Esempio n. 1
/// CConnectionManager::PutHostname
/// @description Registers a hostname with the uuid to hostname map.
/// @pre: None
/// @post: The hostname is registered with the uuid to hostname map.
/// @param u_: the uuid to enter into the map.
/// @param host_: The hostname to enter into the map.
void CConnectionManager::PutHostname(std::string u_, std::string host_)
    Logger::Notice << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;  
        boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > scopedLock_( m_Mutex );
        m_hostnames.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(u_, host_));  
Esempio n. 2
/// CConnectionManager::PutConnection
/// @description Inserts a connection into the connection map.
/// @param uuid: The uuid of the node the connection is to.
/// @param c: The connection pointer that goes to the node in question.
/// @pre: The connection is initialized.
/// @post: The connection has been inserted into the connection map.
void CConnectionManager::PutConnection(std::string uuid, ConnectionPtr c)
    Logger::Debug << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > scopedLock_( m_Mutex );
Esempio n. 3
/// @fn CDispatcher::RegisterWriteHandler
/// @description Registers a module that provides a write handler with the
///   dispatcher.
/// @pre A module that inhertis from IWriteHandler is provided
/// @post The module will be registered to touch outgoing messages that contain
///   the p_type key.
/// @param module The module the read handler is on behalf of.
/// @param p_type A ptree key that will be used to identify which messages
///   should be touched.
/// @param p_handler The module that will be invoked to perform the touch
void CDispatcher::RegisterWriteHandler(const std::string & /*module*/, const std::string &p_type,
        IWriteHandler *p_handler )
    Logger.Trace << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
        // Scoped lock, will release mutex at end of {}
        boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > scopedLock_( m_wMutex );
                std::pair< const std::string, IWriteHandler *>
                    (p_type, p_handler)
Esempio n. 4
/// @fn CDispatcher::RegisterReadHandler
/// @description Registers a module that provides a read handler with the
///   dispatcher.
/// @pre A module that inherits from IReadHandler is provided.
/// @post A module is registered with a read handler.
/// @param module The module name that the handler is on behalf of.
/// @param p_type the tree key used to identify which messages the module
///   would like to receive.
/// @param p_handler The module which will be called to receive the message.
void CDispatcher::RegisterReadHandler(const std::string &module, const std::string &p_type,
        IReadHandler *p_handler)
    Logger.Trace << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

        // Scoped lock, will release mutex at end of {}
        boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > scopedLock_( m_rMutex );
                std::pair< const std::string, IReadHandler *>
                    (p_type, p_handler));
        m_handlerToModule.insert(std::pair<IReadHandler *,
                const std::string>(p_handler,module));
Esempio n. 5
/// @fn CDispatcher::HandleWrite
/// @description Handles calling modules write handlers which allows them to
///   touch messages before they are sent.
/// @pre Write handlers have been registered with the dispatcher
/// @post The outgoing message is touched before being delivered.
/// @param p_mesg The message to affect before sending them out.
void CDispatcher::HandleWrite( ptree &p_mesg )
    Logger.Trace << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    ptree sub_;
    ptree::const_iterator it_;
    std::map< std::string, IWriteHandler *>::const_iterator mapIt_;
    std::string key_;

        // Scoped lock, will release mutex at end of try {}
        boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > scopedLock_( m_wMutex );

        // This allows for a handler to process all messages using
        // the special keyword "any". This happens before the other
        // sections in case a specific handler depends upon a
        // general handler
        for( mapIt_ = m_writeHandlers.lower_bound( "any" );
                mapIt_ != m_writeHandlers.upper_bound( "any" );
                ++mapIt_ )
           Logger.Debug << "Processing 'any'" << std::endl;
	  (mapIt_->second)->HandleWrite( p_mesg );

        // Loop through all submessages of this message to call its
        // handler
        ptree sub_ = p_mesg.get_child("message.submessages");
        for( it_ = sub_.begin(); it_ != sub_.end(); ++it_ )
            Logger.Debug << "Processing " << it_->first
                    << std::endl;

            // Retrieve current key and iterate through all matching
            // handlers of that key. If the key doesn't exist in the
            // map, lower_bound(key) == upper_bound(key).
            key_ = it_->first;
            for( mapIt_ = m_writeHandlers.lower_bound( key_ );
                    mapIt_ != m_writeHandlers.upper_bound(key_);
                    ++mapIt_ )
                (mapIt_->second)->HandleWrite( p_mesg );

            // XXX Should anything be done if the message didn't
            // have a handler?
            if( m_writeHandlers.lower_bound( key_ ) ==
                m_writeHandlers.upper_bound( key_)     )
                // Just log this for now
                Logger.Debug << "Submessage '" << key_ << "' had no write handlers.";

    catch( boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path &e )
            << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " (" << __LINE__ << "): "
            << "Malformed message. Does not contain 'submessages'."
            << std::endl << "\t" << e.what() << std::endl;