int scr_swap_file_names( const char* file_send, int rank_send, char* file_recv, size_t size_recv, int rank_recv, const char* dir_recv, MPI_Comm comm) { int rc = SCR_SUCCESS; /* determine whether we have a file to send */ int have_outgoing = 0; if (rank_send != MPI_PROC_NULL && file_send != NULL && strcmp(file_send, "") != 0) { have_outgoing = 1; } else { /* nothing to send, make sure to use PROC_NULL in sendrecv call */ rank_send = MPI_PROC_NULL; } /* determine whether we are expecting to receive a file */ int have_incoming = 0; if (rank_recv != MPI_PROC_NULL && dir_recv != NULL && strcmp(dir_recv, "") != 0) { have_incoming = 1; } else { /* nothing to recv, make sure to use PROC_NULL in sendrecv call */ rank_recv = MPI_PROC_NULL; } /* exchange file names with partners, note that we initialize * file_recv_orig to NULL in case we recv from MPI_PROC_NULL */ char* file_recv_orig = NULL; scr_str_sendrecv(file_send, rank_send, &file_recv_orig, rank_recv, comm); /* define the path to store our partner's file */ if (have_incoming) { /* set path to file name */ scr_path* path_recv = scr_path_from_str(file_recv_orig); scr_path_basename(path_recv); scr_path_prepend_str(path_recv, dir_recv); scr_path_strcpy(file_recv, size_recv, path_recv); scr_path_delete(&path_recv); /* free the file name we received */ scr_free(&file_recv_orig); } return rc; }
/* for file name listed in meta, fetch that file from src_dir and store * a copy in dst_dir, record full path to copy in newfile, and * return whether operation succeeded */ static int scr_fetch_file( const char* dst_file, const char* src_dir, const scr_meta* meta) { int rc = SCR_SUCCESS; /* build full path to source file */ scr_path* path_src_file = scr_path_from_str(dst_file); scr_path_basename(path_src_file); scr_path_prepend_str(path_src_file, src_dir); char* src_file = scr_path_strdup(path_src_file); /* fetch the file */ uLong crc; uLong* crc_p = NULL; if (scr_crc_on_flush) { crc_p = &crc; } rc = scr_file_copy(src_file, dst_file, scr_file_buf_size, crc_p); /* check that crc matches crc stored in meta */ uLong meta_crc; if (scr_meta_get_crc32(meta, &meta_crc) == SCR_SUCCESS) { if (rc == SCR_SUCCESS && scr_crc_on_flush && crc != meta_crc) { rc = SCR_FAILURE; scr_err("CRC32 mismatch detected when fetching file from %s to %s @ %s:%d", src_file, dst_file, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); /* TODO: would be good to log this, but right now only rank 0 * can write log entries */ /* if (scr_log_enable) { time_t now = scr_log_seconds(); scr_log_event("CRC32 MISMATCH", filename, NULL, &now, NULL); } */ } } /* free path and string for source file */ scr_free(&src_file); scr_path_delete(&path_src_file); return rc; }
/* allocates a new string (to be freed with scr_free) * that is path to user config file */ static char* user_config_path() { char* file = NULL; /* first, use SCR_CONF_FILE if it's set */ char* value = getenv("SCR_CONF_FILE"); if (value != NULL) { file = strdup(value); return file; } /* otherwise, look in the prefix directory */ char* prefix = NULL; value = getenv("SCR_PREFIX"); if (value != NULL) { /* user set SCR_PREFIX, strdup that value */ prefix = strdup(value); } else { /* if user didn't set with SCR_PREFIX, * pick up the current working directory as a default */ char current_dir[SCR_MAX_FILENAME]; if (scr_getcwd(current_dir, sizeof(current_dir)) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_abort(-1, "Problem reading current working directory @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } prefix = strdup(current_dir); } /* couldn't find a prefix directory, so bail */ if (prefix == NULL) { return file; } /* tack file name on to directory */ scr_path* prefix_path = scr_path_from_str(prefix); scr_path_append_str(prefix_path, SCR_CONFIG_FILE_USER); file = scr_path_strdup(prefix_path); scr_path_delete(&prefix_path); /* free the prefix dir which we strdup'd */ scr_free(&prefix); return file; }
/* this moves all files of the specified dataset in the cache to * make them accessible to new rank mapping */ static int scr_distribute_files(scr_filemap* map, const scr_reddesc* red, int id) { int i, round; int rc = SCR_SUCCESS; /* TODO: mark dataset as being distributed in filemap, * because if we fail in the middle of a distribute, * we can't trust the contents of the files anymore, * at which point it should be deleted */ /* clean out any incomplete files before we start */ scr_cache_clean(map); /* for this dataset, get list of ranks we have data for */ int nranks = 0; int* ranks = NULL; scr_filemap_list_ranks_by_dataset(map, id, &nranks, &ranks); /* walk backwards through the list of ranks, and set our start index * to the rank which is the first rank that is equal to or higher * than our own rank -- when we assign round ids below, this offsetting * helps distribute the load */ int start_index = 0; int invalid_rank_found = 0; for (i = nranks-1; i >= 0; i--) { int rank = ranks[i]; /* pick the first rank whose rank id is equal to or higher than our own */ if (rank >= scr_my_rank_world) { start_index = i; } /* while we're at it, check that the rank is within range */ if (rank < 0 || rank >= scr_ranks_world) { scr_err("Invalid rank id %d in world of %d @ %s:%d", rank, scr_ranks_world, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); invalid_rank_found = 1; } } /* check that we didn't find an invalid rank on any process */ if (! scr_alltrue(invalid_rank_found == 0)) { scr_free(&ranks); return SCR_FAILURE; } /* allocate array to record the rank we can send to in each round */ int* have_rank_by_round = (int*) SCR_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * nranks); int* send_flag_by_round = (int*) SCR_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * nranks); /* check that we have all of the files for each rank, * and determine the round we can send them */ scr_hash* send_hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash* recv_hash = scr_hash_new(); for (round = 0; round < nranks; round++) { /* get the rank id */ int index = (start_index + round) % nranks; int rank = ranks[index]; /* record the rank indexed by the round number */ have_rank_by_round[round] = rank; /* assume we won't be sending to this rank in this round */ send_flag_by_round[round] = 0; /* if we have files for this rank, specify the round we can * send those files in */ if (scr_bool_have_files(map, id, rank)) { scr_hash_setf(send_hash, NULL, "%d %d", rank, round); } } scr_hash_exchange(send_hash, recv_hash, scr_comm_world); /* search for the minimum round we can get our files */ int retrieve_rank = -1; int retrieve_round = -1; scr_hash_elem* elem = NULL; for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(recv_hash); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* get the rank id */ int rank = scr_hash_elem_key_int(elem); /* get the round id */ scr_hash* round_hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem); scr_hash_elem* round_elem = scr_hash_elem_first(round_hash); char* round_str = scr_hash_elem_key(round_elem); int round = atoi(round_str); /* record this round and rank number if it's less than the current round */ if (round < retrieve_round || retrieve_round == -1) { retrieve_round = round; retrieve_rank = rank; } } /* done with the round hashes, free them off */ scr_hash_delete(&recv_hash); scr_hash_delete(&send_hash); /* free off our list of ranks */ scr_free(&ranks); /* for some redundancy schemes, we know at this point whether we * can recover all files */ int can_get_files = (retrieve_rank != -1); if (red->copy_type != SCR_COPY_XOR && !scr_alltrue(can_get_files)) { /* print a debug message indicating which rank is missing files */ if (! can_get_files) { scr_dbg(2, "Cannot find process that has my checkpoint files @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } return SCR_FAILURE; } /* get the maximum retrieve round */ int max_rounds = 0; MPI_Allreduce( &retrieve_round, &max_rounds, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, scr_comm_world ); /* tell destination which round we'll take our files in */ send_hash = scr_hash_new(); recv_hash = scr_hash_new(); if (retrieve_rank != -1) { scr_hash_setf(send_hash, NULL, "%d %d", retrieve_rank, retrieve_round); } scr_hash_exchange(send_hash, recv_hash, scr_comm_world); /* determine which ranks want to fetch their files from us */ for(elem = scr_hash_elem_first(recv_hash); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* get the round id */ scr_hash* round_hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem); scr_hash_elem* round_elem = scr_hash_elem_first(round_hash); char* round_str = scr_hash_elem_key(round_elem); int round = atoi(round_str); /* record whether this rank wants its files from us */ if (round >= 0 && round < nranks) { send_flag_by_round[round] = 1; } } /* done with the round hashes, free them off */ scr_hash_delete(&recv_hash); scr_hash_delete(&send_hash); int tmp_rc = 0; /* run through rounds and exchange files */ for (round = 0; round <= max_rounds; round++) { /* assume we don't need to send or receive any files this round */ int send_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; int recv_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; int send_num = 0; int recv_num = 0; /* check whether I can potentially send to anyone in this round */ if (round < nranks) { /* have someone's files, check whether they are asking * for them this round */ if (send_flag_by_round[round]) { /* need to send files this round, remember to whom and how many */ int dst_rank = have_rank_by_round[round]; send_rank = dst_rank; send_num = scr_filemap_num_files(map, id, dst_rank); } } /* if I'm supposed to get my files this round, set the recv_rank */ if (retrieve_round == round) { recv_rank = retrieve_rank; } /* TODO: another special case is to just move files if the * processes are on the same node */ /* if i'm sending to myself, just move (rename) each file */ if (send_rank == scr_my_rank_world) { /* get our file list */ int numfiles = 0; char** files = NULL; scr_filemap_list_files(map, id, send_rank, &numfiles, &files); /* TODO: sort files in reverse order by size */ /* iterate over and rename each file */ for (i=0; i < numfiles; i++) { /* get the current file name */ char* file = files[i]; /* lookup meta data for this file */ scr_meta* meta = scr_meta_new(); scr_filemap_get_meta(map, id, send_rank, file, meta); /* get the path for this file based on its type * and dataset id */ char* dir = NULL; if (scr_meta_check_filetype(meta, SCR_META_FILE_USER) == SCR_SUCCESS) { dir = scr_cache_dir_get(red, id); } else { dir = scr_cache_dir_hidden_get(red, id); } /* build the new file name */ scr_path* path_newfile = scr_path_from_str(file); scr_path_basename(path_newfile); scr_path_prepend_str(path_newfile, dir); char* newfile = scr_path_strdup(path_newfile); /* if the new file name is different from the old name, rename it */ if (strcmp(file, newfile) != 0) { /* record the new filename to our map and write it to disk */ scr_filemap_add_file(map, id, send_rank, newfile); scr_filemap_set_meta(map, id, send_rank, newfile, meta); scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map); /* rename the file */ scr_dbg(2, "Round %d: rename(%s, %s)", round, file, newfile); tmp_rc = rename(file, newfile); if (tmp_rc != 0) { /* TODO: to cross mount points, if tmp_rc == EXDEV, * open new file, copy, and delete orig */ scr_err("Moving checkpoint file: rename(%s, %s) %s errno=%d @ %s:%d", file, newfile, strerror(errno), errno, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* remove the old name from the filemap and write it to disk */ scr_filemap_remove_file(map, id, send_rank, file); scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map); } /* free the path and string */ scr_free(&newfile); scr_path_delete(&path_newfile); /* free directory string */ scr_free(&dir); /* free meta data */ scr_meta_delete(&meta); } /* free the list of filename pointers */ scr_free(&files); } else { /* if we have files for this round, but the correspdonding * rank doesn't need them, delete the files */ if (round < nranks && send_rank == MPI_PROC_NULL) { int dst_rank = have_rank_by_round[round]; scr_unlink_rank(map, id, dst_rank); } /* sending to and/or recieving from another node */ if (send_rank != MPI_PROC_NULL || recv_rank != MPI_PROC_NULL) { /* have someone to send to or receive from */ int have_outgoing = 0; int have_incoming = 0; if (send_rank != MPI_PROC_NULL) { have_outgoing = 1; } if (recv_rank != MPI_PROC_NULL) { have_incoming = 1; } /* first, determine how many files I will be receiving and * tell how many I will be sending */ MPI_Request request[2]; MPI_Status status[2]; int num_req = 0; if (have_incoming) { MPI_Irecv( &recv_num, 1, MPI_INT, recv_rank, 0, scr_comm_world, &request[num_req] ); num_req++; } if (have_outgoing) { MPI_Isend( &send_num, 1, MPI_INT, send_rank, 0, scr_comm_world, &request[num_req] ); num_req++; } if (num_req > 0) { MPI_Waitall(num_req, request, status); } /* record how many files I will receive (need to distinguish * between 0 files and not knowing) */ if (have_incoming) { scr_filemap_set_expected_files(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, recv_num); } /* turn off send or receive flags if the file count is 0, * nothing else to do */ if (send_num == 0) { have_outgoing = 0; send_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; } if (recv_num == 0) { have_incoming = 0; recv_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; } /* TODO: since we overwrite files in place in order to avoid * running out of storage space, we should sort files in order * of descending size for the next step */ /* get our file list for the destination */ int numfiles = 0; char** files = NULL; if (have_outgoing) { scr_filemap_list_files(map, id, send_rank, &numfiles, &files); } /* while we have a file to send or receive ... */ while (have_incoming || have_outgoing) { /* get the filename */ char* file = NULL; scr_meta* send_meta = NULL; if (have_outgoing) { file = files[numfiles - send_num]; send_meta = scr_meta_new(); scr_filemap_get_meta(map, id, send_rank, file, send_meta); } /* exchange meta data so we can determine type of incoming file */ scr_meta* recv_meta = scr_meta_new(); scr_hash_sendrecv(send_meta, send_rank, recv_meta, recv_rank, scr_comm_world); /* get the path for this file based on its type and dataset id */ char* dir = NULL; if (have_incoming) { if (scr_meta_check_filetype(recv_meta, SCR_META_FILE_USER) == SCR_SUCCESS) { dir = scr_cache_dir_get(red, id); } else { dir = scr_cache_dir_hidden_get(red, id); } } /* exhange file names with partners, * building full path of incoming file */ char file_partner[SCR_MAX_FILENAME]; scr_swap_file_names( file, send_rank, file_partner, sizeof(file_partner), recv_rank, dir, scr_comm_world ); /* free directory string */ scr_free(&dir); /* free incoming meta data (we'll get this again later) */ scr_meta_delete(&recv_meta); /* if we'll receive a file, record the name of our file * in the filemap and write it to disk */ recv_meta = NULL; if (recv_rank != MPI_PROC_NULL) { recv_meta = scr_meta_new(); scr_filemap_add_file(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, file_partner); scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map); } /* either sending or receiving a file this round, since we move files, * it will be deleted or overwritten */ if (scr_swap_files(MOVE_FILES, file, send_meta, send_rank, file_partner, recv_meta, recv_rank, scr_comm_world) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Swapping files: %s to %d, %s from %d @ %s:%d", file, send_rank, file_partner, recv_rank, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* if we received a file, record its meta data and decrement * our receive count */ if (have_incoming) { /* record meta data for the file we received */ scr_filemap_set_meta(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, file_partner, recv_meta); scr_meta_delete(&recv_meta); /* decrement receive count */ recv_num--; if (recv_num == 0) { have_incoming = 0; recv_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; } } /* if we sent a file, remove it from the filemap and decrement * our send count */ if (have_outgoing) { /* remove file from the filemap */ scr_filemap_remove_file(map, id, send_rank, file); scr_meta_delete(&send_meta); /* decrement our send count */ send_num--; if (send_num == 0) { have_outgoing = 0; send_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; } } /* update filemap on disk */ scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map); } /* free our file list */ scr_free(&files); } } } /* if we have more rounds than max rounds, delete the remainder of our files */ for (round = max_rounds+1; round < nranks; round++) { /* have someone's files for this round, so delete them */ int dst_rank = have_rank_by_round[round]; scr_unlink_rank(map, id, dst_rank); } scr_free(&send_flag_by_round); scr_free(&have_rank_by_round); /* write out new filemap and free the memory resources */ scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map); /* clean out any incomplete files */ scr_cache_clean(map); /* TODO: if the exchange or redundancy rebuild failed, * we should also delete any *good* files we received */ /* return whether distribute succeeded, it does not ensure we have * all of our files, only that the transfer completed without failure */ return rc; }
/* since on a restart we may end up with more or fewer ranks on a node than the * previous run, rely on the master to read in and distribute the filemap to * other ranks on the node */ int scr_scatter_filemaps(scr_filemap* my_map) { /* TODO: if the control directory is on a device shared by lots of procs, * we should read and distribute this data in a more scalable way */ /* allocate empty send hash */ scr_hash* send_hash = scr_hash_new(); /* if i'm the master on this node, read in all filemaps */ if (scr_storedesc_cntl->rank == 0) { /* create an empty filemap */ scr_filemap* all_map = scr_filemap_new(); /* read in the master map */ scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_read_path(scr_master_map_file, hash); /* for each filemap listed in the master map */ scr_hash_elem* elem; for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(scr_hash_get(hash, "Filemap")); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* get the filename of this filemap */ char* file = scr_hash_elem_key(elem); /* TODO MEMFS: mount storage for each filemap */ /* read in the filemap */ scr_filemap* tmp_map = scr_filemap_new(); scr_path* path_file = scr_path_from_str(file); scr_filemap_read(path_file, tmp_map); scr_path_delete(&path_file); /* merge it with the all_map */ scr_filemap_merge(all_map, tmp_map); /* delete filemap */ scr_filemap_delete(&tmp_map); /* TODO: note that if we fail after unlinking this file but before * writing out the new file, we'll lose information */ /* delete the file */ scr_file_unlink(file); } /* free the hash object */ scr_hash_delete(&hash); /* write out new local 0 filemap */ if (scr_filemap_num_ranks(all_map) > 0) { scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, all_map); } /* get global rank of each rank */ int* ranks = (int*) SCR_MALLOC(scr_storedesc_cntl->ranks * sizeof(int)); MPI_Gather( &scr_my_rank_world, 1, MPI_INT, ranks, 1, MPI_INT, 0, scr_storedesc_cntl->comm ); /* for each rank, send them their own file data if we have it */ int i; for (i=0; i < scr_storedesc_cntl->ranks; i++) { int rank = ranks[i]; if (scr_filemap_have_rank(all_map, rank)) { /* extract the filemap for this rank */ scr_filemap* tmp_map = scr_filemap_extract_rank(all_map, rank); /* get a reference to the hash object that we'll send to this rank, * and merge this filemap into it */ scr_hash* tmp_hash = scr_hash_getf(send_hash, "%d", i); if (tmp_hash == NULL) { /* if we don't find an existing entry in the send_hash, * create an empty hash and insert it */ scr_hash* empty_hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_setf(send_hash, empty_hash, "%d", i); tmp_hash = empty_hash; } scr_hash_merge(tmp_hash, tmp_map); /* delete the filemap for this rank */ scr_filemap_delete(&tmp_map); } } /* free our rank list */ scr_free(&ranks); /* now just round robin the remainder across the set (load balancing) */ int num; int* remaining_ranks = NULL; scr_filemap_list_ranks(all_map, &num, &remaining_ranks); int j = 0; while (j < num) { /* pick a rank in to send to */ i = j % scr_storedesc_cntl->ranks; /* extract the filemap for this rank */ scr_filemap* tmp_map = scr_filemap_extract_rank(all_map, remaining_ranks[j]); /* get a reference to the hash object that we'll send to this rank, * and merge this filemap into it */ scr_hash* tmp_hash = scr_hash_getf(send_hash, "%d", i); if (tmp_hash == NULL) { /* if we don't find an existing entry in the send_hash, * create an empty hash and insert it */ scr_hash* empty_hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_setf(send_hash, empty_hash, "%d", i); tmp_hash = empty_hash; } scr_hash_merge(tmp_hash, tmp_map); /* delete the filemap for this rank */ scr_filemap_delete(&tmp_map); j++; } scr_free(&remaining_ranks); /* delete the filemap */ scr_filemap_delete(&all_map); /* write out the new master filemap */ hash = scr_hash_new(); char file[SCR_MAX_FILENAME]; for (i=0; i < scr_storedesc_cntl->ranks; i++) { sprintf(file, "%s/filemap_%d.scrinfo", scr_cntl_prefix, i); scr_hash_set_kv(hash, "Filemap", file); } scr_hash_write_path(scr_master_map_file, hash); scr_hash_delete(&hash); } else { /* send our global rank to the master */ MPI_Gather( &scr_my_rank_world, 1, MPI_INT, NULL, 1, MPI_INT, 0, scr_storedesc_cntl->comm ); } /* receive our filemap from master */ scr_hash* recv_hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_exchange(send_hash, recv_hash, scr_storedesc_cntl->comm); /* merge map sent from master into our map */ scr_hash* map_from_master = scr_hash_getf(recv_hash, "%d", 0); if (map_from_master != NULL) { scr_hash_merge(my_map, map_from_master); } /* write out our local filemap */ if (scr_filemap_num_ranks(my_map) > 0) { scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, my_map); } /* free off our send and receive hashes */ scr_hash_delete(&recv_hash); scr_hash_delete(&send_hash); return SCR_SUCCESS; }
/* given a filename, its meta data, its list of segments, and list of destination containers, * copy file to container files */ static int scr_flush_file_to_containers( const char* file, scr_meta* meta, scr_hash* segments, const char* dst_dir) { /* check that we got something for a source file */ if (file == NULL || strcmp(file, "") == 0) { scr_err("Invalid source file @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return SCR_FAILURE; } /* check that our other arguments are valid */ if (meta == NULL || segments == NULL) { scr_err("Invalid metadata or segments @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return SCR_FAILURE; } /* open the file for reading */ int fd_src = scr_open(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd_src < 0) { scr_err("Opening file to copy: scr_open(%s) errno=%d %s @ %s:%d", file, errno, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return SCR_FAILURE; } #if !defined(__APPLE__) /* TODO: posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED | POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL) that tells the kernel that you don't ever need the pages from the file again, and it won't bother keeping them in the page cache. */ posix_fadvise(fd_src, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED | POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); #endif /* get the buffer size we'll use to write to the file */ unsigned long buf_size = scr_file_buf_size; /* allocate buffer to read in file chunks */ char* buf = (char*) SCR_MALLOC(buf_size); /* initialize crc value */ uLong crc; if (scr_crc_on_flush) { crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); } int rc = SCR_SUCCESS; /* write out each segment */ scr_hash_sort_int(segments, SCR_HASH_SORT_ASCENDING); scr_hash_elem* elem; for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(segments); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* get the container info for this segment */ scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem); /* get the offset into the container and the length of the segment (both in bytes) */ char* container_name; unsigned long container_offset, segment_length; if (scr_container_get_name_offset_length(hash, &container_name, &container_offset, &segment_length) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to get segment offset and length @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; break; } /* build full name to destination file */ scr_path* dst_path = scr_path_from_str(dst_dir); scr_path_append_str(dst_path, container_name); scr_path_reduce(dst_path); char* dst_file = scr_path_strdup(dst_path); /* open container file for writing -- we don't truncate here because more than one * process may be writing to the same file */ int fd_container = scr_open(dst_file, O_WRONLY); if (fd_container < 0) { scr_err("Opening file for writing: scr_open(%s) errno=%d %s @ %s:%d", dst_file, errno, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; break; } #if !defined(__APPLE__) /* TODO: posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED | POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL) that tells the kernel that you don't ever need the pages from the file again, and it won't bother keeping them in the page cache. */ posix_fadvise(fd_container, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED | POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); #endif /* seek to offset within container */ off_t pos = (off_t) container_offset; if (lseek(fd_container, pos, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) { /* our seek failed, return an error */ scr_err("Failed to seek to byte %lu in %s @ %s:%d", pos, dst_file, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; break; } /* copy data from file into container in chunks */ unsigned long remaining = segment_length; while (remaining > 0) { /* read / write up to buf_size bytes at a time from file */ unsigned long count = remaining; if (count > buf_size) { count = buf_size; } /* attempt to read buf_size bytes from file */ int nread = scr_read_attempt(file, fd_src, buf, count); /* if we read some bytes, write them out */ if (nread > 0) { /* optionally compute crc value as we go */ if (scr_crc_on_flush) { crc = crc32(crc, (const Bytef*) buf, (uInt) nread); } /* write our nread bytes out */ int nwrite = scr_write_attempt(dst_file, fd_container, buf, nread); /* check for a write error or a short write */ if (nwrite != nread) { /* write had a problem, stop copying and return an error */ rc = SCR_FAILURE; break; } /* subtract the bytes we've processed from the number remaining */ remaining -= (unsigned long) nread; } /* assume a short read is an error */ if (nread < count) { /* read had a problem, stop copying and return an error */ rc = SCR_FAILURE; break; } /* check for a read error, stop copying and return an error */ if (nread < 0) { /* read had a problem, stop copying and return an error */ rc = SCR_FAILURE; break; } } /* close container */ if (scr_close(dst_file, fd_container) != SCR_SUCCESS) { rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* free the container file name and path */ scr_free(&dst_file); scr_path_delete(&dst_path); } /* close the source file */ if (scr_close(file, fd_src) != SCR_SUCCESS) { rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* free buffer */ scr_free(&buf); /* verify / set crc value */ if (rc == SCR_SUCCESS) { uLong crc2; if (scr_crc_on_flush) { if (scr_meta_get_crc32(meta, &crc2) == SCR_SUCCESS) { /* if a crc is already set in the meta data, check that we computed the same value */ if (crc != crc2) { scr_err("CRC32 mismatch detected when flushing file %s @ %s:%d", file, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } } else { /* if there is no crc set, let's set it now */ scr_meta_set_crc32(meta, crc); } } } return rc; }
/* flush files specified in list, and record corresponding entries for summary file */ static int scr_flush_files_list(scr_hash* file_list, scr_hash* summary) { /* assume we will succeed in this flush */ int rc = SCR_SUCCESS; /* flush each of my files and fill in summary data structure */ scr_hash_elem* elem = NULL; scr_hash* files = scr_hash_get(file_list, SCR_KEY_FILE); for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(files); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* get the filename */ char* file = scr_hash_elem_key(elem); /* convert file to path and extract name of file */ scr_path* path_name = scr_path_from_str(file); scr_path_basename(path_name); /* get the hash for this element */ scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem); /* get meta data for this file */ scr_meta* meta = scr_hash_get(hash, SCR_KEY_META); /* if segments are defined, we flush the file to its containers, * otherwise we copy the file out as is */ scr_hash* segments = scr_hash_get(hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_SEGMENT); if (segments != NULL) { /* TODO: PRESERVE get original filename here */ /* add this file to the summary file */ char* name = scr_path_strdup(path_name); scr_hash* file_hash = scr_hash_set_kv(summary, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_FILE, name); scr_free(&name); // USERDEF fixme! /* flush the file to the containers listed in its segmenets */ if (scr_flush_file_to_containers(file, meta, segments, scr_prefix) == SCR_SUCCESS) { /* successfully flushed this file, record the filesize */ unsigned long filesize = 0; if (scr_meta_get_filesize(meta, &filesize) == SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_hash_util_set_bytecount(file_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_SIZE, filesize); } /* record the crc32 if one was computed */ uLong crc = 0; if (scr_meta_get_crc32(meta, &crc) == SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_hash_util_set_crc32(file_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_CRC, crc); } /* record segment information in summary file */ scr_hash* segments_copy = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_merge(segments_copy, segments); scr_hash_set(file_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_SEGMENT, segments_copy); } else { /* the flush failed */ rc = SCR_FAILURE; /* explicitly mark file as incomplete */ scr_hash_set_kv_int(file_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_COMPLETE, 0); } } else { /* get directory to flush file to */ char* dir; if (scr_hash_util_get_str(hash, SCR_KEY_PATH, &dir) == SCR_SUCCESS) { /* create full path of destination file */ scr_path* path_full = scr_path_from_str(dir); scr_path_append(path_full, path_name); /* get relative path to flushed file from SCR_PREFIX directory */ scr_path* path_relative = scr_path_relative(scr_prefix_path, path_full); if (! scr_path_is_null(path_relative)) { /* record the name of the file in the summary hash, and get reference to a hash for this file */ char* name = scr_path_strdup(path_relative); scr_hash* file_hash = scr_hash_set_kv(summary, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_FILE, name); scr_free(&name); /* flush the file and fill in the meta data for this file */ if (scr_flush_a_file(file, dir, meta) == SCR_SUCCESS) { /* successfully flushed this file, record the filesize */ unsigned long filesize = 0; if (scr_meta_get_filesize(meta, &filesize) == SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_hash_util_set_bytecount(file_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_SIZE, filesize); } /* record the crc32 if one was computed */ uLong crc = 0; if (scr_meta_get_crc32(meta, &crc) == SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_hash_util_set_crc32(file_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_CRC, crc); } } else { /* the flush failed */ rc = SCR_FAILURE; /* explicitly mark incomplete files */ scr_hash_set_kv_int(file_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_COMPLETE, 0); } } else { scr_abort(-1, "Failed to get relative path to directory %s from %s @ %s:%d", dir, scr_prefix, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } /* free relative and full paths */ scr_path_delete(&path_relative); scr_path_delete(&path_full); } else { scr_abort(-1, "Failed to read directory to flush file to @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } } /* free the file name path */ scr_path_delete(&path_name); } return rc; }
/* flushes file named in src_file to dst_dir and fills in meta based on flush, * returns success of flush */ static int scr_flush_a_file(const char* src_file, const char* dst_dir, scr_meta* meta) { int flushed = SCR_SUCCESS; int tmp_rc; /* build full name to destination file */ scr_path* dst_path = scr_path_from_str(src_file); scr_path_basename(dst_path); scr_path_prepend_str(dst_path, dst_dir); scr_path_reduce(dst_path); char* dst_file = scr_path_strdup(dst_path); /* copy file */ int crc_valid = 0; uLong crc; uLong* crc_p = NULL; if (scr_crc_on_flush) { crc_valid = 1; crc_p = &crc; } tmp_rc = scr_file_copy(src_file, dst_file, scr_file_buf_size, crc_p); if (tmp_rc != SCR_SUCCESS) { crc_valid = 0; flushed = SCR_FAILURE; } scr_dbg(2, "scr_flush_a_file: Read and copied %s to %s with success code %d @ %s:%d", src_file, dst_file, tmp_rc, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); /* if file has crc32, check it against the one computed during the copy, * otherwise if scr_crc_on_flush is set, record crc32 */ if (crc_valid) { uLong crc_meta; if (scr_meta_get_crc32(meta, &crc_meta) == SCR_SUCCESS) { if (crc != crc_meta) { /* detected a crc mismatch during the copy */ /* TODO: unlink the copied file */ /* scr_file_unlink(dst_file); */ /* mark the file as invalid */ scr_meta_set_complete(meta, 0); flushed = SCR_FAILURE; scr_err("scr_flush_a_file: CRC32 mismatch detected when flushing file %s to %s @ %s:%d", src_file, dst_file, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); /* TODO: would be good to log this, but right now only rank 0 can write log entries */ /* if (scr_log_enable) { time_t now = scr_log_seconds(); scr_log_event("CRC32 MISMATCH", dst_file, NULL, &now, NULL); } */ } } else { /* the crc was not already in the metafile, but we just computed it, so set it */ scr_meta_set_crc32(meta, crc); } } /* TODO: check that written filesize matches expected filesize */ /* fill out meta data, set complete field based on flush success */ /* (we don't update the meta file here, since perhaps the file in cache is ok and only the flush failed) */ int complete = (flushed == SCR_SUCCESS); scr_meta_set_complete(meta, complete); /* free destination file string and path */ scr_free(&dst_file); scr_path_delete(&dst_path); return flushed; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* print usage if not enough arguments were given */ if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: scr_inspect_cache <cntldir>\n"); return 1; } scr_path* scr_master_map_file = scr_path_from_str(strdup(argv[1])); /* get my hostname */ if (gethostname(scr_my_hostname, sizeof(scr_my_hostname)) != 0) { scr_err("scr_inspect_cache: Call to gethostname failed @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* read in the master map */ scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_read_path(scr_master_map_file, hash); /* create an empty filemap */ scr_filemap* map = scr_filemap_new(); /* for each filemap listed in the master map */ scr_hash_elem* elem; for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(scr_hash_get(hash, "Filemap")); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* get the filename of this filemap */ char* file = scr_hash_elem_key(elem); /* read in the filemap */ scr_filemap* tmp_map = scr_filemap_new(); scr_path* path_file = scr_path_from_str(file); scr_filemap_read(path_file, tmp_map); scr_path_delete(&path_file); /* merge it with local 0 filemap */ scr_filemap_merge(map, tmp_map); /* delete filemap */ scr_filemap_delete(&tmp_map); } /* scan each file for each rank of each dataset */ scr_hash_elem* dset_elem; for (dset_elem = scr_filemap_first_dataset(map); dset_elem != NULL; dset_elem = scr_hash_elem_next(dset_elem)) { /* get dataset id */ int dset = scr_hash_elem_key_int(dset_elem); scr_hash_elem* rank_elem; for (rank_elem = scr_filemap_first_rank_by_dataset(map, dset); rank_elem != NULL; rank_elem = scr_hash_elem_next(rank_elem)) { /* get rank id */ int rank = scr_hash_elem_key_int(rank_elem); int missing_file = 0; int expected = scr_filemap_get_expected_files(map, dset, rank); int num = scr_filemap_num_files(map, dset, rank); if (expected == num) { /* first time through the file list, check that we have each file */ scr_hash_elem* file_elem = NULL; for (file_elem = scr_filemap_first_file(map, dset, rank); file_elem != NULL; file_elem = scr_hash_elem_next(file_elem)) { /* get filename */ char* file = scr_hash_elem_key(file_elem); /* check that we can read the file */ if (! scr_bool_have_file(map, dset, rank, file)) { missing_file = 1; scr_dbg(1, "File is unreadable or incomplete: Dataset %d, Rank %d, File: %s", dset, rank, file ); } } } else { missing_file = 1; } /* TODO: print partner names */ /* if we're not missing a file for rank, print this info out */ if (! missing_file) { scr_hash* desc = scr_hash_new(); scr_filemap_get_desc(map, dset, rank, desc); char* type = scr_hash_elem_get_first_val(desc, SCR_CONFIG_KEY_TYPE); char* groups_str = scr_hash_elem_get_first_val(desc, SCR_CONFIG_KEY_GROUPS); char* group_id_str = scr_hash_elem_get_first_val(desc, SCR_CONFIG_KEY_GROUP_ID); char* group_size_str = scr_hash_elem_get_first_val(desc, SCR_CONFIG_KEY_GROUP_SIZE); char* group_rank_str = scr_hash_elem_get_first_val(desc, SCR_CONFIG_KEY_GROUP_RANK); if (type != NULL && groups_str != NULL && group_id_str != NULL && group_size_str != NULL && group_rank_str != NULL) { /* we already have a group id and rank, use that to rebuild the communicator */ int groups = atoi(groups_str); int group_id = atoi(group_id_str); int group_size = atoi(group_size_str); int group_rank = atoi(group_rank_str); printf("DSET=%d RANK=%d TYPE=%s GROUPS=%d GROUP_ID=%d GROUP_SIZE=%d GROUP_RANK=%d FILES=1\n", dset, rank, type, groups, group_id, group_size, group_rank ); } } } } scr_path_delete(&scr_master_map_file); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i, j; int index = 1; /* print usage if not enough arguments were given */ if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: scr_rebuild_xor <size> <root> <missing_xor_filename> <ordered_remaining_xor_filenames>\n"); return 1; } /* TODO: want to pass this on command line? */ /* get current working directory */ char dsetdir[SCR_MAX_FILENAME]; scr_getcwd(dsetdir, sizeof(dsetdir)); /* create and reduce path for dataset */ scr_path* path_dset = scr_path_from_str(dsetdir); scr_path_reduce(path_dset); /* allocate buffers */ char* buffer_A = malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char)); char* buffer_B = malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char)); if (buffer_A == NULL || buffer_B == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to allocate buffer memory @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* read in the size of the XOR set */ int xor_set_size = (int) strtol(argv[index++], (char **)NULL, 10); if (xor_set_size <= 0) { scr_err("Invalid XOR set size argument %s @ %s:%d", argv[index-1], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* allocate memory for data structures based on the XOR set size */ int* num_files = malloc(xor_set_size * sizeof(int)); int* offsets = malloc(xor_set_size * sizeof(int)); char** xor_files = malloc(xor_set_size * sizeof(char*)); int* xor_fds = malloc(xor_set_size * sizeof(int)); scr_hash** xor_headers = malloc(xor_set_size * sizeof(scr_hash*)); if (num_files == NULL || offsets == NULL || xor_files == NULL || xor_fds == NULL || xor_headers == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to allocate buffer memory @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* read in the rank of the missing process (the root) */ int root = (int) strtol(argv[index++], (char **)NULL, 10); if (root < 0 || root >= xor_set_size) { scr_err("Invalid root argument %s @ %s:%d", argv[index-1], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* read in the missing xor filename */ xor_files[0] = strdup(argv[index++]); if (xor_files[0] == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to dup XOR filename @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* read in the xor filenames (expected to be in order of XOR segment number) */ /* we order ranks so that root is index 0, the rank to the right of root is index 1, and so on */ for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { xor_headers[i] = scr_hash_new(); /* we'll get the XOR file name for root from the header stored in the XOR file of the partner */ if (i == root) { continue; } /* adjust the index relative to root */ j = i - root; if (j < 0) { j += xor_set_size; } /* copy the XOR file name */ xor_files[j] = strdup(argv[index++]); if (xor_files[j] == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to dup XOR filename @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } } /* open each of the xor files and read in the headers */ for (i=1; i < xor_set_size; i++) { /* open each xor file for reading */ xor_fds[i] = scr_open(xor_files[i], O_RDONLY); if (xor_fds[i] < 0) { scr_err("Opening xor segment file: scr_open(%s) errno=%d %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[i], errno, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* read the header from this xor file */ if (scr_hash_read_fd(xor_files[i], xor_fds[i], xor_headers[i]) < 0) { scr_err("Failed to read XOR header from %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[i], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } } /* build header for missing XOR file */ int partner_rank = -1; if (xor_set_size >= 2) { scr_hash_merge(xor_headers[0], xor_headers[1]); /* fetch our own file list from rank to our right */ scr_hash* rhs_hash = scr_hash_get(xor_headers[1], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_PARTNER); scr_hash* current_hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_merge(current_hash, rhs_hash); scr_hash_set(xor_headers[0], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_CURRENT, current_hash); /* we are the partner to the rank to our left */ scr_hash* lhs_hash = scr_hash_get(xor_headers[xor_set_size-1], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_CURRENT); scr_hash* partner_hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash_merge(partner_hash, lhs_hash); scr_hash_set(xor_headers[0], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_PARTNER, partner_hash); /* get global rank of partner */ if (scr_hash_util_get_int(lhs_hash, SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_RANK, &partner_rank) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read partner rank from XOR file header in %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[xor_set_size-1], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } } /* get a pointer to the current hash for the missing rank */ scr_hash* missing_current_hash = scr_hash_get(xor_headers[0], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_CURRENT); /* read the rank */ int my_rank = -1; if (scr_hash_util_get_int(missing_current_hash, SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_RANK, &my_rank) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read rank from XOR file header in %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[0], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* get the dataset */ scr_dataset* dataset = scr_hash_get(xor_headers[0], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_DATASET); /* read the dataset id */ int dset_id = -1; if (scr_dataset_get_id(dataset, &dset_id) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read dataset id from XOR file header in %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[0], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* read the ranks */ int num_ranks = -1; if (scr_hash_util_get_int(xor_headers[0], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_RANKS, &num_ranks) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read ranks from XOR file header in %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[0], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* get name of partner's fmap */ scr_path* path_partner_map = scr_path_from_str(".scr"); scr_path_append_strf(path_partner_map, "fmap.%d.scr", partner_rank); /* extract partner's flush descriptor */ scr_hash* flushdesc = scr_hash_new(); scr_filemap* partner_map = scr_filemap_new(); scr_filemap_read(path_partner_map, partner_map); scr_filemap_get_flushdesc(partner_map, dset_id, partner_rank, flushdesc); scr_filemap_delete(&partner_map); /* delete partner map path */ scr_path_delete(&path_partner_map); /* determine whether we should preserve user directories */ int preserve_dirs = 0; scr_hash_util_get_int(flushdesc, SCR_SCAVENGE_KEY_PRESERVE, &preserve_dirs); /* read the chunk size */ unsigned long chunk_size = 0; if (scr_hash_util_get_unsigned_long(xor_headers[0], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_CHUNK, &chunk_size) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read chunk size from XOR file header in %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[0], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* determine number of files each member wrote in XOR set */ for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { /* record the number of files for this rank */ scr_hash* current_hash = scr_hash_get(xor_headers[i], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_CURRENT); if (scr_hash_util_get_int(current_hash, SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_FILES, &num_files[i]) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read number of files from %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[i], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } } /* count the total number of files and set the offsets array */ int total_num_files = 0; for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { offsets[i] = total_num_files; total_num_files += num_files[i]; } /* allocate space for a file descriptor, file name pointer, and filesize for each user file */ int* user_fds = (int*) malloc(total_num_files * sizeof(int)); char** user_files = (char**) malloc(total_num_files * sizeof(char*)); char** user_rel_files = (char**) malloc(total_num_files * sizeof(char*)); unsigned long* user_filesizes = (unsigned long*) malloc(total_num_files * sizeof(unsigned long)); if (user_fds == NULL || user_files == NULL || user_rel_files == NULL || user_filesizes == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to allocate buffer memory @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* get file name, file size, and open each of the user files that we have */ for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { scr_hash* current_hash = scr_hash_get(xor_headers[i], SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_CURRENT); /* for each file belonging to this rank, get filename, filesize, and open file */ for (j=0; j < num_files[i]; j++) { int offset = offsets[i] + j; /* get the meta data for this file */ scr_meta* meta = scr_hash_get_kv_int(current_hash, SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_FILE, j); if (meta == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to read meta data for file %d in %s @ %s:%d", j, xor_files[i], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* record the filesize of this file */ if (scr_meta_get_filesize(meta, &user_filesizes[offset]) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read filesize field for file %d in %s @ %s:%d", j, xor_files[i], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* get filename */ char* origname; if (scr_meta_get_origname(meta, &origname) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read original name for file %d in %s @ %s:%d", j, xor_files[i], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* construct full path to user file */ scr_path* path_user_full = scr_path_from_str(origname); if (preserve_dirs) { /* get original path of file */ char* origpath; if (scr_meta_get_origpath(meta, &origpath) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read original path for file %d in %s @ %s:%d", j, xor_files[i], __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* construct full path to file */ scr_path_prepend_str(path_user_full, origpath); } else { /* construct full path to file */ scr_path_prepend(path_user_full, path_dset); } /* reduce path to user file */ scr_path_reduce(path_user_full); /* make a copy of the full path */ user_files[offset] = scr_path_strdup(path_user_full); /* make a copy of relative path */ scr_path* path_user_rel = scr_path_relative(path_dset, path_user_full); user_rel_files[offset] = scr_path_strdup(path_user_rel); scr_path_delete(&path_user_rel); /* free the full path */ scr_path_delete(&path_user_full); /* open the file */ if (i == 0) { /* create directory for file */ scr_path* user_dir_path = scr_path_from_str(user_files[offset]); scr_path_reduce(user_dir_path); scr_path_dirname(user_dir_path); if (! scr_path_is_null(user_dir_path)) { char* user_dir = scr_path_strdup(user_dir_path); mode_t mode_dir = scr_getmode(1, 1, 1); if (scr_mkdir(user_dir, mode_dir) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to create directory for user file %s @ %s:%d", user_dir, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } scr_free(&user_dir); } scr_path_delete(&user_dir_path); /* open missing file for writing */ mode_t mode_file = scr_getmode(1, 1, 0); user_fds[offset] = scr_open(user_files[offset], O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode_file); if (user_fds[offset] < 0) { scr_err("Opening user file for writing: scr_open(%s) errno=%d %s @ %s:%d", user_files[offset], errno, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } } else { /* open existing file for reading */ user_fds[offset] = scr_open(user_files[offset], O_RDONLY); if (user_fds[offset] < 0) { scr_err("Opening user file for reading: scr_open(%s) errno=%d %s @ %s:%d", user_files[offset], errno, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } } } } /* finally, open the xor file for the missing rank */ mode_t mode_file = scr_getmode(1, 1, 0); xor_fds[0] = scr_open(xor_files[0], O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode_file); if (xor_fds[0] < 0) { scr_err("Opening xor file to be reconstructed: scr_open(%s) errno=%d %s @ %s:%d", xor_files[0], errno, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } int rc = 0; /* write the header to the XOR file of the missing rank */ if (scr_hash_write_fd(xor_files[0], xor_fds[0], xor_headers[0]) < 0) { rc = 1; } /* this offset array records the current position we are in the logical file for each rank */ unsigned long* offset = malloc(xor_set_size * sizeof(unsigned long)); if (offset == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to allocate buffer memory @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { offset[i] = 0; } unsigned long write_pos = 0; int chunk_id; for (chunk_id = 0; chunk_id < xor_set_size && rc == 0; chunk_id++) { size_t nread = 0; while (nread < chunk_size && rc == 0) { /* read upto buffer_size bytes at a time */ size_t count = chunk_size - nread; if (count > buffer_size) { count = buffer_size; } /* clear our buffer */ memset(buffer_A, 0, count); /* read a segment from each rank and XOR it into our buffer */ for (i=1; i < xor_set_size; i++) { /* read the next set of bytes for this chunk from my file into send_buf */ if (chunk_id != ((i + root) % xor_set_size)) { /* read chunk from the logical file for this rank */ if (scr_read_pad_n(num_files[i], &user_files[offsets[i]], &user_fds[offsets[i]], buffer_B, count, offset[i], &user_filesizes[offsets[i]]) != SCR_SUCCESS) { /* our read failed, set the return code to an error */ rc = 1; count = 0; } offset[i] += count; } else { /* read chunk from the XOR file for this rank */ if (scr_read_attempt(xor_files[i], xor_fds[i], buffer_B, count) != count) { /* our read failed, set the return code to an error */ rc = 1; count = 0; } } /* TODO: XORing with unsigned long would be faster here (if chunk size is multiple of this size) */ /* merge the blocks via xor operation */ for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { buffer_A[j] ^= buffer_B[j]; } } /* at this point, we have the data from the missing rank, write it out */ if (chunk_id != root) { /* write chunk to logical file for the missing rank */ if (scr_write_pad_n(num_files[0], &user_files[0], &user_fds[0], buffer_A, count, write_pos, &user_filesizes[0]) != SCR_SUCCESS) { /* our write failed, set the return code to an error */ rc = 1; } write_pos += count; } else { /* write chunk to xor file for the missing rank */ if (scr_write_attempt(xor_files[0], xor_fds[0], buffer_A, count) != count) { /* our write failed, set the return code to an error */ rc = 1; } } nread += count; } } /* close each of the user files */ for (i=0; i < total_num_files; i++) { if (scr_close(user_files[i], user_fds[i]) != SCR_SUCCESS) { rc = 1; } } /* close each of the XOR files */ for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { if (scr_close(xor_files[i], xor_fds[i]) != SCR_SUCCESS) { rc = 1; } } /* if the write failed, delete the files we just wrote, and return an error */ if (rc != 0) { for (j=0; j < num_files[0]; j++) { scr_file_unlink(user_files[j]); } scr_file_unlink(xor_files[0]); return 1; } /* check that filesizes are correct */ unsigned long filesize; for (j=0; j < num_files[0]; j++) { filesize = scr_file_size(user_files[j]); if (filesize != user_filesizes[j]) { /* the filesize check failed, so delete the file */ scr_file_unlink(user_files[j]); /* mark the file as incomplete */ scr_meta* meta = scr_hash_get_kv_int(missing_current_hash, SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_FILE, j); scr_meta_set_complete(meta, 0); rc = 1; } } /* TODO: we didn't record the filesize of the XOR file for the missing rank anywhere */ /* create a filemap for this rank */ scr_filemap* map = scr_filemap_new(); if (map == NULL) { scr_err("Failed to allocate filemap @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return 1; } /* record the dataset information in the filemap */ scr_filemap_set_dataset(map, dset_id, my_rank, dataset); /* write meta data for each of the user files and add each one to the filemap */ for (j=0; j < num_files[0]; j++) { /* add user file to filemap and record meta data */ char* user_file_relative = user_rel_files[j]; scr_filemap_add_file(map, dset_id, my_rank, user_file_relative); scr_meta* meta = scr_hash_get_kv_int(missing_current_hash, SCR_KEY_COPY_XOR_FILE, j); scr_filemap_set_meta(map, dset_id, my_rank, user_file_relative, meta); } /* write meta data for xor file and add it to the filemap */ scr_filemap_add_file(map, dset_id, my_rank, xor_files[0]); unsigned long full_chunk_filesize = scr_file_size(xor_files[0]); int missing_complete = 1; scr_meta* meta_chunk = scr_meta_new(); scr_meta_set_filename(meta_chunk, xor_files[0]); scr_meta_set_filetype(meta_chunk, SCR_META_FILE_XOR); scr_meta_set_filesize(meta_chunk, full_chunk_filesize); /* TODO: remove this from meta file, for now it's needed in scr_index.c */ scr_meta_set_ranks(meta_chunk, num_ranks); scr_meta_set_complete(meta_chunk, missing_complete); scr_filemap_set_meta(map, dset_id, my_rank, xor_files[0], meta_chunk); /* set expected number of files for the missing rank */ int expected_num_files = scr_filemap_num_files(map, dset_id, my_rank); scr_filemap_set_expected_files(map, dset_id, my_rank, expected_num_files); /* compute, check, and store crc values with files */ for (j=0; j < num_files[0]; j++) { /* compute crc on user file */ char* user_file_relative = user_rel_files[j]; if (scr_compute_crc(map, dset_id, my_rank, user_file_relative) != SCR_SUCCESS) { /* the crc check failed, so delete the file */ scr_file_unlink(user_files[j]); rc = 1; } } if (scr_compute_crc(map, dset_id, my_rank, xor_files[0]) != SCR_SUCCESS) { /* the crc check failed, so delete the file */ scr_file_unlink(xor_files[0]); rc = 1; } /* store flush descriptor */ scr_filemap_set_flushdesc(map, dset_id, my_rank, flushdesc); /* write filemap for this rank */ scr_path* path_map = scr_path_from_str(".scr"); scr_path_append_strf(path_map, "fmap.%d.scr", my_rank); if (scr_filemap_write(path_map, map) != SCR_SUCCESS) { rc = 1; } scr_path_delete(&path_map); /* delete the map */ scr_filemap_delete(&map); scr_meta_delete(&meta_chunk); /* delete the flush/scavenge descriptor */ scr_hash_delete(&flushdesc); scr_free(&offset); for (i=0; i < total_num_files; i++) { scr_free(&user_rel_files[i]); scr_free(&user_files[i]); } scr_free(&user_filesizes); scr_free(&user_rel_files); scr_free(&user_files); scr_free(&user_fds); for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { scr_hash_delete(&xor_headers[i]); } for (i=0; i < xor_set_size; i++) { scr_free(&xor_files[i]); } scr_free(&xor_headers); scr_free(&xor_fds); scr_free(&xor_files); scr_free(&offsets); scr_free(&num_files); scr_free(&buffer_B); scr_free(&buffer_A); scr_path_delete(&path_dset); return rc; }
/* read contents of summary file */ static int scr_fetch_summary( const char* summary_dir, scr_hash* file_list) { /* assume that we won't succeed in our fetch attempt */ int rc = SCR_SUCCESS; /* check whether summary file exists and is readable */ if (scr_my_rank_world == 0) { /* check that we can access the directory */ if (scr_file_is_readable(summary_dir) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to access summary directory %s @ %s:%d", summary_dir, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } } /* broadcast success code from rank 0 */ MPI_Bcast(&rc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, scr_comm_world); if (rc != SCR_SUCCESS) { return rc; } /* add path to file list */ scr_hash_util_set_str(file_list, SCR_KEY_PATH, summary_dir); /* build path to summary file */ scr_path* dataset_path = scr_path_from_str(summary_dir); scr_path* meta_path = scr_path_dup(dataset_path); scr_path_append_str(meta_path, ".scr"); scr_path_reduce(meta_path); /* rank 0 reads the summary file */ scr_hash* header = scr_hash_new(); if (scr_my_rank_world == 0) { /* build path to summary file */ scr_path* summary_path = scr_path_dup(meta_path); scr_path_append_str(summary_path, "summary.scr"); const char* summary_file = scr_path_strdup(summary_path); /* open file for reading */ int fd = scr_open(summary_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { /* read summary hash */ ssize_t header_size = scr_hash_read_fd(summary_file, fd, header); if (header_size < 0) { rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* TODO: check that the version is correct */ /* close the file */ scr_close(summary_file, fd); } else { scr_err("Failed to open summary file %s @ %s:%d", summary_file, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* free summary path and string */ scr_free(&summary_file); scr_path_delete(&summary_path); } /* broadcast success code from rank 0 */ MPI_Bcast(&rc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, scr_comm_world); if (rc != SCR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } /* broadcast the summary hash */ scr_hash_bcast(header, 0, scr_comm_world); /* extract and record the datast in file list */ scr_hash* dataset_hash = scr_hash_new(); scr_dataset* dataset = scr_hash_get(header, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_DATASET); scr_hash_merge(dataset_hash, dataset); scr_hash_set(file_list, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_DATASET, dataset_hash); /* build path to rank2file map */ scr_path* rank2file_path = scr_path_dup(meta_path); scr_path_append_str(rank2file_path, "rank2file.scr"); /* fetch file names and offsets containing file hash data */ int valid = 0; char* file = NULL; unsigned long offset = 0; if (scr_my_rank_world == 0) { /* rank 0 is only valid reader to start with */ valid = 1; file = scr_path_strdup(rank2file_path); offset = 0; } if (scr_fetch_rank2file_map(dataset_path, 1, &valid, &file, &offset) != SCR_SUCCESS) { rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* create hashes to exchange data */ scr_hash* send = scr_hash_new(); scr_hash* recv = scr_hash_new(); /* read data from file */ if (valid) { /* open file if necessary */ int fd = scr_open(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { /* create hash to hold file contents */ scr_hash* save = scr_hash_new(); /* read hash from file */ scr_lseek(file, fd, offset, SEEK_SET); ssize_t readsize = scr_hash_read_fd(file, fd, save); if (readsize < 0) { scr_err("Failed to read rank2file map file %s @ %s:%d", file, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* check that the number of ranks match */ int ranks = 0; scr_hash_util_get_int(save, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_RANKS, &ranks); if (ranks != scr_ranks_world) { scr_err("Invalid number of ranks in %s, got %d expected %d @ %s:%d", file, ranks, scr_ranks_world, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* delete current send hash, set it to values from file, * delete file hash */ scr_hash_delete(&send); send = scr_hash_extract(save, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_RANK); scr_hash_delete(&save); /* close the file */ scr_close(file, fd); } else { scr_err("Failed to open rank2file map %s @ %s:%d", file, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } /* delete file name string */ scr_free(&file); } /* check that everyone read the data ok */ if (! scr_alltrue(rc == SCR_SUCCESS)) { rc = SCR_FAILURE; goto cleanup_hashes; } /* scatter to groups */ scr_hash_exchange_direction(send, recv, scr_comm_world, SCR_HASH_EXCHANGE_RIGHT); /* iterate over the ranks that sent data to us, and set up our * list of files */ scr_hash_elem* elem; for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(recv); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* the key is the source rank, which we don't care about, * the info we need is in the element hash */ scr_hash* elem_hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem); /* get pointer to file hash */ scr_hash* file_hash = scr_hash_get(elem_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_FILE); if (file_hash != NULL) { /* TODO: parse summary file format */ scr_hash_merge(file_list, elem_hash); } else { rc = SCR_FAILURE; } } /* fill in file list parameters */ if (rc == SCR_SUCCESS) { /* if we're not using containers, add PATH entry for each of our * files */ scr_hash* files = scr_hash_get(file_list, SCR_KEY_FILE); for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(files); elem != NULL; elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem)) { /* get the file name */ char* file = scr_hash_elem_key(elem); /* combine the file name with the summary directory to build a * full path to the file */ scr_path* path_full = scr_path_dup(dataset_path); scr_path_append_str(path_full, file); /* subtract off last component to get just the path */ scr_path_dirname(path_full); char* path = scr_path_strdup(path_full); /* record path in file list */ scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem); scr_hash_util_set_str(hash, SCR_KEY_PATH, path); /* free the path and string */ scr_free(&path); scr_path_delete(&path_full); } } /* check that everyone read the data ok */ if (! scr_alltrue(rc == SCR_SUCCESS)) { rc = SCR_FAILURE; goto cleanup_hashes; } cleanup_hashes: /* delete send and receive hashes */ scr_hash_delete(&recv); scr_hash_delete(&send); /* free string and path for rank2file map */ scr_path_delete(&rank2file_path); cleanup: /* free the header hash */ scr_hash_delete(&header); /* free path for dataset directory */ scr_path_delete(&meta_path); scr_path_delete(&dataset_path); return rc; }
/* fetch files listed in hash into specified cache directory, * update filemap and fill in total number of bytes fetched, * returns SCR_SUCCESS if successful */ static int scr_fetch_files_list( const scr_hash* file_list, const char* dir, scr_filemap* map) { /* assume we'll succeed in fetching our files */ int rc = SCR_SUCCESS; /* assume we don't have any files to fetch */ int my_num_files = 0; /* get dataset id */ int id; scr_dataset* dataset = scr_hash_get(file_list, SCR_KEY_DATASET); scr_dataset_get_id(dataset, &id); /* now iterate through the file list and fetch each file */ scr_hash_elem* file_elem = NULL; scr_hash* files = scr_hash_get(file_list, SCR_KEY_FILE); for (file_elem = scr_hash_elem_first(files); file_elem != NULL; file_elem = scr_hash_elem_next(file_elem)) { /* get the filename */ char* file = scr_hash_elem_key(file_elem); /* get a pointer to the hash for this file */ scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(file_elem); /* check whether we are supposed to fetch this file */ /* TODO: this is a hacky way to avoid reading a redundancy file * back in under the assumption that it's an original file, which * breaks our redundancy computation due to a name conflict on * the file names */ scr_hash_elem* no_fetch_hash = scr_hash_elem_get(hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_NOFETCH); if (no_fetch_hash != NULL) { continue; } /* increment our file count */ my_num_files++; /* build the destination file name */ scr_path* path_newfile = scr_path_from_str(file); scr_path_basename(path_newfile); scr_path_prepend_str(path_newfile, dir); char* newfile = scr_path_strdup(path_newfile); /* add the file to our filemap and write it to disk before creating * the file, this way we have a record that it may exist before we * actually start to fetch it */ scr_filemap_add_file(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, newfile); scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map); /* get the file size */ unsigned long filesize = 0; if (scr_hash_util_get_unsigned_long(hash, SCR_KEY_SIZE, &filesize) != SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_err("Failed to read file size from summary data @ %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); rc = SCR_FAILURE; /* free path and string */ scr_free(&newfile); scr_path_delete(&path_newfile); break; } /* check for a complete flag */ int complete = 1; if (scr_hash_util_get_int(hash, SCR_KEY_COMPLETE, &complete) != SCR_SUCCESS) { /* in summary file, the absence of a complete flag on a file * implies the file is complete */ complete = 1; } /* create a new meta data object for this file */ scr_meta* meta = scr_meta_new(); /* set the meta data */ scr_meta_set_filename(meta, newfile); scr_meta_set_filetype(meta, SCR_META_FILE_USER); scr_meta_set_filesize(meta, filesize); scr_meta_set_complete(meta, 1); /* TODODSET: move the ranks field elsewhere, for now it's needed * by scr_index.c */ scr_meta_set_ranks(meta, scr_ranks_world); /* get the crc, if set, and add it to the meta data */ uLong crc; if (scr_hash_util_get_crc32(hash, SCR_KEY_CRC, &crc) == SCR_SUCCESS) { scr_meta_set_crc32(meta, crc); } /* fetch file from containers if they are defined, otherwise fetch * the native file */ scr_hash* segments = scr_hash_get(hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_SEGMENT); if (segments != NULL) { /* get source path */ char* from_dir; if (scr_hash_util_get_str(file_list, SCR_KEY_PATH, &from_dir) == SCR_SUCCESS) { /* fetch file from containers */ if (scr_fetch_file_from_containers(newfile, meta, segments, from_dir) != SCR_SUCCESS) { /* failed to fetch file, mark it as incomplete */ scr_meta_set_complete(meta, 0); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } } else { /* failed to find base dataset directory in file list */ rc = SCR_FAILURE; } } else { /* fetch native file, lookup directory for this file */ char* from_dir; if (scr_hash_util_get_str(hash, SCR_KEY_PATH, &from_dir) == SCR_SUCCESS) { if (scr_fetch_file(newfile, from_dir, meta) != SCR_SUCCESS) { /* failed to fetch file, mark it as incomplete */ scr_meta_set_complete(meta, 0); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } } else { /* failed to read source directory, mark file as incomplete */ scr_meta_set_complete(meta, 0); rc = SCR_FAILURE; } } /* TODODSET: want to write out filemap before we start to fetch * each file? */ /* mark the file as complete */ scr_filemap_set_meta(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, newfile, meta); /* free the meta data object */ scr_meta_delete(&meta); /* free path and string */ scr_free(&newfile); scr_path_delete(&path_newfile); } /* set the expected number of files for this dataset */ scr_filemap_set_expected_files(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, my_num_files); scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map); return rc; }