self = (struct llvm_module_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_module_t), "llvm");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_module_tag, self);
  self->module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("aiscm");
  return retval;
Esempio n. 6
SCM llvm_build_phi(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_type)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_value_t *result = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvm value");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, result);
  int type = scm_to_int(scm_type);
  result->value = LLVMBuildPhi(function->builder, llvm_type(type), "x");
  return retval;
Esempio n. 7
SCM llvm_get_param(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_index)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  int index = scm_to_int(scm_index);
  struct llvm_value_t *result = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvm value");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, result);
  result->value = LLVMGetParam(function->function, index);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 8
SCM make_llvm_constant(SCM scm_type, SCM scm_value)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_value_t *self;
  self = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvm value");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, self);
  int type = scm_to_int(scm_type);
  self->value = scm_to_llvm_value(type, scm_value);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 9
SCM llvm_build_unary(LLVMValueRef (*build_unary)(LLVMBuilderRef, LLVMValueRef, const char*),
                     SCM scm_function, SCM scm_value)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_value_t *value = get_llvm_value(scm_value);
  struct llvm_value_t *result = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvm value");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, result);
  result->value = (*build_unary)(function->builder, value->value, "x");
  return retval;
Esempio n. 10
SCM llvm_build_float_cmp(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_predicate, SCM scm_value_a, SCM scm_value_b)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_value_t *value_a = get_llvm_value(scm_value_a);
  struct llvm_value_t *value_b = get_llvm_value(scm_value_b);
  struct llvm_value_t *result = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvm value");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, result);
  result->value = LLVMBuildFCmp(function->builder, scm_to_int(scm_predicate), value_a->value, value_b->value, "x");
  return retval;
Esempio n. 11
SCM make_llvm_basic_block(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_name)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_basic_block_t *self;
  self = (struct llvm_basic_block_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_basic_block_t), "llvm basic block");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_basic_block_tag, self);
  char *name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_name);
  self->basic_block = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(function->function, name);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 12
SCM tf_add_input_list(SCM scm_description, SCM scm_inputs)
  struct tf_description_t *self = get_tf_description(scm_description);
  int num_inputs = scm_ilength(scm_inputs);
  TF_Output *inputs = (TF_Output *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct TF_Output) * num_inputs, "tf-add-input-list");
  for (int i=0; i<num_inputs; i++) {
    inputs[i] = get_tf_output(scm_car(scm_inputs))->output;
    scm_inputs = scm_cdr(scm_inputs);
  TF_AddInputList(self->description, inputs, num_inputs);
Esempio n. 13
SCM llvm_build_load(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_type, SCM scm_address)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_value_t *result = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvm value");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, result);
  struct llvm_value_t *address = get_llvm_value(scm_address);
  int type = scm_to_int(scm_type);
  LLVMValueRef pointer = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(function->builder, address->value, LLVMPointerType(llvm_type(type), 0), "x");
  result->value = LLVMBuildLoad(function->builder, pointer, "x");
  return retval;
Esempio n. 14
SCM make_description(SCM scm_graph, SCM scm_op, SCM scm_name)
  SCM retval;
  struct tf_graph_t *graph = get_tf_graph(scm_graph);
  struct tf_description_t *self = (struct tf_description_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_description_t), "make-description");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, tf_description_tag, self);
  char *op = scm_to_locale_string(scm_op);
  char *name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_name);
  self->description = TF_NewOperation(graph->graph, op, name);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 15
SCM llvm_build_select(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_condition, SCM scm_value_if, SCM scm_value_else)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_value_t *self;
  self = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvm value");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, self);
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_value_t *condition = get_llvm_value(scm_condition);
  struct llvm_value_t *value_if   = get_llvm_value(scm_value_if  );
  struct llvm_value_t *value_else = get_llvm_value(scm_value_else);
  self->value = LLVMBuildSelect(function->builder, condition->value, value_if->value, value_else->value, "x");
  return retval;
Esempio n. 16
SCM make_tf_session(SCM scm_graph)
  SCM retval;
  struct tf_session_t *self = (struct tf_session_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_session_t), "make-tf-session");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, tf_session_tag, self);
  self->graph = get_tf_graph(scm_graph);
  TF_SessionOptions *options = TF_NewSessionOptions();
  self->session = TF_NewSession(self->graph->graph, options, status());
  if (TF_GetCode(_status) != TF_OK)
    scm_misc_error("make-tf-session", TF_Message(_status), SCM_EOL);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 17
SCM make_ffmpeg_input(SCM scm_file_name, SCM scm_debug)
  SCM retval;
  struct ffmpeg_t *self;
  const char *file_name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_file_name);
  self = (struct ffmpeg_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct ffmpeg_t), "ffmpeg");
  self->video_stream_idx = -1;
  self->audio_stream_idx = -1;
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, ffmpeg_tag, self);

  int err;
  err = avformat_open_input(&self->fmt_ctx, file_name, NULL, NULL);
  if (err < 0) {
    scm_misc_error("make-ffmpeg-input", "Error opening file '~a': ~a", scm_list_2(scm_file_name, get_error_text(err)));

  err = avformat_find_stream_info(self->fmt_ctx, NULL);
  if (err < 0) {
    scm_misc_error("make-ffmpeg-input", "No stream information in file '~a': ~a", scm_list_2(scm_file_name, get_error_text(err)));

  // TODO: only open desired streams
  // Open video stream
  self->video_stream_idx = av_find_best_stream(self->fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, NULL, 0);
  if (self->video_stream_idx >= 0)
    self->video_codec_ctx = open_decoder(retval, scm_file_name, video_stream(self), "video");

  // Open audio stream
  self->audio_stream_idx = av_find_best_stream(self->fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, NULL, 0);
  if (self->audio_stream_idx >= 0)
    self->audio_codec_ctx = open_decoder(retval, scm_file_name, audio_stream(self), "audio");

  // Print debug information
  if (scm_is_true(scm_debug)) av_dump_format(self->fmt_ctx, 0, file_name, 0);

  // Allocate input frames
  self->video_target_frame = allocate_frame(retval);
  self->audio_target_frame = allocate_frame(retval);

  // Initialise data packet
  self-> = NULL;
  self->pkt.size = 0;

  return retval;
Esempio n. 18
SCM make_llvm_function(SCM scm_llvm, SCM scm_return_type, SCM scm_name, SCM scm_argument_types)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_module_t *llvm = get_llvm(scm_llvm);
  struct llvm_function_t *self;
  self = (struct llvm_function_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_function_t), "llvm function");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_function_tag, self);
  self->builder = LLVMCreateBuilder();
  char *name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_name);
  self->function = LLVMAddFunction(llvm->module, name, function_type(scm_return_type, scm_argument_types));
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(self->function, LLVMCCallConv);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 19
SCM make_tensor(SCM scm_type, SCM scm_shape, SCM scm_size, SCM scm_source)
  SCM retval;
  struct tf_tensor_t *self = (struct tf_tensor_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_tensor_t), "make-tensor");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, tf_tensor_tag, self);
  int type = scm_to_int(scm_type);
  int num_dims = scm_to_int(scm_length(scm_shape));
  int64_t *dims = scm_gc_malloc_pointerless(sizeof(int64_t) * num_dims, "make-tensor");
  int count = 1;
  for (int i=0; i<num_dims; i++) {
    dims[i] = scm_to_int(scm_car(scm_shape));
    count = count * dims[i];
    scm_shape = scm_cdr(scm_shape);
  if (type == TF_STRING) {
    SCM* pointer = scm_to_pointer(scm_source);
    size_t encoded_size = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
      encoded_size += TF_StringEncodedSize(scm_c_string_length(*pointer)) + 8;
    self->tensor = TF_AllocateTensor(type, dims, num_dims, encoded_size);
    int64_t *offsets = TF_TensorData(self->tensor);
    int offset = 0;
    void *result = offsets + count;
    pointer = scm_to_pointer(scm_source);
    encoded_size = encoded_size - count * sizeof(int64_t);
    for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
      char *str = scm_to_locale_string(*pointer);
      int len = TF_StringEncodedSize(scm_c_string_length(*pointer));
      *offsets++ = offset;
      TF_StringEncode(str, scm_c_string_length(*pointer), result, encoded_size, status());
      if (TF_GetCode(_status) != TF_OK)
        scm_misc_error("make-tensor", TF_Message(_status), SCM_EOL);
      offset += len;
      encoded_size -= len;
      result += len;
  } else {
    self->tensor = TF_AllocateTensor(type, dims, num_dims, scm_to_int(scm_size));
    memcpy(TF_TensorData(self->tensor), scm_to_pointer(scm_source), scm_to_int(scm_size));
  return retval;
Esempio n. 20
SCM llvm_build_call(SCM scm_function, SCM scm_llvm, SCM scm_return_type, SCM scm_function_name, SCM scm_argument_types, SCM scm_values)
  SCM retval;
  struct llvm_function_t *function = get_llvm_function(scm_function);
  struct llvm_module_t *llvm = get_llvm(scm_llvm);
  char *function_name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_function_name);
  LLVMValueRef function_pointer = LLVMAddFunction(llvm->module, function_name, function_type(scm_return_type, scm_argument_types));
  // LLVMAddFunctionAttr(function_pointer, LLVMExternalLinkage);
  int n_values = scm_ilength(scm_values);
  LLVMValueRef *values = scm_gc_malloc_pointerless(n_values * sizeof(LLVMValueRef), "llvm-build-call");
  for (int i=0; i<n_values; i++) {
    values[i] = get_llvm_value(scm_car(scm_values))->value;
    scm_values = scm_cdr(scm_values);
  struct llvm_value_t *result = (struct llvm_value_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_value_t), "llvmvalue");
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_value_tag, result);
  result->value = LLVMBuildCall(function->builder, function_pointer, values, n_values, "x");
  return retval;
Esempio n. 21
SCM tf_finish_operation(SCM scm_description, SCM scm_n_outputs)
  SCM retval = SCM_EOL;
  struct tf_description_t *self = get_tf_description(scm_description);
  int n_outputs = scm_to_int(scm_n_outputs);
  TF_Operation *operation = TF_FinishOperation(self->description, status());
  if (TF_GetCode(_status) != TF_OK)
    scm_misc_error("tf-finish-operation", TF_Message(_status), SCM_EOL);
  for (int i=n_outputs-1; i>=0; i--) {
    SCM element;
    struct tf_output_t *output = (struct tf_output_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_output_t), "tf-finish-operation");
    SCM_NEWSMOB(element, tf_output_tag, output);
    output->output.oper = operation;
    output->output.index = i;
    retval = scm_cons(element, retval);
  if (n_outputs == 1)
    retval = scm_car(retval);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 22
SCM tf_graph_operation_by_name_(SCM scm_graph, SCM scm_name)
  struct tf_graph_t *graph = get_tf_graph(scm_graph);
  char *name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_name);
  TF_Operation *operation = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph->graph, name);
  if (!operation)
    scm_misc_error("tf-graph-operation-by-name_", "Operation '~a' not found", scm_list_1(scm_name));
  SCM retval = SCM_EOL;
  int noutputs = TF_OperationNumOutputs(operation);
  for (int i=noutputs-1; i>=0; i--) {
    SCM element;
    struct tf_output_t *output = (struct tf_output_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct tf_output_t), "tf-graph-operation-by-name_");
    SCM_NEWSMOB(element, tf_output_tag, output);
    output->output.oper = operation;
    output->output.index = i;
    retval = scm_cons(element, retval);
  if (noutputs == 1)
    retval = scm_car(retval);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 23
SCM make_ffmpeg_output(SCM scm_file_name,
                       SCM scm_format_name,
                       SCM scm_video_parameters,
                       SCM scm_have_video,
                       SCM scm_audio_parameters,
                       SCM scm_have_audio,
                       SCM scm_debug)
  SCM retval;
  struct ffmpeg_t *self;
  const char *file_name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_file_name);
  self = (struct ffmpeg_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct ffmpeg_t), "ffmpeg");
  self->video_stream_idx = -1;
  self->audio_stream_idx = -1;
  SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, ffmpeg_tag, self);

  int err;
  const char *format_name = NULL;
  if (!scm_is_false(scm_format_name)) {
    format_name = scm_to_locale_string(scm_symbol_to_string(scm_format_name));
  err = avformat_alloc_output_context2(&self->fmt_ctx, NULL, format_name, file_name);
  if (!self->fmt_ctx) {
    scm_misc_error("make-ffmpeg-output", "Error initializing output format for file '~a': ~a",
                   scm_list_2(scm_file_name, get_error_text(err)));
  AVOutputFormat *format;
  if (format_name)
    format = av_guess_format(format_name, NULL, NULL);
    format = av_guess_format(NULL, file_name, NULL);
  if (!format) {
    scm_misc_error("make-ffmpeg-output", "Unable to determine file format for file '~a'",
  self->fmt_ctx = avformat_alloc_context();
  if (!self->fmt_ctx) {
    scm_misc_error("make-ffmpeg-output", "Error initializing output format for file '~a'",
  self->fmt_ctx->oformat = format;
  strncpy(self->fmt_ctx->filename, file_name, sizeof(self->fmt_ctx->filename));

  char have_video = scm_is_true(scm_have_video);
  if (have_video) {
    // Open codec and video stream
    enum AVCodecID video_codec_id = self->fmt_ctx->oformat->video_codec;
    AVCodec *video_encoder = find_encoder(retval, video_codec_id, "video");
    AVStream *video_stream = open_output_stream(retval, video_encoder, &self->video_stream_idx, "video", scm_file_name);

    // Get video parameters
    SCM scm_shape          = scm_car(scm_video_parameters);
    SCM scm_frame_rate     = scm_cadr(scm_video_parameters);
    SCM scm_video_bit_rate = scm_caddr(scm_video_parameters);
    SCM scm_aspect_ratio   = scm_cadddr(scm_video_parameters);

    // Configure the output video codec
    self->video_codec_ctx =
      configure_output_video_codec(video_stream, video_codec_id, scm_video_bit_rate, scm_shape, scm_frame_rate, scm_aspect_ratio);

    // Some formats want stream headers to be separate.
    if (self->fmt_ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
        self->video_codec_ctx->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;

    // Open output video codec
    open_codec(retval, self->video_codec_ctx, video_encoder, "video", scm_file_name);

    // Allocate frame
    self->video_target_frame = allocate_output_video_frame(retval, self->video_codec_ctx);

  char have_audio = scm_is_true(scm_have_audio);
  if (have_audio) {
    // Open audio codec and stream
    enum AVCodecID audio_codec_id = self->fmt_ctx->oformat->audio_codec;
    AVCodec *audio_encoder = find_encoder(retval, audio_codec_id, "audio");
    AVStream *audio_stream = open_output_stream(retval, audio_encoder, &self->audio_stream_idx, "audio", scm_file_name);

    // Get audio parameters
    SCM scm_select_rate    = scm_car(scm_audio_parameters);
    SCM scm_channels       = scm_cadr(scm_audio_parameters);
    SCM scm_audio_bit_rate = scm_caddr(scm_audio_parameters);
    SCM scm_select_format  = scm_cadddr(scm_audio_parameters);

    // Configure the output audio codec
    self->audio_codec_ctx =
      configure_output_audio_codec(retval, audio_stream, audio_codec_id,
                                   scm_select_rate, scm_channels, scm_audio_bit_rate, scm_select_format);

    // Some formats want stream headers to be separate.
    if (self->fmt_ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
        self->audio_codec_ctx->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;

    // Open output audio codec
    open_codec(retval, self->audio_codec_ctx, audio_encoder, "audio", scm_file_name);

    // Allocate audio frame
    self->audio_target_frame =
      allocate_output_audio_frame(retval, self->audio_codec_ctx, self->audio_codec_ctx->sample_fmt);
    self->audio_packed_frame =
      allocate_output_audio_frame(retval, self->audio_codec_ctx, av_get_packed_sample_fmt(self->audio_codec_ctx->sample_fmt));

    // Initialise audio buffer
    ringbuffer_init(&self->audio_buffer, 1024);

  if (scm_is_true(scm_debug)) av_dump_format(self->fmt_ctx, 0, file_name, 1);

  // Open the output file if needed
  if (!(self->fmt_ctx->oformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) {
    int err = avio_open(&self->fmt_ctx->pb, file_name, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE);
    if (err < 0) {
      scm_misc_error("make-ffmpeg-output", "Could not open '~a': ~a",
                     scm_list_2(scm_file_name, get_error_text(err)));
    self->output_file = 1;

  // Write video file header
  err = avformat_write_header(self->fmt_ctx, NULL);
  if (err < 0) {
    scm_misc_error("make-ffmpeg-output", "Error writing header of video '~a': ~a",
                   scm_list_2(scm_file_name, get_error_text(err)));
  self->header_written = 1;

  return retval;