Esempio n. 1
char *
sdp_message_a_att_value_get (sdp_message_t * sdp, int pos_media, int pos)
  sdp_attribute_t *attr = sdp_message_attribute_get (sdp, pos_media, pos);

  if (attr == NULL)
    return NULL;
  return attr->a_att_value;
Esempio n. 2
/* return the value of attr "field" */
static const char *sdp_message_a_attr_value_get(sdp_message_t *sdp,int pos,const char *field)
	int i;
	sdp_attribute_t *attr;
	for (i=0;(attr=sdp_message_attribute_get(sdp,pos,i))!=NULL;i++){
		if (keywordcmp(field,attr->a_att_field)==0 && attr->a_att_value!=NULL){
			return attr->a_att_value;
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 3
static int _sdp_message_get_a_ptime(sdp_message_t *sdp, int mline){
	int i,ret;
	sdp_attribute_t *attr;
	for (i=0;(attr=sdp_message_attribute_get(sdp,mline,i))!=NULL;i++){
		if (keywordcmp("ptime",attr->a_att_field)==0){
			int nb = sscanf(attr->a_att_value,"%i",&ret);
			/* the return value may depend on how %n is interpreted by the libc: see manpage*/
			if (nb == 1){
				return ret;
			}else ms_warning("sdp has a strange a=ptime line (%s) ",attr->a_att_value);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
static int _sdp_message_get_mline_dir(sdp_message_t *sdp, int mline){
	int i;
	sdp_attribute_t *attr;
	for (i=0;(attr=sdp_message_attribute_get(sdp,mline,i))!=NULL;i++){
		if (keywordcmp("sendrecv",attr->a_att_field)==0){
			return SalStreamSendRecv;
		}else if (keywordcmp("sendonly",attr->a_att_field)==0){
			return SalStreamSendOnly;
		}else if (keywordcmp("recvonly",attr->a_att_field)==0){
			return SalStreamSendOnly;
		}else if (keywordcmp("inactive",attr->a_att_field)==0){
			return SalStreamInactive;
	return SalStreamSendRecv;
Esempio n. 5
/* return the value of attr "field" for payload pt at line pos (field=rtpmap,fmtp...)*/
static const char *sdp_message_a_attr_value_get_with_pt(sdp_message_t *sdp,int pos,int pt,const char *field)
	int i,tmppt=0,scanned=0;
	char *tmp;
	sdp_attribute_t *attr;
	for (i=0;(attr=sdp_message_attribute_get(sdp,pos,i))!=NULL;i++){
		if (keywordcmp(field,attr->a_att_field)==0 && attr->a_att_value!=NULL){
			int nb = sscanf(attr->a_att_value,"%i %n",&tmppt,&scanned);
			/* the return value may depend on how %n is interpreted by the libc: see manpage*/
			if (nb == 1 || nb==2 ){
				if (pt==tmppt){
					if (strlen(tmp)>0)
						return tmp;
			}else ms_warning("sdp has a strange a= line (%s) nb=%i",attr->a_att_value,nb);
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 6
static int sdp_filter_codec(sdp_message_t *sdp) {
   int sts;
   int i;
   char *sdp_media;
   int media_stream_no;
   // SDP payload list processing
   char *payload;
   int payload_mediatype;
   int payload_no;
   // SDP attribute list processing
   sdp_attribute_t *sdp_attr;
   int attr_mediatype;
   int media_attr_no;
   int skip_media_attr_inc=0;

   // loop through all media descriptions (normal phone call has 1 stream, a video call
   // may have multiple streams)
   while ((sdp_media=sdp_message_m_media_get(sdp, media_stream_no))) {

      // loop through all media attributes of this media stream
      while ((sdp_attr=sdp_message_attribute_get(sdp, media_stream_no, media_attr_no))) {
         DEBUGC(DBCLASS_PLUGIN, "  +--Attr m:%i, a=%i", media_stream_no, media_attr_no);
         // check if attribute field and value exist
         if (sdp_attr->a_att_field && sdp_attr->a_att_value) {
            // fetch the media type value (first number field in value)
            sts=sscanf(sdp_attr->a_att_value, "%i", &attr_mediatype);
            DEBUGC(DBCLASS_PLUGIN, "     +--Attr field=%s, val=%s [MT=%i]", 
                   sdp_attr->a_att_field, sdp_attr->a_att_value, attr_mediatype);

            // loop through all configured "blacklisted" media strings
            // and look for a match
            for (i=0; i<plugin_cfg.codec_blacklist.used; i++) {
               // do an *case-insensitive* *substring* match
               if (strcasestr(sdp_attr->a_att_value, plugin_cfg.codec_blacklist.string[i])) {
                  // match, need to remove this codec
                  DEBUGC(DBCLASS_PLUGIN, "%s: blacklisted - removing media attr [%s] at attrpos=%i", name, 
                         sdp_attr->a_att_value, media_attr_no);

                  // remove media attribute (a)
                  // libosip bug?? -> the following coda causes an infinite loop inside libosip2.
                  //if (sdp_message_a_attribute_del_at_index(sdp, media_stream_no, sdp_attr->a_att_field, media_attr_no) != OSIP_SUCCESS) {
                  //   ERROR("%s: sdp_message_a_attribute_del() failed", name);

                  // #&%+!@ -> So it manually...
                     sdp_media_t *med;
                     sdp_attribute_t *attr;
                     med = (sdp_media_t *) osip_list_get(&sdp->m_medias, media_stream_no);

                     if ((attr = osip_list_get(&med->a_attributes, media_attr_no)) != NULL) {
                        osip_list_remove(&med->a_attributes, media_attr_no);
                        // as I have removed the current attribute, all other
                        // attributes are shifted one down, so for the next iteration
                        // I must not increment the index or I will skip one attribute

                  // find corresponding (m) payload and remove it as well$
                  // loop through all payloads of the current media description
                  while ((payload=sdp_message_m_payload_get(sdp, media_stream_no, payload_no))) {
                     // extract the media type from the payload
                     sts=sscanf(payload, "%i", &payload_mediatype);
                     DEBUGC(DBCLASS_PLUGIN, "     +-- payload:%s MT=%i", payload, payload_mediatype);
                     // medfia type matches?
                     if (payload_mediatype == attr_mediatype) {
                        DEBUGC(DBCLASS_PLUGIN, "%s: blacklisted - removing media format %i at stream=%i, pos=%i", name, 
                               payload_mediatype, media_stream_no, payload_no);
                        // remove (m) playload in media description
                        if (sdp_message_m_payload_del(sdp, media_stream_no, payload_no) != OSIP_SUCCESS) {
                           ERROR("%s: sdp_message_a_attribute_del() failed", name);
                     } else {
                        // increment index only if the current payload has not been removed
                        // as all other medias would have shifted down.
                  } /* while playload */
               } /* if match with config blacklist */
            } /* for codec_blacklist */
         } /* if attribute field and value exist */

         // increment index only of the current media attribute has not been deleted
         if (skip_media_attr_inc == 0) {
         } else {

      } /* while sdp_message_attribute_get */
   } /* while sdp_message_m_media_get */

   return STS_SUCCESS;