Esempio n. 1
**  Change current color set to new player.
**  FIXME: use function pointer here.
**  @param player  Pointer to player.
**  @param sprite  The sprite in which the colors should be changed.
void GraphicPlayerPixels(CPlayer &player, const CGraphic &sprite)

	std::vector<SDL_Color> sdlColors(player.UnitColors.Colors.begin(), player.UnitColors.Colors.end());
	SDL_SetColors(sprite.Surface, &sdlColors[0], PlayerColorIndexStart, PlayerColorIndexCount);
	if (sprite.SurfaceFlip) {
		SDL_SetColors(sprite.SurfaceFlip, &sdlColors[0], PlayerColorIndexStart, PlayerColorIndexCount);
Esempio n. 2
**  Draw character with current color.
**  @param g   Pointer to object
**  @param gx  X offset into object
**  @param gy  Y offset into object
**  @param w   width to display
**  @param h   height to display
**  @param x   X screen position
**  @param y   Y screen position
static void VideoDrawChar(const CGraphic &g,
						  int gx, int gy, int w, int h, int x, int y, const CFontColor &fc)
	if (!UseOpenGL) {
		SDL_Rect srect = {gx, gy, w, h};
		SDL_Rect drect = {x, y, 0, 0};
		std::vector<SDL_Color> sdlColors(fc.Colors, fc.Colors + MaxFontColors);
		SDL_SetColors(g.Surface, &sdlColors[0], 0, MaxFontColors);
		SDL_BlitSurface(g.Surface, &srect, TheScreen, &drect);
	} else {
		g.DrawSub(gx, gy, w, h, x, y);
Esempio n. 3
**  Draw character with current color.
**  @param g   Pointer to object
**  @param gx  X offset into object
**  @param gy  Y offset into object
**  @param w   width to display
**  @param h   height to display
**  @param x   X screen position
**  @param y   Y screen position
static void VideoDrawChar(const CGraphic &g,
						  int gx, int gy, int w, int h, int x, int y, const CFontColor &fc)
#if defined(USE_OPENGL) || defined(USE_GLES)
	if (UseOpenGL) {
		g.DrawSub(gx, gy, w, h, x, y);
	} else
		SDL_Rect srect = {Sint16(gx), Sint16(gy), Uint16(w), Uint16(h)};
		SDL_Rect drect = {Sint16(x), Sint16(y), 0, 0};
		std::vector<SDL_Color> sdlColors(fc.Colors, fc.Colors + MaxFontColors);
		SDL_SetColors(g.Surface, &sdlColors[0], 0, MaxFontColors);
		SDL_BlitSurface(g.Surface, &srect, TheScreen, &drect);
Esempio n. 4
//Wyrmgus start
//void GraphicPlayerPixels(CPlayer &player, const CGraphic &sprite)
void GraphicPlayerPixels(int player, const CGraphic &sprite)
//Wyrmgus end

	//Wyrmgus start
//	std::vector<SDL_Color> sdlColors(player.UnitColors.Colors.begin(), player.UnitColors.Colors.end());
	std::vector<SDL_Color> sdlColors(PlayerColorsRGB[player].begin(), PlayerColorsRGB[player].end());
	//Wyrmgus end
	SDL_SetColors(sprite.Surface, &sdlColors[0], PlayerColorIndexStart, PlayerColorIndexCount);
	if (sprite.SurfaceFlip) {
		SDL_SetColors(sprite.SurfaceFlip, &sdlColors[0], PlayerColorIndexStart, PlayerColorIndexCount);